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Plan of the temple of Amon at Luxor, Thebes 1408-1300 BC

Columns of the temple of Amon at Luxor, Thebes 1408-1300 BC

Plan of the Thersilion in Megalopolis, Greece, 370 BC
Plan of temple of Diana at Ephesus, c.250 BC
Plan of temple of Diana at Ephesus, c.250 BC
Elephanta Caves, Maharashtra, India, 2nd century BC
Elephanta Caves, Maharashtra, India, 2nd century BC
Supposed plan of Solomon’s Temple drawn by Juan Batista Villalpando, Ancient Jerusalem,
587 BC
Abu Dulaf Mosque, Samarra, Iraq, 859 AD
Abu Dulaf Mosque, Samarra, Iraq 859 AD
Vadakkumnathan Temple, Thrissur, India, c.1000 AD
Great Mosque, Dingueraye
Al Azhar mosque, Cairo, Egypt, 970 AD
Floor plan of the Jameh Mosque of Yazd, Iran 14th century
interior pillars of the Mosque of Shiraz, Iran, 12th century
Friday mosque in Khiva, Uz-
bekistan 18th century

Friday mosque in Khiva, Uzbekistan 18th century

Elephanta Caves, Maharashtra, India, 2nd century BC
Adalaj Vav Stepwell, Ahmedabad, India 1499
Meenakshi Sundareshvara Temple, Tamil Nadu, India, 17th century
Agra Fort, India, 15th century
El Jadida Portugese Cistern, Morocco, 1514
Hullabede Suli Munduppum from the Northeast
interior of Delwara temple, Rajasthan, India, between the 11th and 16th centuries
The Badami cave temples the verandah in Cave 3 c. 540‒757 AD
The Panch Mahal, Fatehpur Sikri, Uttar Pradesh
Laugier’s “primitive hut,” from his Essai sur l’Architecture, 1755
Jean Nicolas Durand, Prècis des lecons d’Architecture, 1802
Competition for the musée- modèle du Précis, J.N.C.Durand, 1805
Competition for the musée- modèle du Précis, Barbier, 1805
McKim, Mead, and White, plan of the Pennsylvania station, New York, 1910
McKim, Mead, and White, Pennsylvania station, New York, 1910
Philipp Jacob Manz, Industrial building with Hennebique system (now ZKM), Karlsruhe, 1915
Philipp Jacob Manz, Industrial building with Hennebique system (now ZKM), Karlsruhe, 1915
Jean Prouvé, axonometrz of the Maison du Peuple, Paris, 1937-39
Danteum, Giuseppe Terragni, 1942, unbuilt
Danteum, Giuseppe Terragni, 1942, unbuilt
Alavar Aalto, Villa Mairrea, Noormarkku, Finland, 1938-1939
Auguste Perret, salle hypostyle du Palais d’Iena, 1939
Frank Lloyd Wright, Johnson Wax Administration Building, Wisconsin, 1927-39
Werner Kallmorgen , Free Harbour Office,Hamburg, Germany, 1952
Interno dell Palazzo della cassa di risparmio di Milano, Giovanni Muzio, 1934 - 40
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Plan New National Galery, Berlin, 1961-68
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Plan New National Galery, Berlin, 1961-68
Le Corbusier, Palace of Assembly, Chandigarh, India, 1964
James Stirling, Olivetti Headquarters, Milton Keynes, UK, 1971
OMA - Rem Khoolas, plan of the Agadir Convention Centre, Agadir, 1990
OMA - Rem Khoolas, Agadir Convention Centre, Agadir, 1990
OMA - Rem Khoolas, axonometry Jussieu Library Competition, Paris, 1992
OMA - Rem Khoolas, axonometry Jussieu Library Competition, Paris, 1992
Axel Schultes, Treptow Crematorium, Berlin, 1999
Kazuo Shinoara, house on a curve road, Tokyo, Japan. 1969
Métro aérien Station Chevaleret, Paris, France 1903-06
Experimentation model, Frei Otto, 1961
Forest with Mistletoe (near oradea), Tamas Dezso, 2014
Memorial room dedicated to Yone Noguchi, Isamu Noguchi, 1952-1953, Tokyo, Japan
unknown artist
Erik Gunnar Asplund Woodland Chapel, 1920, Stockholm
Erik Gunnar Asplund Woodland Chapel 1920, stockholm
Inside view of the Rotunda in Renelagh gardens
Interior of the BrionVega factory, Marco Zanuso, 1968
Mausoleum, Woodlawn Cemetery, Carl Zimmerman, 2003 unbuilt
Artist Taryn Simon and architects OMA 2016

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