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Trial of the Beast


Meant for party of 4, level 4. Rebalance for level party of 3, level 7

- Viktra Mordenheim: assassin
- Elise (the Beast): fiendish flesh golem
- The Carnival
o Isolde (cambion)
o Nepenthe (sentient holy avenger)
o Hermos the Half-Giant (half-ogre)
o Tindal the Barker (mage)
o Alti the Werehare (wererat)
o Amelia the Vampire (scout)
o Charlotte the Fire Eater (veteran)
o The Organ Grinder (scout)
o Silessa the Snake (druid)
o The Clowns, Gerik, Josef, and Tam (bandits)
o Professor Pacali (commoner)
- The Court
o Chief Justice Ambrose Khard (commoner)
o Judge Kasp Aldaar (commoner)
o Judge Embreth Daramid (commoner), secret member of the Keepers of the Feather
o Holy Sister of Justice (priest)
o Herald of the Court (gladiator)
o Barrister Gustav Kaple (commoner), stuttering defense for the Beast in court
o Otto Heiger (commoner), prosecutor against the Beast
- Dr. Montagnie Crowl (commoner), Professor of Antiquities at Ludendorf University
- Lazne (bandit), village elder of the village Morast
- Vorkstag (bodak) and Grine (darkling, priest of Osybus), run Chymic Works, and secretly supply
bodies for Mordenheim

- Surgeon’s tool, darkvision extract, face, artisan’s clothes, blood no scars

- Reward for investigating: 100 platinum each PC.

Part 2: First Day of Trial

- Run day 1 of trial for the murders at Morast
- Investigate Hergstag that night
o If they leave the path, the party encounters quicksand
o There are a number of bear traps laid at the village; unless searching for them, a player
will step onto one
o 20% chance of hitting another when moving between buildings
o Each child is a wraith
o Brother swarm is a sword wraith commander
- Mob attack on the court
o 50 bandits, 5 thugs
 10 bandits will attack door with rams, thugs will attack with crossbows anyone
who tries to stop them
 They stop when 5 bandits are killed
 1d4 rounds later, the next assault begins
 10 bandits attack door with rams, another 10 use ladders to try to climb walls
 They stop when 5 bandits in each group are killed
 The thugs cover the mob, as 10 bandits throw torches into the courthouse to try
and start a fire
- 2 ghasts, 1 shadowghast

Future encounters:

- E1: 2 underworld cerberus (deadly, 33.8%)

- E2: 3 werebats (medium)
- E4: 3 werebats (medium)
- E6: Grine (priest of Osybus), (medium)
o Poisonous ungol dust trap
- E7: Vorkstag (nosferatu), (hard)
- E9: 2 snapjaw homunculus (medium)
o Flesh golem, tiny (CR 4)
- E10: 2 snapjaw homunculus (medium)
o Trapdoor sets off a sound burst trap
- E13: 2 zombie plague spreaders (medium)

Next Adventure: Massacre at Camp Clearwater (Dementlieu, Chateufaux)

- The slasher is many different creatures, all manipulated by a coven of hags (the Mill Street
coven) to assume the identity of the Slasher.
o The Cult of the Slasher, who revere the Slasher and try to emulate his murders.
o A yew tree created by the hags is responsible for the true Slasher’s rejuvenation.
o Wilbur Coates, the groundskeeper, is working for the hags and makes Slasher golems for
o The hags create additional plant Slashers using a shambling mound.
o The true Slasher is a mutated stone giant, controlled by an amulet of binding by the

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