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Ove Arup & Partners HK Ltd.

1. Introduction reinforced concrete, outrigger as well as transfer

structures, some modularization and the introduction of
My objective in this address is to try to encourage all
curtain walling.
parts of our industry to work together to drive change
In the nineties, typified by Central Plaza,
through the whole of the design and construction
International Finance Centre and Les Saisons, Aldrich
process. Given that tall buildings provide some of the
Bay, we see the use of much higher strength concretes,
greatest challenges so to can they also provide the best
composite construction, more sophisticated curtain
walling and a fuller understanding of structural
I will look at the way greater advantage can be
dynamics, movement and control.
taken of existing technologies and skills, and areas
At the beginning of this millennium we are
where more development effort is needed. I will
continuing these developments in creating ever taller
conclude by looking at the role that each party in the
buildings of which International Commerce Centre and
process will have to play if we are to be successful. And
the Waterfront, both at Union Square, Kowloon, are
by way of an introduction I will use my own personal
good examples.
experience over 27 years in Hong Kong to highlight
typical developments that have taken place in tall
3. Way Ahead
building design over that period.
Whilst I might have been less sure ten years ago it is
2. Personal Experience now clear that we will continue to build tall buildings
and they will get ever taller. The reasons include city
Before coming to Hong Kong in 1978 my experience
densities, operational efficiencies and “ego” and the
had been limited to low-rise institutional, retail and
demand will be particularly strong in the many rapidly
office structures in UK, Africa and Iran. The tallest of
developing cities in Asia. As designers and builders we
these was the Shahyad Ariamehr Monument in Tehran
need to understand the challenges and therefore the
at 45 metres. We were also in the early days of practical
opportunities that this scenario presents us.
computing and the use of slide-rules was still
If we look at the developments that have taken
commonplace. Approximate design methods were often
place over the past century our record is not that
employed and personal judgement played a very
impressive. In 1913 the world’s tallest was the
important part in the final solution. In reviewing my
Woolworth Building already achieving a height of
experience in Hong Kong I will concentrate on
240metres and in 193 1 the Empire State Building was
structural developments because that is what 1 know
opened, 38lmetres high and completed in 14 months.
The materials and construction methods employed were
Building design in the seventies could be typified
not that different to those in use today. This is in stark
by Hopewell Centre and Luk Yeung Sun Chuen in
contrast to the achievements in the automotive and
Tsuen Wan. These were constructed of traditional
aeronautical industries over the same period.
reinforced concrete, slipformed in the case of Hopewell
We therefore need to develop an appropriate
Centre. Vertical elements were designed as fully
response to the challenges which taller and taller
coupled creating effective tubes rather than
buildings will offer us and which is appropriate to the
beamicolumn arrangements and transfer plates were
2 1’‘ century. This will inevitably involve significant
introduced where necessary.
changes on the part of all participants and also a
In the eighties, typified by Exchange Square, HSBC
significant increase in the investment we make in R&D.
Headquarters and Queen’s GardedDynasty Court we
It is interesting to note that US design and construction
see the introduction of structural steel alongside
invests 0.5% of total revenues in R&D which is 1/7 of

average investment amongst mature US industries and team. Our approach must be interdisciplinary at all
probably typical of industry worldwide. levels.
If we can truly face up to these challenges then we
4. Areas for Development can believe in a sustainable future for our developing
We all need to make changes in the way that we cities.
approach these projects in the future. There follow some
5. Actions
examples of opportunities we have and things that we
should do better. In order to maximize the benefits that can come from
Understanding - we now have sophisticated readily the huge challenge of the construction of taller and taller
available modeling and analysis software to help us city towers and to ensure that the legacy we leave
understand static, dynamic, social and succeeding generations is responsible and sustainable
environmental issues. This better understanding has we all need to take action:
to be translated into more refined approaches Governments - need to formulate planning
including regulatory ones. approaches which recognize that whole new
Form - we no longer have to be constrained by communities are being created. These should
simple forms, although I do not advocate encourage multi-use and social integration.
complexity for it’s own sake. The form of our Owners - must understand that these buildings are
buildings can now respond to their function. very long term investments for society and they
Habitat - super-tall buildings will need to house need to be able to respond to the inevitable changes
communities, places to live, work and play. We in use, technology and expectation.
must recognise that a single building could Regulators - must develop methods which
represent a “township” of 50000 people. encourage innovation and new techniques. In many
Materials - we must be seriously exploring the use cases this will involve a significant change in
of new materials and construction systems for our mindset which will need to be explained to society.
industry as well as continuing to develop our Educators - must understand the big picture for
existing ones. We must have a more open mind to which they are preparing their students, the role
new ideas. these students will aspire to play and the need for
Energy - we must identify the real needs of users much better interdisciplinary and social
as opposed to their desires and use the most energy understanding.
efficient methods to deliver. Green and sustainable Construction industry, builders and designers -
have to underpin our future projects. must respond to the opportunity by becoming
People Movement - we will have to integrate better braver and making a very significant increase in its
the various uses within our tall townships using commitment to R&D, the costs of which must be
current technology and developing new. We must accepted by society at large.
consider the social needs of the users. A new millennium is a grand opportunity to take
Security - we must adopt a performance based stock. We have two choices:
approach to robustness and means of escape. Proper Carry on as we are making small incremental
management plans, training and communications improvements and developments - we can see
systems must be in place. We must properly where we will be in 50 years and it won’t be very
understand risks and offer practical solutions. impressive I’m sure.
Adaptability - we need to take current multi-use Rise to this challenge now and together, and it has
concepts forward to allow for future change in both to be together, start to make a real difference to this
use and technology throughout the building’s life. vital industry of ours.
We must recognize that these projects will have a I hope we can take the second of these. It will of
huge impact on society over a very long period. course benefit the whole industry but such change is
Integration - these very complex projects will always best led by the greatest challenges in my view. If
require that we all work together constructively, we succeed even in small part society will be the richer
understanding and sharing the challenges as one

and we will be much better placed to regain the

enthusiasm of the young for our very exciting business.

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