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The idea of this book is to collect all the Shadowrun Crossfire Missions I could find in one place. I’ve split this book into
3 sections, Official Missions, Homebrew Missions and Campaigns. Within each section, I’ve listed the Missions by
difficulty level. The Campaigns section includes rules on how you can link some Missions together to form a
continuing story. Finally, at the back of this book you will find some gameplay materials that you may wish to print

If you happen to design a new Mission which you would like to have included here, or would like to suggest some
changes, please contact me at:

Of course, much credit must be given to the game’s designers and to every one of you who has taken the time to
create these Missions.

Thank you, and good luck on your run!

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Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................... 2 MR. JOHNSON’S FRIENDS ............................. 52
Table of Contents.................................................. 3 GANGS ATTACK ........................................... 54
Official Missions ..................................................... 4 BUGS HIVE.................................................... 56
Introductory Missions ......................................... 4 ROGUE RUNNERS ......................................... 58
INITIATION ....................................................... 4 INCUBUS ...................................................... 60
AMBULATORS.................................................. 5 THE TRAITOR ................................................. 62
VEGAS: A NIGHT ON THE STRIP ........................ 6 DATA GRAB .................................................. 64
AGAINST THE ANCIENTS .................................. 8 THE PIT ......................................................... 66
Standard Missions ............................................ 10 DATA RETRIEVAL ........................................... 68
CROSSFIRE ................................................... 10 SNOW WHITE ................................................ 70
CLOSE THE PORTAL ....................................... 12 Solo Missions ................................................... 72
FREEFIRE-FOR-ALL ........................................ 14 THUG TROUBLE ............................................. 73
Advanced Missions ......................................... 16 ASTRAL ABOMINATIONS ................................ 74
EXTRACTION ................................................. 16 MATRIX MAYHEM .......................................... 75
TWO CORRIDOR ASSAULT ............................. 18 SOCIAL SNEAKING ....................................... 76
CRAZY KATIE’S COMBAT TOWING .................. 20 Difficult Missions .............................................. 77
INTO THE ORK UNDERGROUND ..................... 22 THE RUN OF YOUR LIFE (OR DEATH)! ............. 77
Difficult Missions ............................................... 24 THE DATA STEAL ............................................ 79
PANDEMIC ................................................... 24 Campaigns ......................................................... 81
DRAGON FIGHT............................................ 26 THE HEIST...................................................... 81
Homebrew Missions ............................................ 28 MISSION 1 – ALL YOU NEED IS THE PLAN, THE
Introductory Missions ....................................... 28
DELIVERY ...................................................... 28
FUN WHEN I GET A BIGGER GUN .................. 84
STUFFER SHACK ............................................ 29
Standard Missions ............................................ 31 .................................................................... 85
DOUBLE CROSSING ...................................... 31 HOODLUMS ................................................. 86
SPECIALISTS .................................................. 32 MINI-CAMPAIGN .......................................... 86
CACHE OUT! ................................................ 34 COLLATERAL DAMAGE – Work in Progress .... 87
TICK TOCK ................................................... 36 Print Outs .............................................................. 92
HACK FEST ................................................... 38 COVERT DRAGON ....................................... 98
Advanced Missions ......................................... 40 ENRAGED DRAGON ..................................... 99
HACK ‘N’ RUN ............................................... 40
ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? ........................ 42
MR. JOHNSON’S FAREWELL .......................... 44
IS THAT A GLITCH ON MY SCREEN? ............... 46
CORPORATE WETWORK ................................ 48
MATRIX RUN ................................................. 50
ASSASSINATION ............................................ 51
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Official Missions
Introductory Missions
Runners don’t need any namby-pamby training missions.
Live-fire all the way!
Difficulty: Moderate (designed for new runners)
Players: 2 – 4
Source: Demo Kit

Survive. Your team will encounter some of the “local color” in a standard run. Once you’ve defeated them, catch
your breath, as you’ll quickly encounter another Shadowrun “welcoming committee.”

Each player selects a role and character card. Then flip a Normal Obstacle in front of each runner. The player with
the highest HP (as noted on their character card) is the starting runner.


When there are no more obstacles in play, finish the current turn. Then remove the current Crossfire event from play
(put it on the bottom of the Crossfire deck), and heal each runner 1 HP. Finally, each runner may buy 1 card from
the Black Market.


Flip one obstacle opposing each player, the second and fourth obstacles flipped are drawn from the Hard Obstacle
deck (only flip obstacles up to the number of players). Play continues as normal, starting with the runner who would
have played next (before the break).

If any player has their HP reduced below 1 (“staggered”), the mission is immediately ended, return and try the run

If you defeat both groups of obstacles, YOU WIN!

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Sometimes, a simple stroll on the way to a rendezvous gets interesting.
Difficulty: Entry (runners with 0 Karma only)
Players: 2 – 4
Source: Download (

Your team will attempt to overcome obstacles while navigating their way through two blocks of an urban sprawl.
Once both blocks have been cleared, the team wins the mission.

Each player selects a role and character card. The players decide amongst themselves who will be the starting
runner. Then flip up one Normal Obstacle for each runner. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose
role color matches the obstacle’s color. Distribute the rest clockwise. Next, draw a Crossfire card and place it face
up in play. Follow the normal rules for Crossfire cards.


When there are no obstacles in play, finish the current turn. Then remove the current Crossfire event from play (put it
on the bottom of the Crossfire deck), and each runner heals 1 HP. Finally, each runner may buy 1 card from the
Black Market


After catching your breath, flip up obstacles equal to the number of runners plus one. First flip up obstacles from the
Hard Obstacle deck equal to the number of cards in the Crossfire discard. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip
obstacles from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose
role color matches the obstacle’s color. Distribute the rest clockwise.


If the team defeats each group of obstacles and clears both blocks, THE TEAM WINS!
If any runner’s HP go below 1 (“staggered”), the mission ends immediately.
Return and try the run again.


If there are fewer than four runners, some of the runners will take more than one role. In a 3-player game, one of the
runners will take two roles. In a 2-player game, both runners will take two roles. If you have more than one role,
choose a starting deck for one of those roles. If you take more than one role, increase your starting nuyen by 1.

If there are only 3 runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round. If there are only 2 runners, do not
flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first or second rounds.

If the team wins, each runner gets 2 Karma.

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Welcome to Sin City, a neon oasis dedicated to separating you from your hard-earned nuyem! Voluntarily or
otherwise. Pleasures and troubles wait on every street corner and back room. And as long as the casinos aren’t directly
involved, don’t expect local security to have your back. To them, you’re just part of the show that never ends.
Difficulty: Introductory (no upgrades needed)
Players: 2 – 4
Source: Vegas Demo Kit

Set aside the Las Vegas obstacles and shuffle them together to create the Vegas deck. Shuffle the Normal obstacles
together to create the Normal obstacle deck. Shuffle the Hard obstacles together to create the Hard obstacle deck.

Each player selects a role and runner card. The players decide among themselves who will be the starting runner.
Each runner applies two “Welcome to Las Vegas” stickers of their choice to their runner card.

Your team will attempt to keep their wallets and skins intact while seeing the Las Vegas Strip. Each Scene ends when
the team has defeated all obstacles facing the runners. Once the third Scene ends, the team wins the mission!


At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the chart below. When flipping obstacles, first flip
obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip two
obstacles from the Vegas deck. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Normal Obstacle deck
for the remainder. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle’s color.
Distribute the rest clockwise.


1 Number of Runners
2 Number of Runners + 1
3 Number of Runners + 2


The only time you flip obstacles from the Vegas deck is at the start of a Scene (see Obstacles & Crossfire above). If
any ability or effect causes you to flip a Normal obstacle at any other time than the start of a Scene, flip from the
Normal obstacle deck, not from the Vegas deck.

If you do not own the Vegas deck, it is made up of new artwork forms of the following cards from the Normal obstacle
deck: 03, 11, 14, 18, 20, 31, 32.


Stickers that happen in Vegas stay in Vegas.

“Welcome to Las Vegas” stickers are identified by their diamond shape and unique coloration. These stickers only
have game effects in “VEGAS” missions. Place them only in unused areas on a runner card (not in the upgrade slots or
covering stats). There is no Karma cost for applying them to your runner card.

If the team wins, each runner gets 2 Karma. Additionally, any runner with more than 30 nuyen worth of Blck Market
card purchases gets a bonus of 1 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner gets
1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties.

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Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have.


0 – 10 Full Karma award
11 – 30 -1 Karma penalty
31 – 50 -2 Karma penalty
51 – 75 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

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A is for Ancients, B is for betrayal, as in someone tipped the Ancients off to what Mr. Johnson wanted you to retrieve.
And C is for credstick, which you’re not going to live to enjoy unless you can shoot your way past A.
Difficulty: Introductory (no Upgrades needed)
Players: 2 – 4
Source: High-Caliber Ops

Remove all Elf obstacles from the Normal Obstacle deck and shuffle them together to create the Ancients deck.
Shuffle the remaining Normal obstacles together to create the Normal Obstacle deck.

Your team will get past the Ancients by fighting through three Scenes. Each Scene ends when the team has defeated
all obstacles facing the runners. Once the third Scene ends, the team wins the mission!


The only time you flip obstacles from the Ancients deck is at the start of a Scene (see Obstacles & Crossfire below). If
any ability or effect causes you to flip a Normal Obstacle at any other time than the start of a Scene, flip from the
Normal Obstacle deck, not the Ancients deck.


In this mission, the nuyen value of Elf obstacles is increased by +1. When an Elf obstacle is flipped up, put a nuyen
marker on it to indicate its increased value.


At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the chart below. When flipping obstacles, first flip
obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip two
obstacles from the Ancients deck. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Normal Obstacle deck
for the remainder. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle’s color.
Distribute the rest clockwise. The first round begins with the starting runner.


1 Number of Runners
2 Number of Runners + 1
3 Number of Runners + 2

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes
to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then each runner heals 1 HP. Then, starting with the runner
to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black
Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner
who had the first choice to buy a card. After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!


If there are only 3 runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round. If there are only 2 runners, do not flip
a Crossfire card at the start of the first or second rounds.

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If the team wins, each runner gets 2 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the following Challenge options:

BUDDY SYSTEM The first time each Scene you flip an Elf obstacle, flip another obstacle from the Ancients deck
facing the same runner: +1 Karma

TIR INTERVENTION Remove the Elf obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck and shuffle them together to
create the Tir deck. At the start of each Scene, flip the last obstacle from the Tir deck instead of whichever deck you
would normally flip that obstacle from: +2 Karma

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have.


0 – 10 Full Karma award
11 – 30 -1 Karma penalty
31 – 50 -2 Karma penalty
51 – 75 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty


As more elves are added to the game, the mission changes in difficulty. Here are the Normal Elf cards from the base
set and High Caliber-Ops for your reference:


Ancients Ganger, Ancients Sentry, Elf Shaman, and Mercenary Elf Decker.


Ancients Champion, Ancients Fanatic, Ancients Lieutenant, Ancients Shaman, Conflicted Elf Ganger, Elf Freelancer,
Exiled Prince, Street Prophet, and Wired Ganger.

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Standard Missions
These Missions are designed for characters with no Karma Upgrades; the difficulty can easily be increased to reflect
your character’s progression.

Getting in was easy, just like Mr. Johnson promised. But you’ve got heavy company on the way out.
Difficulty: Normal (No upgrades needed)
Players: 2 – 4
Source: Base Set

Your team will face off against obstacles in three Scenes. Each Scene ends when you have defeated all obstacles
facing runners. Once the third Scene ends, the team wins the mission!


At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the chart below. When flipping obstacles, first flip
obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles
from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color
matches the obstacle’s color. Distribute the rest clockwise. The first round begins with the starting runner.


1 Number of Runners
2 Number of Runners + 1
3 Number of Runners + 2

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the
Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the
runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black
Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner
who had the first choice to buy a card. After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!


If there are only 3 runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round. If there are only 2 runners, do not flip
a Crossfire card at the start of the first or second rounds.

If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the following Challenge options:

BRING IT ON! Flip up one additional obstacle at the start of each Scene: +1 Karma

DANGER ZONE Start the game with one card in the Crossfire discard: + 2 Karma (In the same game, the team
can chose this option up to once for each runner.)

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Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 10 Full Karma award
11 – 30 -1 Karma penalty
31 – 50 -2 Karma penalty
51 – 75 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

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Spirits? Why does it have to be spirits? At least the pay is good.
Difficulty: Normal (No upgrades needed)
Players: 2 – 4
Source: Download (

Create the Crossfire deck by shuffling together the following Crossfire event card numbers: 01, 03, 04, 08, 09, 12, 13,
15, 16, 18, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 36, 40, 41, and 50. Set Harlequin’s Shadow aside. (Harlequin’s Shadow is a promotional
Crossfire event card. If you don’t have it available, you can still play this scenario: instead, set aside an unused
Crossfire event card.)

Create the Normal Obstacle deck by shuffling together the following obstacle card numbers: 01, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09,
10, 18, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 32, 33, and 35.

Create the Hard Obstacle deck by shuffling together the following obstacle card numbers: 44, 45, 49, 53, 56, 58, 63,
66, 69, 70, 73, 74, 76, 77, 79, and 80.

After the runners have drawn their starting hands, the mission begins by placing Harlequin’s Shadow into the Crossfire
discard and resolving its effect. (If you don’t have Harlequin’s Shadow, place the card you set aside instead into the
Crossfire discard with no additional effect and instead resolve the text below.) Then flip a Normal Obstacle in front of
each runner. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle’s color.
Distribute the rest clockwise. Place the portal (represented by this mission card) between the starting runner and the
runner to their right. The portal takes a turn at the start of each round, before the “Draw a new Crossfire card” step.

If this card is in the Crossfire discard at the end of the game, it’s worth +1 Karma for each runner if the team wins the

BOMB When this card is placed in the discard, each player randomly passes one card from their hand to the player to
their right.

Your team will face groups of obstacles in two scenes. In the first scene, the opposition slowly receives reinforcements
as they attempt to impede your progress to the portal. The second scene begins when the runners arrive at the portal,
or when the obstacles gathering at the portal strike at the runners. The team wins if they survive the climactic battle
and close the portal. There is no option to abort the run in this mission.

On the portal’s turn, draw 1 Hard Obstacle and 1 Normal Obstacle and place them at the portal, out of play. Then, if
there is an obstacle of each of the four colors at the portal, the portal opens (see below). If there isn’t, flip up 1 Normal
Obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle’s color.

If, before the portal opens, there are no obstacles facing runners at the end of any runner’s turn, then remove the
current Crossfire event from play (put it on the bottom of the Crossfire deck) and each runner heals 1 HP. Each runner
can buy 1 card from the Black Market. Then the portal opens (see below).


Put all obstacles from the portal into play facing the runners with matching role colors, resolving any
FLIPPED effects. Scene 1 ends and Scene 2 begins. The portal no longer takes a turn for the rest of the game.


Once per game, immediately before the portal’s turn, the runners can remove one obstacle at the portal of their
choice from the game.
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The mission ends in a loss if any runner goes critical.
If you defeat both groups of obstacles, YOU WIN!

If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma (and don’t forget the bonus from Harlequin’s Shadow if it is in the Crossfire
Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 10 Full Karma award
11 – 30 -1 Karma penalty
31 – 50 -2 Karma penalty
51 – 75 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

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Mr. Johnson wasn’t specific about what he wanted from the corp database, but he did tell the truth about not being
the only player in the game. A bit of digging suggests that you’re going to have competition from so many rival corps
and runner teams that you should be able to turn them against each other, it’s just a matter of figuring out how to
push your competitors’ buttons while looking like the smaller threat.
Difficulty: Normal (no Upgrades needed)
Players: 2 – 4
Source: High-Caliber Ops

Your team needs to survive in the middle of a firefight between rival corps. Each Scene ends when you have
defeated all obstacles facing runners. Once the third Scene ends, the team wins the mission!


At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the chart below. When flipping obstacles, first flip
obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles
from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color
matches the obstacle’s color. Distribute the rest clockwise. The first round begins with the starting runner.


1 Number of Runners + 1
2 Number of Runners + 2
3 Number of Runners + 3


For a change, the runners aren’t the only ones caught in the crossfire. Many of the enemies in this mission aren’t
cooperating to slay the runners; instead they’re engaged in their own bloody battles. During your turn, after an
obstacle attacks you, you can pay 1 nuyen. If you do, discard the top card of the Black Market deck. Deal levels of
damage equal to the Attack Strength of the obstacle attacking you to another obstacle that matches the color of the
discarded card. (That obstacle won’t attack itself, and if no other obstacle matches, the damage is waster). When
multiple obstacles are attacking you, you can choose to pay for each obstacle, or not, one at a time. Pay nuyen and
resolve the damage, if any, before choosing for the next obstacle.

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes
to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, each runner heals 1 HP. Then, starting with the runner
to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black
Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner
who had the first choice to buy a card. At the end of the third Scene, the team has gotten hold of the paydata and
escaped. You win!


If there are only 3 runners, when you pay to see if an obstacle can damage another obstacle, if the first card you
discard from the Black Market deck doesn’t match the color of any obstacles, you can discard a second card and
use it to determine which obstacle you can damage.

If there are only 2 runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round. In addition, when you pay to see if
an obstacle can damage another obstacle, if the first card you discard from the Black Market deck doesn’t match
the color of any obstacles, you can discard a second card and use it to determine which obstacle you can damage.
If the second card also doesn’t match the color of any obstacles, discard a third card and use it to determine which
obstacles you can damage.

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If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the following Challenge options:

FREEWHEELING CHAOS At the end of each turn, for each obstacle facing the current runner, discard the
top card of the Black Market deck and move the obstacle to face the runner whose role color matches the discarded
card: +1 Karma

GANG LEADERS Flip up one additional obstacle each Scene, and instead of flipping Hard Obstacles equal to
the Crossfire level, flip Hard Obstacles equal to the Crossfire Level +1. Note, however, that all Hard Obstacles will
attempt to damage other obstacles without the need to pay 1 nuyen: +2 Karma

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 10 Full Karma award
11 – 30 -1 Karma penalty
31 – 50 -2 Karma penalty
51 – 75 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

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Advanced Missions
These Missions are designed for characters with 5 – 30 points of Karma Upgrades; the difficulty can easily be
increased to reflect your character’s progression.

Great pay? A cooperative client? Really great pay? Oh frag. There’s going to be trouble.
Difficulty: Advanced (at least 5 points per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players: 2 – 4
Source: Base Set

Place the Client card that corresponds to the number of runners between the starting runner and the runner to their
right. The Client takes a turn just like the runners, but always goes last in the round. The Client is Human, and has 5
starting HP; mark that total on the Client card Health Track. Place
a mission-progress marker (a generic marker) on round 1 of the mission-progress track on the Client card. Follow the
instructions for that step of the track (see Obstacles and Crossfire, below). Then the rest of the first round begins with
the starting runner.

