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Full Name: Rodrigo Ares Fardos

Position applied for: Sub Oboe

Where did you see this post

advertised? Musical Chairs

Section 1: Details of Role

Please tell us what attracted you to the role and how your skills and experience meet our requirements
The versatility & ordenes tras the
operatic repartir and the
opera ,

possibility of wrrting in the Welsh National Opera a re certainly a

altraction for During the Last gears
me I had the opportunity to be an

which has allouad


stage with various professional orchestras ,

also opera orchestra ,

lo my
me to gain experience
in an the
positions of the oboe seation ,
to adapt
the conductores and to difterant styles and
Ways of playing
adleaguas ,
to .

Please choose one of our values which you feel is a significant strength of yours and provide us with an
example of how you have demonstrated this (maximum 200 words)
experience eecquived
detailed CU has allowed
m to develop

I callad at
Security and canton on Stage .
This , in recent
gears have been
oaaasions relevante roles in important orchestra the
the Last minuta on to
play ,

Last tima with the oboe d'amore in the Flanders opera ( Belgium) That control .

and mental prapaatim ,

dong with my ability to
adopt and
my desire to work

as a Team a re
main strenghts .

Section 2: Additional Information

Do you require a work permit for the UK? Please tick: Yes ​ No
Are you related to any member of the Welsh National Please tick: Yes ​ No
Please select your Welsh language skills Fluent Conversational

Basic None
Please tell us where you saw this role advertised musical
Section 3: Interview process

Please state if you are successfully shortlisted for interview whether you English ✓
would prefer your interview to be conducted in English or Welsh

Section 4: Declaration

Data Protection Act 2018

Any data about you will be held in secure conditions with access restrictions. Data will also be used for
employment monitoring purposes however all data will be kept anonymous. If you are unsuccessful, your
application will be destroyed after 6 months. If you are the successful candidate, relevant information will be
taken from this form and used as part of your personal record. Please note that all personal data contained within
this application form will be handled carefully and sensitively. All data is held securely, and access permissions
are applied. More information can be found in our privacy policy.

I declare that the information contained in this application is complete and correct. I understand that, if I have
knowingly provided false or incomplete information in my application, I may be disqualified or dismissed after

I consent to the use of this information as outlined above.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​Date: 171×12021
Equality & Diversity
Monitoring Form for Applicants

Welsh National Opera collects equality and diversity information for monitoring purposes to
ensure that our policies and procedures are effective. The Company is committed to the
principles of fairness, consistency and equality of opportunity for all. We are committed to
engaging a workforce that reflects all sections of society and the data employees share will be
used to monitor and evaluate if these obligations are being met. To assist us in this endeavour,
the Company would appreciate the support and co-operation of all job applicants.

We will ensure that our practices comply with the Equality Act 2010. No job applicant or
employee will receive less favourable treatment particularly on the grounds of sex, race,
nationality, ethnic origin, marital status, pregnancy and maternity, disability, sexuality, gender
reassignment, age or religious belief.

The information provided on this form is anonymised in order to keep it fully confidential and
accessibility is strictly limited in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

Should you wish to complete this form in the medium of the Welsh language, please use the
Welsh version located in the “Cymraeg” section of the Current Vacancies section of the

1. ​Sex

Do not wish to disclose

If you are undergoing the process of gender reassignment, please tick the box that applies
to your future gender.

Do you live and work in a gender other than that assigned at birth
Do not wish to disclose
2. ​What age group do you belong to?

56 –65
Do not wish to disclose​

3. ​How would you describe your sexuality?


Do not wish to disclose

4. ​Do you consider yourself to have a disability?

