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Name: Lesly Bullon

Teacher: Hugo Rodriguez
Class: ARW2

 First drafts - 2 pages

 Final Writing - 2 pages

 Article summaries – 3 pages

 Create Activities – 2 pages

 Synthetize activities – 3 pages

Draft #1
Draft #2
Writing 1
Writing 2
•Summary 1
The book "It" is a horror story based on an
evil entity in the form of a clown that appears
in a town to cause terror and exterminate
everyone in its path. It feeds on people's fear,
and that's when it appears to accomplish its
mission. But in the plot, there are seven boys
willing to give their lives to end this monster.

It is a book full of adventure, suspense and

terror. But it also fills us with uncertainty,
since there are strange cases of homicides in
that town, and nobody knows the causes.
Therefore, a group of young people take on
the task of thoroughly investigating and
fulfilling the pact to finish once and for all
with that cruel clown.

These guys are classified as nerds, each one is

different, but they are all focused on cracking
the mystery of all the cases that have
occurred in the town to defeat the evil one.
They are also charismatic and add a bit of
humor to the plot. Although the terror is
what stands out, since the appearance of this
entity is very terrifying and its acts are

Finally "It" is a book of terror and mystery

that leads the reader to integrate with the
discourse and to want to decipher the
mysteries that are presented. However, the
author adds some humor by presenting seven young people as protagonists, who have very
particular and charismatic personalities that catch the reader and make him get involved in the
Summary 2
Review: Zombies Don't Cry - Rusty Fischer

According to Crescent Moon, if you are a fan

of zombies and expect something really
bloody, the book is not for you, but if you like
love stories and zombies, then you have a
good book to read.

The author of the review comments that he

feels that several authors are limited in an
aspect that Rusty knew how to take
advantage of, which is as if reading were like
a normal conversation, for the same reason
the book is easy to read and comments that
it is preferable to read it in spare time.

Crescent Moon feels that Maddy, who is the

main character, was the best developed
without any limits to the point that it seems
that it really exists, in the character of Dane
he thinks that the author fell short and could
give him more role in the story, finally Stamp,
who thinks he was taken from the typical
new and popular kid who plays football in a
typical American school and pasted it in the
book. He also tells us that the characters feel
as if they really exist and if you go to your
school you could find them and that is one
reason why the book caught him.

In the story there is a somewhat intense affectionate triangle, although according to this critic
he would have made other decisions if he had been in the role of Maddy, the critic likes Dane's
personality since Rusty knew how to develop it.

In conclusion, the author of this small review liked the book and would recommend it, but not
to anyone because this book is not for anyone either.
Summary 3

“Clearly, animals know more than we think, and think a great deal more than we know.” In the
article, Scientists think that animals think, by William J.Cromie, writes about Marc Hauser’s
experiments and his concept of
animal cognition. Therefore, the
paper sets out to discuss whether
animals think based on Marc Hauser's

Hauser, who was a professor of

psychology at Harvard, began
studying animal cognition at age 19.
His study started when a female
spider monkey came through the
bars of her cage, stared at Hauser,
and gave him a hug, which changed
Hauser's perspective on animals.
After this situation, Hauser and his
colleagues began to investigate the
different actions that humans share
with animals.

Hauser’s experiments involved

monkeys and infants, where the
monkeys showed a gigantic intellect.
The monkeys showed the same
behaviors as humans, which were
unique to humans. For instance,
babies as young as 3 or 4 days old can differentiate two languages by rhythm alone, who
showed this by sucking enthusiastically. But after a while, they get bored with this talk and
stop sucking. Why? According to Hauser, this change is because they know that the human
vocal tract could not produce such sounds. On the other hand, Cotton-headed tamarin
monkeys easily distinguish between two languages.

Another example of the experiments with the monkeys was that they could count, who had
the human ability to count to higher numbers apparently. But there are exceptions. For
example: In Tanzania, where people live in tribes, are unable to count large numbers like the
monkeys and other people. Also, monkeys move into harnesses in brain scanning instruments,
such as MRI machines, without difficulty, which leads to the conclusion that these monkeys
feel as comfortable as they do in their home cages with their own social group.

In conclusion, for some people, the investigation of this controversy will not provide a
satisfactory answer to the question: Do animals really think? These people define thinking as
more than raw or unconscious perception, for example, emotions, which can be empathy and
the ability to imagine the future. According to the scientist Hauser, these abilities come from
the brain. This conclusion leads us to believe that Hauser's experiments using other techniques
may confirm that animals acquire different or equal.

(I looked for additional information)

 How did Clever Hans answer questions?

