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Rasyikah Md Khalid a, Suhaimi Ab Rahman b, Mazlina Mangsor c,

Shuhaeda Aeni Mat Ali d , Siti Sarah Sulaiman e , Noraziah Abu Bakar f , Ismah Ismail g
a, c, d, e, f, g
Faculty of Law, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, 40450, Selangor, Malaysia.
Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, 43400, Selangor, Malaysia.
Corresponding author:

©Ontario International Development Agency ISSN: 1923-6654 (print)

ISSN 1923-6662 (online). Available at

Abstract: Integrated Water Resources Management in Selangor, it is pertinent to examine the causes of
or IWRM is a process which promotes a coordinated those problems and to determine ways to solve them.
development and management of water; land and To this end, this study will conduct an in depth
related resources that maximize the economic and content analysis of legislations on water resources in
social welfare of a country without compromising the Selangor. The study proves that lack of understanding
sustainability of its environment. It is essential for of IWRM concept among water related authorities
Malaysia to adopt the IWRM concept in managing its and constitutional conflict in water jurisdiction have
water resources to overcome flash flood and water contributed towards unsuccessful implementation of
shortages in its major cities. In this regard the State of IWRM by SWMA in Selangor.
Selangor of Malaysia, being the most industrialised
Keywords: Federal Constitution, Integrated Water
and highly populated State in Malaysia, has taken up
Resource Management, Selangor Water Management
the challenge for implementing IWRM for its river
basins. This is done by establishing an agency called
the Selangor Water Management Authority (SWMA) INTRODUCTION
which will act as a single institution responsible to

ntegrated water resource management is a process
manage water resources, river basins and coastal zone
in an integrated and sustainable manner. Being the which promotes an integrated development and
first of its kind among all States in Malaysia, this management of water, land and other resource so
as to increase its economics benefit and social
pioneering model, if successful, will be the perfect
welfare without jeopardising the sustainability of
model for all States in Malaysia to follow.
vital ecosystem (GWP, 2011). The main aim of
Nevertheless, the successfulness of the agency to
IWRM is to transform the sectoral approach in
mobilize IWRM in Selangor remains in doubt after a
decade in administration. Pre-SWMA problem of planning and management of water resources to a
Federal-State jurisdiction over water resources more cooperative or integrative approach between the
water institutions. The key transformation of IWRM
remains a complex and sensitive issue, while the
is an increase in planning and management of two or
integration of relevant departments’ activities is
progressing slowly. As doubt increases on the more departments if their responsibilities overlap. By
so doing, they will establish a standard procedure for
workability of SWMA to successfully adopt IWRM
cooperation and this will continue even if their legal

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12 Khalid et al. / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development 03: 08 (2012)

