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First nameLast name Email Email StatuTitle Location Linkedin Company Company w

AmandeepKaur akaur@spar Verified Web Develo Surrey, Brihttps://w Spark Businsparksoluti

Guy MorgenshtgmorgenshVerified Software DGreater Tohttps://w Limelight golimeligh
Simon Lawrence simon.lawrVerified Senior DevHalifax, Nohttps://w Aptitude Diaptitude.di
Manolito (Pimentel manolito@p Catch All Software DVancouver,https://w Perk Labs Iperklabs.io
Dhruv S. dhruv@siriVerified Software DToronto, Ohttps://w Siritek Inc siritek.com
Pegah Panahandepegah@pow Verified Front-End Vancouver,https://w POWERSHipowershift
Preetham Amin preetham.Catch All Software DGreater Tohttps://w Dogico Infodogico.ca
Gigi C. gc@kicksaVerified Salesforce Greater Tohttps://w Kicksaw kicksaw.c
Hafis Umar-Lawahafis@gbatVerified Digital PowOttawa, Onhttps://w GBatteriesgbatteries
Udit Desai udit@sancCatch All Software DBrampton,https://w Sanctuary sanctuary.
Ringo Wong ringo@redCatch All Software DGreater Vahttps://w RedBit De redbitdev.
Nicole Wu nwu@motu Catch All Front End Canada https://w Motum B2motumb2b
Jared Mosher jaredmoshe Verified Full Stack Edmonton,https://w Tactica Int tactica.ca
Ajay Sihota ajay.siho Verified Senior Fro Calgary, Alhttps://w Renoworksrenoworks
Moe Basha moe@sitedInvalid Senior WebMississaughttps://w Site Dudessitedudes.
Gabriel Barreto gabriel@faCatch All Front-end Vancouver,https://w FansUnite fansunite.
Stephen C. stephen@sCatch All Software DToronto, Ohttps://w SkyPrep Trskyprep.c
AbdulrahmA. aa@shinydVerified Senior Sof Ottawa, Onhttps://w Shinydocs shinydocs.
Samiul ChoP.Eng. sp@patchin Verified Acoustical Calgary, Alhttps://w Patching Aspatchingas
Gabriel Hernandezgabrielher Verified Software DVancouver,https://w Almanac almanac.io
Kevin Panesar kevinpane Catch All Team LeadGreater Vahttps://w APP-SCOOapp-scoop
Rahul Sharma rsharma@lCatch All Senior Sof Calgary, Alhttps://w Lexcom Syslexcom.ca
Kunal Dhawan kdhawan@m Verified Sr. Full St Toronto, Ohttps://w Optimity myoptimit
Chris Todd, P.Enctodd@riskVerified Software DCalgary, Alhttps://w Risk Alive riskalive.c
Evan Shabsove evan.shabsVerified Software DGuelph, Onhttps://w Dr. Bill dr-bill.ca
Colin Dalby colin@payVerified Software DToronto, Ohttps://w PaymentEvpaymentev
Quan Lee quan@fronVerified Senior DevGreater Vahttps://w FrontFundrfrontfundr
Song Ha, P.Eng. sha@ingeniVerified Full Stack Calgary, Alhttps://w Ingenio Solingenio.ca
Vic D. vd@convers Invalid Senior EmaToronto, Ohttps://w Conversionconversiond
Robert Mazza mazzar@wlCatch All Lead DevelKing City, https://w Laurier Co wluphi.co
Peter Zhu pzhu@maya Catch All Software DCanada https://w Mayan Tech mayantech
Deep Bhatt deep@charl Verified Junior Blo Barrie, Onthttps://w Charli3 Oracharli3.io
MohammaDelavar, Phmohammad Catch All Founder anLondon, Cahttps://w BIM Manage bimmee.c
Tim Kraumanistim.kraum Verified Developer Greater Vahttps://w Briteweb briteweb.
Abimbola Akingba (EIabimbola.aVerified Power PlatWinnipeg, https://w Business Trbtcg.ca
Kristina Arezina kristina@acInvalid Developer Ottawa, Onhttps://w Activeloopactiveloop.
