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Actually, I don’t know why I’ve chosen this topic to talk about among the other topics, but

once our
teacher shared the options, without any hesitant I said to myself I’m going to pick this one.

-And finally, I’ll conclude with a quote

In fact happiness is a relative thing which its meaning may differ from one person to another, for
instance if I started asking you one by one about what does happiness mean in your perception ..then
we might get as many answers as the participants in this class. However, we can give happiness a
definition that all of us would agree about by saying happiness is an emotional state characterized by
feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment.

And to explain these terms I thought it would be better to do it using these photos , so I’’ start asking
you , which of these picture shows the happiness because of the feeling of satisfaction....

Types of happiness , for instant i was surprised when i figured out that happiness has 2 different
types , but then, after reading, i realized that it makes sense
1- Hedonia , happines in this type is associated with things that gives you an immediate feeling of
happiness , things like
2- On the other hand we have Eudaimonia, and in this type happiness lies in living life that has
meaning , value and purpose , and living this type of life can be achieved by doing things like

There are some key signs tells that you are a happy person

 If you Feel that you have accomplished (or will accomplish) what you want in life
 If you Feel satisfied with your life
 If you tend to think positively more than negatively
Research suggests that pursuing Intrinsic Goals particularly ones that are focused on personal growth
and communitycan increase happiness more than pursuing extrinsic goals like gaining money or

Enjoy the moment , some ppl say i’m doing this to have a bitter future , but this is future and how you
are living right now is how you living your future so feel enjoy the process.

If you are grateful I’ll surely give you more and more

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