The team must keep the Client alive as the mission progresses. The obstacles will attempt to stop the Client from
leaving, but the team can intercept them. The team must extract the Client alive and in time (by round 7) to win the
mission. There is no option to abort the run in this mission.


Use the normal Crossfire rules. Flip obstacles as instructed for each step of the mission track. Flipped obstacles start
facing the Client, but the runners can protect the Client. At the start of each runner’s turn, a non-staggered runner can
move one obstacle facing the Client to face them instead, if that obstacle’s color matches their role color. This
choice must be made before any obstacle abilities that would trigger at the start of a runner’s turn.

Obstacles will attack runners they’re facing, as normal, but when a runner becomes staggered, move all obstacles
facing that runner to face the Client at the end of that turn.

The Client counts as a runner, but has no role, deck, hand, discard, or nuyen. The Client plays no cards, but can be
assisted; in this case, the starting runner applies that damage to the obstacles facing the Client. The Client doesn’t
receive nuyen for any reason, and nuyen distribution from an obstacle defeated on the Client’s turn starts with the
starting runner. If an obstacle gives the Client a choice, the runner whose role color matches the obstacle’s color
makes that choice.

You must keep the Client alive as you progress through the mission. Obstacles attack the Client like any other runner. If
the Client is staggered, the mission ends in a loss. The mission also ends in a loss if any runner goes critical.


At the end of the Client’s turn, advance the mission-progress marker to the next round down on the track and follow
the instructions for that step (see Obstacles and Crossfire, above, for obstacle placement). Then the rest of the next
round begins with the starting runner. Each mission track indicates when a Scene ends. There are no additional
rewards for runners when a Scene ends.


If the Client has at least 1 HP when the mission-progress marker reaches the final step, the team extracts the Client
and wins the mission.

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If the team wins, each runner gets 4 Karma. The team can also choose the following Challenge options:

STEPPED-UP SECURITY! Start the game with four cards in the Crossfire discard (those events effects do not
trigger): +1 Karma for each runner

EMT GIG! Start the Client with 1 HP (his maximum HP are unchanged). At the start of the game, take one Doc
Wagon Contract from the Black Market deck and set it aside. It is available for purchase, but doesn’t count as part of
the Black Market: +1 Karma for each runner

ELITE RESPONSE TEAM! Whenever the Mission-progress track tells you to flip Hard obstacles, flip up 1
additional Hard obstacle: +3 Karma for each runner

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 10 Full Karma award
11 – 30 -1 Karma penalty
31 – 50 -2 Karma penalty
51 – 75 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

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Your contact says her troops will lock down the complex. You’ve just got to take the control room, hitting it from both
sides so that no one gets out and no one can reinforce it.
Difficulty: Advanced (at least 5 Karma per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players: 2 – 4
Source: High-Caliber Ops

At the start of the game, each runner takes one additional nuyen.


Your team must keep the control room flanked from two directions at all times during the assault. In the chaos of the
battle, your team will split and re-form during each Scene to keep both approaches covered.

At the start of the mission, choose a starting runner and give that runner the Crossfire deck. In each Scene, the
starting runner will partner with a different runner according to the chart below, and the team will assault one of the
two corridors. The two remaining runners will partner to assault the other corridor. When resolving the effects of a
Crossfire event, ignore the fact that runners are separated between corridors. At all other times, apply the rules as if
the runners are playing two separate two-player games. Runners can only apply damage to obstacles in their
corridor and they can only play cards and use upgrades on obstacles and runners in their corridor. Obstacles only
affect runners and other obstacles in the same corridor. When an obstacle is defeated, distribute the nuyen among
the runners only in that corridor. Both teams use the same Black Market, however.

When an ability of effect other than a Crossfire event would move an obstacle to face a runner not in its corridor or
make an obstacle attack a runner not in its corridor, ignore it.

1 Starting Runner and Runner to their right
2 Starting Runner and Runner across from them
3 Starting Runner and Runner to their left

If, at the end of a round (see below for the special round sequence this mission uses), one of the two corridors has
no obstacles in it, the two teams join back up for the rest of the Scene. Further rounds that Scene are played in the
normal sequence with one runner playing at a time. Everything is now in the same corridor, so all runners and
obstacles can interact once more.


At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the chart below. When flipping obstacles, first flip
obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles
from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color
matches the obstacle’s color. Distribute the rest clockwise. Remember when resolving flipped effects that the obstacle
only affects runners in that corridor. Once all obstacles are facing the runners, play proceeds in rounds.


1 4
2 6
3 8

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This mission will use a different round sequence from the normal rules, in which both corridors will play simultaneously.
Each round:

1. Draw a new Crossfire card: Discard the active Crossfire event (if any) and draw a new one. Remember, all runners
share the same Crossfire event.

2. The starting runner and the first runner clockwise from them in the other corridor each take their turns at the same
time. For example, in the first Scene, the starting runner and the runner to their left each take their turns at the same
time. Both of those runners are considered the current runner for the purposes of cards and rules, but remember that
runners and obstacles can only affect their own corridor. The two runners must start and end their turn at the same
time, but it’s okay if one runner gets ahead of the other in the turn sequence.

3. The other two runners each take their turns at the same time. Both of those runners are considered the current
runner for the purposes of cards and rules, but remember that runners and obstacles can only affect their own
corridor. The two runners must start and end their turn at the same time, but it’s okay if one runner gets ahead of the
other in the turn sequence.

At the end of a ROUND, if there are no obstacles in play, each runner heals 1 HP and beginning with the starting
runner, each runner, can buy one card from the Black Market. After each runner has bought a card or passes, the
current Scene ends. At the completion of the third Scene, the team wins the mission! Otherwise, flip obstacles for a
new Scene and start another round. The starting runner now partners with a new teammate.

If there are no obstacles in play at the end of a turn, but there are still runners left to play in the round, remove the
active Crossfire event per the normal rules, but continue the round. The Scene only ends once all runners have taken
their turn.


Use the normal Abort Run rules unless the teams are in separate corridors during a runner’s turn when a runner goes
critical. In that case, both runners who are taking a turn complete their turn before the Abort Run round begins.
During the Abort Run round the two teams are no longer in separate corridors. The Abort Run round always starts with
a runner who wasn’t taking a turn when the abort was triggered. Begin with the starting runner and go clockwise until
you find a runner who wasn’t taking a turn when the abort was triggered. That runner starts the Abort Run round.

If the team wins, each runner gets 4 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the following Challenge options:
NO MONEY UP FRONT At the start of the game, each runner doesn’t take one additional nuyen: +1 Karma
ENHANCED DEFENSES After flipping up obstacles at the start of each Scene, flip an additional Normal
obstacle facing each runner who will take the second turn in each corridor: +2 Karma

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 10 Full Karma award
11 – 30 -1 Karma penalty
31 – 50 -2 Karma penalty
51 – 75 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 19 of 99
There are some crazy high-class wrecks shot up just off the highway and your pal Crazy Katie has a wrecker. An easy
score if it wasn’t for those other knuckleheads with their own wreckers and salvage crews.
Difficulty: Advanced (at least 25 Karma per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players: 2 – 4
Source: High-Caliber Ops

Before creating the Black Market, remove one Badger Combat Tow Truck from the Black Market deck and set it aside
with a marker on it.

Remove all Wreck and I-90 obstacles from the Normal Obstacle deck ( Dump Mage, Knucklehead, Wrecked Battle
Wagon, and Wrecked Limo). Shuffle the remainder of the Normal Obstacle deck. Take six cards from the top of the
Normal Obstacle deck and shuffle those cards with the Wreck and I-90 obstacles. Those ten cards form the Normal
Highway deck.

Remove all Wreck and I-90 obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck ( Mayor of the Street, T-bird Jockey, Troll Boot,
Wrecked Auto Duelist, Wrecked Sensor Bus, and Wrecked Tir Copter). Shuffle the remainder of the Hard Obstacle deck.
Take nine cards from the top of the Hard Obstacle deck and shuffle those cards with the Wreck and I-90 obstacles.
Those fifteen cards form the Hard Highway deck.

Your team needs to survive until it defeats three Wreck obstacles. At the end of the turn in which the third Wreck has
been defeated, the team wins!


When resolving the flipped ability of a Wreck, also flip up a second obstacle from the same deck and place it facing
the runner that Wreck is facing.

The I-90 obstacles are competing wrecker crews. The team can’t salvage any Wrecks until they deal with the
competing wreckers. Prevent any damage dealt to a Wreck if there are any I-90 obstacles in play.

When a Wreck is defeated, don’t put it into the Obstacle discard. Instead, set it aside to keep track of how many
Wrecks you have defeated. (In the story of the mission, you and Crazy Katie are successfully towing the wrecks, not
“defeating” them, but we’ll stick with the game mechanics for clarity!)

If a Wreck or I-90 obstacle is discarded in any way other than defeating it, put it on the bottom of the appropriate
Highway deck instead of into the appropriate Obstacle discard.


The only time you flip obstacles from the Highway decks is at the start of a Scene (including any obstacles flipped due
to the Wrecks; see special Wrecks & I-90 Rules and Obstacles & Crossfire). If any ability or effect causes you to flip a
Normal Obstacle or Hard Obstacle at any other time than the start of a Scene, flip from the Normal Obstacle deck of
Hard Obstacle deck as appropriate, not one of the Highway decks.


Crazy Katie isn’t just along for the ride; she’ll help the team at crucial moments. Once during each Scene, the current
runner can play the Badger Combat Tow Truck that was set aside. After the Badger Combat Tow Truck is played, don’t
place it in the current runner’s discard. Instead, set it aside again, but remove the marker on it to indicate that it can’t
be played again until the next Scene. At the start of each Scene, if there isn’t a marker on the set aside Badger
Combat Tow Truck, put a marker on it to indicate that it can be used during that Scene.

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At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the chart below. When flipping obstacles, first flip
obstacles from the Hard Highway deck equal to the Crossfire level. If you run out of cards in the Hard Highway deck,
flip up cards from the Hard Obstacle deck for the remainder of the Hard obstacles required. Then if you still need
more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Normal Highway deck for the remainder. If you run out of cards in the Normal
Highway deck, flip up cards from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder of the Normal obstacles required.
Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle’s color. Distribute the rest
clockwise. The first round begins with the starting runner.


1 Number of Runners + 1
2 Number of Runners + 2
3 Number of Runners + 3
Each additional Flip one more obstacle than the previous
Scene Scene

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes
to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, each runner heals 1 HP. Then, starting with the runner
to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black
Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner
who had the first choice to buy a card. Unlike many other missions, there’s no set number of Scenes that ends the
mission – you continue the run until you defeat three Wrecks or until you lose or abort.


If there are only 3 runners, there are no modifications to the standard 4-runner mission rules.

If there are only 2 runners, during mission setup set aside a Crazy Katie’s Autogun with a marker on it before creating
the initial Black Market (in addition to the Badger Combat Tow Truck). The team can play the Crazy Katie’s Autogun
once each Scene as well, in the same way as with Badger Combat Tow Truck.

If the team wins, each runner gets 4 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the following Challenge options:

FRENZIED KATIE You can play the set aside Badger Combat Tow Truck twice per Scene instead of once per
Scene. Use two markers to indicate the card’s availability. You can still only play the the set aside Badger Combat Tow
Truck once during any runner’s turn: -1 Karma
FLAMING WRECKS The Attack Strength of each Wreck obstacle is increased by +1, and when a runner deals
any amount of damage to a Wreck obstacle, they take 1 damage: +1 Karma
ROAD RAGE At the end of each runner’s turn, move any non-Wreck obstacles facing the current runner to face
the runner to the right of the current runner: +1 Karma

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 30 Full Karma award
31 – 50 -1 Karma penalty
51 – 75 -2 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 21 of 99
Air. Everyone needs to breathe. It’s time for the ventilation systems in a section of Seattle’s Ork Underground to have a
change in management. The team needs to move quickly to prevent the local gang and paramilitary force, the
Skraacha, from arriving in force.
Difficulty: Advanced (At least 30 points per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players: 2 – 4
Source: Download (

Create the Normal Obstacle deck for three or four runners by removing and setting aside the cards Bonelaced Adept,
Troll Enforcer, Ork Bounty Hunter, and Troll Mage. For two runners, instead set aside Ork Fixer, Bonelaced Adept, Gang
Leader, and Troll Enforcer. Remove all other Ork and Troll obstacles from the deck. Shuffle the remainder of the deck.
Take 10 cards from the top of the deck and shuffle the Ork and Troll cards (other than the four set aside obstacles) into
them. Place those cards on top of the Normal Obstacle deck. Shuffle the four set aside obstacles to create the
Skraacha deck.

Create the Hard Obstacle deck by removing each Ork and Troll obstacle from the deck. Shuffle the remainder of the
deck. Take 10 cards from the top of the deck and shuffle the Ork and Troll cards into them. Place those cards on top
of the Hard Obstacle deck.

Your team will attempt to find their way through the Ork Underground over the course of three
Scenes. Each Scene ends when the team has defeated all obstacles facing the runners. Once the third
Scene ends, the team wins the mission!


At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the chart below. When flipping obstacles, first flip
obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles
from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color
matches the obstacle’s color. Distribute the rest clockwise. Then flip up one obstacle from the Skraacha deck and
place it facing the runner following the last obstacle in the normal clockwise rotation. The first round begins with the
starting runner.


1 Number of Runners (+Scraacha)
2 Number of Runners + 1 (+Skraacha)
3 Number of Runners + 2 (+Skraacha)

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes
to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then each runner heals 1 HP. Then, starting with the runner
to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black
Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner
who had the first choice to buy a card. After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!


If there are only 3 runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round. If there are only 2 runners, do not flip
a Crossfire card at the start of the first or second rounds.

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If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the following bonus Challenge

BRING IT ON! Flip up one additional obstacle at the start of each Scene: +1 Karma (Please note that the
Skraacha obstacle remains the final obstacle placed each scene.)

DANGER ZONE Start the game with one card in the Crossfire discard: + 2 Karma (In the same game, the team
can chose this option up to once for each runner.)

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 50 Full Karma award
51 – 75 -1 Karma penalty
76 – 100 -2 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 23 of 99
Difficult Missions
These Missions are designed for characters with 40+ points of Karma Upgrades. And you thought Crossfire was

Rampaging technovirus created by a careless or amoral corporation? Yes. Supernatural infestation? Appears so.
Ghoul outbreak? Definitely.
Most everyone else is running away. You’re going in. You’re not heroes, so there must be fat loot.
Difficulty: Very Advanced (at least 40 Karma per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players: 2 – 4
Source: High-Caliber Ops

Take all the Pandemic obstacles (Rampage Virus and Rampaging Ghoul from the Normal Obstacle deck and Ghoul
Adept and Reckless Mastermind from the Hard Obstacle deck) and shuffle them together to create the Pandemic

You must survive three Scenes against reanimating obstacles to root out the source of the pandemic. Once the third
Scene ends, the team wins the mission!

The Pandemic causes obstacle to rise from the dead each Scene. After each runner’s turn ends, if the Pandemic
deck has any cards remaining, the runner who just completed their turn flips up an obstacle from the Pandemic deck
and places it facing them, then draws a card from their deck. This is the only time you flip obstacles from the
Pandemic deck. At ANY other time, if an ability or effect requires you to flip up obstacles, use the Normal Obstacle
deck of the Hard Obstacle deck as instructed, not the Pandemic deck.

In addition, when any obstacle is defeated, put it in the Pandemic discard instead of its usual Obstacle deck discard.
At the start of each Scene, shuffle the Pandemic deck and Pandemic discard together to form a new Pandemic
deck for that Scene.


At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the chart below. When flipping obstacles, first flip
obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles
from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color
matches the obstacle’s color. Distribute the rest clockwise. The first round begins with the starting runner.


1 Number of Runners
2 Number of Runners + 1
3 Number of Runners + 2

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes
to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, each runner heals 1 HP. Then, starting with the runner
to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black
Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner
who had the first choice to buy a card. After the third Scene, the team has rooted out the cause of the pandemic
and wins the mission!

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If there are only 3 runners, don’t include Rampaging Ghoul in the Pandemic deck during setup (leave it in the Hard
Obstacle deck).

If there are only 2 runners, don’t include Rampaging Ghoul or Rampage Virus in the Pandemic deck during setup
(leave them in their respective decks). In addition, if there are only 2 runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of
the first round.

If the team wins, each runner gets 7 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the following Challenge options:

DEAD BEATS When an obstacle is flipped up from the Pandemic deck, deal 1 level of damage to it: -2 Karma

REGENERATING ZOMBIES When an obstacle attacks, it heals 1 level of damage: +1 Karma

VIRULENT PANDEMIC Instead of flipping an obstacle from the Pandemic deck (and drawing a card) after
your turn ends, do so before your turn begins: +3 Karma

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have.


0 – 50 Full Karma award
51 – 75 -1 Karma penalty
76 – 100 -2 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 25 of 99
Unfortunately for your team, the deal fell through. Better luck in your next incarnations!
Difficulty: Very Advanced (at least 70 Karma per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players: 2 – 4
Source: Base Set

This is a 4-runner mission. Place the Dragon art card with the Covert side face up facing the runner to the right of the
starting runner, and give the Dragon rules card to that runner. Then follow the rules in the Dragon Fight Obstacles table
for round 1.

First, you must defeat both aspects of the Covert Dragon. Then you must defeat both aspects of the Enraged Dragon
to win. The Dragon will send obstacles your way.


At the start of each round of play, flip up obstacles as indicated in the chart on p. 21. First flip obstacles from the Hard
Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Normal
Obstacle deck for the remainder. When you flip obstacles, place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner to the left
of the runner with the Dragon. Distribute the rest clockwise (the runner facing the Dragon should not get an obstacle in
a standard game). After flipping obstacles, follow the instructions for drawing Crossfire cards in the chart below. Then
the round begins with the starting runner.


1 Flip up 3 obstacles Don’t draw a Crossfire card
2 Flip up 3 obstacles Don’t draw a Crossfire card
Draw a Crossfire card per the normal
3+ Flip up 3 obstacles

The Dragon has two sides: Covert and Enraged. The Dragon starts the game with its Covert side facing a runner. The
Covert Dragon has two aspects: Hacking and Skill. The team must defeat both aspects to progress, but can choose
which one to face first. Each aspect also has two ways to defeat it, with colored damage or a higher amount of
colorless damage. One runner must clear that damage. Once the team defeats both the Hacking aspect and the
Skill aspect, flip the dragon rules card and art card to their Enraged sides.