responsibilities do not overlap (UN, 2004). One of Saleem Faruqi, 2008). Nonetheless, the Malaysian
the components of IWRM is effective water Constitution provides space for maneuver by
governance. In this perspective, ineffective allowing the Federal government to act within the
governance such as inappropriate price regulations, jurisdiction of States in certain cases, including the
over-regulation or under-regulation, political power to legislate for States under Article 76 to
weaknesses or vested interests, non-payment of water ensure uniformity. It is in these jurisdictional areas
services, conflicting regulatory regimes and inability that matters involving water issues create conflicts
of the government to control and regulate water use between the Federal and State control.
can lead to unsustainable management of water
Federal – State Jurisdiction on Water
resources and cause more water problems (Rogers
and Hall, 2009). The drafters of the Malaysian Constitution – Reid
Commission, led by a British judge Lord Reid, divide
The main challenge to effectively implement IWRM
these powers relating to water affairs as follow:
in Malaysia is the legal framework of water resource
management and water jurisdiction between the ‘At present, control of inland waters, including all
Federal and States governments under the Federal rivers and streams, water supplies and storage is
Constitution. In this respect, a fully integrated and exercised by the States and subject to rights of
holistic water resource management may not be navigation and to special provisions where the
achieved if both governments continue the long interests of two or more States or the interests of the
standing administrative divide with different interest Municipality of Kuala Lumpur are concerned, we
and objectives over water resources. The State of recommend that they should be State subjects’
Selangor has taken up the challenge to implement (Report of the Federation of Malaya Constitutional
IWRM by establishing the Selangor Water Commission, 1957).
Management Authority. Nevertheless, the
Article 74 of the Federal Constitution grants powers
successfulness of SWMA to mobilize IWRM in
Selangor remains in doubt after a decade in to the Federal government to enact law with respect
to matters in the Federal List under the Ninth
administration. The discussion below aims to
determine the causes of the problems and to suggest Schedule of the Federal Constitution. Clause 11 in
ways to solve them. particular grants the Federal government jurisdiction
related to ‘water supplies, rivers and canals’ and
MATERIALS AND METHODS excludes those matter within ‘one State or regulated
by an agreement between all the States concerned;
This is a doctrinal study on the legislations
production, distribution and supply of water power’.
introduced to manage water resources in Malaysia in
This provision confines the Federal power over water
particular the State of Selangor. The method involved
which ‘flows through the boundaries of two States or
is mainly content analysis of the Federal Constitution,
more’ (Abdul Kader, 2004). In addition, the Federal
the Selangor Water Management Authority
power is also limited to cases of shared rivers where
Enactment 1999, the Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air
intervention is allowed only when the States meet
Negara Act 2006, the Environmental Quality Act
deadlock in their negotiation.
1974 and related water laws. Relevant provisions of
the statutes will be studied to understand its effect on The State governments are also conferred with
the IWRM implementation in Selangor. similar power to legislate matters under Clause 6 of
the State List under the Ninth Schedule of the Federal
Constitution. This includes ‘water (including rivers
Jurisdictional Issues under the Malaysian and canals but excluding water supplies and
Constitution services), control of silt, riparian rights’ and subject
to the Federal List, in light of Article 74 of the
A constitution is the fundamental foundation that
Federal Constitution. The State has full control of
designs the ‘basic framework’ of the State (Shad
water if the ‘water source is wholly within the
Saleem Faruqi, 2008). It lays down the structure of
territory of a State’ (Abdul Kader, 2004).
the government and describes the extent of powers
Furthermore, the Concurrent List bestows the power
and functions of various organs of the State. The
to the Federal and State governments to enact law
drafters of the Malaysian Constitution adopted a
with respect to matters related to ‘drainage and
written and supreme constitution model with
irrigation’ and ‘subject to the Federal List, water
extensive powers granted to the Federal Parliament.
supplies and services’.
However, this doctrine of constitutional supremacy
substantively and procedurally limits the Parliament There are different reasons for certain water related
powers. With a Federal set up, there is a separation of matters to be placed under the Concurrent List. The
legislative, executive, judicial and financial powers Reid Commission suggested that ‘drainage and
between the Federal and State assemblies (Shad irrigation’ should be a shared responsibility between

