Objective Sheet: Through Deaf Eyes

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Objective Sheet: Through Deaf Eyes


1. I King Jordan says that “if you ask a hearing person what it would be like to be Deaf”, what do they
(hearing people) say?

2. What percentage of Deaf children have hearing parents?

3. Carolyn McCaskill talks about what “normal” means. To you, what does “normal” mean?

4. Why did people of the 18th century believe that the Deaf could NOT be educated?

a) Who challenged that mode of thinking? Where did he open a school for the Deaf?
b) Who did he bring back with him from France?

5. What did Alexander Graham Bell believe the Deaf should be taught to do?

6. What happened at the Milan Conference in 1880?

7. AG Bell believed in eugenics. What does eugenics mean

8. What would happen to Deaf students who used sign language during class in the 20 th century?

9. What foundation was founded in 1880 to protect the rights of the Deaf?

10. How were Deaf people portrayed in silent films?

11. Compare the use of black face to a hearing person acting in the place of a deaf person?

12. Why were Deaf clubs formed?

13. What are some ways people tried to “cure” deafness?

14. What was invented by a Deaf physicist to give Deaf people access to telephones? Describe it.

15. Who was William Stokoe?

16. How was ASL perceived during William Stokoe’s time by hearing people? By Deaf people?

17. What are some features of ASL that are discussed in the film?

18. According to Dr. Ben Bahan, what is an oral success and oral failure?

19. What Deaf group was formed in 1967? What was their purpose?

20. Bernard Bragg performs a short poem on moonlight and spring flowers. What do you notice about
his eye gaze?
21. In which movie did Marlee Matlin have a role? What controversial event happened after she won an

22. What were some rights gained by Deaf individuals during the Civil Rights movement?

23. What was the most significant event in the Deaf community during the “Deaf” Civil Rights

a. How did students protest?

b. Who joined the fight? Did they win?

24. What is a cochlear implant?

25. What are some educational options for deaf children that are discussed in the film?

26. What was Sam and Nancy Fava’s first reaction to their son’s deafness?

27. When is language developed (according to Sam Fava, Daniel’s dad)?

28. What is MEET DEAF WOW?

29. Who is Beethoven’s Nightmare?

30. What does CJ Jones state at the end of the film?

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