The Enraged Dragon also has two aspects: Spell and Weapon. The team must defeat both of those aspects, in the
order they choose, to win the mission. Each Enraged Dragon aspect has two ways to defeat it as with the Covert
Dragon’s aspects. You can only defeat each aspect of the Dragon once. If the dragon moves to a different runner,
move the dragon rules card and Art card to that runner.


At the end of any turn when the team has defeated one of the Dragon’s aspects, each runner gets the reward for
defeating that aspect shown on the Dragon card and the starting runner removes all the active Crossfire events from
play (they go to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the runner to the left of the
runner who defeated the Dragon’s aspect, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene
ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the first
choice to buy a card.


Treat each of the Dragon’s aspects as a separate boss (so it attacks like an obstacle, and card abilities that only
affect obstacles won’t affect it). See the Dragon rule card for details. As soon as the team has defeated all four of the
Dragon’s aspects, the team wins the mission, even if there are still obstacles in play!

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If the team wins, each runner gets 7 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the following Challenge options:

TROUBLE BREWING Begin drawing a Crossfire card on round 2 instead of round 3: +1 Karma for each runner
(if chosen, you can’t also choose the Let’s Get Serious bonus challenge.)

LET’S GET SERIOUS Start drawing Crossfire cards at the start of the game instead of at the start of the third
round: +2 Karma for each runner (if chosen, you can’t also choose the Trouble Brewing bonus challenge.)

I’M CLOSER THAN YOU THINK The Attack Strength of the Covert Dragon is increased by +1: +2 Karma for
each runner

MINIONS UNENDING At the start of the game and after each round of play, flip up 4 obstacles instead of 3:
+3 Karma for each runner

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 75 Full Karma award
76 – 100 -1 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 27 of 99
Homebrew Missions
Introductory Missions
These Missions are designed for new players who are just starting out.

Mr. Johnson has tasked you with delivering a special package to a science facility.
Difficulty: Entry (designed for runners with 0 – 10 Karma)
Players: 1 – 4
Author: Patrik Severinsson (Helikoputtrik)

The team must eliminate the attacking force and prevent the package from falling into the wrong hands. All
obstacles must be destroyed and the runner holding the package is not allowed to be staggered or go critical.

Select one runner to receive the package. Give that player a token representing the package. Remove the Hard
obstacle deck from the game, it is not used. Remove all obstacles with a nuyen value greater than 5 from the
Normal obstacle deck. Shuffle the remaining cards and deal 3 cards per runner into a separate pile which will form
the new obstacle deck. Flip one obstacle for each runner. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose
role color matches it, distribute the rest clockwise.

At the start of each turn, flip the top card from the new obstacle deck. Place that card in front of the runner with the
package. The current runner may then choose to take the package. If they do so, half of the obstacles (round up)
facing the previous package holder are moved to face the current runner.


The team wins when there are no obstacles in play and the new obstacle deck is empty. If the runner with the
package is ever staggered or goes critical, the mission ends immediately in a loss.

If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties.

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When the pangs hit, there’s only one place to go to find that kind of chow.
Difficulty: Beginner (no runner with 10+ Karma can attempt this mission)
Players: 1 – 4
Author: Derek Kupper (Ergonomic Cat) & Maria Latham (mlatham1992)

Survive a trip to the Stuffer Shcak!
Your team will face off against groups of obstacles in three Scenes. Each Scene ends when you have defeated all
obstacles facing runners. Once the third Scene ends, the team wins the mission!


An explosion shatters the front window of the store, revealing…
The Hard Obstacle and Crossfire decks are not used in this mission.

At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles from the Normal Obstacle deck as indicated on the chart
below. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle's color.
Distribute the rest clockwise. The first round begins with the starting runner.


1 Number of Runners
2 Number of Runners + 1
3 Number of Runners + 2

Another customer tries to snag your kill!
At the beginning of each round, the starting player reveals one card from the Black Market. The runner whose role
matches that card's color may decide to play the card against any obstacle, making choices as needed. If the
runner defeats the obstacle with that card, reduce that obstacle’s Nuyen reward by half (round up). Discard that card
into the Black Market discard, and then the first player’s turn begins.

Mmm, soykaf.
At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, each runner heals 1 HP. Then, starting with the runner to the left
of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This
Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the
first choice to buy a card. After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!

If the team wins, each runner gets 2 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the following Challenge options:

THEY HAVE SLURPEE-DOOS During the Draw & Buy phase, runners may purchase a Slurpee-Doo for 2
Nuyen. This delicious, sugar-filled beverage immediately heals the runner 1 HP: -1 Karma

SHACK’S DEAD TONIGHT Do not use the Food Fight special rule: +1 Karma

BAD NEIGHBORHOOD Add the Hard Obstacle and Crossfire decks. Reveal and discard Crossfire cards as usual
during play, but ignore all effects on the card. When distributing Obstacles at the start of a Scene, first flip obstacles
from the Hard Obstacle Deck equal to the Crossfire level -1. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles from
the Normal Obstacle Deck for the remainder. If there are only 3 runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the
first round. For 2 runners, do not flip until the second round. For 1 runner, do not flip until the fourth round: +1 Karma

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PIG-RIGS INBOUND Before the game, set aside the Lone Star Lieutenant, Lone Star Sergeant, and Lone Star
Trooper obstacles. At the beginning of Scene 3, flip up an obstacle from the relevant deck against the matching
runner, as normal. Distribute the next obstacles clockwise until only three obstacles remain to be drawn. For the final
three obstacles, flip up the Lone Star Lieutenant, Lone Star Sergeant, and Lone Star Trooper in a random order: +1

Page 30 of 99
Standard Missions
These Missions are designed for characters with no Karma Upgrades; the difficulty can easily be increased to reflect
your character’s progression.

You've been doing this for long enough to know that there's something fishy going on. The pay was good, the legwork
provided lots of useful intelligence and security was weaker than expected. This is becoming obvious: this is a frame
job. Someone's going to pay, or else, no one will come out of this alive.
Difficulty: Normal (No upgrades needed)
Players: 3 – 4
Author: dark_father

Follow the normal Crossfire rules for set-up.

The team will face off against against obstacles in three Scenes. At the end of the first Scene, a runner will be revealed
as the traitor and the rest of the team will have to go through the other two Scenes to win the mission while the traitor
will try to have it fail.


At the start of the first Scene, flip one Normal Obstacle to each runner and draw a Crossfire card. At the start of the
second scene, the traitor flips one obstacle from the Normal Obstacle deck for each other Runner and decides who
will get it. At the start of the third Scene, the traitor does the same with Hard Obstacles.

During the first Scene, at the end of a turn, if there are no Obstacles in play, draw the first obstacle from the Normal
Obstacle deck and discard it. The Runner matching the color of the obstacle is now the traitor. The traitor immediately
gets 20 Nuyen and starting with him and going clockwise, every runner can purchase one card from the Black Market.

The traitor is still considered a Runner and can be affected by cards. During his turn, the traitor can can deal 6
colorless damage to another runner to make him lose 1 HP. Cards that affect obstacles in front of the attacked runner
are ignored. The Runner to the left of the traitor becomes the first player and draws a new Crossfire card.


If the team survives the third scene, every non-traitor runner wins. If a non-traitor runner goes critical, the mission ends in
a loss. If the traitor survived, he wins.

If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the traitor wins, he gets 3 Karma

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 75 Full Karma award
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 31 of 99
In and out. Everyone tackles a different aspect of the security, we get what we came for and extract before they even
know to call in anything heavier. Simple job, just so long as everyone pulls off their part. Of course, one of you messes
up? You mess it up for everyone.
Difficulty: Normal (no upgrades required)
Players: 2 – 4
Author: Dancer

Create the Crossfire deck by shuffling cards 02, 03, 04, 08, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19, 32, 33, 34, 39, 41, 42, 46, 47, 50.

Set aside the following 2 Hard obstacles according to the role: Decker - 51, 59. Face – 48, 52. Mage – 44, 63.
Samurai – 50, 57.

Create Normal obstacle decks for each runner by shuffling the following according to the role : Decker – 06, 10, 17,
21, 39. Face - 07, 20, 33, 36, 40. Mage – 05, 09, 24, 28, 35. Samurai – 19, 22, 23, 32, 34.

The team need to nullify each of their respective fields of the security before the alert can be raised and security
stepped up. The team will face two waves of obstacles getting in, and two waves of obstacles extracting from the run.
Their performance during the infiltration phase will determine the difficulty of the extraction.


Flip obstacles as instructed by the mission progress track. In phase 1, flipped obstacles start facing the runner
matching their role, though this can be affected by cards played by runners, or by abilities. In phase 2, the first flipped
obstacle starts facing the runner of their matching role, and following obstacles are distributed clockwise.


Play progresses according to the mission progress track. If all obstacles are defeated before a round ends, the current
Crossfire card is placed on the bottom of the Crossfire deck and each player clockwise may buy one card from the
black market. After this, play continues with the next runner's turn. Any heals due on the next round are applied now as
the runners take a moment to recover, and obstacles for the next round are flipped immediately, but no new Crossfire
card is drawn until the beginning of the first runner's next turn.

Once Scene one ends, with the end of round four, Scene two begins with the creation of the Hard Obstacle deck
based on which runners' objectives were not met in Scene one.

The team succeeds if they successfully extract. The mission can also end in an Abort as per the normal Crossfire rules.


You know your jobs. Get them done. We're on the clock. Synchronise on my mark...

Round 1 - Draw no Crossfire card. Flip one obstacle from each runner's deck, facing that runner.
Round 2 - Draw a Crossfire card.
Round 3 - All runners heal 1 HP. Draw a Crossfire card. Flip one obstacle from each runner's deck, facing that
Round 4 - Draw a Crossfire card.

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Time to pull out, we got what we came for. Everyone did their jobs right, this should be a piece of cake...

Round 5 - All runners heal 1 HP. Draw a Crossfire card. Shuffle all remaining Normal Obstacle decks into a single
Normal Obstacle deck. Shuffle the Hard Obstacles matching each role who still has matching obstacles in play into a
Hard Obstacle deck. Flip 4 new obstacles, beginning with Hard Obstacles, and continuing instead with Normal
Obstacles if the hard deck is exhausted.
Round 6 - Draw a Crossfire card.
Round 7 - All Runners heal 1 HP. Draw a Crossfire card. Flip 4 new obstacles, beginning with Hard Obstacles, and
continuing with Normal Obstacles if the hard deck is exhausted.
Subsequent Rounds - Continue to draw Crossfire cards at the beginning of each round until all remaining obstacles
are cleared.


The team succeeds if they successfully extract. The mission can also end in an Abort as per the normal Crossfire rules.


If playing with a lower number of players, simply remove the normal and hard obstacles for each secondary role from
the game (Unless if using the “Last Minute Substitution” bonus challenge, in which case remove the obstacle cards
from that player's primary role instead)

If the team succeeds in clearing the extraction, each runner gains 3 Karma. If they Abort during the extraction, each
runner gains 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. No Karma is gained for an aborted run during the first
Scene. The following optional bonus challenges are also available:

LAST MINUTE SUBSTITUTION! If there are less than 4 players, replace a player's Hard and Normal Obstacle
decks with those corresponding to the role whose initial deck they are not using: +1 Karma.

THIS ISN’T HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO GO DOWN! Start the game with an unresolved Crossfire
card in the discard. Flip the first Crossfire card at the beginning of round 1, not round 2: +2 Karma

LESS TIME THAN WE THOUGHT! When phase 2 begins, shuffle the hard obstacle deck for the last runner
who cleared their obstacles in phase 1 into the hard obstacle deck: +1 Karma

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 10 Full Karma award
11 – 30 -1 Karma penalty
31 – 50 -2 Karma penalty
51 – 75 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 33 of 99
You’ve got inside information on a “barely guarded” cache of Aztechnology’s finest illegal tech and magic. Just take
out the guards before the alarm is tripped - Drek! New plan: grab everything that’s not nailed down and shoot your
way out before too many reinforcements show up.
Difficulty: Normal (no upgrades required)
Players: 2 – 4
Author: Keithric

Divide the Black Market deck into two decks: the first deck should contain all cards that cost 2 or 3 nuyen. The second
deck contains all cards that cost 4 or more nuyen, and is not used until the end of the first scene. Deal out the Black
Market from the first deck only. Each runner may select one card from the Black Market and add it to their hand.

Reveal 4 Hard Obstacles. In order, each runner selects one Hard Obstacle to flip in front of that runner, as well as a
card from the Black Market to place under that obstacle (unselected obstacles are discarded). When that obstacle is
defeated, add that Black Market card to any runner’s hand. Next, draw a Crossfire card and place it face up in play.
Follow the normal rules for Crossfire cards. Reinforcements arrive at the start of each round, after the “Draw a new
crossfire card” step: flip a Normal Obstacle in front of the runner whose role color matches the obstacle’s color.

The team must survive through two scenes. Each scene ends when you have defeated all obstacles facing runners. In
the first scene, you face a constant stream of reinforcements while you attempt to open the vault. In the second
scene, you use the vault’s contents to clear a path to freedom.


When there are no obstacles in play, finish the current turn. Then remove the current Crossfire event from play (put it on
the bottom of the Crossfire deck), and each runner heals 1 HP. Distribute 12 Nuyen evenly to the runners. Remove the
Black Market entirely and build a new Black Market using the second deck of cards valued 4 or more Nuyen. Finally,
each runner may buy 1 card from the Black Market.


Reveal 4 Hard Obstacles and 4 Normal Obstacles. In order, each runner selects a Hard Obstacle and a Normal
Obstacle to flip in front of that runner, as well as a card from the Black Market to place under the Hard obstacle. When
the Hard obstacle is defeated, add that Black Market card to any runner’s hand.

Crossfire events and Reinforcements are added each round, exactly as in the first scene.


After all obstacles are defeated in the second scene, the team wins the Mission!


If there are fewer than four runners, some of the runners will take more than one role. In a 3-player game, one of the
runners will take two roles. In a 2-player game, both runners will take two roles. If you have more than one role, choose
a starting deck for one of those roles. If you take more than one role, increase your starting nuyen by 1.

If there are only 3 runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round. If there are only 2 runners, do not flip
a Crossfire card at the start of the first or second rounds.

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If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the following bonus challenge

EMPTY VAULTS The runners do not start with a free Black Market card during Setup: +1 Karma

EARLIER ALARM Start the game with one card in the Crossfire discard: +2 Karma

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 10 Full Karma award
11 – 25 -1 Karma penalty
26 – 40 -2 Karma penalty
Each additional +20 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 35 of 99
We crossed the wrong people by stealing those blueprints. Even now I can sense the traps around every corner.
Against these bombers, we are going to have to run quick and fast, eyes open at all times. And there is no time to
waste... Let's move!
Difficulty: Normal (no upgrades required)
Players: 2
Author: Greg Mahler (Phate999)

This mission is for two Runners only. Select Roles as normal and add one extra Nuyen to the starting number of each
Runner. Set up the Obstacle and Black Market decks as you would normally. For the Crossfire deck, look through and
find each event that has a Bomb icon and remove them from the main deck. There should be 7 total. Put the rest of
the Crossfire cards back in the box. Shuffle these 7 cards to form the Bomb deck.

Your team will be racing against the clock in three scenes. Each scene ends when the last Obstacle has been
defeated. If you complete scene 3, you win!


Instead of the normal Crossfire Level rules, follow this static Obstacle progression for each scene:

1 2 Normal obstacles
2 1 Normal & 1 Hard obstacle
3 2 Hard obstacles

Draw a Crossfire event from the Bomb deck at the beginning of every round. If at any time you would draw a new
Bomb card to replace the current one but cannot, the game is over and you lose.


At the beginning of each scene, flip the highest cost Black Market card face down (if a tie, flip the first one from left to
right). This space can no longer hold a card because the bombers destroyed it! See the chart below for clarification:

Scene 1 - 5 available cards to purchase

Scene 2 - 4 available cards to purchase
Scene 3 - 3 available cards to purchase

Immediately after the last Obstacle is defeated in Scenes 1 and 2, each Runner gains 2 nuyen. After that, each
Runner heals 1 HP and may buy a card from the Black Market starting with the Runner to the left of the Runner who
defeated the last Obstacle.

At the end of each Scene, do not place the Active Event on the bottom of the Bomb deck. Instead place it in the
Discard Pile but ignore it's effect.

After all obstacles are defeated in the third scene, the team wins the Mission!

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If the team wins, each runner gets 2 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the following bonus challenge

HARD MODE Between Scenes, each runner gains only 1 nuyen instead of 2: +1 Karma

INSANE MODE Between Scenes, each runner gains 0 nuyen instead of 2: +3 Karma

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 10 Full Karma award
11 – 30 -1 Karma penalty
31 – 50 -2 Karma penalty
51 – 75 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 37 of 99
They call me Decker. The best there is. No one knows who I am or what I look like. Things changed yesterday though. I
blame it on luck, since nothing has ever evaded my security measures, but "they" were able to hack into the system
and are on my tail as we speak. I need to find out who these people are and put an end to them. Let's do this!
Difficulty: Normal (no upgrades required)
Players: 1 (you must choose the Decker as your main role)
Author: Greg Mahler (Phate999)

This mission is for one Runner only. You must select the Decker Role, adding 2 extra Nuyen to the starting number of
your Runner.

Search through the Normal Obstacle deck and find each of the 4 cards that provide 11 Nuyen and set these to the
side. We will call this small stack the Boss Obstacle deck from now on. Shuffle both the Normal and Boss Obstacle
decks afterwards. You will not use the Hard Obstacle deck in this mission.

For the Black Market deck, look through and find each Hacking card and set these to the side. After that, count the
number of Hacking cards and add in that many random cards from the rest of the Black Market deck and then put
the remaining cards back in the box. Shuffle these cards with the Hacking cards to become the customized Black
Market deck. (Thematically this represents the emphasis on Decker card abilities for our Runner.)

Your Decker will be up against an ever-growing force in three scenes, ending with a Boss. Each scene ends when the
last Obstacle has been defeated. If you defeat the Boss in scene 4, you win!


Instead of the normal Crossfire Level rules, follow this static Obstacle progression for each scene:

1 1 Normal obstacle
2 (Round 1) 1 Normal obstacle
2 (Round 2) 1 Normal obstacle
3 (Round 1) 1 Normal obstacle
3 (Round 2) 1 Normal obstacle
3 (Round 3) 1 Normal obstacle
4 1 Boss obstacle

Crossfire cards will be drawn every turn starting at the beginning of scene 2.

- Cards that have the Assist keyword can use that ability on any turn. Chose either the main ability or the Assist
when playing these cards.
- Any card that uses the phrase "another Runner" is changed to "your Runner".
- Any card that would move an Obstacle instead prevents the Obstacle from attacking that turn.
- At any time, if you do two or more levels of damage to an Obstacle , it will not attack that turn. (Thematically
this represents a successful hack by The Decker, as he evades the foe.)
- At the beginning of each turn, discard the top card of your Runner's deck. If there are no cards in your deck,
skip this step. (Thematically this represents the hacking from your enemies as they draw in on you.)

