English 2 - Editorial Patria

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Paula Flores Katherine Urquijo Pee coat Peer utilizar es eel Fax pedidos: (0155) 55549109-53549102 sitio web: =) naceitoilpaia comms teléfon (0135) 5354.91 00 Grupo Editorial Divisién Bachillerato, Universitario y Profesional Direccién editorial: Javier Enrique Callejas Coordinacién editorial: Ma. del Carmen Paniagua Gomez Supervision de produccién: Gerardo Biones Gonzalez Disefio de interiores y portada: Juan Bemardo Rosado Sols Diagramacién: Jorge Antonio Martinez Jiménez / Gustavo Vargas Mertnez llustraciones y fotografia: José Eugenio Contreras Femat, Jorge Gonzalez Rodriguez, JupiterImages Corp. English2 Serle Integral por competencias Derechos reservados 1©2014, Paula Flores Kastanis, Katherine Urquijo Flores ©2014, Grupo Editorial Patria, S.A. de CV. ISBN ebook 978-607-438-9685 Renacimiento 180, Col. San Juan Tihuaca, Delegacién Azcapotzalco, Cédigo Postal 02400, México, DF Miembro de la Camara Nacional de la Industria Editorial Mexicana Registro nim. 43 Queda prohibida la reproduccién o transmisi6n total o parcial del contenido de la presente obra en Cualesquiera formas, sean electrénicas o mecdnicas, sin el consentimiento previo y por escrito del editor. Impreso en México / Printed in Mexico Primera edieion ebook: 2014 sock IND yor = aioce GD stock fe | Compare People, Objects and Places | talk about Important Past Events | follow Instructions and Understand Regulations | Make Future Plans Contents 2... Overview... ‘Competencias genéricas del Bachillerato General... Competencias disciplinares bisicas del campo Comunicacion Know Your Book..... 1.1 Comparisons: Equality and Inequality 1.2. Comparative Form of Adjectives... 13 The superlative Degree: The Most or the Least... 21 The Simple Past Tense. ae 2.2 Forming the Simple Past Tense ~ Regular Verbs. 23. Time Expressions Usedin the Past Tense Use ofthe Verb To Be... Forming the Simple Past Tense leregular Verbs... Short Answersto Yes/No Questions Adverbsof Time... Leisure, Work, and School Activities .. 3.1 Giving Orders nd Instruetionsin English 32. Imperative Form 33. Modal Verbs 4.1 Different Leisure, Work and School Activities, that You Can Do... 42. How Do We Use the Simple Future Tense? 43. ature Tense Using “Going To"... 44° Weather. vil 1K 1x x 1B 28 so 33 58 14 139 144 158 EY Lt (Ct ENGLISH 2 This bookis the second of our that compose a series design to comply with the fourth update of the syllabi for the program of he subject Lengua Adiciona al Esyurol (English). This subject correspondsto the curriculum ofthe Ge neral Baccalaureate 201 I program which incorporatesa competence based approach, established by the C Curricular Framework oF CCF (Marco Curricular Comin, MCCin Spanish). English 2 is one ofthe subjects that belongs to the communication area ofthe curriculum, along with two other subjects: Taller de Lectura y Redaccin (Spanish Reading and Composition) and Informatica (Computing). Accor ddingto the ccr the area’ main objectives to promotein students the development ofthe following sills ertieal reading, argumentation ofideas, effective communieation in the student’ native language and an additional lan guage (in this case, English). This subject is taught inthe first semester and its antecedent isthe subject Foreign Language taught in the basic edueation level (secndaria). Its purpose is to increase and consolidate the social practices of language, this is, what the expert users of the language do to interpret and produce onal and written texts, preserving the socal funetion of such acts. The four courses ofthe English program focused on the compe: tence based approach, con't ignore previous approaches, specially the communicative approach, which has been ‘one ofthe most relevant ones ‘The main goal of English 2 isto develop tl veloping linguistic communicative s hension, communicative competence ofthe second language student by de- oral and written production and listeningand reading compre- During the fist two courses (English | and 2) itis intended that students recall the most relevant concepts and skill Iearmed in basic education, With this foundation, during the other two courses (English 3 and 4), the goal is for students to acquire a more advanced proficiency level. Using the language teaching Common European Framework terms, during the frst year oftheir baccalaureate stl, its intended for students to consolidate level AV and reach the threshold of level BL. Eaglish 2, published by Editorial Paria and its complementary resources, present one ofthe best proposals