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the federal-State control due to the large and supplies and services’ from the State List to the
expensive costs of the works and the need for a direct Concurrent List (except for Sabah and Sarawak). The
technical involvement to maintain works (Report of amendments were enforced on the 21st March 2005.
the Federation of Malaya Constitutional Commission, With the amendments, the Federal government
1957). In 2005, the Federal Constitution was controls water services industry in terms of licensing
amended to the effect that ‘water supply and services’ and regulating water services operators. The State
was transferred from the State List into the government also retains the power to declare and
Concurrent List. Prior to the amendment, State regulate water resources, water catchment areas and
Governments have established different types of river basins. Following the 2005 constitutional
water supply organizations, some fully privatized and amendment, the Malaysian Parliament passed two
some for operation and maintenance. Since landmark legislations that transformed the way
privatization was done through concession Malaysia manages its water services. They are the
agreements that vary from State to State, some State Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara Act (Act 654)
have been ended up in high non-revenue water (Raja or SPAN Act and the Water Services Industry Act
Zainal Abidin, 2005). The States’ cost constraint has (Act 655) or WSIA. The former outlines the roles,
also led to deterioration in quality of services. The functions and work scope of the National Water
amendment was thus made to eradicate those issues. Services Commission or SPAN, while the latter has
In the light of transfer of “water supply and services” provisions to cover economic, technical and social
to the concurrent list, the Federal government regulations as well as protection of consumer
acquires a concurrent power which can be made to interests (SPAN Report, 2007). To some extent, the
prevail under Article 75 of the Federal Constitution move can be interpreted as an encroachment into the
and establish a regulated water supply and services so-called State exclusive power and de-federalizing
industry. the water sector in the country (Rahman & Khalid,
The power to legislate law with respect to matters
related to water resources is granted to both parties Selangor Water Management Authority (SWMA)
with a different degree of control between the Federal Enactment 1999
government and the State government. The Federal
The Selangor Water Management Authority
government may enact laws on matters which fall
Enactments 1999 or locally known as Lembaga Urus
under the Federal List and the Concurrent List whilst
Air Selangor (LUAS) is introduced to exercise
the State government may pass enactments on
supervision and control over the use and flow of
matters provided in the State List and Concurrent
water in any water source and whether occurring
List. However, in light of Article 80 (1) and (2) of the
naturally on the surface or subsurface of the ground
Federal Constitution, the Parliament is restricted to
(Section 41 SWMA Enactment1999). The authority
enact laws on water affairs since it is within the State
consists of a Chairman, a Deputy Chairman and not
jurisdiction as well as to exercise the executive
less than ten other members. In this respect, the State
authority of the Federal government over water
Chief Minister will be the Chairman, while the State
which falls under the State jurisdiction unless it is
Secretary will become the Deputy Chairman. The
provided by the Federal or State laws (Abdul Kader,
main function of the authority is laid down in Section
2004). The Parliament has power to legislate for
6 (1) of SWMA Enactment 1999 which read:
States in certain cases only dealing with the purpose
of implementing any treaty or agreement, promoting ‘The functions of the Authority shall be to nurture,
uniformity or requested by the State government in maintain and facilitate the sustainable development,
Article 76 of the Federal Constitution. This power is efficient use and conservation of water sources for
exercised prior to the drafting of the Federal public purposes in respect of which it is established.’
Constitution with the enactment of Water Act 1920
The authority has several legislative functions as it is
that conferred the ‘proprietary rights over water to the
empowered to regulate and control inter basin
States’. The effect of this Act is granting the
transfer of water within the State (Section 6 (1) (c)
proprietary rights and control of all rivers in the State
SWMA Enactment 1999) and develop and implement
to the Ruler of the State.
guidelines, performance standards, methods and
The Federal government can indirectly enacts a law procedures pertaining to the management, utilisation
or incorporates provisions to govern matters related and conservation, of water sources (Section 6 (1) (d)
to water resources in a primary act i.e. Water Act SWMA Enactment 1999). In so doing, it may also
1920, Irrigation Work Act 1954, Street, Drainage and regulate the issue of licences and permits upon such
Building Act 1974 and Environmental Quality Act terms and conditions deemed necessary on entry to or
1974 (EQA). In January 2005, Parliament approved exit from any designated or protected areas, or the
the amendments to the Ninth Schedule of the Federal carrying on of any resource alteration activity within
Constitution to transfer matters related to ‘water the limits of any water source and to impose fees

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14 Khalid et al. / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development 03: 08 (2012)