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After a player’s turn, if there are no obstacles in play, the Scene ends. You will not heal 1 HP in between scenes but
you may buy one card after the last obstacle is defeated. (Thematically this is because the pursuers are very hot on
our tail and so there is not time to bleed.)

After the fourth Scene, you win the mission!

If you win, your runner gets 3 Karma. If your runner’s HP goes critical, the mission ends immediately in a loss.

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 50 Full Karma award
51 – 80 -1 Karma penalty
81 – 100 -2 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 39 of 99
Advanced Missions
These Missions are designed for characters with 5 – 30 points of Karma Upgrades; the difficulty can easily be
increased to reflect your character’s progression.

Getting into the mainframe was the easy part and now you have to hack into it. This would have been a piece of
cake too if you hadn’t triggered the alarm on floor 47…
Difficulty: Advanced (at least 5 points per runner in upgrades)
Players: 2 – 4
Author: a a (Grinning)

Your team will attempt to complete two Scenes:
In the first Scene the Decker in your team will have to hack into the Mainframe while the rest of the team needs to
defeat all obstacles.
In the second Scene you need to escape the corporate facility with the downloaded data.


At the start of the first Scene place the Mainframe card facing the Decker role. Then flip Normal obstacles and place
the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role matches the obstacle’s color. Distribute the rest clockwise. The
first round begins with the Decker. The other runners can’t attack the Mainframe in their turn, but can assist the Decker
in his turn.

The hacking sequence shows the order and damage that need to be done to The Mainframe. Once you complete
all 4 steps of the hacking sequence thus defeating The Mainframe AND defeat all obstacles Scene 1 ends. For every
round you haven’t cleared at least one step in the hacking sequence The Mainframe deals damage equal to the
Crossfire level +1 to ALL runners.

You’re in!
Booting main drive…
Bypassing security algorithm…
Downloading data…
13%... 40%... 67%... 85%... 100%
It’s time to run!

At the start of the second Scene construct a Hard obstacles deck from the following cards: 43, 46, 48, 55, 61, 67, 68,
70, 71, 74. Flip obstacles from the Hard obstacles deck equal to the Crossfire level + the number of runners. Place the
first obstacle facing the Decker and the rest in clockwise order. The Scene ends when there are no obstacles facing
any runner.

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the
Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the
runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black
Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner
who had the first choice to buy a card. After the second Scene, the team wins the mission!


If there are only 3 runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round. If there are only 2 runners, do not flip
a Crossfire card at the start of the first or second rounds.

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If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties.

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have.


0 – 10 Full Karma award
11 – 30 -1 Karma penalty
31 – 50 -2 Karma penalty
51 – 75 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 41 of 99
CRASH! BANG! “What’s going on here?!”… FLASH! BOOM! “Where are we?”
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 27 th annual runner roundup! Before you stand the scum of the earth, the
criminal element that plagues our city so. Many parasites will enter the arena today, but only a handful will make it out
Difficulty: Advanced (at least 10 points per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players: 2 – 4
Author: K2K df (CHINCB)

Remove cards 12, 21, 23, 28, 30, 34, 36 and 39 from the Normal obstacle deck. Remove cards 49, 53 and 65 from
the Hard obstacle deck.

Each runner may add one additional basic card of their choice to their starting deck per Role they have.

You must fight through the waves of fighters to secure your release. You and your team will only be allowed to leave
the arena once all the obstacles have been eliminated.


At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the chart below. When flipping obstacles, first flip
obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles
from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color
matches the obstacle’s color. Distribute the rest clockwise. The first round begins with the starting runner.


1 Number of Runners
2 Number of Runners + 1
3 Number of Runners + 2
4 Number of Runners + 2


At the start of each Scene, reveal Black Market cards equal to the number of obstacles.

For each obstacle defeated on their turn, the current runner may buy 1 card from the Black Market which does not
exceed the value of the defeated obstacle. Any nuyen not spent in this way is distributed to the rest of the runners
starting with the runner to their right. If the runner chooses not to buy a card in this way, distribute nuyen as normal.

The Black Market is NOT restocked after buying a card from it.

After a player’s turn, if there are no obstacles in play, the Scene ends. At the end of Scene 1 and Scene 3 each runner
heals 1 HP. At the end of Scene 2, each runner heals 2 HP. At the end of each Scene, reveal Black Market cards until
6 are shown. Runners may now buy from this supply. The Black Market is NOT restocked after buying a card. Any cards
not bought are discarded before the next Scene starts.

After the fourth Scene, the team wins the mission!

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If there are only 3 runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first 3 rounds. If there are only 2 runners, do not
flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first 4 rounds.

If the team wins, each runner gets 4 Karma. If any runner’s HP goes critical, the mission ends immediately in a loss. The
team can also choose the following bonus challenge options:

SLOW START Each runner takes 1 less extra basic card at the start of the game: +1 Karma

AT MY SIGNAL, UNLEASH HELL! When revealing the first Crossfire card, place it directly into the discard
pile without resolving its effects and reveal the next Crossfire card: +1 Karma (In the same game, the team can
chose this option up to once for each runner.)

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 20 Full Karma award
21 – 40 -1 Karma penalty
41 – 50 -2 Karma penalty
51 – 60 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 43 of 99
The runners know too much for their own good. They've been betrayed and set up by their own corporate contact.
They must survive the ambush!
Difficulty: Advanced (at least 20 points per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players: 1 – 4
Author: karoath

Each runner may purchase a single card from the black market (clockwise beginning with the starting runner). The
cards are not replaced until after each player has had a chance to buy a card.

The runners are exhausted trying to escape the ambush. They must Survive three scenes while being slowly affected
by attrition.


This mission consists of three scenes. At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the list below. When
flipping obstacles, first flip obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire Level. Then if you still need
more obstacles, continue flipping obstacles from the Normal Obstacle deck.


1 Number of Runners
2 Number of Runners + 1
3 Number of Runners + 2

At the start of each scene, flip normal obstacles (set them aside as their text has no effect) equal to the current scene
number. These cards are now considered to be Attrition cards. They remain in play from scene to scene (unless
discarded as described below).

At the beginning of the Starting Player's turn, players discard a number of cards equal to the number of Attrition cards
in play. Any combination of players can elect to discard cards from hand as long as the total discarded among all
players matches the number of Attrition cards in play.

During the Draw & Buy phase, an active runner may discard a card to discard an Attrition card of the same color (this
may be done any number of times in this phase).

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the Crossfire
event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the runner to the
left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This
Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the
first choice to buy a card.

After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!


If there are only 3 runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first 3 rounds. If there are only 2 runners, do not
flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first 4 rounds.

Page 44 of 99
If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the following bonus challenge

ELITE ENEMIES Draw a Crossfire Event at the start of the game and place it in the discard pile: +1 Karma

ENDLESS ENEMIES Draw an extra Obstacle at the start of each scene. This may be elected up to once per
runner: +2 Karma

EXTREME FATIGUE Draw +1 Attrition card at the start of each scene: +1 Karma

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 30 Full Karma award
31 – 40 -1 Karma penalty
41 – 60 -2 Karma penalty
61 – 85 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 45 of 99
Mr. Johnson and his sponsor (an A corporation) have asked your team to infiltrate the corp's own headquarters. All
systems and drones went crazy 3 hours ago and all outside communications were cut. Also, there are hints of hired
mercs patrolling the halls and shooting any employees unfortunate enough to be still there. The corp thinks that the
new head of tech department is behind the situation and that he might be in fact a spy from a rival company. The
corp’s regular staff cannot help and it's up to your team to solve the situation. Mr Jonhson haS provided more info and
some equipment to help your prep work. While walking in the shadows of the streets, you review the plan: go inside
the building using the maintenance tunnels, navigate towards the servers room and shut down the mainframe. As
soon as you enter the underground tunnels, your team's commlinks and hardwares begins acting strangely.
Augmented limbs are moving erratically, cybereyes and AR glasses are seeing things that are not really there. Your
decker will block those attacks, but teamwork will be needed.

Difficulty: Advanced (at least 5 points per runner in upgrades recommended)

Players: 2 – 4
Author: Jamel Rha (Jamelrha)

Each runner may put one extra basic card in their starting deck.

Prepare the Crossfire deck by shuffling together the following Crossfire event cards: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 09, 12,
14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 23, 30, 31, 33, 36, 37,38, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 50. Prepare the Normal Obstacle deck by shuffling
together all the green Normal obstacles AND the following obstacle cards: 01, 02, 03, 04, 07, 09, 11, 12, 14, 23, 24,
29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 40. Prepare the Hard Obstacle deck by shuffling together all the green Hard obstacles AND the
following obstacle cards: 41, 48, 49, 54, 55, 66, 67, 68, 70, 76, 79. Take out GODwire (card 78) and set it aside for
later use in the mission.

Your runners must reach and shut down the main server in three Scenes, while fighting against obstacles and against
glitches infecting their equipment. Each Scene ends when you have defeated all obstacles facing runners and when
you have removed the Glitch bugging a runner. Once the third Scene ends, the team wins the mission!

Glitch revealing: At the beginning of each Scene, reveal and discard the top card of the Black Market deck. Place
the required number of Glitch markers on the runner whose role matches the revealed card color: he is the runner
bugged by a Glitch for this Scene.

Glitch effects: At the beginning of the starting player turn (after drawing a Crossfire card), reveal and discard the top
card of the Black Market deck. If the revealed card is a weapon (black), spell (blue) or skill (red) card, move all
obstacles one runner clockwise. If the revealed card is a hacking (green) card, do not move obstacles. Also, if the
revealed card color matches the glitched runner’s main role, the Glitch gains one marker (a Glitch can have more
markers than its starting number). These effects cannot be prevented by any abilities or cards, only removing a Glitch
will terminate its effects. A Glitch does not affect runner’s actions or HP in any other way.

Glitch removal: Hacking (green) damage must be dealt to a Glitch to remove it. Remove one Glitch marker for each
hacking (green) damage dealt to the Glitch. Any other types of damage are ignored. Level-removal attacks (like
Lightning Bolt) are ignored by the Glitch. The glitched runner is not affected by attacks made on the Glitch. If all
generic markers are gone at the end of a runner turn, the Glitch is removed. The Glitch is only affected by hacking
(green) damage applied during the Apply Damage sequence of a runner turn - It cannot be affected by Crossfire
events or by any card abilities. Karma upgrades (such as Button Masher) can be used to deal hacking damage.

A Scene cannot end if a Glitch is still active. If a glitched player is staggered, the Glitch is still active. If a glitched
player goes critical, the Glitch is immediately removed.

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At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the list below. When flipping obstacles from the decks, first
flip obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to (Crossfire level – 1). Then if you still need more obstacles, flip
obstacles from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder. Unless indicated otherwise, place the first flipped
obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle’s color. Distribute the rest clockwise. The first round
of the game begins with the starting runner.

Scene 1 – Maintenance Tunnels

Flip obstacles equal to the number of runners. Add Glitches equal to the number of runners.
You are travelling through the maintenance tunnels leading to the corp’s HQ. The wireless network is all around you
and the decker is having a hard time with the hacking attacks. Earlier, Mr Jonhson said those tunnels would be
unguarded but, obviously, unplanned things are meant to happen.

Scene 2 – Tech Department

Flip obstacles equal to the number of runners + 1. Add Glitches equal to the number of runners.
Finally exiting the poorly lit tunnels, you go straight to the tech department, trying to find the door of the servers room.
You walk low and silently through the deserted cubicles farm, avoiding unnecessary attention. Suddendly, dozens of
AR windows are spamming the view of a runner, who hits loudly a chair in the confusion. Bullets are now flying over
your heads. Oh well, you hate the decoration anyway…

Scene 3 – Server Room

Place the GODWire obstacle facing the Decker. Then, flip obstacles equal to the number of runners + 1 and distribute
them clockwise from the Decker. Add Glitches equal to the number of runners - 1.
Pushing aside broken furniture, your team walks toward the server room. Entering it, your decker curses and types
frenetically on his AR keyboard. Motion can be seen at the edge of your AR and physical vision, as virtual and meat
spaces converge to attack your team. The corporate spy is nowhere to be seen, but for now you must focus on what
he have left behind...

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles and no Glitch in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner
places the current Crossfire event on the bottom of the Crossfire deck. Then, starting with the runner to the left of the
runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene
ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the first
choice to buy a card. After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!


If there are only 3 runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round. If there are only 2 runners, do not flip
a Crossfire card at the start of the first or second rounds.
If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of penalties. The team can also choose the following bonus challenge options:
SURVEILLANCE CAMERA Flip up one additional obstacle at the start of each Scene: +1 Karma
OVERCLOCKING start the game with one card in the Crossfire discard: +2 Karma (In the same game, the team
can choose this option up to once for each runner.)
DARN CARPETS. SO. MUCH. STATIC! The Glitch begins every Scene with markers equal to the number of
runners + 1: +1 Karma

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.
0 – 20 Full Karma award
21 – 30 -1 Karma penalty
31 – 50 -2 Karma penalty
51 – 75 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 47 of 99
Mr. Johnson's employer has a small dispute with an up and coming corp. The chief of security has defected to this
new corp, for a bigger position with better pay, and is sharing all of their latest security secrets. Mr. Johnson's employer
would like you to have a "meeting" with the new executive of security at this up and coming corp that ends with him
never being able to work for anyone again.
Difficulty: Advanced (at least 40 points per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players: 2 – 4
Author: Alex Ender (alex ender)

Create the Normal Obstacle deck by shuffling together the following obstacle card numbers: 01, 02, 06, 07, 10, 12,
13, 16, 17, 19, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, and 40. Create the Hard Obstacle deck by shuffling together the
following obstacle card numbers: 41, 42, 43, 46, 48, 51, 54, 55, 56, 60, 67, 68, 69, 70, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, and 80.
Remove and set aside Drake Assassin.

Your team has been hired to enter the corp's small security headquarters and reach the office of the new executive
on the fourth floor in order to "meet" him. Your team must clear each floor before moving to the next to allow for a
safe exit once the objective is completed. Each floor has its own Scene. When and if you reach the fourth floor, geek
the executive. Once the fourth Scene ends, the team wins the mission!


Use the normal Crossfire rules. Flip obstacles as indicated in the chart below. When flipping obstacles at the beginning
of a scene flip them from the Normal Obstacle deck only. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role
color matches the obstacle's color. Distribute the rest clockwise.

If all obstacles are not cleared from the board at the beginning of the third round played in Scenes 1, 2, and 3, then
the corp security is able to trigger the silent alarm and call for reinforcements. (In a four player game when two or
more runners take a turn before the starting player at the beginning of a scene it counts as a full round toward the
three round count for the purposes of this rule. This does not affect the round count or when Crossfire cards are
drawn.) Flip obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Place the first flipped obstacle in front
of the runner whose role color matches the obstacle's color. Distribute the rest of the obstacle's clockwise.

At the start of the fourth scene only flip the Drake Assassin (you didn't plan on the executive being a young dragon!)
and place it at the center of the table. This obstacle is considered to be facing each runner on their turn. At the end
of any runner’s turn in which they could not damage the executive he is able to call for reinforcements. Flip one
obstacle from the Normal Obstacle deck and place it in front of that runner. At the end of each round in the fourth
scene, if the executive has not been waxed, a strike team shows up. (In a four player game when two or more runners
take a turn before the starting player at the beginning of the Scene it counts as a full round for the purposes of this
rule. This does not affect the round count or when Crossfire cards are drawn.) Flip obstacles from the Hard Obstacles
deck equal to the number of damage levels remaining on the Drake Assassin. Place the first flipped obstacle facing
the runner whose role color matches the obstacle's color. Distribute the rest clockwise. If at any time you run out of
cards in one obstacle deck instead flip them from the other obstacle deck. If there are no obstacles remaining in
either deck you have cleared the entire building of reinforcements.


1 Number of Runners + 1
2 Number of Runners + 2
3 Number of Runners + 3
4 Drake Assassin flipped

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes
to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard).

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LOCK AND LOAD: At the end of the first Scene each runner heals 1 HP and draws 1 card. Then, starting with the runner
to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black
Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner
who had the first choice to buy a card.

AT LEAST THE ELEVATOR STILL WORKS: At the end of the second Scene each runner heals 1 HP and draws 2 cards. This
Scene ends and play continues in the next Scene with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last

I DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH MORE I CAN TAKE!: At the end of the third Scene each runner heals 2 HP. Then, starting with
the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the
Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the
runner who had the first choice to buy a card.

After the fourth Scene, the team wins the mission!


If there are only three runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round of the game. If there are only
two runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first and second rounds of the game. If playing with fewer
than four runners, when flipping obstacles at the end of a round in the fourth Scene, still flip a number of obstacles
from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the number of damage levels left on Drake Assassin but do not exceed flipping
more obstacles than the number of runners + 2.

If the team wins, each runner gets 4 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the following bonus challenge

TRAINED, EFFICIENT, AND DEADLY In Scenes 1, 2, and 3 reinforcements are sounded at the beginning
of the second round played in each scene: +1 Karma

NOTHING EVER GOES RIGHT Start with one Crossfire card in the Crossfire discard: +1 Karma

THEY’VE BEEN TIPPED OFF! Flip one additional obstacle from the Hard Obstacle deck at the start of
Scenes 1, 2, and 3: +2 Karma

BODYGUARDS, HE HAS BODYGUARDS! Set aside random drawn obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck
equal to the number of runners along with Drake Assassin. At the start of the fourth Scene, place the first flipped
obstacle in front of the runner whose role color matches the obstacle's color. Distribute the rest of the obstacle's
clockwise: +3 Karma (If this option is chosen, you can't also choose any other bonus challenge.)

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 40 Full Karma award
41 – 60 -1 Karma penalty
61 – 70 -2 Karma penalty
71 – 80 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

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Your team almost made it out, but now you'll need to protect the Decker in the meatspace while he does his thing.
Difficulty: Advanced (at least 20 points per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players: 3 – 4
Author: dark_father

Separate Tech and other obstacles from each deck. Shuffle one non-Tech obstacle in each deck for each two Tech
obstacles. The Decker is the starting runner.

The Decker needs to hack a terminal. During his turn, he can discard a Tech card to get a hacking token. Each sends
ends when the Decker has enough hacking tokens and no obstacles are in play.


At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles following normal Crossfire rules. If at the start of a round there are no
obstacles in play but the Decker hasn't obtained enough Hacking tokens, flip one Obstacle from the Hard obstacle
deck and place it in front of the Decker.