Brent Purton brent.purt Verified Web DevelLondon, Onhttps://w Craft&Cre craftandcr
Blair Daoust blair_daouVerified Job DeveloNorth Bay,https://w YES Employyes.on.ca
Caelia Luk cluk@thei Verified Lead DevelGreater Tohttps://w The Influe theinfluen
Mark AnthViola mark@hitgVerified Game DeveGreater Tohttps://w Hitgrab Gahitgrab.co
Marie Osmun mosmun@ra Verified Senior QuaToronto, Ohttps://w Railz railz.ai
Hussein Fawaz hussein@oCatch All Web SoftwBurnaby, Bhttps://w Switchboa onswitchb
Greg Crossfield greg@dmgb Catch All Lead DevelVancouver,https://w DMG Blockc dmgblockc
MohammeSalama msalama@r Verified Lead MachiCalgary, Alhttps://w Risk Alive riskalive.c
Jacob Lovie jacob@piinCatch All Senior GIS Waterloo, https://w PiinPoint piinpoint.
Sara Greig sara.greig Verified MultimediaVancouver,https://w Rotman Com utoronto.c
Nicolette Holness nicolette@Catch All Job DeveloGreater Tohttps://w Hospitalit hospitalit
Dylan Pulver, M dylan@espr Invalid Senior Sof Canada https://w Espresso Caespressoca
Farzad Ghavam f.ghavam@Catch All Senior Sof Canada https://w Advanced M amobilepa
Michael Xi michael@hVerified Web DevelGreater Vahttps://w Hot Tomal hottomali.
Bassam A. bassam.a@Verified Web DevelopToronto, Ohttps://w IPAC Consul ipacconsul
Abdullah Hafeez ahafeez@aVerified App Devel Canada https://w AdMass admass.io
Irene Yokoo irene@byoVerified Product DeNew Westmi https://w Mindful Colbyoganow.
Tanupreet Kaur tkaur@eyelVerified Java Web DGreater Tohttps://w Eyelit Inc. eyelit.com
Sylvain C. sc@hypoteCatch All BlockchainCanada https://w Hypotenushypotenuse
Sebastian Ma sebastian Verified Frontend Ottawa, Onhttps://w Impact Theimpactthe
Nick Wang nick@paniVerified Software DSaskatoon,https://w Pani Energpanienerg
Ye Deng ye.deng@fo Verified Developer Ottawa, Onhttps://w Foci Soluti focisoluti
Desmond Correia desmond.cCatch All EmbeddedCanada https://w JDRF Elect jdrfelectr
Immanuel Olisa iolisa@timVerified Software DCharlottet https://w Timeless Mtimelessme
Larry J. Kim larry@orenVerified Senior DatCanada https://w Orenda Soforendasolu
Bahman Khandan bkhandan Verified ETL / SQL DGreater Tohttps://w RB&W Manu rbwmfg.co
Pavel RaskovalovpraskovaloCatch All Software DGreater Edhttps://w Simplex Mosimplexmob
Marcos Cardenas-Zmarcos@cVerified Software DGreater Tohttps://w Crowdmarcrowdmark
AbdulmutalMustafa amustafa@Verified API DeveloHalifax, Nohttps://w League Datleaguedata
Willy Ko willy-ko@bInvalid Co-FounderVancouver,https://w Blockchainblockchain
Erika Wiedemanerika.wie Verified Senior Sof Canada https://w Assembly assmb.ly
Sandeep Verma sandeep.v Verified National WPickering, https://w Make-A-Wis makeawish
Yuening (DiLi yli@auroraCatch All Software DBurnaby, Bhttps://w Aurora Solaurorasola
Hongbo Zhao hzhao@triVerified Full Stack Greater Tohttps://w Trigon trigon.ca
Corey Derouin cderouin@Verified Web DevelToronto, Ohttps://w AdParlor adparlor.c
Akshay Khot (AK) akshay.kh Verified Software DVictoria, B https://w Cambridgecambridgeb
Tuan Tran tuan.tran Verified Senior Sof Vancouver,https://w Avalon CX avaloncx.
