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Bin Laden’s


A List of the Top Death Creates

High-Value Targets
In the War on Terror
THE Opening On FBI
Fugitives List

By Brian Bennett
and David Meeks
Tribune Washington Bureau
By Dawn Rhodes
Chicago Tribune
Osama bin Laden had been at the
top of a secret targeting list main-
tained by the military’s Joint Special With Osama bin Laden dead, the process
Operations Command and the CIA is under way to replace him on the FBI’s
at a center at Bagram Air Field in 10 Most Wanted Fugitives list.
Afghanistan. That selection starts with the 56 field of-
While the U.S. government won’t fices submitting candidates’ names to FBI
release the names of the high-value headquarters, which could take up to three
targets, as they are called, or even of- weeks, a spokeswoman said. The Criminal
ficially confirm that the list exists, in Investigative Division and the public af-
the aftermath of bin Laden’s death, fairs office will work together to choose
here are a dozen other al-Qaida lead- one fugitive, and that selection eventually
ers the U.S. seeks to kill or capture, will be approved by the FBI director.
based on a review of government There is no set time frame for when
most-wanted lists and a consensus the final choice will be made, the spokes-
of experts. PAKISTAN woman said.
SAUDI Despite bin Laden’s notoriety as the lead-
INDIA ing figure behind the Sept. 11 attacks, that
1. Ayman al-Zawahri ARABIA terrorist act was not the reason he became
Bin Laden’s longtime deputy is consid- a top-10 fugitive.
ered al-Qaida’s organizational master- Bin Laden (first name “Usama” on the
mind. Al-Zawahri is a FBI list) landed on the list on June 7, 1999,
medical doctor and an after he was indicted for his role in the
Egyptian militant who 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Tan-
joined bin Laden in the zania and Kenya, which killed more than
earliest days of the net- 200 people. To date, his summary on the
work. But he is far less list states that he was a suspect in other
popular and lacks the terrorist attacks worldwide but does not
charisma that drew fight- ETHIOPIA specifically mention Sept. 11.
ers to bin Laden’s side. The other nine fugitives on the list, in
Egyptian protests: Al-Zawahri earlier this
KEY 400 km order of when they were added:
SOMALIA Suspected
year released recordings denouncing
corruption in the Egyptian regime in an location
400 miles
effort to align protesters with al-Qaida. Victor Manuel Gerena
Born: 1951, Egypt. Age: 52
Affiliation: Al-Qaida. chicago tribune | MCT Added: May 14, 1984 (longest
Suspected location: Pakistan. The suspected locations of the top dozen al-Qaida leaders the United States seeks to kill tenure in history)
or capture. Accused of: Robbing a West
2. Anwar al-Awlaki Hartford, Conn., security com-
The American-born Muslim cleric, who Born: Approx. 1982, Pakistan. pany of $7 million in 1983. Dur-
has been linked to the 2009 Christmas Affiliation: Pakistani Taliban. ing the robbery, he allegedly handcuffed and
Day bombing plot and the Suspected location: Pakistan. bound two security guards and injected them
2010 Yemen mail bomb with an undetermined substance to further dis-
plot, is a lieutenant in the able them.
9. Adnan Shukrijumah
Yemen-based al-Qaida
A leader of al-Qaida’s external opera-
branch. Al-Awlaki is be- Glen Stewart Godwin
tions arm, Shukrijumah is wanted by the
lieved to have inspired the
FBI for his alleged role in Age: 52
2009 attack at Fort Hood,
a thwarted 2009 plot to Added: Dec. 7, 1996
Texas, in which Army
Balkis Press | Abaca Press | MCT attack the New York City Accused of: Escaping from Fol-
Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan is
Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden was subway system. He holds som State Prison in California
charged with killing 13 people. Al-Awlaki
killed by U.S. forces in a raid on his a Guyanese passport and in 1987, where he was serving a
studied at Colorado State University and
compound in Pakistan. since the Sept. 11 attacks murder sentence. He was later
was an imam at mosques in California
has been tracked by the convicted of drug trafficking in Mexico and sent
and Virginia.
FBI to Trinidad, where he to a Guadalajara prison, where he was accused
Got away: A U.S. drone attack in Yemen
is believed to have met with militants. of murdering a fellow inmate and escaped five
in early May was an attempt to kill al- 6. Atiyah Abd al-Rahman U.S. ties: Born in Saudi Arabia, as a months later.
Awlaki, but he managed to get away, ap- The Libyan explosives expert is believed teenager Shukrijumah lived with his
parently uninjured, a U.S. official said. to have been promoted to run al-Qaida’s
Born: 1971 in Las Cruces, N.M.
parents in Miramar, Fla., and is a trained James J. Bulger
financial operations pilot.
Affiliation: Al-Qaida of the Arabian Age: 81 (oldest fugitive added,
after Sheik Said Masri Born: 1975.
Peninsula. at age 69)
was killed in a U.S. drone Affiliation: Al-Qaida.
Suspected location: Yemen. Added: Aug. 19, 1999
strike in May 2010. Al- Suspected location: Pakistan. Accused of: A role in numerous
Rahman also was an al-
3. Mullah Mohammed Boston-area organized crime
Qaida liaison to militant 10. Adam Gadahn homicides from the early 1970s
Omar groups in Iran. In 2005,
A top propagandist for al-Qaida, Gadahn through the mid-1980s.
When he was the head of the Taliban re- he authored an opera-
is an American citizen who has appeared
gime in Afghanistan, Omar sheltered bin tional letter to al-Qaida
in videos alongside al- Robert William Fisher