During his turn, the Decker can discard one Tech card from his hand to take one token. During Scene 1, the terminal
requires 3 tokens to be hacked. Each following scene requires one additional token. All tokens are discarded at the
end of each scene. If the Decker becomes staggered, discard all hacking tokens.


If the team survives the third scene, every runner wins. If a runner goes critical, the mission ends in a loss.

If the team wins, each runner gets 5 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the following bonus challenge

HEAVY ENCRYPTION Each scene requires one additional Hacking token: +1 Karma (In the same game, the
team can choose this option up to once for each runner.)

HOSTILE INFRASTRUCTURE Tech obstacles deal one more damage against the Decker: +3 Karma

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 30 Full Karma award
31 - 50 -1 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

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One of the many pitfalls of being a runner is that you're bound to piss some people off sooner or later. Sooner or later
some one is going to found out who hit them and come looking for some payback. One of your former marks has
found you between runs and plans to make sure you never bother them again. Bad news is they hired a real pro.
Difficulty: Advanced (at least 10 points per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players: 2 - 4
Author: Bret Callender (ultralogan)

Set aside the Drake Assassin from the Hard Obstacles deck. Shuffle both the Hard and Normal Obstacle decks
separately. Draw the top 10 Hard obstacles and set them aside. Then take the top 6 Normal obstacles and place
them face down on top of the ten set aside Hard obstacles. Place the remaining Normal and Hard obstacles back in
the box. This stack of 16 cards forms the Mission Obstacle deck.

Your role is to take out the hitmen dead set on ending your running career for good. The mission is successful when
there are no obstacles facing any runner.

Tough as Nails: The Drake Assassin may only be dealt at most 1 point of damage each player turn.

Relentless: At the end of each player turn, the Drake Assassin moves to face the runner whose role color matches the
Drake Assassin’s next uncleared damage level.


After players have drawn their starting hands place the Drake Assassin facing the starting runner. Then, flip a card from
the Mission Obstacle deck facing every runner (including the starting runner).

Reveal a new Crossfire event each round as normal. If a Crossfire event or flipped ability instructs you to draw a Hard
or Normal obstacle, draw an obstacle from the Mission Obstacle deck instead. Any time a runner defeats all
obstacles facing them, that runner heals 1 HP. Then, flip a new obstacle from the Mission Obstacle deck to face that


If there are only 3 runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round. In addition, draw only 8 Hard
obstacles during the mission setup instead of 10.

If there are only 2 runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first or second rounds. In addition, draw only 6
Hard obstacles during the mission setup instead of 10.

If the team wins, each runner gets 5 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties.

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.
50 – 70 Full Karma award
71 – 90 -1 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

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Your team has barely survived an aborted run yesterday. Everything went wrong: the intel given by Mr. Johnson was
completely misleading, a small army of mercs almost destroyed you and Lone Star patrols chased you for hours. You
would usually disappear from the grid for a few weeks, but you have the feeling that the whole affair was an attempt
to assassinate your team. You decide to confront Mr. Johnson right now, at his favorite meeting place.
Difficulty: Advanced (at least 30 points per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players: 2 – 4
Author: Jamelfr

At the beginning of the game (before drawing any cards), each runner may buy 1 card from the Black Market deck
with a discount of 1 Nuyen and add it to their deck.

Each scene will use specific decks that will contain Johnson’s goons. All cards not included in those special decks will
constitute the usual Normal and Hard obstacles decks. Prepare those Mr. Johnson decks by shuffling together the
following obstacle cards:

Scene 1 Deck: Normal - 06, 10, 15, 17, 30; Hard - 47, 51, 56, 59, 64.
Scene 2A Deck: Normal - 12, 24, 28, 29, 35; Hard - 41, 44, 68, 75, 76.
Scene 2B Deck: Normal - 02, 23, 26, 32, 34; Hard - 48, 49, 54, 66, 67.
Scene 3 Deck: Normal – 03, 18; Hard – 57, 70.

Your team must confront and defeat Mr. Johnson, who betrayed you during the last run. Each Scene ends when you
have defeated all obstacles facing runners. Once the third Scene ends, the team wins the mission!


At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the list below. Please note: When flipping obstacles from
the Johnson decks, first flip obstacles from the Johnson Hard Obstacle deck equal to Crossfire level. Then if you still
need more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Johnson Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder.

Unless indicated otherwise, place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle’s
color. Distribute the rest clockwise. The first round of the game begins with the starting runner.

Scene 1 – Nightclub Fun

Flip obstacles equal to number of runners from the Johnson decks. Then, flip 1 obstacle from the usual Normal
Obstacle deck.
The nightclub is buzzing with loud music and an even louder crowd tonight. Mr. Johnson is drinking a cocktail in his
usual booth. You are approaching him, but your commlinks and cyber-implants suddenly begin to act strangely and
you pause some seconds to correct the situation. Mr. Johnson leaves promptly his booth as some of his "friends" are
walking towards you.

Scene 2 – Unfinished Business

Reveal and discard the top card of the Black Market deck. If the revealed card is a hacking (green) or spell (blue)
card, use Johnson decks A. If the revealed card is a weapon (black) or skill (red) card, use Johnson decks B. Flip
obstacles equal to number of runners from the appropriate Johnson decks. Then, flip 2 obstacles from the usual
Normal Obstacle deck.
Trying to catch up with Mr. Johnson, you are running through the small and dirty streets and alleys of the
neighborhood. You see him entering an abandoned store and you rush forward. However, more of his goons exit the
store to confront you. You recognize some of them as the same people who attacked you during your aborted run.

Scene 3 – Just a Job

Place Ork Fixer and Buzzback in front of the Face runner. Distribute Lone Star Lieutenant and Saeder-Krupp Observer
clockwise. Then, flip obstacles from the usual Hard obstacle deck equal to number of runners -1.
Mr. Johnson and his associates shoot at you as soon as you enter the store. You duck for cover as you catch a

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glimpse of a Lone Star Uniform. A corrupt cop. No wonder why the patrols were so active yesterday : « You were the
field test for our new security team, Mr. Johnson says. You were not supposed to come back! Anyway, I will finish the
job myself.»

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the
Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the
runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black
Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner
who had the first choice to buy a card.

After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!


If there are only 3 runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round. If there are only 2 runners, do not flip
a Crossfire card at the start of the first or second rounds.

If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the following bonus challenge

MR. JOHNSON’S INFINITE FUNDS At Scenes 1 and 2, flip up one additional obstacle from the usual
Normal Obstacle deck. At Scene 3, flip up one additional obstacle from the usual Hard Obstacle deck : +1 Karma

LONE STAR IS WATCHING YOU Start the game with one card in the Crossfire discard. At the Scene 3, Lone
Star Lieutenant’s first level of damage is 7 [Colorless] (instead of 3 [Colorless]) and he cannot be prevented from
attacking : +2 Karma for each runner (In the same game, the team can add one card in the Crossfire discard up to
once for each runner; each additional card gives +2 Karma for each runner).

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 40 Full Karma award
41 – 75 -1 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

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SINless squatters (mostly poor workers and families) have hired your team to protect their homes against street gangs
wanting to evict them. They live in an old, barely functional building, but home is home and they won't give it up. The
squatters can defend themselves most of the time, but they feel they’ll need some help pretty soon. They can't pay
you much but contracts are rare lately, so you've accepted the job. After some legwork, you learn that a local gang
plans to attack the building tonight. And there is no doubt that rival gangs (or worse) will try to wreak havoc and take
advantage of the chaos. With some chances, they will be busy attacking each other and you might survive.

Difficulty: Advanced (at least 20 points per runner in upgrades recommended)

Players: 2 – 4
Author: Jamelfr

Create the Normal Obstacle deck by removing the following obstacle card numbers: 02, 07, 10, 12, 13, 22, 25, 33,
34, 37. Then, remove and set aside (for later use in the mission) the cards Ancients Ganger (08), Ancients Sentry (20),
Gang Leader (31). Shuffle the remainder of the deck. Create the Hard Obstacle deck by removing the following
obstacle card numbers: 42, 43, 48, 49, 50, 53, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 65, 68, 70, 78, 79. Shuffle the remainder of the

Your team must defend the squatters’ building currently under attack from gangers and worse foes. Lone Star will
never come and the Corps have no use for the SINless, so you’re the only hope of your clients. Defeat quickly your
opponents and you will be able to salvage more resources, but the gang leader will be enraged. Each Scene ends
when you have defeated all obstacles facing runners. Once the third Scene ends, the team wins the mission!


At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated below. When flipping obstacles, first flip obstacles from the
Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Normal
Obstacle deck for the remainder. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the
obstacle’s color. Distribute the rest clockwise.

At Scenes 1 and 2, you will get a reward if you complete bonus objectives. At Scene 3, a sniper will continuously shoot
at you. Also, the gang leader will do a surprise attack if you got too many rewards in the previous scenes.

Scene 1 – Take down their first line!

Flip obstacles equal to number of runners -1. Then, flip Ancients Ganger and place it facing the runner following the
last obstacle in the normal clockwise rotation. Then, flip Ancients Sentry and place it facing the runner following
Ancients Ganger clockwise.
Bonus objective: If all obstacles are defeated in [number of runners +2] turns or less, you inspire courage among the
squatters and even more foes are taken down: each runner gains immediately 1 Nuyen when the last obstacle is

Scene 2 – Unfinished Business

Flip obstacles equal to number of runners +2.
Bonus objective: If all obstacles are defeated in [number of runners +3] turns or less, the building is still standing and
you can safely gather your remaining resources: each runner gains immediately 2 Nuyens when the last obstacle is

Scene 3 – Just a Job

Flip obstacles equal to number of runners +2. Then, flip Gang Leader and place it facing the runner following the last
obstacle in the normal clockwise rotation.

Gang Leader Flipped effects: Resolve the usual “Flipped” effect of its card. Then, if your team completed both bonus
objectives from Scenes 1 and 2, the gang leader goes berserk and showers your team with bullets: reveal and discard
a numbers of cards from the top of the Black Market deck equal to the number of runners. For each card revealed,

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the runner whose role color matches the card’s color loses 1HP. 1 of those damages can be prevented if, between
them, the team discards cards equal to a total value of at least 4 nuyen (at least 3 nuyen if it’s a two-runners team).
This can be done as many times as wished (thus, a four runner team discarding cards for a total of 13 nuyen would
prevent 3 damages).

Sniper: A hidden sniper attacks your team continuously and you cannot stop it until you clear the field. At the
beginning of every round during Scene 3 (after the Crossfire card is flipped), reveal and discard 1 card from the top of
the Black Market: the runner whose role color matches the card’s color loses 1HP. This damage can be prevented if,
between them, the team discards cards equal to a total value of 4 nuyen or more (3 nuyen or more if it’s a two runner
team). The sniper attacks cannot be prevented in any way; they only stop when Scene 3 ends. You can put a generic
marker on the top of the Crossfire deck to remind you to resolve the Sniper attack.

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the
Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the
runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black
Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner
who had the first choice to buy a card.

After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!


If there are only 3 runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round. If there are only 2 runners, do not flip
a Crossfire card at the start of the first or second rounds.

If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the following bonus challenge

WHERE DO THEY COME FROM? Flip up one additional obstacle at the start of each Scene: +1 Karma
(Ancients Ganger, Ancients Sentry and Gang Leader are still the final obstacles placed in their respective Scene.)

SPIES AMONG THE SQUATTERS Start the game with one card in the Crossfire discard: +2 Karma for each
runner (In the same game, the team can choose this option up to once for each runner.)

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 40 Full Karma award
41 – 75 -1 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

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Bug spirits. Insects. Some people want to destroy them. Some people want to capture them and harvest their powers.
Everyone hates bugs. Your client is a friend of a retired private investigator (a man named Montgomery or something
like that). She wants you to infiltrate a hive under the city and defeat all the bug spirits there: this is a personal cause for
her and her friend. She warns you that insects’ followers will defend the place and that Corps have hired teams to
capture the spirits: the hive will be a war zone. Your client shows you some guns you can buy, at a discount. “Insect
spirits are hard to defeat, she says while shuddering. You’ll need special ammos that will shatter their link to our world.
Those guns have them. Complete your contract and I might have more runs for you…”

Difficulty: Advanced (at least 30 points per runner in upgrades recommended)

Players: 2 – 4
Author: Jamelfr

At the beginning of the game (before drawing any cards), each runner may buy a Remington Roomsweeper card for
a cost of [1 Nuyen + 1 Basic card] and add it to their deck. A runner may buy as many Remington Roomsweeper
cards as they wish. Create the Normal Obstacle deck by removing the following obstacle card numbers: 03, 04, 07,
08, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 31, 36, 40. Then, shuffle the remainder of the deck. Create the Hard Obstacle deck
by removing the following obstacle card numbers: 43, 50, 52, 53, 56, 57, 59, 64, 72, 73, 78, 80. Then, remove and
set aside (for later use in the mission) the card Bug Spirit (63). Shuffle the remainder of the deck.

Your team must infiltrate the insect spirits hive and eradicate those abominations. Each Scene ends when you have
defeated all obstacles facing runners. Once the third Scene ends, the team wins the mission!


At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated below. When flipping obstacles, first flip obstacles from the
Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Normal
Obstacle deck for the remainder. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the
obstacle’s color. Distribute the rest clockwise.

Bug Spirit Endurance: Due to their particular nature, the Bug Spirits are hard to defeat with normal means. For this
mission, your team will have to use the special ammos and guns sold by your client. When a runner clears the last
level on a Bug Spirit, it is not defeated unless damage from a Remington Roomsweeper card was applied this turn on
the Bug Spirit; if damage from a Remington Roomsweeper card was not applied this particular turn on the Bug Spirit, it
heals all its levels.

Scene 1 – The Followers Quarters

Flip obstacles equal to number of runners -1. Then, flip Bug Spirit and place it facing the runner following the last
obstacle in the normal clockwise rotation (please don't forget to trigger its "Flipped" ability).

Scene 2 – The Altar

Flip obstacles equal to number of runners. Then, flip Bug Spirit and place it facing the runner following the last obstacle
in the normal clockwise rotation (please don't forget to trigger its "Flipped" ability).

Scene 3 – Betrayal
Search the Normal Obstacle deck and its discard pile to find and set aside Elf Shaman (14). Shuffle the Normal
Obstacle deck (without the discard pile). Flip obstacles equal to number of runners -1. Then, flip Elf Shaman and
place it facing the runner following the last obstacle in the normal clockwise rotation. Then, flip Bug Spirit and place it
facing the runner following Elf Shaman clockwise (please don't forget to trigger Bug Spirit's "Flipped" ability).

The Hive is smaller than you thought and you complete your mission. Exhausted, your team comes back to the client.
She smiles at you warmly, but the air around her makes you sick. “Thank you so much, she says. That hive was so weak
and embarrassing: it had to be destroyed to appease the Queen. Don’t worry, the Queen is not here, but I will bring
your bodies to her. I was not able to get Montgomery, but the Queen will be pleased with you…”. An insect spirit

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approaches while your client is unveiling her lies. You also hear some noises behind you, as if enemies from the Hive
have followed you here... If you survive this, you’ll need to do some research about that Montgomery guy.

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the
Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the
runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black
Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner
who had the first choice to buy a card.

After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!


If there are only 3 runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round. If there are only 2 runners, do not flip
a Crossfire card at the start of the first or second rounds.

If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the following bonus challenge

MORE MERCS THAN EXPECTED Flip up one additional obstacle at the start of each Scene: +1 Karma
(Bug Spirit and Elf Shaman are still the final obstacles placed in their respective Scene.)

SECURITY SYSTEM STILL ACTIVE Start the game with one card in the Crossfire discard: +2 Karma for
each runner (In the same game, the team can choose this option up to once for each runner.)

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 50 Full Karma award
51 – 75 -1 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

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A group of “runners” hired by your fixer flatlined their Mr. Johnson during the meet. Your fixer's reputation is on the line so
he hired you to take care of these murderers. Don't let him down or you might be out of a job, too...
Difficulty: Advanced (at least 5 points per runner in upgrades)
Players: 3 – 4
Author: Leevizer

Opposing Runners: The runners need to dispatch of a group of Rogue Shadowrunners. These are chosen by choosing
five randomly from the following: Drone Rigger, Guy in the Van, Fomorian Mage, Weapons specialist, Chromed
Samurai, Lightning mage, Combat Shaman, Elf Blademaster, Warded decker, Gunslinger Adept and Trickster initiate.
Shuffle the five chosen cards together to form the Opposing Runner deck. Shuffle the rest back into the Hard obstacle
deck. If there are three players, then only four cards will be chosen for the Opposing Runner deck.

Runner's Edge: Either due to good planning, someone's help or just dumb luck, the Runners gain a slight edge for this
mission. The players can choose one of the following Crossfire cards and set it aside: Grenade, Top Shelf, Scavenging,
Reversal of Fortune or Drekstorm. Shuffle the rest back into the Crossfire deck. At any moment when a Crossfire card
would be played, the First Runner can elect to instead draw the Crossfire card that was set aside instead of drawing a
card from the Crossfire deck.

Your team will hunt down the team of rogue Runners in three scenes. Each scene changes when you have defeated
all the obstacles facing the runners. After the third scene, your team wins the mission!


Scene 1
Flip up Obstacles equal to the amount of players from the Normal Obstacle deck. Place the first flipped obstacle
facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle's color. Distribute the rest clockwise. The first round begins
with the starting runner.

Scene 2
Flip up Obstacles equal to the amount of players plus one. Start by flipping obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck
equal to the current Crossfire level. If you still need any obstacles, draw the remainder from the normal obstacle
deck. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle's color. Distribute the
rest clockwise. The first round begins with the starting runner.

Scene 3
Flip all the obstacles from the Opposing Runner deck. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role
color matches the obstacle's color. Distribute the rest clockwise. The first round begins with the starting runner.

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, the starting runner removes the Crossfire event
from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then each runner heals
1 HP. Then, starting with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each
runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys
a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the first choice to buy a

After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!

If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round,
each runner gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the
following bonus challenge options:

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SHAMANIC SUPPORT Set aside Astral Scout. At the start of the first scene, place Astral scout against the player who has
the mage role card. Shuffle together the Spirit of Fire and the Spirit of Earth. Shuffle one into the Hard obstacle deck
and the other into the Opposing Runner deck: +2 Karma per runner

MY LITTLE FRIENDS Set aside Light combat drone and Aerial combat drone. At the start of the second scene, play
them as additional obstacles after the normal obstacles have been played: +2 Karma per runner

WIZ DECKER Place the IC card into the Opposing Runner deck: +1 Karma per runner

AMBUSHED! At the start of the game, each player takes one point of damage: +2 Karma per runner

THEY’RE HIDING SOMEWHERE Set aside Unusual Suspects. At the start of the second scene, play it as an additional
obstacle after the normal obstacles have been played: +2 Karma per runner

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 10 Full Karma award
11 – 30 -1 Karma penalty
31 – 50 -2 Karma penalty
51 – 75 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

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Lured by the illusions of an Incubus, the runners must defeat the monster!
Difficulty: Advanced (20 points per runner in upgrades)
Players: 1 - 4
Author: karoath

Set this card aside to represent the Incubus (a boss monster) that attacks in Scene three. At start of the Starting Player’s
turn, assign the Incubus to the runner that has the most (or tied for most) illusion tokens. In the Deal Damage phase,
the Incubus deals 2 damage (1 damage if the runner has no illusion tokens). The Incubus damage bar is as follows:

5 Colorless / Blue / Blue / 4 Colorless / Black / 5 Colorless / Black

An Incubus has created a series of illusions that have lured the runners into a trap. Survive the attack and defeat the
Incubus by the end of 3 scenes.