Anitha Amarnath aamarnathCatch All Product DeVancouver,https://w Traction C tractionco
Parham Taher parham@hiVerified Mobile Ga Toronto, Ohttps://w HitGrab G hitgrab.co
Evelyn Tchao evelyn@haVerified Senior Sof Toronto, Ohttps://w Hatchwayshatchways.
Lana Taher, M.Eltaher@satVerified Project DeLondon, Onhttps://w Saturn Powsaturnpowe
Sayan Mohsin sayan@locVerified Backend DMarkham, hOttps://w Locke Bio lockebio.c
Jacques Vachon jvachon@fiVerified Senior Sof Calgary, Alhttps://w Field Safe fieldsafes
Brian Inacio brian.inac Catch All Applicatio Brampton,https://w Matthew Scmatthewsc
Luis Chavier luis@missiVerified Senior Sof Ottawa, Onhttps://w Mission Comissioncon
Wade Johnson wade@wtfa Verified Software DBritish Co https://w WTFast wtfast.com
Alexandra Steau alexandra Verified Mobile AppCanada https://w Travtus travtus.co
Damian Burns dburns@fiVerified Senior DevSurrey, Brihttps://w Five & Donfiveanddo
Khadijah Adams khadijah@Verified WorkforceGreater Tohttps://w Newcomernewcomer
Rodney Barnes rodney@we Verified IntermediaHamilton, https://w Weever weeverapp
Hiren Prajapati hirenpraja Catch All React Nati Cambridge,https://w Orafox Tecorafox.co
Yesmina Captan yesmina@w Catch All Job DevelopWindsor, Ohttps://w WEST of Wiwestofwin
Robyn Moore robyn.mooVerified EducationaVictoria, B https://w Centre for dal.ca
Sean Stobo sean@forgVerified Lead Web Vancouver,https://w Forge and forgeands
Kritika Gaba kritika@unCatch All Business dWaterloo, https://w unlearn. unlearn.c
Ammar Rehan ammar.re Catch All Business I Vancouver,https://w HashMovehashmove.
Jeff Chong jeff@gda.caVerified Back-End Ontario, C https://w GDA Capitagda.capital
Brad Smith brad.smithCatch All Job DeveloHalifax, Nohttps://w Job Junctiojobjunction
Felix LIU felix@connCatch All Full Stack Vancouver,https://w Connectionconnection
Jan Hansen jhansen@en Verified Scientific Kingston, https://w GeologicAIenersoft.ca
Nathan Hans n.hans@si Catch All Developer Toronto, Ohttps://w SimFront Ssimfront.c
Ryan Smit smit@dineVerified Developer Toronto, Ohttps://w Dine.TO dine.to
Krishna Deoram kdeoram@g Verified Developer Brampton,https://w GhostRetaighostretai
Owen Wong owen.wongVerified Developer Greater Tohttps://w TOHacks tohacks.ca
Ashish JalandharaajalandharVerified Web DevelGreater Tohttps://w Red Cloud rFedcloudfs
Jaymie Rosen jrosen@con Verified Email DeveToronto, Ohttps://w Conversionconversiond
Ashwin SivaramanasivaramanCatch All Software DHalifax, Nohttps://w The Barrin barrington
Valentin Gourdeau valentin.g Verified Chatbot DeCanada https://w Koïos Intelkoiosintell
Wes Winder wes.windeVerified Developer Toronto, Ohttps://w wonderMawondermak
Mathew Kostiuk mathew.kos Verified Developer Vancouver,https://w Pixel Unio pixelunion
Angelico Salazar angelico@yVerified Cloud AdmiGreater Tohttps://w Yellow Pencyellowpenc
Cameron Micomonacameron@c Verified Senior DevGreater Tohttps://w Clipwire G clipwireg
Samuel Gyeke-Amosgyeke-amCatch All Coach DeveMississaughttps://w Canada Soccanadasoc
Corey Nearing coreyneariVerified Developer Ottawa, Onhttps://w Sphyrna Sesphyrnasec
Dakai Song dakai.son Verified DevOps DeMississaughttps://w MDLand mdland.co
VaibhavkuJoshi vjoshi@tc Catch All Developer Toronto, Ohttps://w TCS Canadtcscanada
Victoria Khazin vkhazin@eCatch All Senior DevCanada https://w Ethnic Chaethnicchan
Thierry Cherpillod cherpillod Catch All Senior Pro Vaughan, Ohttps://w FYELABS fyelabs.co
Nicole Findling nicole@pap Verified Developer Edmonton,https://w Paper Leafpaper-leaf
Heena K. heena@yelVerified Developer Vancouver,https://w Yellow Pencyellowpenc
Komal Tehreem komal@ateVerified Senior Sof Brampton,https://w Aterlo Net aterlo.com
Shreyas Ragavan shreyas.ra Catch All Developer Vancouver,https://w itracMarkeitracmarke
Nuzhat Mahmud nmahmud@ Verified Job DeveloCanada https://w CCRW | CCccrw.org
Tony Hahn thahn@rb Verified Process & Brampton,https://w RB&W Corprbwmfg.co
Reetam Taj reetam.tajVerified Software DToronto, Ohttps://w Arolytics arolytics.