Laden as he helped plan in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi that
Qaida’s Ayman al-Zawahri
the Sept. 11 attacks. Omar rebuked the group for indiscriminate Age: 50
and has encouraged U.S.
continues to lead the violence against Shiites. Al-Rahman was Added: June 29, 2002
soldiers to join the net-
Taliban insurgency in Af- reported killed in October 2010, but the Accused of: Killing his wife and
work. He is wanted by the
ghanistan. In a November U.S. believes he is still alive. two children, then blowing up the
FBI for treason and mate-
2009 statement, he said, Longtime follower: As a teenager in the Scottsdale, Ariz., home where they
rial support to al-Qaida.
“The invading Americans 1980s, al-Rahman met bin Laden during all lived in April 2001.
Early years: Gadahn
want (holy warriors) to the anti-Soviet campaign in Afghanistan
and became a protege and confidant.
grew up on a goat farm in Alexis Flores
surrender, under the pre- Southern California.
text of negotiations. This is something Born: Approx. 1970, Libya. Age: Unknown
Born: 1978, United States. Added: June 2, 2007
impossible.” Affiliation: Al-Qaida.
Affiliation: Al-Qaida. Accused of: Involvement in the
War wound: Omar lost an eye fighting Suspected location: Pakistan.
Suspected location: Pakistan. kidnapping and strangulation
the Soviets in Afghanistan in the late
1980s. 7. Ilyas Kashmiri of a 5-year-old girl in Philadel-
11. Fazul Abdullah phia in July 2000.
Affiliation: Taliban. As a leader of Pakistani terrorist orga-
Suspected location: Pakistan. nization Lashkar-e-Taiba, Kashmiri is a Mohammed
key military planner for An important, long-standing al-Qaida Jason Derek Brown
4. Sirajuddin Haqqani al-Qaida and as recently operative in East Africa, Mohammed is Age: 40 or 41
as 2009 was running wanted by the FBI for his Added: Dec. 8, 2007
Haqqani is the head of a Pakistan-based
a training camp in the role in the 1998 bomb- Accused of: Murdering an ar-
militant network closely linked to al-
tribal areas of Pakistan. ings against the U.S. mored car guard in Phoenix in
Qaida. The Haqqani net-
Kashmiri is a veteran of embassies in Nairobi and November 2004, then fleeing
work presents the biggest
the anti-Soviet campaign Dar es Salaam. He was with the money.
threat to U.S. forces in
in Afghanistan and the the target of a missile
Afghanistan and has led
brazen attacks on Ameri- Kashmir conflict. He has been linked to strike in Somalia in Janu- Joe Luis Saenz
the planning of the Mumbai attacks in ary 2007, but survived. Age: 35
can military installations
2008 that killed some 170 people and Computer expert: A Kenyan national, Added: Oct. 19, 2009
in Afghanistan, including
is currently believed to be in charge of Mohammed is a computer expert. Accused of: Fatally shooting
an assault on Bagram Air
active al-Qaida-backed plots against tar- Born: Approx. 1972, Moroni, Comoros two rival gang members in Los
Field in May 2010.
gets in India and Europe. Islands. Angeles in 1998, and then kid-
Hotel attack: Haqqani claimed respon-
Distinguishing features: Kashmiri is Affiliation: Al Shabaab. napping, raping and killing his
sibility for planning the January 2008
missing an index finger, has lost sight Suspected location: Somalia. girlfriend less than two weeks later. He’s also
raid on the Serena Hotel in Kabul that
killed eight people. in one eye and is known to wear aviator believed responsible for a fourth murder in Los
Born: Approx. 1973, Afghanistan. sunglasses, according to a State Depart- 12. Saif al-Adel Angeles County in 2008.
Affiliation: Haqqani network. ment report. According to Al Jazeera, Saif al-Adel
Suspected location: Pakistan. Born: 1964, Bhimber, Pakistan-adminis- is now interim leader of al-Qaida. He’s Eduardo Ravelo
tered Kashmir. thought to have played Age: Unknown
Affiliation: Lashkar-e-Taiba. a role in Egyptian Presi-
5. Abu Yahya al-Libi Suspected location: Pakistan.
Added: Oct. 20, 2009
dent Anwar Sadat’s 1981 Accused of: Racketeering,
The charismatic Libyan-born cleric has
death, set up al-Qaida conspiracy to possess and
the strongest religious credentials in the
senior leadership of al-
8. Hakimullah Mehsud training camps in Sudan distribute narcotics, and con-
The head of the Pakistani Taliban is and Afghanistan, and au- spiracy to launder money. He
Qaida. He has appeared
wanted by the U.S. for his part in the thorized terrorist attacks was indicted in Texas in 2008.
in propaganda videos and
2009 attack on a CIA out- that began in Riyadh in
is a member of al-Qaida’s
religious guidance com- post in Afghanistan that 2003. Semion Mogilevich
killed seven Americans. Wanted: Al-Adel is wanted by the FBI in Age: 64
Mehsud’s organization connection with the 1998 U.S. embassy Added: Oct. 21, 2009
Slipped away: Al-Libi
also has claimed respon- bombings in Tanzania and Kenya. Accused of: Defrauding thou-
was arrested by U.S. forc-
sibility for planning the Born: Both 1960 and 1963 used as birth- sands of investors of a public
es in Afghanistan in 2002
failed New York Times dates; Egypt. company of more than $150
but escaped from the U.S.-run prison at
Square bombing in May Affiliation: Al-Qaida. million from 1993 to 1998. He
Bagram Air Field in 2005.
2010. Suspected location: Had been in Iran, was indicted in April 2003.
Born: Approx. 1963, Libya.
Near miss: Mehsud survived a U.S. now suspected to be in Pakistan-
Affiliation: Al-Qaida.
military strike targeting him in the tribal Afghanistan border region. Photos courtesy of FBI
Suspected location: Pakistan.
areas of Pakistan in January 2010.
sources:Government “Most-Wanted” list, Chicago Tribune

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