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A Report on

The Relationship between Student class

attendance and their results
Prepared by
Manajit Bhowmik
ID: 21IUT0160079
Program: MBA General
Batch: 2021-2023

A report submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement of the course

INM521 Quantitative Methods of MBA program; batch 2021-2023

ICFAI University

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to Dr. Sujit Deb,Who provided me with
the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on The Relationship between Student class
attendance and their results which has helped me to learn so many new things about the topic
and the subject. I am really thankful for that.

Without his constant guidance and valuable support during the project, it would have
been impossible for me to complete it.


Manajit Bhowmik

The core of this study is to investigate the impact of class attendance on the academic
achievement of the students. The academic achievement or academic performance is
measured by the exam score of the students. Structured questionnaires have been prepared
which provide a clear guide to extract the exact information from the desired source to conduct
to study smoothly and effectively. The process used to find out the result was Chi square test.
The two hypothesis were (Ho) = There is no association between Student attendance and Result.
And (1H) = There is association between Student attendance and Result. The result proved the
(Ho) Null Hypothesis to be rejected and prove that there is an association between the results of
the students and their class attendance.

Students’ class attendance and engagement plays an important role in today’s higher
education. Several previous studies have shown that class attendance is an important predictor
of academic outcomes: students who attend more classes earn higher final grades. However,
differing results exist as well. In a recent study, no statistically significant relationship between
class attendance and student performance was identified. After adjusting for control variables
that included gender and age, found that the influence of regular attendance on examination
performance is more important for female students than male students: female students
earning above-average grades had attended more classes than female students earning grades
below class average. No such difference was identified for male students. Several factors can
influence the level of attendance, including university culture, workload, teaching methods, and
the teacher. Class attendance can vary considerably across countries, universities, and courses.
Importance of the topic Today

As we get to accustomed to the new normal of living with a deadly virus that has till resulted in
the fatality of over 5 million people, and with the 3 rd wave coming with full force in India, it puts
the students, guardians and the university officials in a tight spot to figure out whether its safe
to keep conducting classes or not. As we have seen in the earlier lockdowns, though students
can study from home and teachers can conducts classes, it raises a question of quality and
credibility of the knowledge that’s being provided by the university.

Not only incase of knowledge and study, but because there is a new variant whenever a new
wave of covid-19 hits , the fear and anxiety of contracting the coronavirus is increasing day by
day among the student body of the university. Students request the university authority to take
online classes. And if those requests are denied, student attendance decreases which may
result in the reduction of grades or CGPA of the students.

So its very important for the university as well as the students to analyze and hypothesize about
the situation regarding the relationship between the attendance of students and their grades.

A retrospective study for the impact of student class attendance on their final exam results in 4
courses within a full academic semester (second semester academic year 2016-2017), general
information about these courses is provided in Table 1. In these courses attendance is
mandatory and students are requested to attend 75% or more of the course classes to be
allowed to sit for the final exam.

Research Question

Whether student class attendance impacts their final exam results or not?

The study was done only in the class of MBA 2021-2023 batch so there is a margin of error

Research Methodology:

The present study is based on the primary data, mainly taken from the class of MBA 2021-2022
batch of Faculty of Management and Commerce in ICFAI University Tripura. The survey method
was used to conduct the study and questionnaire was used as a data collection tool for the
fulfilling the objectives of the study. The table and graphs were generated using MS-Word-
2007. The questionnaire was prepared in English language but translated in Bengali during
survey so that some respondents could find it easier to understand the items mentioned in
questionnaire. Total 2 questions were asked to each individual.

Area of inquiry: MBA 2021-2022 batch of Faculty of Management and Commerce in ICFAI

No. of Selected people or sample size is 50

Method of Data analysis:- Chi-Square Test of Independent

Data analysis

All students’ responses for their attendance percentages and their results will be described
In a Tabulated form. Two different Hypothesis will be made that will represent two different
test result. Chi-Square Test of Independent will be used to predict the acceptable hypothesis. A
p-value of 0.05 will be taken as statistically significant.

Hypothesis for Test

H0 (Null hypothesis) = There is no association between Student attendance and Result.

1H (Alternate hypothesis) = There is association between Student attendance and Result.

If the Calculated value is greater than the Tabulated value then Null Hypothesis will be
rejcted. If the Tabulated value is greater, then Null Hypothesis will be accepted.

Calculated Value Calculation

Values from the Survey


Poor Good Total

Attendance Moderate

0 – 30% 7 4 1 12

30 – 60% 6 9 5 20

60%-Above 3 5 10 18

Total 16 18 16 50
O E= RTxCT / GT O-E (O-E)2 (O-E)2/E

7 3.84 3.16 9.98 2.59

4 4.32 -0.32 0.102 0.024

1 3.84 -2.84 8.06 2.099

6 6.4 -0.4 0.16 0.025

9 7.2 1.8 3.24 0.45

5 6.4 -1.4 1.96 0.31

3 5.76 -2.76 7.61 1.32

5 6.48 -1.48 2.19 0.34

10 5.76 4.24 17.98 3.12

Total 10.278

So, the calculated value of Chi Square test (X2 ) = 10.278

The Tabulated value Calculation

So, for calculated value we have to find out the value of Chi Square (X 2) i.e X2d.f, α(0.05)

Level of Significance (α) = 0.05

Degree of freedom = (Row -1) (Column-1)

= (3-1) (3-1)

= 4

Now we can Find out the tabulated value from Chi Square Table .
If we apply the value of degree of freedom and significance level to the Chi square table we can
find the corresponding tabulated value of 9.488 .

So, Calculated value is 10.278

Tabulated value is 9.488


So, because the calculated value is greater than the tabulated value , it means that the Null
Hypothesis can be rejected and the alternate hypothesis can be accepted. Which implies that
there is association between the attendance of the student and their results.

According to the result of the study conducted for the reported, it can be said that there is
association between attendance and results of the university students. And its quite obvious
too as university students do not rely on private tution for their academic problem solving. So,
although it’s a matter of concern attend colleges amid the surge of this new strain of covid 19,
teachers and students, both have to strike a balance to be safe and also to keep the academic
performances of the students intact.


1. What was your result in the quantitative methods subject this semester ?




2. What was your attendance in the 1st semester of MBA 2021-2023 ?

a. 0-30% b. 30-60% 60%-above

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