Pranav Sharma pranav@kiCatch All Full Stack Toronto, Ohttps://w Kinex Medikinexmedi
Jad Saad jad@aot-teVerified Full-stack Victoria, B https://w AOT Techno aot-techno
Chrysafis Tsoukalas ctsoukalas@ Verified Senior QuaToronto, Ohttps://w Railz.ai railz.ai
Robert Hallatt roberth@cCatch All Senior WebOttawa, Onhttps://w Canadian Pcps.ca
Ankur Aggarwal aaggarwal Catch All Web ApplicToronto, Ohttps://w TouchLogictouchlogic
Khairul Alam khairul.al Catch All Senior WebMississaughttps://w Clever Samcleversamu
Linda M. linda@optiVerified Front End Vancouver,https://w Optigo Netoptigo.net
Leonard Loo l.loo@shif Catch All Salesforce Toronto, Ohttps://w Shift CRM shiftcrm.c
Michael Chui michael_chVerified Developer Calgary, Alhttps://w Inspiris inspiris.ca
Bonnie Li bonnie@haVerified Senior Sof Toronto, Ohttps://w Hatchwayshatchways.
Ifeoma Idoko ifeoma@onVerified Software DCalgary, Alhttps://w OneVest onevest.c
Ian Smith ian@spark.Verified Senior DevVancouver,https://w Spark Soft spark.re
Steve Brambilla sbrambillaVerified Principal Greater Othttps://w Marketcircmarketcirc
Marc Lalande mlalande@Catch All Service Bu Ottawa, Onhttps://w Airon Grouairongroup
Sarbloh Gill sarbloh.gil Catch All Senior WeaEdmonton,https://w Ascendant ascendantf
Karlo K. karlo.k@p Invalid Senior Sof Canada https://w Panevo panevo.co
Mauro Feresini mauro.fereVerified Business DeToronto, Ohttps://w Techno srl t-echno.it
Andrew Alvarez andrew.al Verified Full Stack Toronto, Ohttps://w Nuvoola AInuvoola.c
Adam Rowles arowles@sInvalid Project DeToronto, Ohttps://w Saturn Powsaturnpowe
Sam Hoult sam@getgrVerified Lead SoftwCanada https://w Greenline getgreenli
Alexander Tilatti alexander.Verified Full Stack Greater Tohttps://w Relay Plat relayplatf
Eileen Turano eturano@sInvalid Project DeKawartha Lhttps://w Saturn Powsaturnpowe
Mitchell Wright mitchell.wVerified Software DVancouver,https://w NetCents net-cents.
Gustavo Moises gustavo@m Verified Software DCalgary, Alhttps://w MotivBasemotivbase
Karthik Rammoortkarthik@aoVerified Applicatio Victoria, B https://w AOT Techno aot-techno
sweta dodiya sweta.dodiVerified Senior MobCalgary, Alhttps://w itracks itracks.co
Krishna MuSurya Narakrishna.s Verified Software DToronto, Ohttps://w NamSys Incnamsys.co
Ramez Snober ramez.snobVerified Applicatio Mississaughttps://w Fieldpoint fieldpoint.
