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People set their own targets

B. Hard work has to be fun
C. Loose organisations need tight systems
D. Great service requires cutting-edge technology
E. There are no low-skill Jobs

A. Las personas establecen sus

propios objetivos
B. El trabajo duro tiene que ser
C.Las organizaciones sueltas
necesitan sistemas ajustados
D. Un gran servicio requiere
tecnología de punta
E. No hay trabajos de baja

Few people dream about becoming a cleaner. But that doesn`t mean cleaners can`t
find satisfaction in their work. The keys to satisfaction, joronen believes, are fun and
individual freedom. Its cleaners wear red-and yellow jumpsuits that reinforce the
Company`s upbeat image. Sol`s logo, a yellow happy face, is on everything from her
blazer to the Company`s Budget reports. Freedom means abolishing all the rules and
regulations of conventional corporate life. There are no titles or secretaries at SOL, no
individual offices or set hours of work. The Company has eliminated perks and status

3. …………….

sol`s trainig programme consists of seven modules, each of which lasts four months
and ends with a rigorous exam. Of course, there are a limited number of ways to polish
a table or shampoo a carpet. That`s why SOL employees also study time management,
budgeting and people skills.

Lots of companies talk about decentralising responsability and authority. At SOL it`s a
way of life. The real power players of the Company are its 135 supervisors, each of
whom leads a team of up to 50 cleaners. These supervisors work with their teams to
créate their own budgets, do their own hiring and negotiate their own deals with

Liisa joronen believes in autonomy, but she`s also keen on accountability. SOL is
fanatical about measuring performance. It does so frequently and visibly, and focuses
on customer satisfaction. Every time SOL lands a contract, for example, the
salesperson Works at the new customer`s site alongside the team that will do the
cleaning in the future. Together they establish performance benchmarks. Then, every
month, the customer rates the team`s performance based on those benchmarks. `the
more we free our people from rules` joronen says, `the more we need good


Laptops and cell-phones are standard equipment for all supervisors at SOL, freeing
them to work where they want, how they want. Inside the offices there`s almost no
room for paper. So the Company stores all critical budget documents and perfomance
reports on its intranet, along with training schedules, upcoming events and Company

From fast Company

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