The incubus cannot be attacked until the 3rd scene. A player with 1 or more illusion tokens can not attack the incubus.
In scene 3, each time the Starting Player begins a turn, assign the Incubus to the runner with the most illusion tokens. If
tied, assign to the Starting Player.


At the start of each scene, draw obstacles equal to the number of illusion counters in play divided by 3 (round up). If
the result is less than the number of runners then draw obstacles equal to the total number of runners plus the scene
number -1. First flip from the Hard Obstacles equal to Crossfire level. Then flip from the Normal Obstacles. First, assign
to the runner whose color matches and proceed clockwise.

Scene 1
At start of a runners turn, the runner gains 1 illusion token. He also gains 1 illusion token for each point of damage
suffered during his turn.

Scene 2
At start of a runners turn, the runner gains 1 illusion token if he has the most (or tied for most) illusion tokens. When
playing cards, he may discard 1 blue card to discard 1 of his illusion tokens.

Scene 3
When playing cards, an active runner may discard 1 blue card to discard 1 of his illusion tokens. When an active
runner plays 2 or more blue cards on his turn, he may discard any 1 illusion token in play.

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles or bosses in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner
removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then,
starting with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one
card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next
Scene with the runner who had the first choice to buy a card.

After the 3rd scene ends the runners win!


If there are only three runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round of the game. If there are only
two runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first and second rounds of the game.

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If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the following bonus challenge

ENHANCED ILLUSION At start of a scene, draw obstacles equal to the number of illusion counters divided by 2 instead
of 3 (round up): +2 Karma

GREATER INCUBUS The Incubus deals +1 damage during scene 3: +1 Karma

MESMERIZING ILLUSIONS If an active runner has the most (or tied for most) illusion tokens at start of his turn then he
must discard a card from hand: +1 Karma

POWERFUL BEAK A runner damaged by the Incubus goes critical if he would become staggered. The runner may
discard a black card to cancel the effect: +1 Karma

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 30 Full Karma award
31 – 40 -1 Karma penalty
41 – 60 -2 Karma penalty
61 – 85 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 61 of 99
Flush out and eliminate the corporate traitor.
Difficulty: Advanced (10 points per runner in upgrades)
Players: 1 – 4
Author: karoath

Shuffle the Normal Obstacle deck and draw cards until you find a Human card. Reveal the card and set it aside, it will
be the Traitor for the duration of this mission and starts the game Hidden. Reshuffle the Normal Obstacle deck as

A corporate employee has been discovered selling secret information. He has gone into hiding in territory owned by
his sponsor. Find and eliminate the traitor. If the runners haven't won by the end of the 6th scene then the mission is a
total loss.

When Hidden, the Traitor doesn’t face a runner, deal damage, utilize abilities, and doesn't reward Nuyen for being
defeated. The Traitor must be defeated like other obstacles, at which time a clue is awarded. The Traitor remains in
play and damage done to the Traitor is retained after a scene ends.

Earning Clues: Each time the Traitor is defeated, the runners earn a clue (max of 1 per scene). Place a token on the
Traitor as a reminder, each runner heals 1 HP, and the Traitor heals all damage.

Discovered: The traitor is Discovered after clues are found equal to the number of runners. Immediately move the
Traitor to face the runner whose role matches the Traitor's color, it is now treated exactly like other obstacles (deals
damage, uses abilities, and rewards Nuyen).


At start of a Scene, flip obstacles as shown below. First flip from the Hard Obstacles equal to Crossfire level -1. Then flip
from the Normal Obstacles. First, assign to the runner whose color matches and proceed clockwise.


1–2 Number of Runners
3–4 Number of Runners + 1
5–6 Number of Runners + 2

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the
Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the
runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black
Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner
who had the first chance to buy a card.

At end of a scene, if the Traitor has been discovered and no obstacles remain (including the Traitor), the team wins
the mission!


If there are only three runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round of the game. If there are only
two runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first and second rounds of the game.

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If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose from the following options:

CORPORATE RESOURCES When a clue has been found, advance the damage 1 level on any 1 obstacle: -1 Karma

HIGH PROFILE TRAITOR Draw the Traitor from the Hard Obstacle deck: +1 Karma

STUBBORN INFORMANTS A runner that earns a clue skips the next Draw & Buy phase: +1 Karma

PROTECTED TRAITOR Draw 1 additional obstacle at the start of each scene: +1 Karma (may be selected once per

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 20 Full Karma award
21 – 30 -1 Karma penalty
31 – 50 -2 Karma penalty
51 – 75 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 63 of 99
Get in, get the data, get out.
Simple, right? What could go wrong?
Difficulty: Advanced (at least 10 - 15 points per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players: 3 – 4
Author: Kiirnodel

Remove the following obstacles from the Normal and Hard obstacle decks: 21, 25, 30, 39, 45, 51, 59, 69, 77, and 78.
Combine these removed cards together to create the Host deck. (Note, the Host deck is comprised of a combination
of Normal and Hard obstacles. The decker has a certain amount of foresight into what is going to be encountered in
the Host as it approaches. See “The Host” below)

First, the team must get past the initial security to get to the host terminal. Once there, the decker must try to recover
as much pay-data as possible. But even while the hacker deals with the host, security will continue to come at the
runners with increasing force. The goal is to get as much of the data as possible before the security gets too heavy for
the team so that everyone can still get out safely.


Use the normal crossfire rules. Each scene flips obstacles differently, both in number of total obstacles and the number
of Hard Obstacles, as indicated by the chart below. When flipping obstacles, first flip obstacles from the Hard
Obstacle deck as indicated by the chart. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Normal
Obstacle deck for the remainder. At the beginning of each scene, place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner
whose role color matches the obstacle’s color. Distribute the rest clockwise. For the obstacles being distributed each
round during Scene 2, place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner to the left of decker. Distribute the rest
clockwise. In addition, should Scene 2 start at the same time as a new round is beginning,do not distribute the
obstacles for the new round, only those for the start of scene.


1 Number of Runners Crossfire level
2 (Start) Number of Runners Crossfire level
2 (Each Crossfire level Crossfire level –
round) (Max = Number of Runners) Number of Runners
Crossfire level
3 Number of Runners
(Max = 2 x Number of Runners


During Scene 1, at the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner
removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then starting
with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from
the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the
runner who had the first choice to buy a card. At this point, the Host deck should be shuffled, the decker has some
insight into the difficulty of the upcoming obstacles, but not until he jacks in.

In Scene 2, the data grab on the host has started. During each End Step on the decker’s turn, the decker flips an
obstacle from the Host deck if he is not already facing an obstacle from the Host deck. Obstacles from the Host deck
are treated normally with the following exceptions. Obstacles from the Host deck always face the decker, and may
not be moved away from the decker except as the result of effects from Hacking cards or cards played from the
effects of Hacking cards (such as Pair Programing or Hack the World). Obstacles from the Host deck that are defeated
should be set aside, representing the valuable pay data the decker has collected. Each time an obstacle from the
Host deck is defeated, the decker can choose to jack out and end the data grab. Starting with the decker, each
runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes.
Play continues in Scene 3 with the runner to the left of the runner that defeated the last Host card.

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During Scene 3, at the end of any round, if the number of obstacles is less than the number of runners the team has
managed to get a hole through the security’s defenses. The team gets out with the pay data and wins the mission.


If there are only 3 runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round.

If the team wins, each runner earns 1 Karma plus an amount of Karma equal to the total Attack Strength of the
obstacles retrieved from the Host. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner earns 1
Karma plus an amount of Karma equal to half (round down) the total Attack Strength from the Host obstacles
regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the following bonus challenge options:

BLACK IC The Attack Strength of each obstacle from the Host deck is increased by 1: The increased Attack Strength
increases Karma as well

HYPERACTIVE HOST The decker flips the next obstacle from the Host deck at the Start of his turn, instead of the
end: +2 Karma

HIGH-THREAT RESPONSE Start the game with one card in the Crossfire discard: +2 Karma (in the same
game, the team can choose this option up to once for each runner)

HEAVY SECURITY Flip up one additional obstacle at the start of each Scene: +1 Karma

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 25 Full Karma award
26 – 50 -1 Karma penalty
51 – 75 -2 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 65 of 99
A crew of runners are going into The Pit: a live bloodsport arena carved out of the Puyallup Barrens. It is almost as
good of a way to get noticed by the right people as it is to get geeked.
Difficulty: Advanced (15 points per runner in upgrades)
Players: 1 – 4
Author: reed makamson (reebomak)

Gear Up: Each runner draws starting cards, then players may (in any order) purchase black market cards using their
starting nuyen.

The pit challenge is over when scene 5 is completed, the runners walk away, or all runners are critical.


Runners cannot buy cards normally and no nuyen is distributed when an obstacle is defeated. Instead, when a player
defeats an obstacle, that player can take any 1 card from the Black Market with the same color as that obstacle and
a cost equal or less than the payout of that obstacle. Alternately, they can cycle 1 card that does not match the
obstacle's color for each nuyen rewarded by the defeated obstacle. Effects that alter buying cards (forbid buying,
alter costs, etc.) also affect this action.


When a runner goes critical, all obstacles in front of that runner move clockwise to the next runner. While critical, a
runner cannot draw or play cards. Healing 1 HP will restore the runner to staggered. A critical runner cannot choose or
be chosen to take damage for any card effect, but any further damage to them is ignored.

If all runners went critical, the runners lose and get no karma, regardless of scenes completed.


At the start of a scene, reveal obstacles as per the chart below. The first obstacle is dealt to the player whose role
matches that obstacle, distribute the rest clockwise. Flip one Crossfire card and resolve it. Play begins with the starting


1 1 Normal obstacle per runner
1 Normal obstacle per runner +
1 Hard obstacle
1 Normal obstacle per runner +
2 Hard obstacles
1 Normal obstacle per runner +
3 Hard obstacles
1 Normal obstacle per runner +
4 Hard obstacles

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, each staggered or critical runner heals 1 HP. Then, the starting
runner removes the current Crossfire event from play (place it on the bottom of the Crossfire deck). Then, the runners
elect to end the mission or carry on to the next Scene.

The players win the mission if they complete 5 Scenes or elect to end the mission between Scenes.

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Each runner gains Karma equal to number of completed scenes, minus 1. E.g. if the team chose to end the mission
at the end of Scene 3, each runner would gain 2 karma. There is no option to abort in this mission. If all runners went
critical, the runners lose and get no karma, regardless of scenes completed. The team can also choose the following
bonus challenge options:

SPONSORSHIP the runners have a shared pool of 12 nuyen to pay for Gearing Up, in addition to their normal
starting nuyen; any unspent is lost: -1 Karma

SUDDEN DEATH Flip one extra Hard obstacle each Scene: +1 Karma

FLAWLESS VICTORY The team loses as soon as one runner goes critical: +1 Karma

ALL OR NOTHING The team can no longer choose to end the mission between Scenes: +1 Karma

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 20 Full Karma award
21 – 30 -1 Karma penalty
31 – 40 -2 Karma penalty
41 – 50 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +15 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 67 of 99
The piece of data you are after is stored on an isolated matrix node inside Aztechnology cyberspace. You had better
gear up and gather some intel if you’re gonna hit the megacorp, but be aware that shaking trees also makes noise
and the megacorp has it's ears in the shadows.
Difficulty: Advanced (at least 30 points per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players: 2 - 4
Author: Itai Sanders (ItaiSanders)

Sort the Normal Obstacle cards into a Red deck, a Green deck and a Black & Blue deck. Do the same for the Hard
obstacles. The Red deck is used during the Preparations phase, the Green deck is used for the Hacking portion of the
Matrix phase, and the Black & Blue deck are the forces you will have to repel in the meat world during the Combat
portion of the Matrix phase.

The mission is divided into two phases - The Preparations phase, where you must buy your gear and collect the intel
that will help you get in and out alive, and the Matrix phase, where you must hack into the Aztechnology network while
repelling security forces. When you complete the second phase, the team wins the mission!

During the beginning of each Scene, the runner with the Face role draws four obstacles from the Red deck. First flip
cards from the Hard Red Obstacles deck, up to the current Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip
obstacles from the Normal Red Obstacle deck for the remainder. The runner with the Face role will distribute the
obstacles among the team as he sees fit. After the obstacles are dealt, you cannot move them with the exception of
the Face being able to move one obstacle to face himself at the beginning of his turn.

If at any point during a Scene a runner becomes staggered, he can choose to end the Scene. If he decides to
continue the stage but the team could not heal him or end the Scene by his next turn, they are forced to end the
Scene. If a runner ever goes critical, the team fails the mission.

When all obstacles are defeated, the current Scene ends. The starting runner places the current Crossfire event aside,
to track how many Scenes have been completed. Then, each runner heals 1 HP. Then, starting with the runner to the
left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This
Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Finally, the runner with the Face role decides whether to begin
a new Preparation phase Scene or move on to the Matrix phase.

During the Matrix phase, the runners enter the megacorp to complete the job. During this phase, runners cannot
purchase Black Market cards at the end of their turn (note, however, that certain card effects such as Black Market
Contacts still allow runners to purchase Black Market cards).

During this phase, the Crossfire deck is static: If the team completed the Preparations phase by completing a Scene,
there is no Crossfire effect. If the last Scene of the Preparations phase was ended with early due to having one or
more staggered runners, discard the previous Crossfire event and draw a new one. This new Crossfire event will persist
throughout the entire Matrix phase.

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At the start of the Matrix phase, heal all runners to their starting HP. Then, the runner with the Decker role draws as many
Green obstacles as the current Crossfire level. First flip cards from the Normal Green Obstacles deck, up to number of
successfully completed Scenes during the Preparations phase. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles
from the Hard Green Obstacle deck for the remainder. Shuffle these cards together to form the Matrix deck.

The runner with the Decker role flips a card from the Matrix deck and places it facing them. Any time a Green
obstacle is defeated, the runner with the Decker role immediately heals 1 HP, then draws a new obstacle from the
Matrix deck and places it facing them.

Flip one obstacle from the Normal Black & Blue deck facing every other runner. When all Black & Blue obstacles are
defeated, each non-Decker runner heals 1 HP. Then, flip a new obstacle from the Black & Blue deck facing every
other runner. The first X waves of Black & Blue obstacles are drawn from the Normal Black & Blue deck, where X is the
number of successfully completed Scenes during the Preparations phase. The remaining waves are drawn from the
Hard Black & Blue deck.

Only the Decker may deal damage to Green obstacles. However, the Decker may deal damage to any non-Green
obstacles in play.

At the beginning of their turn, the runners with the Mage and Street Samurai roles may move an obstacle of their color
to face themselves.

If any runner except the Decker gets staggered, the obstacle facing that runner will move to face the Decker. If the
Decker becomes staggered, he is jacked out of the matrix: the green obstacle facing him will not affect him or deal
damage, but also cannot be damaged. At the beginning of each subsequent turn, the Decker must decide whether
or not he is jacking back in. Every round that the Decker spends out of the matrix all Green obstacles heal one level. If
the team completes a wave of Black & Blue obstacles while the Decker is jacked out, the Decker may heal one HP.

If at any time a runner goes critical, the Decker is jacked out, all Green obstacles are discarded and an abort round

If the Decker completes all obstacles in the Matrix deck, he has retrieved the data and the team will start an Escape
round. An Escape round is the same as an Abort round, except that if at least one runner is neither staggered nor
critical at the end of the round, the team wins the mission!

If the team wins, each runner gets 5 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties.

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


50 – 70 Full Karma award
71 – 90 -1 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 69 of 99
Corp connected dwarfs and a female gang acting like princesses? Doesn’t sound too heavy. They are loaded with
heavy guns, though. And there’s a crown princess, Snow White, carrying an Aztech Striker. That gun alone would be
worth it.
Difficulty: Advanced (at least 20 Karma per runner in upgrades recommended. If playing Prime Runner edition, at
least 5 Karma per runner recommended).
Players: 4
Author: metonymous

Normal Obstacle deck: Remove the two Dwarf obstacles (Wired Merc and Squad Leader) from the deck. Search the
deck from the bottom and remove ten female obstacles. Shuffle the ten female obstacles together with the two
Dwarf obstacles, and place those twelve cards on top of the Normal obstacle deck.

Hard Obstacle deck: Remove the five Dwarf obstacles (T-Bird Jockey, Guy in the Van, Knight Errant Field Agent, Corp
Tactician, Corporate Shaman) from the deck. In addition, remove the four female obstacles Chromed Samurai,
Vampire Operative, Banshee Virus, and Mage Hunter. Shuffle the remaining Hard obstacles to create the Hard
obstacle deck.

Snow White Obstacle deck: Shuffle the four female Hard obstacles and randomly set aside one of those four cards
face down (this female obstacle will be the top card of the Snow White deck). Take four cards from the top of the
Hard obstacle deck, and shuffle them together with the three remaining female obstacles, and the five Dwarf
Lastly, place the set aside female obstacle on top of this deck. These thirteen cards are the Snow White deck.

Black Market: Before creating the initial Black Market, remove the Aztechnology Striker and one Katana from the Black
Market. As a reminder, place the Katana on top of the Normal obstacle deck, and the Aztechnology Striker on top of
the Snow White deck.

Your team needs to get in and get hold of the Aztechnology Striker. Each Scene ends when the team has defeated
all obstacles facing the runners. Once the third Scene ends, the team wins the mission.


The only time you flip obstacles from the Snow White deck is at the start of a Scene (see Obstacles & Crossfire below).
If any ability or effect causes you to flip a Hard obstacle at any other time than the start of a Scene, flip from the Hard
Obstacle deck, not the Snow White deck.


When the first female obstacle from the Normal obstacle deck is flipped, tuck the Katana under that obstacle (this is
the only time a weapon card is added to a Normal obstacle).