Jeremy Squires jeremy.sq Verified Senior Sof Calgary, Alhttps://w SensorUp Isensorup.
Company ICompany FCompany SCompany LCompany Headquarters
Informatio2013 11-50 https://w Surrey, British Columbia
Computer 2011 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Informatio2005 11-50 https://w Halifax, Nova Scotia
Financial S2020 11-50 https://w Vancouver, British Columbia
Informatio2003 11-50 https://w ROLLING MEADOWS, ILLINOIS
Design 2008 11-50 https://w Vancouver, British Columbia
Informatio1998 2-10 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Information Technolo11-50 https://w Bend, Oregon
Automotiv2014 11-50 https://w Ottawa, Ontario
Internet 2015 2-10 https://w New York City, NY
Computer 2003 11-50 https://w Burlington, Ontario
Marketing 1998 11-50 https://w Toronto, ON
Internet 11-50 https://w Winnipeg, Manitoba
Computer 2000 11-50 https://w Calgary, Alberta
Internet 2009 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Sports 2017 11-50 https://w Vancouver, BC
E-learning 2012 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Computer 2013 11-50 https://w Waterloo, Ontario
Mechanical1988 11-50 https://w Calgary, Alberta
Computer 2019 11-50 https://w San Francisco, CA
Information Technolo11-50 https://w Vancouver, British Columbia
Informatio1996 11-50 https://w Regina, SK
Health, We2014 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Computer 2018 11-50 https://w Calgary, Alberta
Hospital &2014 11-50 https://w Vancouver, BC
Financial S2008 11-50 https://w Mississauga, Ontario
Financial S2013 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Informatio2019 11-50 https://w Calgary, CA
Marketing 2010 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Non-profit2012 11-50 https://w Waterloo, ON
Informatio2014 11-50 https://w Allen, Texas
Informatio2021 11-50 https://w undefined
Constructi 2016 11-50 https://w London, Ontario
Marketing 2009 11-50 https://w Vancouver, BC
Managemen 2012 11-50 https://w Vancouver, British Columbia
Computer 2018 11-50 https://w San Francisco, California
Marketing & Advertis11-50 https://w Ottawa, Ontario
Non-profit1968 51-200 https://w Toronto, ON
Marketing 2017 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Computer 2008 11-50 https://w CA
Informatio2018 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Logistics &2015 11-50 https://w Vancouver, BC
Financial S2016 11-50 https://w Vancouver, British Columbia
Computer 2018 11-50 https://w Calgary, Alberta
Informatio2013 11-50 https://w Kitchener, Ontario
Higher Edu1920 11-50 https://w Toronto, ON
Hospitality2004 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Financial S2009 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Financial Services 11-50 https://w Richmond Hill, Ontario
Marketing 1998 11-50 https://w Vancouver, BC
Hospital &2012 11-50 https://w Woodstock, Ontario
Marketing 2020 2-10 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Health, We2018 11-50 https://w Markham, Ontario
Computer 1997 11-50 https://w Mississauga, Ontario
Computer 2018 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Media Prod2016 11-50 https://w Los Angeles, US
Computer 2017 11-50 https://w Victoria, British Columbia
Informatio2015 11-50 https://w Gatineau, Quebec
Electrical & Electron 11-50 https://w Mississauga, Ontario
Informatio1995 11-50 https://w Charlottetown, Prince-Edward-Island
Informatio2015 11-50 https://w Membertou, Nova Scotia
Machinery 11-50 https://w undefined
Informatio2011 11-50 https://w Edmonton, AB
Education 2012 11-50 https://w Toronto, ON
Informatio1975 11-50 https://w Bedford, Nova Scotia
Internet 2016 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Publishing 2015 11-50 https://w Victoria, British Columbia
Non-profit1983 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Renewable2009 11-50 https://w North Vancouver, BC
Computer 1990 11-50 https://w Markham, Ontatio
Marketing 2008 51-200 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Hospital &2014 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Information Technolo11-50 https://w San Jose, California
