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text as mention in first three

pages or you can copy them from
this sample to avoid conflict.
This is the hard cover page.
Delete this text box if you are
Project Title

Group Member 1
(Roll number)

Group Member 2
(Roll number)

Group Member 3
(Roll number)


Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Tech nology

Hamdard Institute of Engineering a n d Technology
Hamdard University, Main Campus, Karachi, Pakistan
Use same Font and style for all
text as mention in first three
pages or you can copy them from
this sample to avoid conflict.
This is the first page of the
report. Delete this text box if you
are copying!!!
Project Title

Group Member 1
(Roll number)

Group Member 2
(Roll number)

Group Member 3
(Roll number)

Under the supervision of

Supervisor Name


Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Tech nology

Hamdard Institute of Engineering a n d Technology
Hamdard University, Main Campus, Karachi, Pakistan
Use same Font and style for all
text as mention in first three
Project Title
pages or you can copy them By
from this sample to avoid
conflict. This is the first page Group Member 1
of the report. Delete this text
box if you are copying!!! (Roll number)
Group Member 2
(Roll number)
Group Member 3
(Roll number)

A project presented to the

Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Technology
Hamdard Institute of Engineering and Technology
In partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of

Bachelors of Engineering

Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Tech nology

Hamdard Institute of Engineering a n d Technology
Hamdard University, Main Campus, Karachi, Pakistan
Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Technology
Hamdard Institute of Engineering and Technology
Hamdard University, Main Campus, Karachi.

This project “Project Title” presented by G r o u p m e m b e r s n a m e s under the
direction of their project advisor’s and approved by the project examination committee, has
been presented to and accepted by the Hamdard Institute of Engineering a n d
Technology, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor of Engineering

___________________ ___________________
Supervisor Name (Member)
(Project Advisor)

_________________________ _________________________
Co-Supervisor Name (Member)

___________________ ___________________
Dr. Rashid Hussain Dr. Fahad Azim
(Chairman, Electrical Engineering (Director, HIET)
ABSTRACT The Font size for the heading is 12
style Times new roman all caps
center align.
Your abstract here...................

Page numbers starts from this page

in roman center align.
The Font size for the heading is 12
style Times new roman all caps
center align.
All praises and thanks to Al-Mighty ”ALLAH”, the most merciful, the most gracious, the
source of knowledge and wisdom endowed to mankind, who conferred us with the power of
mind and capability to take this project to the exciting ocean of knowledge. All respects are
for our most beloved Holy Prophet “Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him)”,
whose personality will always be source of guidance for humanity.

Acknowledgement is due to Hamdard Institute of Engineering and Technology for support

of this Project, a highly appreciated achievement for us in the undergraduate level.

We wish to express our appreciation to our Supervisor name who served as our major
advisor. We would like to express our heartiest gratitude for their keen guidance, sincere
help and friendly manner which inspires us to do well in the project and makes it a reality.

Many people, especially our classmates and team members itself, have made valuable comment
suggestions on this proposal which gave us an inspiration to improve our project. We thank Co-
Supervisor name & all the people for their help directly and indirectly to complete our project.
The Font size for the heading is 12
style Times new roman all caps
center align. All other text must
have font size 12 style times new
TABLE OF CONTENTS roman. Delete this text box if you
are copying!!!

TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................iii
LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................................iv
LIST OF TABLES...............................................................................................................v
1. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................1
1.1 Motivation/Introduction................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Statement/Objective and Contribution...........................................................2
1.3 Organization of the Thesis............................................................................................3
2. LITERATURE REVIEW....................................................................................................4
2.1 abcdef............................................................................................................................5
2.1.1 ghijkl..............................................................................................................6
2.1.2 mnopg............................................................................................................7
3.1 sjdjsjd............................................................................................................................9
3.2 dsfdflklk......................................................................................................................11
3.2.1 dsdfjsjfkdjk..................................................................................................12
4.1 sdfdsfdsfsdfdfsd..........................................................................................................14
4.2 dsfdfdfsdfsdf...............................................................................................................15
4.2.1 dasdasdsda....................................................................................................16
5. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK..........................................................................17
5.1 Conclusion..................................................................................................................18
5.2 Recommendations for future work.............................................................................19
A. XYZ PROGRAMMING..................................................................................22
B. ABC CODING.................................................................................................23

1.1 Figure 1................................................................................................................................6

2.2 Figure 2................................................................................................................................7

1.1 Table 1...............................................................................................................................10

2.4 Table 2...............................................................................................................................25

Page numbers in roman ends up

CHAPTER 1 The Font for the heading is 16 style
Times new roman all caps bold left

The project was done to obtain better understanding of..............

1.1 Motivation
Your text here............

1.2 Problem Statement

Your text here............

1.3 Organization of Thesis

Your text here..............

Page numbers in numeric starts

from here till the end of report.
CHAPTER 2 The Font for the heading is 16 style
Times new roman all caps bold left

2.1 abcdef
Your text here..............

Every diagram should have proper referencing as told..........

Every table should have proper referencing as told...............
1. The first page of this report will be used as the front hard cover of report and is not
included in the report.
2. The report starts with the second page.
3. Use the same font, spacing (1.5) and style (Times New Roman) of the text as mention.
4. Page numbers starts from abstract in roman up till abbreviations.
5. From chapter 1 the page number is in numeric.
6. Use separate files to avoid conflict in page numbers.
7. Your report must have the chapters as mentioned in table of contents with same font and
8. Use proper citation in paragraphs.
9. References of website include website caption, URL and the last visited date.
10. Here is the example for the website reference.
11. “Evil mad scientist”
game-from-1958/ [Last access on March 25, 2015]

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