When the first female obstacle from the Snow White obstacle deck is flipped, tuck the Aztechnology Striker under that
obstacle. The Attack Strength of the obstacle carrying the Aztechnology Striker is increased by +1.
If more female obstacles is flipped from the Snow White deck, discard from the top of the Black Market deck until a
Weapon card is revealed (Weapon only, not dual color cards); tuck that Weapon card under the female Hard

Looting: When an obstacle with a Weapon card is defeated, the Weapon card is left in the obstacle area. During his
turn, a runner may forfeit his Play Cards phase to pick up and place one Weapon card from the obstacle area into his
hand (that runner may still draw and buy cards).

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At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the chart below. When flipping obstacle, first flip obstacles
from the Snow White deck equal to the Crossfire level. If you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Normal
Obstacle deck for the reminder. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the
obstacle’s color. Distribute the rest clockwise.


1 Number of runners + 1
Number of runners +
1 obstacle from the Snow White deck
Number of runners +
2 obstacles from the Snow White deck

As the Crossfire mission.

If the team wins, each runner gets 4 Karma. If the team successfully aborts, 1 Karma.

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 30 Full Karma award
31 – 50 -1 Karma penalty
51 – 75 -2 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 71 of 99
Solo Missions
Solo Missions are designed for a single runner. It is possible to play with multiple runners – each runner simply takes
the solo mission which matches their main role. Runners may apply damage to their teammates’ obstacles and all
runners share the same Black Market. However, the obstacles each runner faces, as well as the mission victory
conditions, are still unique to each runner.

All of the Solo Missions use the same Karm Scaling table, shown here:

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 20 Full Karma award
21 – 40 -1 Karma penalty
41 – 60 -2 Karma penalty
61 – 85 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 72 of 99
Lately I've noticed an explosion in the amount of gang activity around my neighbourhood in the barrens, and a few
actual explosions too. I should do something about it before they start an all-out war.
Difficulty: Advanced (at least 5 points per runner in upgrades)
Players: 1 (Use the Street Samurai deck and give the player +1 Nuyen)
Author: Leevizer

In this mission, the player will “convince” different gang members into submission. Afterwards, he will need to escape
as a large police force decides to intervene on the situation. Take the Gutter Punks, Troll Enforcer, Lone Star Trooper,
Ancients Ganger, Ancients Sentry, Deckhead, Fire adept and Yak Muscle cards from the normal obstacle deck.
Shuffle them together to form the Gang deck. Set aside Armored Trooper. Shuffle together the Lone Star Sergeant,
Lone Star Lieutenant and the Knight Errant Field Agent. Place the Lone Star trooper on the bottom of these three cards.
This will be the Police Deck.

Scavenge: At the end of each turn where you defeated an obstacle, draw an additional card when drawing cards
from your deck (so 3 if you would draw 2 or 1 if you would draw 0).

Your goal is to survive the onslaught. At the start of a round where there are no obstacles to draw from the cards drawn
at the beginning of Scene 3, you win!


Scene 1
Draw two obstacles from the gang deck. Flip one of them, facing you. At the start of the next turn, flip the other one,
also facing you.

Scene 2
Flip obstacles from the gang deck equal to the crossfire level, facing you. If the deck runs out, draw the rest from the
Normal Obstacle deck.

Scene 3
Draw cards from the Police Deck equal to half of the current crossfire level, rounded up. If there are not enough cards
to draw, draw from the normal Hard Obstacle deck. Flip the first one, facing you. At the start of each turn, flip one
card from the amount you drew until you run out. After the cards have been flipped, the player wins at the start of the
next turn if he isn't Staggered.

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, the runner removes the Crossfi re event from play (it goes to the
bottom of the Crossfi re deck instead of the discard). Then he heals 1 HP after Scene 1 and 2 HP after Scene 2. he
can then buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Then the
next scene begins. At the start of a round where there are no obstacles to draw from the cards drawn at the
beginning of Scene 3, the player wins!

if the runner wins, he gets 3 Karma. There is no abort round. The runner can also choose the following bonus challenge
CAUGHT WITH YOUR PANTS DOWN Set “Out of Ammo” aside. At the start of Scene 3, flip it after drawing the normal
obstacles: +1 Karma
EVEN MORE THUGS At the start of scenes 1 and 2, draw an additional ganger: +2 Karma
BRING IT ON! Place an additional card to the Crossfire discard at the start of the game: +1 Karma

Page 73 of 99
You've been feeling a disturbance in the astral lately, and whilst assensing have spotted an abnormal amount of
awakened creatures and spirits in the vicinity. Better check this out.
Difficulty: Advanced (5 - 20 points per runner in upgrades)
Players: 1 (Use the Mage deck and give the player +1 Nuyen)
Author: Leevizer

Magic deck: Take the Spell Sniper, Astral Shiver, Elf Shaman, Bonelaced Adept, Spirit of Air, Wage Mage and Astral
Scout cards. Shuffle these together to form the magic deck. Set aside the Bug Spirit card. Take the Spirit of Fire,
Lightning Mage and Spirit of earth and shuffle these to form the spirit deck. Place the Bug spirit card at the bottom of
the Spirit deck. At the end of each turn where you defeated an obstacle, draw an additional card when drawing
cards from your deck (so 3 if you would draw 2 or 1 if you would draw 0).

In this mission, the player needs to stop a group of mages from summoning an insect spirit by disrupting them in
scene 3. If the player can survive through scene 3, he wins.


Scene 1
Draw two obstacles from the Magic deck. Flip one of them, facing you. At the start of the next turn, flip the other one,
also facing you.

Scene 2
Flip obstacles from the Magic deck equal to the crossfire level, facing you. If the deck runs out, draw the rest from the
Normal Obstacle deck.

Scene 3
Draw cards from the Spirit Deck equal to half of the current crossfire level, rounded up. Flip the first one, facing you. At
the start of each turn, flip one card from the amount you drew until you run out. After the cards have been flipped, the
player wins at the start of the next turn if he isn't Staggered.

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, the runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the
bottom of the Crossfi re deck instead of the discard). Then he heals 1 HP after Scene 1 and 2 HP after Scene 2. he
can then buy one card from the Black Market. Then the next scene begins.

At the start of a round where there are no obstacles to draw from the cards drawn at the beginning of Scene 3, the
player wins!

If the runner wins, he gets 3 Karma. There is no abort round. The runner can also choose the following bonus challenge
SHAMANIC SUPPORT Set aside Astral Scout. At the start of the first scene, place Astral scout against the player who has
the mage role card. Shuffle together the Spirit of Fire and the Spirit of Earth. Shuffle one into the Hard obstacle deck
and the other into the Opposing Runner deck: +2 Karma per runner
MORE MAGES At the start of scenes 1 and 2, draw one additional obstacle: +2 Karma
AMBUSHED! Set Mage Hunter aside. At the start of Scene 2, flip Mage hunter facing the player: +2 Karma
BRING IT ON! Place a card in the crossfire discard at the start of the game: +1 Karma

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Alright, the rest of the team is doing their thing, and now it's my turn. Jack into the Matrix, defeat their security, get the
paydata and get o- Wait, what's that?
Difficulty: Advanced (5 - 20 points per runner in upgrades)
Players: 1 (use the Decker deck and give the player +1 Nuyen)
Author: Leevizer

Decker deck: Set aside the Buzzback, Aztlan Decker, Chipped Decker, Mercenary Elf Decker, Combat Decker, Light
Combat Drone and the Sudden Fade cards. Set aside GODwire. Take the Drone Rigger, IC and Military Spec IC cards
and shuffle them into a deck. Place GODwire at the bottom of this deck.

Rerouting power: At the end of each turn where you defeated an obstacle, draw an additional card when drawing
cards from your deck (so 3 if you would draw 2 or 1 if you would draw 0).

In this mission, the player needs to defeat opposing Matrix security and get out before GOD catches him in the third
scene. If he survives through the third scene, he wins!


Scene 1
Draw two obstacles from the Decker deck. Flip one of them, facing you. At the start of the next turn, flip the other one,
also facing you.

Scene 2
Flip obstacles from the Decker deck equal to the crossfire level. If the deck runs out, draw the rest from the Normal
Obstacle deck.

Scene 3
Draw cards from the GOD Deck equal to half of the current crossfire level, rounded up. Flip the first one, facing you.
At the start of each turn, flip one card from the amount you drew until you run out. After the cards have been flipped,
the player wins at the start of the next turn if he isn't Staggered.

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, the runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the
bottom of the Crossfi re deck instead of the discard). Then he heals 1 HP after Scene 1 and 2 HP after Scene 2. he
can then buy one card from the Black Market. Then the next scene begins.

At the start of a round where there are no obstacles to draw from the cards drawn at the beginning of Scene 3, the
player wins!

If the runner wins, he gets 3 Karma. There is no abort round. The runner can also choose the following bonus challenge

HACKER HIJINX At the start of scenes 1 and 2, draw one additional obstacle: +2 Karma
INFECTED SYSTEMS Set Banshee Virus aside. At the start of Scene 2, flip Banshee Virus facing the player: +2 Karma
BRING IT ON! Place a card in the crossfire discard at the start of the game: +1 Karma

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It's your time to shine. The true professional. You won't even need a gun. All you need is your silver tongue and sharp
wits about you to steal the data without getting caught.
Difficulty: Advanced (5 - 20 points per runner in upgrades)
Players: 1 (Use the Face deck and give the player +1 nuyen)
Author: Leevizer

Security deck: Take the Jaguar Shifter, Eye Alarm, Trip Beams, Courier, Ork Fixer, Covert Ops Specialist, Scrybot Tracer
and Customs Officer cards. Shuffle these together to form the Security deck. Set aside the Renraku Red Samurai card.
Take the Ares Field Rep, Security Chief and Warded Decker and shuffle these to form the Spotted deck. Place the
Renraku Red samurai card at the bottom of the Spotted deck.

Fast hands: At the end of each turn where you defeated an obstacle, draw an additional card when drawing cards
from your deck (so 3 if you would draw 2 or 1 if you would draw 0).

In this mission, you navigate through security systems by using your wits and street smarts alone through three scenes. .
After the third scene, your team wins the mission!


Scene 1
Draw two obstacles from the Security deck. Flip one of them, facing you. At the start of the next turn, flip the other one,
also facing you.

Scene 2
Flip obstacles from the Security deck equal to the crossfire level. If the deck runs out, draw the rest from the Normal
Obstacle deck.

Scene 3
Draw cards from the Spotted Deck equal to half of the current crossfire level, rounded up. Flip the first one, facing
you. At the start of each turn, flip one card from the amount you drew until you run out. After the cards have been
flipped, the player wins at the start of the next turn if he isn't Staggered.

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, the runner removes the Crossfi re event from play (it goes to the
bottom of the Crossfi re deck instead of the discard). Then he heals 1 HP after Scene 1 and 2 HP after Scene 2. he
can then buy one card from the Black Market. Then the next scene begins.

At the start of a round where there are no obstacles to draw from the cards drawn at the beginning of Scene 3, the
player wins!

If the runner wins, he gets 3 Karma. There is no abort round. The runner can also choose the following bonus challenge

STEPPED UP SECURITY At the start of scenes 1 and 2, draw one additional obstacle: +2 Karma
SURPRISE! Set Trickster initiate aside. At the start of Scene 2, flip Trickster initiate facing the player: +2 Karma
BRING IT ON! Place a card in the crossfire discard at the start of the game: +1 Karma

Page 76 of 99
Difficult Missions
These Missions are designed for characters with 40+ points of Karma Upgrades. And you thought Crossfire was

Renraku Corp has just created a super-weapon that will ultimately seat them as the biggest military, political, and
economical corporation in the world. Mr. Johnson's employer(s) would like to see that they do not possess this kind of
power and here is your chance to claim Shadowrunning fame! Renraku is moving both pieces of this weapon from it's
R&D facility, in separate cases tonight, and has hired everything it can to see that these cases make it to their
destination. The team is going to have to go through everything one of the biggest mega-corps can throw at them to
acquire these packages.
Difficulty: Legendary (at least 120 points per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players: 4, a complete team is needed to attempt this mission.
Author: Alex Ender

Remove the Courier card from the Normal Obstacle deck and replace it with the Courier card that has the case
symbol on the far left of the card art. Shuffle the Normal Obstacle deck and set the deck aside for normal play.
Remove the Chromed Samurai card from the Hard Obstacle deck and replace it with the Chromed Samurai card
that has the case symbol on the far left of the card art. Shuffle the Hard Obstacle deck and set the deck aside for
normal play.

Find and defeat the Courier and Chromed Samurai, take possession, and escape with as many of the team alive as
you can! Once a character goes critical they are permanently dead and their body becomes the property of
Renraku Corp.(Attach a permanent Renraku Corp sticker to the character. This character is no longer legal for
Organized Event play). If the runners have both cases in their possession at the end of a Scene then the team wins!
There is no option to abort this mission. Any runner(s) going critical do not end this mission unless it is the last runner


Use the normal Crossfire rules. Flip obstacles as indicated in the chart below. First flip obstacles from the Hard
Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Normal
Obstacle deck for the remainder. When you flip obstacles, place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose
role color matches the obstacle's color. If there are no runners remaining that match the obstacle's color then place
the first one in front of the starting player and distribute the rest clockwise. Once the Courier or the Chromed Samurai
objectives are defeated do not discard them. Instead, place them in the hand of the runner who defeated that
obstacle. This shows the runner is carrying that case. Those runners holding a case may not discard the case even if
a card would have them discard a random card or their entire hand. The cases do count toward hand size. If a
runner holding a case should get staggered then the runner "drops" the case and Renraku corp takes possession of
the case and the runners must get it back. Take the objective card they are holding and shuffle it back into it's
corresponding objective deck.


1 Number of Runners + 2
2 Number of Runners + 3
3 Number of Runners + 4
4 Number of Runners + 5
Number of Runners + increase the number of
obstacles by 1 more in each subsequent round

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At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes
to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Each runner heals 1 HP. Then, starting with the runner to
the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market.
This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had
the first choice to buy a card.

If the team possess both cases at the end of a Scene, the team wins the mission!

If the team wins, each runner that completes the mission alive gets 15 Karma. Each runner who successfully
completes the mission alive will also receive the 75 cost Karma upgrade: I EARNED MY B.A. (Receive +1 to each of
your starting stats.) The team can also choose the following bonus challenge options:

I AM LEGENDARY Start the game with two Crossfire event cards in the discard pile: +5 Karma

THEY JUST KEEP COMING! Draw one additional objective each turn: +7 Karma

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


0 – 120 Full Karma award
121 – 140 -1 Karma penalty
141 – 160 -2 Karma penalty
161 – 180 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 78 of 99
A milk run, the Johnson says. We’ll see about that. Time for a good ol’ fashion data steal. That corp server won’t know
what hit them.
Difficulty: Hard (at least 50 points per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players: 4, a complete team is needed to attempt this mission.
Author: william Johnson (dethstrobe)

Your team will break into a corporate facility to get the pay data for Mr. Johnson in 3 scenes. First Scene is leg work,
where you’ll probe the facility for weaknesses or help your contacts resolve problems. Be warned, you might alert the
corporation or your contacts might sell you out if you don’t help them. Second scene is breaking in to the facility and
stealing the data. Its possible to brute force your way in and just steal the hardware on the host. Or you can have your
decker try to break the Host’s security and steal the data that way. Third scene is getting out of dodge. Fight off the HTR
team or people looking for the bounty the corp just put on your heads.


Use the normal Crossfire rules. Flip obstacles as indicated in the chart below. First flip obstacles from the Hard
Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Normal
Obstacle deck for the remainder. When you flip obstacles, place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose
role color matches the obstacle's color. If there are no runners remaining that match the obstacle's color then place
the first one in front of the starting player and distribute the rest clockwise. Once the Courier or the Chromed Samurai
objectives are defeated do not discard them. Instead, place them in the hand of the runner who defeated that
obstacle. This shows the runner is carrying that case. Those runners holding a case may not discard the case even if
a card would have them discard a random card or their entire hand. The cases do count toward hand size. If a
runner holding a case should get staggered then the runner "drops" the case and Renraku corp takes possession of
the case and the runners must get it back. Take the objective card they are holding and shuffle it back into it's
corresponding objective deck.


Number of Runners;
Do not draw Crossfire cards for this Scene
Number of Runners + 1 (+/- 1 depending on Street
Samurai reward/penalty)
3 Number of Runners + 2

When a Scene ends, the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire
deck instead of the discard). Each runner heals 1 HP. Then, starting with the runner to the left of the runner who
defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the
last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the first choice to buy a

Each Scene has a unique ending condition. In addition, each Scene grants a special award depending on the
obstacles defeated.

Scene 1
When you defeat an obstacle facing a runner in the first round of Scene 1, you gain a special reward depending on
that runner’s main role:
Face – Everyone gets 2 nuyen
Decker – Do not draw the Crossfire card for the first round of combat in Scene 2
Street Samurai – One Less Obstacle during Scene 2
Mage – All obstacles take 1 level of damage in Scene 2

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When you defeat an obstacle in the second round of Scene 1, you receive no special reward.

When you defeat an obstacle facing a runner in the third (or later) round of Scene 1, you suffer a penalty in Scene 2
depending on that runner’s main role:
Face – Reduce the size of the black market by 1 card by discarding the most expensive card. If two cards are tied,
the Face chooses which card to discard.
Decker – Add one Crossfire card to the discard deck, do not resolve any of its abilities
Street Samurai – Add 1 Obstacle to Scene 2
Mage – All Players receive 1 point of damage

Scene 2
You need to get the pay data off the server. The server acts as a 5th player, similar to the Client in the Extraction Run or
the Dragon in the Dragon Encounter.

On the server's turn draw obstacles equal to the Crossfire level. Place the first obstacle on the runner with the same
color, then distribute the rest clockwise.

You can either physically steal the hardware running the Host, by doing 4 skill damage, 4 magic damage, and 4
weapon damage in any order, followed lastly by 6 colorless damage. Alternatively, you can hack the host by dealing
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 hacking damage in that order.

Once the server is defeated, survive for one more round starting from the person that defeated the server and then
Scene 2 ends.

Scene 3
Defeat all Obstacles to end the Scene. If the team passes the third Scene, the team wins the mission!

If the team wins, each runner gets 5 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner
gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties.

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


50 – 70 Full Karma award
71 – 90 -1 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 80 of 99
This campaign will take the runners through 3 grueling missions in order to complete a cash in transit heist. Mission 1
and 2 are preliminary missions that will help with the preparations in order to successfully rob the armored truck. In
mission 3 the runners will go all out in order to steal the nuyen the truck is transferring to the bank.

Please note that this campaign consists of 3 separate missions, these missions may be played all in one marathon
sitting or spread out over 3 game sessions. This campaign is meant to be finished before playing any other missions.

Difficulty: Advanced (at least 20 points per runner in upgrades recommended)

Players: 2 – 4, the Decker must be a main role
Author: CHINCB

After each mission runners enter the Regroup Phase (see below).