Informatio2015 11-50 https://w Burnaby, British Columbia
Computer 2008 11-50 https://w CA
Internet 2018 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Renewable2006 11-50 https://w Baden, Ontario
Biotechnol2019 11-50 https://w Toronto, ON
Informatio2014 11-50 https://w Calgary, Alberta
Marketing 1984 11-50 https://w Mississauga, Ontario
Aviation &2015 11-50 https://w Ottawa, Ontario
Computer 2009 11-50 https://w Kelowna, BC
Real Estate2017 11-50 https://w London, England
Internet 2013 11-50 https://w Aliso Viejo, California
Nonprofit 1983 11-50 https://w Toronto, On
Computer 2011 11-50 https://w Hamilton, Ontario
Informatio2012 11-50 https://w Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Profession1984 11-50 https://w Windsor, Ontario
Higher Education 11-50 https://w Halifax, NS
Informatio2012 2-10 https://w Vancouver, British Columbia
Education Manageme2-10 https://w Waterloo, Ontario
Internet 2017 11-50 https://w Dubai, AE
Financial Services 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Staffing & Recruiting 11-50 https://w Halifax, Nova Scotia
Internet 2008 11-50 https://w Vancouver, BC
Defense & 2006 11-50 https://w Ottawa, ONTARIO
Marketing 2004 11-50 https://w Toronto, ON
Internet 11-50 https://w Barrie, ON
Information Technolo11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Financial Services 11-50 https://w Toronto, CA
Marketing 2010 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Informatio2004 11-50 https://w Halifax, NS
Computer 2017 11-50 https://w Montreal, Quebec
Marketing 2013 11-50 https://w Oakville, Ontario
Design 2009 11-50 https://w CA
Internet 1996 11-50 https://w Edmonton, Alberta
Entertainm2008 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Sports 1912 11-50 https://w Ottawa, ON
Computer & 2000 11-50 https://w Ottawa, Ontario
Informatio1999 51-200 https://w New York, US
Telecommu1982 11-50 https://w Toronto, ON
Broadcast 2004 11-50 https://w Markham, Ontario
Research 2020 11-50 https://w Hamilton, Ontario
Design 2009 11-50 https://w Edmonton, Alberta
Internet 1996 11-50 https://w Edmonton, Alberta
Wireless 2014 11-50 https://w Waterloo, Ontario
Computer 2003 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Non-profit1976 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Machinery 11-50 https://w undefined
Environmen 2018 2-10 https://w Calgary, Alberta
Informatio2008 11-50 https://w Mississauga, Ontario
Informatio2010 11-50 https://w Victoria, BC
Informatio2018 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Civic & Soc1922 11-50 https://w Ottawa, Ontario
Computer 1994 11-50 https://w Toronto, CA
Marketing & Advertis11-50 https://w Mississauga, Ontario
Computer 2012 11-50 https://w Vancouver, British Columbia
Informatio2009 11-50 https://w North York, ON
Informatio2005 11-50 https://w Calgary, Alberta
Internet 2018 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Financial Services 11-50 https://w Canada, CA
Real Estate2012 11-50 https://w Vancouver, British Columbia
Computer 1999 11-50 https://w Markham, Ontario
Mechanical1993 11-50 https://w Burlington, Ontario
Financial S2019 11-50 https://w Edmonton, Alberta
Environmen 2013 11-50 https://w Vancouver, British Columbia
Electrical 1986 11-50 https://w Guanzate, COMO
Informatio2017 11-50 https://w Montreal, Quebec
Renewable2006 11-50 https://w Baden, Ontario
Computer 2017 11-50 https://w Vancouver, British Columbia
Insurance 2018 11-50 https://w Toronto, ON
Renewable2006 11-50 https://w Baden, Ontario
Financial Services 11-50 https://w Vancouver, British Columbia
Market Res2015 11-50 https://w Toronto, Ontario
Informatio2010 11-50 https://w Victoria, BC
Market Res1998 11-50 https://w Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Computer 1989 11-50 https://w Caledon, Ontario
Computer 2000 11-50 https://w Oakville, On
Informatio2011 11-50 https://w Calgary, Alberta

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