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Desktop Analytics / SCCM Dashboard

App crashes Desjktop analytics

Security update compliance DA & SCCM Reporting
Office uopdate compliance SCCM office dashboard
SCCM client health (sw center/distribution not SCCM client dashboard
working) Deployment status reports (SCCM reporting)
Windows drivers Desktop analytics
Blue screen/OS Windows analytics (going away)

Desktop Analytics

can be slow to load certain pages

Click Deployment Plans - then Windows 10 1809

Click Deployment Status – then Not Started tab

Prepare Production - display apps installed across network. Sort, filter…

Select specific app – can show top issues, recent crashes, how many have installed, crash rate in
company vs world HOWEVER the failure id is limited use. Meant to be sent to app vendor.

Security updates in DA
Select Win 10 version (ie, 1709) then View more then See All
Includes chart of compliance
Not Started, In Progress, Completed, Need attention – devices and need attention – issues,
which provides info on status in patch install.
Need Attention devices -

 All from same date?

 How does it connect

Security Patches
Compliance – successfully installed
Deployment –

SCCM Reporting

Report - Software Updates – A Compliance

Select Compliance 1 – Overall Compliance
Update Group selected Windows 10 1903 Updates 2019-10…
Collection selected All Windows 10 1903

Software Updates – E troubleshooting
Select Troubleshooting Scan errors – WSUS Scan
Update Source select WSUS Enterprise Server
Collection select All Windows 10 clients

Software Updates - E Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting 2 - Deployment Errors
Deployment – Select Office 365 Semi-Annual 2019-09-17

SCCM office reporting in Config manager

Software Library  Office 365 Client Management

Get down to 2+n versions of office

Future Config manager will show reports of across, add-ons, …
Report tool has APCI Custom ReportsAsset - ie, Client Count per channel, languages per product,
product versions count…
Goal is to review office client versions

SCCM config manager

Config Manager Client Health Dashboard of software cleint

Monitoring Client StatusClient Health Dashboard
Heartbeat, hardware scan
This runs 1x

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