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Information gap
ere learners are
tivity is an activity wh
An information gap ac e a task and need
the inf orm ati on they need to complet
missi ng biography of a
ea ch oth er to fin d it, e.g. learner A has a
to talk to ng, while learner B
the place names missi
famous person with all . Together they can
h all the dates missing
has the same text wit tions. Information
mp let e the tex t by asking each other ques
co They provide an
l for various reasons.
gap activities are usefu , they represent real
ded speaking practice
opportunity for exten they require
ation can be high, and
communication, motiv sing.
ing meaning and rephra
sub-skills such as clarify
u might find
ation gap activities yo
Typical types of inform ce, jigsaw readings
lud e: de sc rib e an d draw, spot the differen
lit dictations.
and listenings, and sp

Accuracy refers to how correct learners’ use of the
language system is, including their use of grammar,
pronunciation and vocabulary. Accuracy is often
compared to fluency when we talk about a learner’s
level of speaking or writing.
For example, a learner might be fluent (make their
meaning clear) but not accurate (make a lot of mista
Language manipulation activities can help devel op
Language m
the anipulation
accuracy. These include controlled practice, drills, activities
study and application of grammar rules, and activit
‘notic e’ their own mista kes. Can help dev
that help students to elop
accuracy. Th
ese include
controlled p
ractice, drills
the study an ,
d applicatio
of grammar n
rules and
activities that
learners to ‘n
their own m

Understanding speaking: key terms and issues – Knowing the subject | © British Council 2016

Appropriacy refers to wh
ether a word is suitable for
context it is being used in. the
It is an important aspect
language but an extremely of
complex one, as decision
about how to say things s
depend on understandin
what is right for the contex g exa ctly
t and the culture. For exa
it may be appropriate to mp le,
say ‘Hang on’ in one con
‘Could you wait a moment, tex t and
please?’ in another.
Focusing on inappropria
te forms of language and
first is a good way to raise delivery
awareness of this area. For
example, learners can ide
ntify inappropriate langu
video material such as com age in
edy programmes, match
language to contexts wh
ere it can be used, and dis
what is appropriate in the cuss
ir own cultures. In gener
exposure to a range of aut al, it is
hentic material that will hel
students develop their und p
erstanding of appropriacy.

poem with a
A humorous five-line
a. For example:
rhyme scheme aabb
n with a beard
There was an Old Ma
I feared!
Who said, ‘It is just as
Two Owls and a Hen,
Four Larks and a Wr
sts in my beard!’
Have all built their ne

Understanding speaking: key terms and issues – Knowing the subject | © British Council 2016

Fluency refers
to how well a le
communicates arner
meaning rather
many mistakes than how
they make in gr
pronunciation an am mar,
d vocabulary. Fl
of ten compare uency is
d with accuracy
concerned with , which is
the type, numbe
seriousness of r and
mistakes made.
Activities that he
lp to develop flu
on communicat ency focus
ion, for exampl
speaking games e di scussions,
, presentations
such as projects , ta sk work
, and emailing.

Lowering the
affe ctive filter
This is reducing
shyness or fe
speaking. ar of

er- centr
Learn us of
e n t he foc
wh the
This is is on .
r u ction acher
in s t
, n o t the et

Understanding speaking: key terms and issues – Knowing the subject | © British Council 2016

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