At the start of mission 1 runners receive nuyen and starting cards as normal. At the start of mission 2 and 3 each
runners deck is shuffled and a new starting hand is drawn. The size of this starting hand is equal to number of cards
held by the runner at the end of the previous mission.

If a mission is being retried your deck is shuffled and a new standard starting hand is drawn. This is the penalty for
failing a mission. Runners do not receive additional nuyen at the start of missions 2 and 3 but all unspent nuyen
gained up to this point is kept by the runner.

Mission 1 may be retried until a win outcome is achieved.

Mission 2 may be retried until either a win or abort outcome is achieved.
Mission 3 may be retried until either a win or abort outcome is achieved.

1) Runners heal back up to full health.
2) Reset the crossfire level to 0. Place aside all cards currently in the crossfire discard pile. If the crossfire deck is
empty any cards placed aside are shuffled together to form the new crossfire deck
3) Runners may keep up to (5 - runner health lost at the end of the previous mission) cards bought from the
black market (non basic cards). Any cards not kept are discarded to the black market discard pile.
4) Runners may buy cards from the black market, starting with the runner to the left of the last runner to deal
damage in the previous mission. Do not refill the black market when cards are bought. Any cards not bought
during the regroup phase from part of the black market for the next mission. Do not shuffle back the black
market discard pile into the black market deck. The black market discard pile is reshuffled back only when the
deck is empty
5) Each runner may exchange up to 2 cards with any of the other runners.
6) Runners may change the role distribution once during the campaign. The role redistribution has no effect on
the starting cards (no base cards get exchanged).


When playing with only three runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round of each mission. If there
are only two runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first and second rounds of each mission.

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If runners complete mission 3 (either win or abort) see the below table for the karma awarded, karma is awarded
based on performance across all 3 missions.

Mission Abort Win

1 0 2
2 1 3
3 1 4

HIGH VALUE TARGET Whenever flipping over obstacles flip over one additional obstacle: +3 Karma

THE TIME IS NOW Add 2 additional cards to the initial crossfire discard pile at the start of each mission: +3

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.


20 – 50 Full Karma award
51 – 70 -1 Karma per mission
71 - 80 -2 Karma per mission
Each additional +10 Additional -1 Karma per mission

Page 82 of 99
"The loan repayment by a AAA corporation will be delivered to Z-OG Bank in three day's time, before we can hope to
steal that nuyen we need to know what route the armored truck will take." - Mr. Johnson
Difficulty: Advanced (at least 20 points per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players: 2 – 4, the Decker must be a main role
Author: CHINCB

Remove all cards except: 01, 02, 08, 09, 13, 16, 19, 20, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32 and 34 from the Normal Obstacle
deck. Remove all cards except: 41, 42, 43, 46, 49, 53, 55, 57, 60, 62, 66, 68, 73, 74, 75, 79 and 80 from the Hard
Obstacle deck. Remove all cost 9 cards from the black market deck. The street samurai may buy a whip before this
mission starts. This is considered to be a basic card for Regroup Phase purposes.


At the start of each scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the chart below. When flipping obstacles, first flip
obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles
from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder. Place the first obstacle so that it matches the role color of the
selected runner then continue clockwise.
Scene Number of Obstacles
1 – Breach Number of Runners + 1
Number of Runners +
2 – Hack Mainframe (all obstacles
start facing the Decker)
3 – Extract Number of Runners + 2

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the
Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the
runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black
Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play restarts with the runner to the left of the
Decker. After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!

• During any scene, before taking a turn, a runner may move one obstacle of the current runner’s color currently
facing the Decker to face the current runner instead.
• If any runner goes critical during scene 1 or 2 the game is immediately lost.
• During scene 2, select the appropriate damage track on the mainframe according to the number of runners in
the game.
• During scene 2, while the mainframe obstacle is still active, the decker may only do damage to the mainframe,
the other runners may assist the decker if possible.
• During scene 2, if a non-decker runner is staggered all obstacles facing that runner moves to face the decker.


• If all obstacles have been cleared AND the decker is still alive the team wins.
• Do not heal 1 HP at the end of scene 3.
• Runners may not buy any cards from the black market once the last obstacle has been killed. Go directly to the
regroup phase.
• No abort is possible in this mission.
• Karma for this mission will only be awarded on successful completion of the campaign.
• Winning this mission is a prerequisite for "Shadowrun becomes more fun when I get a bigger gun"

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"If we have any hope of getting into that armored truck we are going to need some serious fire power. I know just the
place." - Mr. Johnson

Winning "Mission 1 - All you need is the plan, the road map, and the guts to press on" is a prerequisite for this mission.

Difficulty: Advanced (at least 20 points per runner in upgrades recommended)

Players: 2 – 4, the Decker must be a main role
Author: CHINCB

All cards not used during mission 1 are used to form the normal and hard obstacle decks. Remove cost 9 cards from
the black market deck and place them face up next to the black market. This will be the loot pile.


At the start of each scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the chart below. When flipping obstacles, first flip
obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles
from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder. Place the first obstacle so that it matches the role color of the
selected runner then continue clockwise.

Scene Number of Obstacles

1 – Smash Number of Runners + 1
2 – Grab Number of Runners + 2
3 – Go Number of Runners + 3

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the
Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the
runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black
Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner
who had the first choice to buy a card. After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!

• If any runner goes critical during scene 1 or 2 the game is immediately lost. No abort is possible during scene 1 or
• At the end of scene 2 take the card matching your main role from the loot pile and add it to your hand.
• Any loot cards not placed in runner decks are placed aside, they will not be used for the remainder of the
• If a runner goes critical during scene 3 follow the abort rules in the "Winning the mission" section.


• If all obstacles have been cleared the team wins.
• If a runner goes critical during scene 3 follow standard abort rules. Remove the loot card from the critical runners
• Do not heal 1 HP at the end of scene 3.
• Runners may not buy any cards from the black market once the last obstacle has been killed. Go directly to the
regroup phase.
• Karma for this mission will only be awarded on successful completion of the campaign.
• Completing this mission is a prerequisite for "The best things in life are free"

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"The time is on us, let’s go and finish this."
- Mr. Johnson

Completing "Mission 2 - Shadowrun becomes more fun when I get a bigger gun" is a prerequisite for this mission.

Difficulty: Advanced (at least 20 points per runner in upgrades recommended)

Author: CHINCB

Use the complete normal and hard decks.


At the start of each scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the chart below. When flipping obstacles, first flip
obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles
from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder. Place the first obstacle so that it matches the role color of the
selected runner then continue clockwise. Place the armored truck in the center of the table. For ruling purposes all
runners are considered to be facing the truck and their own obstacles and the truck is considered to be of neutral

Scene Number of Obstacles

Number of Runners + 1 +
1 – Rush
Armored Truck
Number of Runners + 2 +
2 – Reinforce
Armored Truck
3 – Run Number of Runners + 3

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the
Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the
runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black
Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner
who had the first choice to buy a card.

After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!

• Start the mission with 1 cards in the crossfire discard pile.
• Select the appropriate armored truck damage track according to the number of runners in the game.
• If any runner goes critical during scene 1 or 2 the game is immediately lost. No abort is possible during scene 1 or 2.
• During scene one and two, after the last obstacle is killed the armored truck engages a self-destruct sequence and
must be destroyed within 3 turns (not rounds). If the truck is not destroyed within 3 turns the mission fails.
• If a runner goes critical during scene 3 follow the abort rules in the "Winning the mission" section.


• If all obstacles have been cleared the team wins.
• If a runner goes critical during scene 3 follow standard abort rules.
• For karma awards see the overview page.

Page 85 of 99
Mr. Johnson sent you to infiltrate the Ancients. Unfortunately, you’ve been uncovered! Now it’s time to get out of
dodge, maybe you could take cover at the Aztec’s hideout…
Difficulty: Normal (no upgrades required)
Players: 2 – 4
Author: Kurt R (enzo622); embellished by Chris van Someren (Christianv)

Play through 3 consecutive missions:
1) Against the Ancients
2) Crossfire
3) Freefire-For-All

Your goal is to survive a botched infiltration job. In the first mission, you must escape from the Ancients gang after they
discover that you have infiltrated their ranks. In the second mission, you must survive as the gang members try to hunt
you down. Finally, you will try to take shelter near the rival Aztec gang’s hideout – chaos ensues. If you successfully
complete all 3 missions consecutively, your Karma reward will be divine. But any time you lose or abort, your Karma will
take a hit. Good luck!


Reset everything between missions - as you are on the run, you don’t have time to pick up your gear and bring it with
you. However, you are able to stop by a Med shack and heal back up to full health.

Each runner gains Karma awards for each mission as normal. In additions, each runner also gets a Campaign Karma
award based on their overall performance in the campaign.
Wins Aborts Losses Bonus Karma Award
3 0 0 5
2 1 0 4
2 0 1 3
1 2 0 2
1 1 1 1
1 0 2 0
0 - - 0

Each runner gains the following Campaign Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.
0 – 20 Full Karma award
21 – 40 -1 Karma penalty
41 – 50 -2 Karma penalty
51 – 60 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 86 of 99
in Progress
A crack team of runners, you’ve been framed for a crim you didn’t commit. Now you’re out to prove your innocence
while avoiding capture, and maybe making a few nuyen on the side…
Difficulty: Normal (no upgrades required)
Players: 2 – 4
Author: Abraham Quicksilver (aqsgames); adapted to SRCF by Chris van Someren (Christianv)

Your goal is to work through a series of ten short missions. Between missions, you may be able to keep some of your
new gear, depending on how well you did. At the end of the campaign, you will earn Karma based on your overall
performance. Good luck!

The missions in this campaign use special obstacles know as ‘Locations’. Locations are identical to other obstacles
except that 1) They are not placed in front of any runner; and 2) A runner cannot damage a location while they have
any other obstacle facing them. Locations have no color for the purposes of Crossfire cards and they generally deal
no damage. To complete a Scene and remove the current Crossfire event from play, all obstacles and Locations
must be defeated.

Unless noted otherwise, follow the normal Crossfire rules for revealing Crossfire events.


If you win a mission, you can keep up to 5 nuyen worth of Black Market cards in your deck, everything else is reset
between missions. If you abort or lose a mission, reset everything between missions - as you are on the run, you don’t
have time to pick up your gear and bring it with you.

Each runner gains Karma awards depending on your overall performance in the campaign.
Wins Karma Award
10 15
8-9 12
6-8 10
5 8
3-4 5
1-2 3
0 1

Each runner gains the following Campaign Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have earned.
0 – 20 Full Karma award
21 – 40 -1 Karma penalty
41 – 50 -2 Karma penalty
51 – 60 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty

Page 87 of 99
Jack Trades is locked up in the local police station after a bad nigh on the town. Trouble is you need him now, so
you’re gonna have to spring him from his confines.

Place this card in the middle of the table, it represents the Holding Cells location.

To defeat the Holding Cells location, you must deal damage:
Skill > Skill > Skill > Magic > Magic > Hacking > Hacking > Hacking > Weapon > Weapon > Weapon > Weapon
Special Event: The first time a Weapon card is played by any runner, flip a Normal obstacle facing every runner.

When all obstacles and Locations have been defeated, the team wins the mission! If any runner ever becomes
staggered or critical, the mission ends in a loss. Note your result and proceed to the next mission.

Jack Trades is locked up in the local police station after a bad nigh on the town. Trouble is you need him now, so
you’re gonna have to spring him from his confines.

Place this card in the middle of the table, it represents the Holding Cells location.

To defeat the Holding Cells location, you must deal damage:
Skill > Skill > Skill > Magic > Magic > Hacking > Hacking > Hacking > Weapon > Weapon > Weapon > Weapon
Special Event: The first time a Weapon card is played by any runner, flip a Normal obstacle facing every runner.

When all obstacles and Locations have been defeated, the team wins the mission! If any runner ever becomes
staggered or critical, the mission ends in a loss. Note your result and proceed to the next mission.

Jack Trades is locked up in the local police station after a bad nigh on the town. Trouble is you need him now, so
you’re gonna have to spring him from his confines.

Place this card in the middle of the table, it represents the Holding Cells location.

To defeat the Holding Cells location, you must deal damage:
Skill > Skill > Skill > Magic > Magic > Hacking > Hacking > Hacking > Weapon > Weapon > Weapon > Weapon
Special Event: The first time a Weapon card is played by any runner, flip a Normal obstacle facing every runner.

When all obstacles and Locations have been defeated, the team wins the mission! If any runner ever becomes
staggered or critical, the mission ends in a loss. Note your result and proceed to the next mission.

Page 88 of 99
Jack Trades is locked up in the local police station after a bad nigh on the town. Trouble is you need him now, so
you’re gonna have to spring him from his confines.

Place this card in the middle of the table, it represents the Holding Cells location.

To defeat the Holding Cells location, you must deal damage:
Skill > Skill > Skill > Magic > Magic > Hacking > Hacking > Hacking > Weapon > Weapon > Weapon > Weapon
Special Event: The first time a Weapon card is played by any runner, flip a Normal obstacle facing every runner.

When all obstacles and Locations have been defeated, the team wins the mission! If any runner ever becomes
staggered or critical, the mission ends in a loss. Note your result and proceed to the next mission.

Jack Trades is locked up in the local police station after a bad nigh on the town. Trouble is you need him now, so
you’re gonna have to spring him from his confines.

Place this card in the middle of the table, it represents the Holding Cells location.

To defeat the Holding Cells location, you must deal damage:
Skill > Skill > Skill > Magic > Magic > Hacking > Hacking > Hacking > Weapon > Weapon > Weapon > Weapon
Special Event: The first time a Weapon card is played by any runner, flip a Normal obstacle facing every runner.

When all obstacles and Locations have been defeated, the team wins the mission! If any runner ever becomes
staggered or critical, the mission ends in a loss. Note your result and proceed to the next mission.

Jack Trades is locked up in the local police station after a bad nigh on the town. Trouble is you need him now, so
you’re gonna have to spring him from his confines.

Place this card in the middle of the table, it represents the Holding Cells location.

To defeat the Holding Cells location, you must deal damage:
Skill > Skill > Skill > Magic > Magic > Hacking > Hacking > Hacking > Weapon > Weapon > Weapon > Weapon
Special Event: The first time a Weapon card is played by any runner, flip a Normal obstacle facing every runner.

When all obstacles and Locations have been defeated, the team wins the mission! If any runner ever becomes
staggered or critical, the mission ends in a loss. Note your result and proceed to the next mission.

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Jack Trades is locked up in the local police station after a bad nigh on the town. Trouble is you need him now, so
you’re gonna have to spring him from his confines.

Place this card in the middle of the table, it represents the Holding Cells location.

To defeat the Holding Cells location, you must deal damage:
Skill > Skill > Skill > Magic > Magic > Hacking > Hacking > Hacking > Weapon > Weapon > Weapon > Weapon
Special Event: The first time a Weapon card is played by any runner, flip a Normal obstacle facing every runner.

When all obstacles and Locations have been defeated, the team wins the mission! If any runner ever becomes
staggered or critical, the mission ends in a loss. Note your result and proceed to the next mission.

Jack Trades is locked up in the local police station after a bad nigh on the town. Trouble is you need him now, so
you’re gonna have to spring him from his confines.

One runner must choose the Decker as their main role and another runner must choose the Face as their main role.
Place this card in the middle of the table, it represents the Lobby location.

To defeat the Holding Cells location, you must deal damage:
Skill > Skill > Skill > Magic > Magic > Hacking > Hacking > Hacking > Weapon > Weapon > Weapon > Weapon
Special Event: The first time a Weapon card is played by any runner, flip a Normal obstacle facing every runner.

When all obstacles and Locations have been defeated, the team wins the mission! If any runner ever becomes
staggered or critical, the mission ends in a loss. Note your result and proceed to the next mission.

Jack Trades is locked up in the local police station after a bad nigh on the town. Trouble is you need him now, so
you’re gonna have to spring him from his confines.

Place this card in the middle of the table, it represents the Holding Cells location.

To defeat the Holding Cells location, you must deal damage:
Skill > Skill > Skill > Magic > Magic > Hacking > Hacking > Hacking > Weapon > Weapon > Weapon > Weapon
Special Event: The first time a Weapon card is played by any runner, flip a Normal obstacle facing every runner.

When all obstacles and Locations have been defeated, the team wins the mission! If any runner ever becomes
staggered or critical, the mission ends in a loss. Note your result and proceed to the next mission.

Page 90 of 99
Jack Trades is locked up in the local police station after a bad nigh on the town. Trouble is you need him now, so
you’re gonna have to spring him from his confines.

Place this card in the middle of the table, it represents the Holding Cells location.

To defeat the Holding Cells location, you must deal damage:
Skill > Skill > Skill > Magic > Magic > Hacking > Hacking > Hacking > Weapon > Weapon > Weapon > Weapon
Special Event: The first time a Weapon card is played by any runner, flip a Normal obstacle facing every runner.

When all obstacles and Locations have been defeated, the team wins the mission! If any runner ever becomes
staggered or critical, the mission ends in a loss. Note your result and proceed to the next mission.

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Print Outs
Harlequin’s Shadow Crossfire card – Close the Portal

Mainframe – The Heist

Armored Truck – The Heist


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Glitch Card – The Glitch

The Incubus - Incubus

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The Dragon – Dragon Fight

All damage must be applied in a single turn.


REWARD: Each runner

heals 1 HP and gains 3 nuyen. REWARD: Each runner heals 1 HP,
then discards 1 card.

Damage from WEAPON cards can’t be applied to the HACKING aspect of Covert Dragon.

All damage must be applied in a single turn.


REWARD: Each runner heals 1 HP. Each runner,

starting with the runner who defeated the aspect
and moving clockwise, can also discard 1 SKILL
card from their hand to take a card of their REWARD: Each runner heals 1 HP, then discards
choice from the Black Market. their hand and draws 2 cards.

Damage from WEAPON cards can’t be applied to the SKILL aspect of Covert Dragon.


When the Covert Dragon attacks, the runner facing it discards 1 card. After the
Dragon attacks, discard the top card of the Normal Obstacle deck and place the
Dragon facing the runner whose role color matches the discarded obstacle’s color.

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All damage must be applied in a single turn.


REWARD: Each runner heals 1 HP,

Then draws 1 card. REWARD: Each runner heals 1 HP.

Damage from HACKING cards can’t be applied to the SPELL aspect of Covert Dragon.

All damage must be applied in a single turn.

REWARD: Each runner heals 1 HP. Each runner can
also discard 1 WEAPON card from their hand to
heal an additional 2 HP.
REWARD: Each runner heals 1 HP.


After the Dragon attacks, discard the top card of the Normal Obstacle deck and place
the Dragon facing the runner whose role color matches the discarded obstacle’s color.

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