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Your Professor:

Dr Rebecca Tyson
Associate Professor, faculty at UBCO (OUC) since 2001
SCI 386,

Logistical Detals:

There are 300 of you (students) and only one of me (faculty). It is exciting to have so many people
learning at once! A large class opens up opportunities for exciting interactions: with so many students
in the class, there are bound to always be people with good questions and good ideas. At the same
time, there are some logistical challenges.

Learning Resources:
Supplemental Learning Tutor (Matthew)
Tutoring Centre (in UNC)
Lab TA
WebAssign (

My availability:
The best way to reach me is to contact me in person immediately before or after class. I already
have more emails and phone calls than I can keep up with, so sending me an email is
unfortunately an inefficient way to communicate.
I am also available by appointment. Appointments can be made in person, immediately before
or after the lecture.
You will obtain answers to your homework questions fastest by talking to your classmates, your
TAs, the Math Study Centre tutors and the Supplemental Learning Tutor. If you are still having
trouble, you are welcome to contact me for additional help.

homework assignments (include WebAssign, Maple and handwritten components) (15%), two
Lab homework presentations (10%), two Midterms (30%), Final Exam (45%)
Homework Policy: homeworks must be turned in on time on the date assigned. No exceptions.
Midterm Policy: The midterm must be written at the date and time assigned. There are no
make-up midterms. If a midterm must be missed for a valid medical reason, the final exam
will be worth 60% of the course mark.

Midterm Dates:
Oct 5th
Nov 14th

Homework Assignments:
WebAssign portions are marked by the computer (immediate feedback) and must be done by
the online due date. In general, WebAssign homeworks will be due every Sunday evening.
There is an assignment for this week and it is due by 10pm on Sunday September 9th. Get
started right away so that you can get some practice with the computer interface! You will not
be able to get any help if you leave learning WebAssign till the weekend. You get 5 tries per
problem, and the computer will display hints and tutorials after your first submission if you ask
them. You should get in the habit of doing some math homework every day, or at least every
other day. Website:
Single Variable Calculus by James Stewart, 7th edition
The bookstore has Hybrid Texts which come with online access to WebAssign. Older, second-
hand textbooks are fine, but you will also need to purchase access to WebAssign for the online
homework portion of the course.

During the class, you may use any calculator you like.
During the midterms and final exam, the only calculator you may use is the Sharp EL510R,
which costs about $10 at the University Bookstore. No other calculators may be used during

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