The Equality Act 2010 protects people who are disabled including those with long-term
health conditions. A person is defined under the Act as disabled if they have a physical
or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability
to carry out normal day-today activities. Long-term is defined as having lasted or
expected to last for at least 12 months. Adverse effects may arise from external barriers
experienced by people with disabilities.
Do not wish to disclose

If ‘Yes’ please state the type of disability which applies to you. People may experience
more than one type of impairment, in which case you may indicate more than one. If
none of the categories apply, please mark ‘other’.
Physical Disability ​ ​Learning Disability / Difficulty
Sensory Disability ​ ​Long-term Illness
Mental Health Condition ​ ​Other

5. ​Please indicate which ethnic group you consider yourself to belong to

White – British (to include Northern Ireland, Scotland & Wales)
White – Irish
White - European
Other White
Black or Black British – Caribbean
Black or Black British – African
Other Black

Asian ​
Asian or Asian British – Indian
Asian or Asian British – Pakistani
Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi
Other Asian
Mixed – White & Black Caribbean
Mixed – White & Black African
Mixed – White & Asian
Other Mixed

Ethnic identity not known
Do not wish to disclose
If you have selected ‘Other’ please state which group you consider yourself to belong to:

6. ​Please indicate which religion/belief you consider yourself to belong to

​ Buddhist
​ Christian
​ Hindu
​ Jewish
​ Muslim
​ Sikh

​ No religion
​ Do not wish to disclose
Other religion please state:

7. ​ re you married or in a civil partnership?

​ No
Do not wish to disclose

8. ​Do you have caring responsibilities? If yes, please tick all that apply
Primary carer of child/children (under 18)
​ Primary carer of disabled child/children
Primary carer of disabled adult (18 and over)
Primary carer older person
Secondary (another person carries out the primary role)
Do not wish to disclose
Thank you for taking the time to complete this equality & diversity monitoring form.
Section 3: Interview process

Please state if you are successfully shortlisted for interview whether you English ✓
would prefer your interview to be conducted in English or Welsh

Section 4: Declaration

Data Protection Act 2018

Any data about you will be held in secure conditions with access restrictions. Data will also be used for
employment monitoring purposes however all data will be kept anonymous. If you are unsuccessful, your
application will be destroyed after 6 months. If you are the successful candidate, relevant information will be
taken from this form and used as part of your personal record. Please note that all personal data contained within
this application form will be handled carefully and sensitively. All data is held securely, and access permissions
are applied. More information can be found in our privacy policy.

I declare that the information contained in this application is complete and correct. I understand that, if I have
knowingly provided false or incomplete information in my application, I may be disqualified or dismissed after

I consent to the use of this information as outlined above.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​Date:
Signature: 17 / ✗
/ 2021
Welsh Language Standards 2016 (Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011)
In line with the requirements set out in our Welsh Language Standards 2016, the Company is required to collate
information on the Welsh language skills. The Company would appreciate the support and co-operation of all job
applicants in providing the following information.

Should you wish to complete this form in the medium of the Welsh language, please use the Welsh version located
in the “Cymraeg” section of the Current Vacancies section of the website.

Welsh Language Skills – Self Assessment for Applicants

Ares Fardos

Sub principal
Job title applied for……………………………………………………

Based on the criteria below, how would you describe your Welsh language listening skills?

Able to understand basic enquiries in Welsh (Ble mae….? / Ga i siarad â….?)
Able to understand a basic social conversation in Welsh

​ Able to follow routine conversations involving work between fluent Welsh speakers
​ Able to follow the majority of conversations involving work including group discussions
​ Able to understand all conversations involving work

Based on the criteria below, how would you describe your Welsh language reading skills?
Able to read basic words and phrases (signs or short and simple notes)

​ Able to read basic material involving work (slowly)

​ Able to read routine material with a dictionary
​ Able to read the majority of material in own work area
​ Able to understand all material involving work

Based on the criteria below, how would you describe your Welsh language speaking skills?
Able to conduct a general conversation (greetings, names and place names)

​ Able to answer simple enquiries involving work

​ Able to converse with someone else, with some hesitancy, regarding routine work issues
​ Able to speak the language in the majority of situations using some English words
​ Fluent – able to conduct a conversation and answer questions

Based on the criteria below, how would you describe your Welsh language writing skills?
None ✓
Able to write basic messages (Diolch am y llythyr…..)

​ Able to answer simple correspondence with assistance

​ Able to draft routine text, with editing assistance
​ Able to prepare the majority of written material, with some revision assistance
​ Skilled – able to complete complex written work without the need for revision

Diolch am cwblhau’r ffurflen - Thank you for taking the time to complete this form

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