payable on issue of such licences or permits (Section IWRM can be implemented successfully if the “three
6 (2) (i) SWMA Enactment 1999). pillars” below is established: (a) Enabling
environment of appropriate policies, strategies and
SWMA has an important role in ensuring sustainable
legislation (b) Institutional framework (through
water resources for both present and future resident
which policies can be implemented) (c) Management
of Selangor. In this regard, it shall provide advice to
instruments required by these institutions to do their
the State Authority as to the policies, methods and
job. (GWP, 2011). It can be seen that the SWMA
measures to be adopted to promote, nurture and
Enactment 1999 meet the purpose as an enabling
facilitate sustainable development, efficient use and
environment since it covers all aspect of good and
conservation of water sources for public purpose
sustainable water management practices. However
(Section 6 (1) (a) SWMA Enactment 1999). To this
this may not be enough as institutional and
end, it will coordinate multi agency relationships in
constitutional frameworks (through which the spirit
the State and promote cooperation and coordination
of IWRM in the Enactment can be implemented) do
for multi functional uses of water sources (Section 6
not support such move.
(1) (e) SWMA Enactment 1999) as well as protecting
the interest of the State in respect of the development, Duplication of Authority and Legislative
management, use and conservation of water sources Provisions
(Section 6 (1) (j) SWMA Enactment 1999).
Theoretically, if matters dealing with water from
SWMA and Implementation of IWRM rivers are dealt with by two governments, this may
lead to the increase of ‘fragmentation in watershed
Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is
management’ (Lubell and Lippert, 2011). This is
a new approach to the assessment, development and
apparent in cases which involve pollution of rivers
management of freshwater resources. In 1992,
and streams. In this regard, the Environmental
delegates of the International Conference on Water
Quality Act (EQA) 1974 seems to be the relevant
and Environment (ICWE) in Dublin, Ireland adopted
legislation for pollution control. Section 21 of the
the Dublin Statement on Water and Sustainable
EQA allows the Minister responsible to specify the
Development which call for IWRM to ensure
‘acceptable conditions’ for the discharge or deposit of
sustainability of water resources. The Dublin
wastes into inland waters. Unless a person is an
Statements also spells out four main principles of
authorized license holder, section 25 of the EQA
IWRM and they are: (a) Fresh water is a finite and
provides that:
vulnerable resource, essential to sustain life,
development and the environment. (b) Water ‘…a person is deemed to have discharged or
development and management should be based on a deposited wastes into inland waters if; (a) he places
participatory approach, involving users, planners and any waste in, or on, any waters or in any place where
policymakers at all levels. (c) Women play a central it may gain access to any waters; (b) he places any
part in the provision, management and safe-guarding waste in a position where it falls, descends, drains,
of water. (d) Water has an economic value in all its evaporates, is wasted, is blown or percolates into any
competing uses and should be recognized as an water’.
economic good as well as social good (UN, 2004).
This is a blanket restriction involving the action of
One of the key features of IWRM is the participatory discharging or depositing wastes into the rivers in the
approach in water development and management. country. The exceptions to the Federal jurisdiction
SWMA Enactment 1999 corresponds with this are with respect to matters related to rivers wholly
requirement as it encourages the formation of within one State or if there is an agreement between
stakeholder organisations to assist the authority in the all the States concerned to govern the matter as
sustainable development and conservation of water provided under Article 74 of the Federal Constitution.
sources (Section 6 (1) (m) SWMA Enactment 1999). Geographically, it is not a simple process to fragment
In so doing, the authority will coordinate activities of the offence of discharge or deposit wastes into the
public authorities, stakeholder organizations and any river which may suggest the difficulties in the
person on matters pertaining to the efficient enforcement of the EQA.
management, sustainable use and conservation of
In 2006, the SPAN Act was established to regulate
water sources (Section 6 (2) (k) SWMA Enactment
the water supply and services. Certain provisions
1999). The drafters of the Enactment also
however are seen as a redundancy to SPAN’s
acknowledges that water has an economic value and
responsibilities under the 1999 SWMA Enactment.
may, for the purpose of encouraging efficient
Under section 15 (e) of SPAN Act, SPAN will advise
practices, impose a differentiated charge on persons
the Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water
who adopt such practices. This can be done by
on a fair mechanism for determination of tariff that is
considering the economic cost of the water source
fair to both consumers and license. This is redundant
(Section 64 (2) (c) SWMA Enactment 1999).

