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TASK – You are required to prepare a report for the operations VP about
whether your company should offer an in-house day-care centre for employees’

Submitted by: Group 8


P. SAI SANKAR- 21094

Submitted to:
Prof. Neetu Ganapathy

Table of Contents

Executive Summary 3
Introduction 4
Benefits of Day Care in Workplace 5
Conclusion 6
References 7

This research aims to give a comprehensive knowledge of the link between increased
employee productivity and the establishment of in-house day-care centres on the company's
premises. Starting with the basics of growing childcare expenses, effective work-life
balance, organisational costs, and finally, the benefits of a day-care centre for all parties
The work productivity of an individual and his or her mental health are closely connected.
Employees who are also parents can bring their children to work and leave them with
trustworthy caretakers, allowing them to concentrate on their job rather to worrying about
their children's safety, changing schedules, and so on. One such research revealed that 90
percent of parents used the full-service day-care provider, which resulted in better focus and
productivity at work, demonstrating the advantages of an in-house childcare centre.
Furthermore, having on-site childcare was a crucial decision-making aspect for 90 percent of
new parents when planning, and 23 percent of parents refused a job or opted not to seek a
new professional opportunity because of the convenience of having on-site day care.
Aside from improved employee efficiency and work production, the company benefits from
a number of other reasons. Employees who become parents later in their careers do not need
to worry about finding a more parent-friendly workplace to suit their demands. This is linked
to greater employee retention and loyalty.

Childcare increases workplace efficiency by allowing parents to work in a relaxed frame of
mind. They feel certain that their children are well-fed, safe, and well-protected. Which is
important not just for employees' safety at work, but also for employers, since it allows them
to cut expenses associated with workplace injuries and health claims. Childcare has a clear
influence on the productivity of the firm.
A workplace day care is often an on-site centre that offers child care for employees' children.
There is an upper age limit at the institution. The services are usually offered at a cost
subsidised by the employer; however, some businesses may offer them for free. These
programmes, like off-site childcare providers, should be licenced, insured, staffed with
trained teachers and assistants, and provide a safe atmosphere for groups of children. The
reliability of the provider and the quality of day care were the most essential features of
childcare responsibilities that allowed parents to go to work. Parents felt reassured if they
knew their children were being cared for by a trustworthy person who provided the
appropriate level and quality of care. Flexible working arrangements also helped parents
organise their childcare. If parents knew their children were being cared for by a trustworthy
person who offered the right degree and quality of care, they felt more at ease. Flexible work
schedules also made it easier for parents to plan for their children's care.
Childcare is seen to assist both parents and children in terms of socio - economic advantages:
parents are allowed to work and/or train, while children are given chances for play,
socialisation, and education. Employers gain from having access to a larger workforce and
higher employee retention rates.


Employee benefits:

1. Having a day care in the workplace has clear benefits for the business. Such an
endeavour goes a long way toward enhancing the company's brand among employees.
It also promotes gender equality by providing crucial assistance to working mothers
and new parents. As a consequence, the employer brand will be strengthened, which is
important in the recruitment and hiring process.
2. It's also simple to establish the business case for having an on-site nursery. To begin
with, a workplace day care is a powerful tool for building employee loyalty and
enhancing benefit packages. As a result, it is ideally suited for all types and sizes of
businesses – not just larger ones.
3. By providing day care for employees, the employers enhance the business's image as a
socially responsible corporation while also encouraging gender parity, workplace
well-being, and a good workplace balance. At the same time, on-site day care
improves a company's production over time.

Company benefits:

1. Access to a Wider Talent Pool- Companies will be able to recruit from a larger talent
pool if they provide on-site care.
2. More Women in Management: In line with the previous argument, providing on-site
day care to assist moms in returning to work might lead to more women in
management positions.
3. Tax Credits: Some businesses may be eligible for a tax credit for providing on-site
care. Given the ever-changing tax environment, it's always a good idea to consult an
accountant for the most up-to-date information on possible tax credits.
4. Lower Absenteeism: If an on-site day care is available, parents will not be forced to
skip work because their off-site day care is unavailable or their nanny is sick.
5. Enhanced Employee Efficiency
6. Longer Tenure, Less Turnover 


A Workplace Day care Is a Win-Win Situation

On-site childcare benefits are significant for the employee and employer alike. When an
employer offers child care, it shows employees that they are valuable and deserve the
convenience of availing an onsite childcare facility.
This offers a medium for great motivation amongst employees and in turn, boosts the growth
of the business as well. With family planning options and modern healthcare, mothers are
now waiting longer possibly into their 30s to have their first child. This means that they are
approaching motherhood while in senior roles. And so, that means child care will appeal to
retaining this valuable segment of the workforce that an employer cannot afford to lose.
The business day care is a solution that allows parents to maintain their work rhythm while
still working successfully and lowering stress levels. In fact, it works to adapt your
company's values both internally and publicly. while also giving a solution for the well-being
of children Working parents benefit from a variety of factors:
Parents may visit their children anytime they want since childcare is so close to the office,
where experts look after new-borns; getting a spot in an on-site facility is easy; day care
hours are tailored to business schedules properly. Retention rates have improved because to
on-site centres.
Even in affluent nations, many families would prefer that one parent stay at home to look
after the kids then go to work and spend their whole pay check on child care due to financial
constraints. Companies will be able to hire from a broader talent pool if they provide on-site
day care.



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