3bsais B Delos Reyesmarisse Module Activities 23 Accounting Research Method

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Name: Marisse F. Delos Reyes Yr.

Course &Section: 3BSAIS-B 51/60

Subject: Accounting Research Method

“The Impact of Accounting Information System and Innovation of small-sized enterprise”
The impact of AIS on the Innovation of Small Sized Enterprises

1. Identify the variables of your research topic. (For Quantitative Research) 6

The independent variable of this study is the impact of Accounting Information System to employees
with the following indicators: information acquisition refers to the task of capturing all relevant
information about how things are currently done and information dissemination refers on transferring
the information or information from one to another (Fung, 2014) r. The dependent variable of this
study is the innovation of small-sized enterprises with the following indicators: product and service
(technical) innovation refers to the companies passing of knowledge that reach the expectation of
their customers; process (administrative) innovation refers to creation of a new organizational that
supports the better creation of products and services and innovativeness (innovative culture) refers to
the skills and imagination to create new things a surprising new product from a company (Dayaram,

2. Make a conceptual Framework, (Based on your variables) 10

Independent Variable AIS only Dependent Variable -Innovation only

 Product and
 Information Service
Acquisition, (Technical)

 Information  Process
Dissemination, (Administrative)

 Innovativeness
3. Present literature of that variables.


Theories, concepts, facts, information, views and readings related to Impact of Accounting
Information System and innovations of enterprises are presented in this section.
Impact of Accounting information system to the employees ( kulang ng indicators ng AIS-
information acquisition dessimination)
According to Marsick (2002) one of the effective strategies to maintain the high percentage of the
firms and enterprises performance is through technology learning. In sustaining the security of the
enterprise competitiveness position in an environment is the necessity of getting new information and
strategies. Some ways are no longer effective in improving the firm’s competitiveness.
Sparrow (2002) defines AIS as a change in the organizations knowledge that occurs as a function
of experience. The organizations might improve their performance though the knowledge they acquire
from their employees or even in their competitor. The information they get is very useful on their
Additionally, Chirico & Salvato (2008) highlighted that the fast range of learning has a great
impact in the competitive environment that brings different firms to develop ways toward changing
and improving their strategic capabilities for better performance. Enable to be the firms can be
adaptive, they must possess such knowledge and skills. Technology enthusiast has received
considerable attention among academics and practitioners as an effective strategy in maintaining firm
performance (Bumes et al., 2003).
Lastly, learning is a crucial element of firm strategy in creating new knowledge and skills which are
strategic resources that can provide advantages in the competitive industry (Foss & Senge, 2000)
and should be a focus on management concern.

Innovation of small-sized enterprises ( Wala ang indicator na innovativeness. You may use
the four types of innovation as your indicator so that you’ll have a very reliable variable )
A broad, complex and subject to different interpretations within the different strands,
researchers tend to focus on how organizations develop new ideas for problem solving and
organizational renewal. It also seeks to identify and scrutinized the structural characteristics that
impact on organizational innovation. The design literature focuses predominantly on the link between
structural forms and propensity of an organization to innovate this strand (Demanpou & Wolfe, 1994).

Belline (2003) according to him technology and innovation advisory services are services provide
service directly to the specialist to small and medium- size enterprises (SMES). Supports and
improves the business operations, productivity, efficiency, production, quality, waste reduction,
information technology and logistics. Increasingly, services also focus on innovation in design,
products and services, and business models. Not all companies adopt an innovation mode based on
research and development within their structures defined according to Frascati Manual as “systematic
and creative activities, initiated to increase the volume of knowledge”

Ford (2008) defines innovation as the change of a product to another. It is the improvement of
an equipment or a machine. It is making new product to attract a new consumer. Organizations
produced new things that the reach the demand of the consumers and to improve the performance of
each organization that can help reach their high sales.
According to Drucker (2002) innovation as a specific function of entrepreneurship by which the
entrepreneur creates or makes new wealth. Producing resources or endows existing resources with
enhanced potential for creating wealth. He also stated that complexity of innovations varies in range
from minor changes to existing products, process or services to breakthrough products and to
processes or services that introduce first time features or exceptional performance.
Additionally, Craig (2008) once stated that innovation has a degree of complexity which may
come in different forms such as products, services and processes with a face of newness and
improvement. However, the term “new” or improved has a degree of subjectivity in the notion of
innovation. It may be new to one firm is not necessarily new to another and in this manner, it is
possible that the innovation has two different firms and it is not identical.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2005) defined
innovation as the implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), or
process, a new marketing method, or a new organisational method in business practices, workplace
organisation or external relations. The OCED identified four types of innovation: product, process,
marketing and organisational. The definition of innovation put forwarded by the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is widely used in measuring and interpreting the
innovative initiatives, particularly in the OECD countries.

Burmes, B., (2003). Organizational learning: The new management paradigm.
Management Decision.
Drucker, P.F. (2002). The discipline of Innovation. Harvard Business Review.
Marsick, V.J. (2002). Facilitating the learning organization Making Learning Count
Sparrow, (2002). Managing resources: Linking unique resources management and wealth creation in
Family firms. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.
Chirico, F.& Salvato, C. (2008). Knowledge Integration and Dynamic Organizational
Adaptation in Family Firms. Family Business Review.
Fross & Senge (2000). More critical comments on knowledge ~ based theories of the firm.
Organization Science.
Wang, C.L. (2008). Entrepreneurial orientation, learning, orientation, and firm performance.
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.
Williams, C. (1993). Transfer in Context: Replication and Adaptation in knowledge
transfer relationships. Strategic Management Journal.
Winter, S. (1982). Deliberate learning and the evolution of dynamic capabilities.
Organization Science.
Wolfe, R.A (1994). Organizational innovation: Review, critique and suggested research.
Journal of Management Studies

4.Identify the population to be used in your study. 3

Identified ba and DASUCECO as small sized-enterprise? Participants and respondents should be the
The participants of the study were the small-sized enterprises and the respondents were the

employees of Davao Sugar Central Corporation (DASUCECO) in the municipality of Hagonoy, Davao

del Sur.

5.Sampling Frame 3

specific group of your respondents

 Must be the employees of Davao Sugar Central Corporation and must work at specific setting

 Respondents who will be find in Hagonoy, Davao del Sur and

 Residence of Hagonoy Davao Del Sur

 Above 20 years old and Below 50 years old

 Confirmation and approval of participants must be assured.

 Active

6. Sample Size 10

Using Cochran’s Formula n=z2pq


Wherein, the usual level of confidence used is 95% which gives you a Z score of 1.96.
And the Estimated Portion of Respondents is 75%

n=1.962[(.75) (1-.75)] =.7203

.052 0025
= (3.8416) (.1875) =288.12
.0025 =288

7.Sampling Technique 5
Convenience sampling was used in the selection of the respondents, and the respondents were

the employees of Davao Sugar Central Corporation (DASUCECO) in the municipality of Hagonoy,

Davao del Sur, are the respondents who will be find in Hagonoy, Davao del Sur.

I chose this Convenience sampling, because I believed that this sampling technique is very

appropriate to used, especially in our situation right now, and I will be easy for me cause, it only need

to recruit participants who are easily accessible and convenient. Often times this may include utilizing

location and resources that make participant recruitment convenient. Participants can recruit other

participant through contact information available members of that organization.

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