County Judge Hill Rejects Plan

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From: Bill Bilyeu

To: Candy Blair

Subject: FW: Facemasks and OCA Plan
Date: Wednesday, May 27, 2020 9:53:14 AM
Attachments: OutlookEmoji-15587089734482d87d602-a076-492e-89dd-4ad860624886.png

From: Chris Hill
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2020 3:40 PM
To: Judge Jennifer Edgeworth <>; Bill Bilyeu <>
Cc: Judge Emily Miskel <>; Judge Mason <>; Kim
Alvarado <>; Rick Monk <>; Mitch Selman
Subject: Re: Facemasks and OCA Plan
No, the visitors to the courthouse are not required to wear masks.
All doors will be open and accessible, not just the east entrance.
Facilities will not post signs requiring visitors to wear masks or temperature being taken. The public is not
required to consent to having their temperature taken.
Masks will be provided, but wearing one is optional for employees and the public.
Employees are not required to wear masks.
Employees are not required to consent to having their temperature taken.
Chris Hill

Chris Hill
Collin County Judge
2300 Bloomdale Road
McKinney, Texas 75071
O (972) 548-4632
M (214) 449-5377

From: Judge Jennifer Edgeworth

Sent: Friday, May 22, 2020 3:29 PM
To: Chris Hill; Bill Bilyeu
Cc: Judge Emily Miskel; Judge Mason; Kim Alvarado; Rick Monk
Subject: Facemasks and OCA Plan
Judge Hill and Bill,
Thank you for all of your work in this unique time period!
I met today with Rick Monk, Kim Alvarado, and Judge Mason to discuss courthouse readiness
for in person proceedings on June 1st, and our work on the OCA plan that the courts are
required to provide to OCA and have approved.
It became apparent that we have some threshold questions for you before we can move
(1)    Will the county require the public to wear a mask before entering the courthouse?
a.       We will limit entrance for the public to the east entrance door (that opens up to the ramp
b.      Facilities will put up a sign outside the east entrance door that informs people that they
need to have on a mask and that their temperature will be taken, and with no mask or
COVID-19 symptoms, they will not be permitted entrance into the courthouse.
c.       Or if the county is not going to require that the public wear a mask, then the sign will
reference taking temperatures and COVID-19 symptoms
(2)    If masks are required, and a person does not have a mask, will the county provide one
for them?
·         OCA guidance states that people in the courthouse should be wearing a mask, unless it
is the judge, witness, or staff in a courtroom behind plexiglass.  Also, our current draft of
the plan states that those entering the courthouse are required to wear masks.
·         Captain Selman has confirmed that he will have someone using an infrared thermometer
to check temperatures and will ask the wellness questions, and that no one with a
temperature, etc.  will be let inside through security.
·         Rick Monk has confirmed he can set up a table and staff it with someone to hand out
masks to anyone who does not have them (to prevent cross contamination)
(1)    Are county employees entering the building required to wear a mask?
(2)    Are county employees entering the building also going to have their temperature
·         I have not asked Captain Selman about taking temperatures at the other entrances to
the building, but my understanding is that he would be the point person for that.
Thank you!
Judge Jennifer Edgeworth
219th District Court
2100 Bloomdale Road, Suite 20132
McKinney, TX 75071
(972) 548-4662

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