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Living in a city vs countryside or a farm

A big city vs. Countryside or a farm , this topic for me is make me confuse a little bit, because it
so hard to choose which one is better. But I think for me I prefer to live in a big city . I grow up
in big city which is very comfortable and I think sometime I want to try to live in a country or a
farm.I grew up in capital city of Thailand which is Bangkok
so I think we should know a similar disadvantage and advantage from each.That will help me de-
cide which one is better.

I think live in town is very convenience but the cost is expensive too, sometime I think live in
the country is very cheap, but it is hard to live for me.The advantage that we live in a big town is
education and hospital.Education is better than a countryside because the government will pay
money more to school in town.Hospital is better than a countryside because government pay for
it too.The thing that I think countryside is better than a big city is fresh air and good environmen-
t.The environment in a big city is bad because we have many car and many factory.That make a
lot of carbon dioxide and toxic when you breath the air in that mean you get the toxic in your
body.Country side is very near the forest, mountain and river ,We can breathe the good air and
live in countryside which is not too much busy.The big city like Chicago,I think we have a lot of
population,That make the city busy and You will feel every thing is so annoying.A countryside
the cost is very difference from a big city because Everything in the city is
Very convenience and quality is very difference like expensive brand.

The similar thing is both of them have same thing ,but it difference by quality and people desire.
Example they have gym same but the quality is difference like they have more trainer and more
space.They have hospital same.They have school same.But every thing depend on quality that is
the main thing ,I think.

In my opinion, I think I prefer a big city because it very convenience and everything is better
than countryside because for me I like luxurious thing like Gucci belt or lv belt.Those thing is re-
flect my interest too.Cause I like fashion and I like shopping.
But the good thing is when you sick you can get better heal and better doctor.If I live in country-
side,I think I will have a lot of problems because I like to shopping and the countryside mall is
too small for me.I think I will have a lot of problem because I like to live in convenience place
like condominium,I don’t like house because it is not convenience for me because in condo-
minium they have a worker that can clean public thing like swimming pool,You just clean your
room.Actually,If I have to live in a countryside ,I feel very boring but I can live there .I think
many time but I still thinking living in a big city is better than country or a farm
So,For me I think Living in a big city is better than living in a farm but not every one like to
live in a big city .finally, I think they have to find what type of town that they want to live.

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