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with section 6(1) (l) of the SWMA Enactment where Federal Government and this may lead to
SWMA will protect the interest of consumers in fragmentation and conflict.
relation to quantity, quality, and the prices to be
There is also an ongoing conflict about the possible
charged for water supply. Until today, the State
water shortage in the State of Selangor and the
Government still play its role in fixing the water tariff
Federal Territories that is located within the State of
where the first 20 cubic meters is free to all
Selangor. The Federal Government through the
consumers regardless of capability. SPAN will only
Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water
have this power if State Government agrees to
claims that there is a possible water shortage in these
migrate to SPAN’s regime.
areas by the year 2014. As a result, there is a vital
Both SPAN and SWMA has the power to enforce need to transfer water from the State of Pahang to
water regulations. This may confuse the water supply cater the increasing needs and to avoid serious water
and services operator as to which law should apply to shortage. The Selangor State Government through
them. In the case of Selangor, water operators have SWMA however thinks otherwise and claimed that
agreed to migrate to SPAN but the State Government shortage may arise due to the water operators’ failure
still do not agree to this migration. In this regard, to keep the clean water reserves at a good level and
section 15 (b) and (c) of SPAN Act allows SPAN to that water catchments in Selangor can cater the needs
implement and enforce water supply and services of the residents until 2019 (The Star Online, 2011).
laws, and to ensure productivity of service and Interestingly, the drafters of the Enactment foresee
monitoring of operator compliance with stipulated the possibility of State water transfer to meet the
service standards, contractual obligations and increasing water demand in Selangor in the future.
relevant laws and guideline respectively. These may This future contingency plan has been legally
be to some extent overlap with SWMA’s functions to provided by virtue of section 6 (2) (j) of the SWMA
regulate the licensees and their water source activities Enactment whereby SWMA will advise the State
under section 6 (1) (n), as well as its duty to develop Authority in respect of the transfer of water from,
and implement guidelines, performance standards, between and among States. Today the Federal
methods and procedures to management, utilization government has started the controversial Pahang-
and conservation of water sources under section 6 (1) Selangor Inter-State Raw Water Transfer system
(d). Although SPAN will focus on regulation on despite the Selangor State Government’s refusal to
water supply and services, SWMA’s regulations will support the project.
also affect the liability of operators of water supply
The removal of States’ jurisdictions in water supplies
and services as they obtain their water supply from
and services in 2005 may not also improve the
the State. Such a conflict can be seen in the recent
existing conflict if State governments do not consent
civil suits file by the operator against the State
to the new law initiated by the Federal government.
Government (The Star Online, 2011). If this
In fact, the Federal Constitution has provided other
continues and aggravates, both the operator and the
avenues for the Federal government to deal with
State Government can lose their focus on ensuring
State’s matters. Article 76 provides power for
sustainability and security of water for the present
Parliament to legislate for States in order to
and future generations.
implement international agreement, to promote
Relationship between SWMA, the State uniformity of the laws or if requested by the State
Government and the Federal Government Legislative Assembly. When amendment means that
States need to share their exclusive power with the
SWMA as the authority handling raw water in
Federal government, and the Federal government
Selangor is granted with legislative ability to ‘adopt
passes a law under that basis, it appears that the
and implement policies, plans or projects by the
Federal government is taking away their power and
Federal Government as directed by the State
imposing a new rule back onto the States. Rather than
Authority’ (Section 6(1) (f) SWMA Enactment
removing States’ power under the State List, Article
1999). This illustrates the relationship between the
76 should be employed as a better mechanism in
authority, the Selangor State Government and the
streamlining water services sector throughout the
Federal Government in implementing policies and
country. Thus, it can be seen that amending the
executing water based projects. SWMA is also under
constitution may not resolve existing conflict
the duty to provide advice to the State Authority as to
between the Federal and State Government.
the policies, methods and measures to be adopted to
promote, nurture and facilitate sustainable It can be argued that the migration process into the
development, efficient use and conservation of water new SPAN regime will be smooth if both Federal and
sources for public purposes. In certain matter, the State governments come from the same political
advice may differ from those promoted by the ideology. However, following the unexpected victory
of the opposition party in the Malaysia 12th General

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16 Khalid et al. / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development 03: 08 (2012)