Hans solved calculations by tapping numbers or letters with his hoof in order to answer questions.

 What problems was Clever Hans trained for?

Von Osten taught Hans to add, subtract, multiply, divide, work with fractions, tell the time and date,
read and spell, and understand German.

 When Clever Hans appear to do math what was he really responding to?

The horse was able to give the correct answer by reading the microscopic signals in the face of the
questioning person.

 Could the horse read the signs of any person?

No, Mr. Osten inadvertently influenced Clever Hans, and the horse responded based on his master's
reactions, postures, and gestures.

 So the cognition of the horse is what made it able to respond?

In short, yes, but that does not mean that the horse is not intelligent, since the ability to perceive
microscopic signals and, above all, understand them is impressive.

 How did she agree to have a relationship with you despite being hundreds of years old?

Marilisa admitted that marrying Leo was more of a lark for her than anything else, an impulsive thing a
sudden impetuous leap, furthermore Leo was sweet and kind and actually quite sexy. She said why would
his age be an issue?

 How do you do to be a vigorous person and not to feel bored?

Leo is a sand painter, an archaeologist, a space habitat developer, and he reinvents himself every decade
or two.

 How many benefits do you have to be immeasurably experienced?

The point of being immeasurably experienced is that he was the ideal first husband for her, he was wise,
loving, warm, attentive and generous. She felt nothing but great tenderness for him and she had not
regretted, not at all.

 What do you think is the most important to have an awesome life?

As seen in everything he said, to have an amazing life just live it your way
No, I never thought of repairing more than 150 bikes. It was quite a
challenge, but after discovering that it was a passion to repair them
and that giving them joy, I was inspired to do it more and more. It
was amazing and it's better than sitting around doing nothing

My first thought is that it was a crazy proposal and that

he could never end up building all the bikes, but it is still
surprising that he wanted to do that as a gesture of
donation, so I decided to manage all the progress of the

Because it is a way to figure out a side of the

world that needs help, donations, and
attention, in addition to seeing the progress
that is made when you help, you are proud to
have fulfilled this area.

Because it is indignant that we are forced to manage or help other people

when we can´t even with ourselves, it is horrible to find out that to pass we
need to comply with this area, many of us do not have time for that and
they make you have an oxymoron feeling as we obviously want to help
other people and we are sorry that they are in difficult situations but so are
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the SERVICE of others.” Mandatory volunteering is
a mandate on an individual to volunteer, and it is called “community service.” In Peru, some schools
force their students to volunteer 5 hours a month to receive credits. Although, schools think that
mandatory volunteering is useful. As a student, I can say that I am against the mandatory
volunteering program for three reasons.

First, mandatory volunteering is not a reason to obligate students to participate in this program.
Though some people assume that mandatory volunteering is indeed helpful to encourage the social
awareness of students. A large part of the students have busy schedules with challenges, and for this,
I have two reasonable explanations. One reason is that students have to fulfill their homework or
projects that the teacher sent to present for a determined date. For example, there are big projects
that need a detailed investigation to get high scores. Another reason is that some students work as
assistants or salespeople to pay for school tuition. In other words, students do not have time
because they are involved in other activities.

Second, although people believe that students will not know the benefits of volunteering until they
do the mandatory volunteering, this results in students ending up resenting it and not volunteering
again, and for this, I have two reasonable explanations. One reason is a personal choice and students
can decide if they would like to try this activity or if they can handle this challenge in their academic
life. Another reason is that mandatory volunteering shows a misconception or outrageous idea of
what volunteering is. Being forced to do something can make you angry instead of proud. Many
students have a bad experience of this kind of activity because they don't try it with great

Finally, another reason for the school is the ridiculous awareness of young children. The schools think
that if the children do mandatory volunteering, they will be aware and inspired to do other things.
On the contrary, if you try to make children aware by telling them to do it, they may decide to
volunteer when they grow up. It is not good to force a young child to do mandatory volunteering, as
opposed to they may hate volunteering.

In conclusion, these are the three reasons why I am determined to disagree with my school's
mandatory volunteer program. As you can see, volunteer service cannot be mandatory, even though
some people think otherwise. For example, my sister Alexandra did the mandatory volunteer
program at her school, to which she said, "Even though I participated in this program, I don't feel
proud of it. School can be stressful, and this program doesn't help me reduce stress, it just gives me
headaches." In other words, students may resent it and not try this social activity again. Mandatory
volunteering may have more disadvantages than advantages not only for the community but also for
the future of volunteer service.

I took advantage of writing the third unit, I hope it's worth more points :c

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