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Instruc(onal So.

Hannah Key
Lesson Idea Name: News Paper Ar+cle

Content Area: ELA

Grade Level(s): 7th Grade

Content Standard Addressed:

ELAGSE7W3: Write narra+ves to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effec+ve technique,
relevant descrip+ve details, and well-structured event sequences.

Technology Standard Addressed:

1.3.d: Students build knowledge by ac+vely exploring real- world issues and problems, developing ideas and
theories and pursuing answers and solu+ons.

Selected Technology Tool: TEDEd

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Capturing Authentic Narratives

The Courage of Harriet Tubman

Type of Instruc(onal So.ware:
☐ Drill and Prac+ce X Tutorial ☐ Simula+on ☐ Instruc+onal Game ☐ e-books/e-references

Features of this so.ware (check all that apply):

X Assessment Monitoring/Repor+ng
X Allows teacher to create customized lessons for students
☐ Mul+-user or collabora+ve func+ons with others in the class
☐ Mul+-user or collabora+ve with others outside the class
X Accessible to students beyond the school day
X Accessible via mobile devices
X Mul+ple languages
X Safety, security and/or privacy features

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☐ Remembering X Understanding ☐ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evalua+ng ☐ Crea+ng

Levels of Technology Integra(on (LoTi Level):

☐ Level 1: Awareness ☐ Level 2: Explora+on ☐ Level 3: Infusion ☐ Level 4: Integra+on

X Level 5: Expansion ☐ Level 6: Refinement

Spring 2018_SJB
Instruc(onal So.ware
Hannah Key
Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

LIGHTS. CAMERA. ACTION. As students get se`led into class, I will inform them that they are no longer 7th
grade students. Instead, they are journalist wri+ng for “The Atlanta Journal Cons+tu+on.” Before gedng
started, students will watch “Capturing Authen+c Narra+ves.” This video will give students insight on how to
create a narra+ve that is engaging and informa+ve. I will play this video on the smart board using the
instruc+onal soeware TEDEd. I will then ask students to use TEDEd to find a video over a historical person,
historical event, or recent event. They will use the video of their choice to create a narra+ve for a newspaper

Example: I chose the video “The Courage of Harriet Tubman.” The video gives insight on Harriet Tubman and
her journey to becoming a famous aboli+onist and poli+cal ac+vist. Using the video and addi+on resources on
TEDEd I created a newspaper ar+cle that lee readers emo+onal and mo+vated to make a difference.

TEDEd is an instruc+onal soeware for both teachers and students. It offers instruc+onal videos that supports
lesson plans and other ac+vi+es inside the classroom. Instead of having students regurgitate informa+on from
an old textbook, TEDEd offers informa+onal videos through anima+on, sounds, music, and more. TEDEd helps
engage student learning and offers differen+a+on inside the classroom. Students are also using self expression
to create a news ar+cle over an event or person of their choice. This allows students to feel more involved in
the classroom and have a say in what they are learning.
Lesson idea implementa(on:

To introduce narra+ve wri+ng, I will ask students what their favorite movie or book is. Leading off of their
answers I will tell students that each of their movies and books is a narra+ve wri`en by an author or director. I
will then introduce the standard, "ELAGSE7W3: Write narra+ves to develop real or imagined experiences or
events using effec+ve technique, relevant descrip+ve details, and well-structured event sequences.” I will then
use PowerPoint to further explain what narra+ve wri+ng is and what it consist of. Once I feel students have
mastered narra+ve wri+ng, I will ask them to complete the “News Paper Ar+cle” assignment.

This assignment should take one to three days to complete. I will use their final news paper ar+cle to assess
their applica+on of narra+ve wri+ng. In order to extend students learning to a higher level, I will ask students
to present their newspaper to the class. Aeer the students presenta+on, I will offer them one on one
feedback. This will conclude the lesson. This lesson offers differen+a+on by incorpora+ng technology and
allowing students to include self expression in their wri+ng.

Reflec(ve Prac(ce:

When I was in middle school, I had a teacher create a similar lesson plan. We were asked to make narra+ve
notes over a recent event and tell the story as a news reporter. I believe as a student this is when I found my
passion for wri+ng. The ac+vity made me feel like I had a voice and my wri+ng ma`ered to other people. This
is what I hope students get from this ac+vity. I hope it teaches them to love wri+ng and expressing themselves.
To further extend the lesson, I could ask students to work in groups as a news sta+on. Each student will have
their own job at the sta+on. For an example, one student could be the reporter and the other could be the
recorder. Students will vote on which news report to broadcast and then record their own channel. Other
technology tools such as Prezi and Pear Dock could be used to help enhance students video presenta+on.

Spring 2018_SJB

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