Election, it can be a tough challenge to overcome. management and control of SWMA, rightfully all of
This can be seen in the current dispute between the them are regulated under SWMA and need to
Federal Government, led by the Barisan Nasional and conform to the provisions of the SWMA Enactment.
the Selangor State Government now led by the Problem arises today when the water operators agree
opposition party, Pakatan Rakyat. To date, four States to migrate to SPAN but the Selangor State
have agreed to migrate to the SPAN arrangement and Government does not agree to such move. Rightfully,
these States are led by the governing Barisan unless and until the government agrees to migrate to
National. Only very recently the State of Penang the SPAN regime, the operators are liable to the
which is also led by the Pakatan Rakyat has agreed to Selangor government and must comply with the
migrate into the new regime. The current Selangor requirement sets out by the State’s Economic
dispute will also delay the Federal Government’s Planning Unit. This also means that it will be
controversial initiative to transfer raw water from the unlawful for SPAN to exercise its jurisdiction over
State of Pahang to Selangor as the project has been the stakeholders in Selangor. Similarly it is
agreed during the Barisan National administration in unconstitutional if SYABAS and Puncak Niaga claim
Selangor. that they are governed by SPAN but not under
SWMA. Puncak Niaga treats and manages raw water
Water Supply and Services Operators in Selangor
in Selangor and that falls under the purview of
Prior to the establishment of SWMA, the Selangor SWMA.
State Government had granted water treatment
Lack of Integration in Pollution Control
concessions to three agencies namely Puncak Niaga,
SPLASH and ABASS. Puncak Niaga obtained five Conflict may also arise at departmental level over
water treatment concessions and become the nation’s pollution control. This can be seen in cases of
second largest water supply concessionaire, pollution control in rivers in Selangor. Sections 74
operating, managing and maintaining 29 water and 78 of SWMA Enactment require compliance to
treatment plants. Amongst the water treatment plants provisions of the EQA 1974 and SWMA may consult
operated and managed by Puncak Niaga are the Director General of Environmental Quality to
Sungai Selangor Phase 2 Water Treatment Plant, prescribe ‘acceptable conditions’ to issue license.
Bukit Tampoi, Salak Tinggi Water Treatment Plant, Section 78 (3) of the SWMA Enactment prohibits the
Kuala Kubu Bharu Water Treatment Plant and activity which places any waste or allows any waste
Sungai Pangsoon Water Treatment Plant. Syarikat to gain, access to any land, soil or water, or causes
Bekalan Air Selangor (SYABAS), a subsidiary of any alteration to the natural State and usage of the
Puncak Niaga was given a concession to supply and receiving land, soil or water. This provision is
distribute treated water to Selangor as well as to the applicable to any designated area decided by SWMA
Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur and the Federal and it may overlap with the provision under section
Territory of Putrajaya. 25 of the EQA 1974 discussed above. In addition,
section 79 of SWMA Enactment disallows a list of
SPLASH is the concessionaire appointed by the
activities that may cause to enter or discharge into
Selangor State Government to build, operate,
any water source any polluting matter or waste that
maintain and manage Sungai Selangor Dam and
will be harmful, detrimental or injurious to the health,
Sungai Tinggi Dam. SPLASH is also responsible to
safety or welfare of the public or to animal or
maintain and operate three water treatment plants
vegetable life or health therein or to other beneficial
namely SSP3 Water Treatment Plant Rasa, SSP3
uses of such water sources. This prohibition is
Water Treatment Plant, Bukit Badong and SSP1
enforced against the owner or occupier of the
Water Treatment Plant, Bukit Badong. The treated
property from which such entry or discharge
river water managed by SPLASH will be sold in bulk
originates, unless the contrary is proved.
to the water supply distributor (SYABAS) to cater to
consumers in Selangor and the Federal Territories of Pollution control in rivers also falls under the
Kuala Lumpur & Putrajaya. Another operator, jurisdiction of the local government. In this regard,
ABASS Consortium was awarded a concession to section 69 of the Local Government Act (LGA) 1976
operate and maintain the Sungai Semenyih Scheme provides that committing nuisance in streams is an
which includes Semenyih Dam in Hulu Semenyih, offence while pollution of streams with trade refuse is
Water Treatment Plant in Precinct 19, Putrajaya, another offence under section 70 of the same statute.
Lake Water Transfer Scheme (WT1) in Jenderam and Despite these, due to the detail wording in SWMA
Semenyih Dam Water Transfer Scheme (WT2) in Enactment, it seems that the SWMA provisions
Hulu Semenyih. encompass greater scope of pollution control and that
overlaps with the EQA and the LGA provisions. This
All of these operators are the stakeholders in water
left the general public in a difficult position in
resources management in Selangor. Nevertheless
deciding which department to refer to and who is
since all raw water resources are now under the

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responsible in certain pollution occurrence in water REFERENCES

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negotiation, integration and cooperation amongst all
Name: Rasyikah Md Khalid
of them.
The author is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Law,
Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia where she
The authors would like to thank the Ministry of teaches Commercial Law, International Law and
Higher Education Malaysia and the Universiti Environmental Law. She attained her LL.B at the
Teknologi MARA Malaysia for funding this study University of Sheffield, United Kingdom and
through the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme completed her LL.M at the University of Malaya,
(Reference No. 600-RMI/SSP/FRGS/5/3/Fsp/ Malaysia. She is now pursuing her Ph.D at the
59/2010). National University of Malaysia, where her research
focuses on the adequacy of the Malaysian legal

Electronic copy available at:

18 Khalid et al. / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development 03: 08 (2012)

framework to ensure sustainability and security of

water resources in the country by using Integrated
Water Resources Management as a case study. She is
an alumnus of the Institute of Sustainability and
Peace of the United Nations University (UNU)
Tokyo where she completed the Postgraduate
Courses on Building Resilience to Climate Change.
She is also an active member of the Malaysian Water
Association as well as a Young Water Professional of
the International Water Association.
Mailing address: Faculty of Law, University
Technology MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor,
Tel: 006-013-6135358

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