written in Mexico to help students go beyond the minimal level expected, hel ping them reach a higher level. This is achieved by reinforcing the previously learned structures (in seandaria), with detailed explanations about their use, cultural notes, and by encouraging students to reflect on ther learning aspect oftheir native language and English processes as well as on compar vt vit English 2 ‘This books dived into four blocks Each one develops a particular theme, ehich s common inthe ie of our students, and is developed in speciic contents where communication and thease of lngaage are performed naturally. In this way, the student develops his or her proficiency by acquiring new vocabulary, reinforcing the knowledge of grammarstructures learned previously and by developing linguistic skills with appropriate practice and evaluation, BLOCK |: COMPARE PEOPLE, OBJECTS AND PLACES. Daring Block 1 you will beable to identify people, places, and things, as well as cultural aspects within the texts, Youwill also beable to exchange information orally and in writing while comparing and using grammatical struc tures correctly, BLOCK 2: TALK ABOUT IMPORTANT PAST EVENTS. In Block 2 youwillbe ableto recognize situations that occurred inthe past, aswell a ask for and give information about activities and situations that occurred in different contexts In orderto do these deseriptionsit willbe neces sary to use grammatical structures adequately. BLOCK 3: I FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS AND UNDERSTAND REGULATIONS, In Block 3 you will be able to recognize instructions, orders, suggestions, and prohibitions atthe same time that you can exchange this information in simple situations using the grammatical structures correctly. BLOCK 4: IMAKE FUTURE PLANS. Block 4s intended for you to identify and understand ideas within texs that ask for and give information about future activities and situations. You will be able to understand and use grammatical structures to express Future Tense ina communicative situation, Competencias genéricas del Bachillerato General Las competencias genéricas son aquellas que todos los bacille res deben tener la capacidad de desempedar y les permitirin alos vencia adecuada en sus smbitos social, profesional, familiar etc Estas eompetencias junto con kis disciplinaes basicas constituyen estudiantes comprender su entorno (local, regional, nacional 0 | el Perfildel Egresado del Sistema Nacional de Bachillrat internacional) inflar en él, contar con herramientas bisicas para jendo alo largo de la vida y practicar una conv continuar ap A continuacién se enlistan las competencias genéricas 1, Seconoce y valoraas{mismo y aborda problemas yrets teniendo en cuenta los objetivas que persigue. 2. Essensibleal atey participa en a apreciacion einterpretacion de sus expresiones en distintos géneras 3. Elige y practicaesilos de vida saludables 4. Escucha, interpreta yemite mensajespertinentes en distntos contextos mediante la utilizacion de medias, cbigos y herramientasapropiados. ‘8. Desarollainnovaciones ypropone solucionesa problemas. partir de metodo establecids. 6. Sustenta una postura personal sobre temas de interés y elevancia general, considerando otros puntos de vista de manera ertcay reflexiva. 7. Aprende por iniciativa interés propios To largo de a vida 8, Participa y colabora de manera efectivaen equipos diversos. 9. Partcipa con una eonciencia cvica y éticaen la vida de su comunidad, region, México y el mundo. 10, Mantiene una acttud respetaosa hacia la intercultualidad yla diversidad de creencias, valores, ideas y practicas sociales, 11, Contribuye al desarrollo sustentable de manera critica, con acciones responsables. Competencias disciplinares basicas del campo Comunicaci6én Competencies discipiinares bésicas 1, Ienifica, onde interpreta kas ideas datos y Conceptos expos empicios en un texto, condderandoeheantenioen yy yy eque se gener yen o que sa recite. 2, Eva un exo mediante fa comparacén dé un cenerido con el dé obs enfunén de sus conocinienios wevosy = yyy rvevos. 4, Plantea sypuests sobre fs fendmenos natura y cultures de su entomo con base en la consuta de diversas fuentes. 4, Produce textos can base en a uso normatvo dela engua, consderando la ntenciény siuacin comunicatva, x] x|x|x 5, Expres teas y concaplos en composicones coherentes y creas, con insaducciones desarrolo y conchsonesclaras. «X= =X =X XK 6, Acgumenta un punto de vista en pibcn de manera precisa, coherent y creat 7, Vlora y describe e papal de art, fa trata y los medios de comunicacon en la recreaci ola ransformacion de una cua, erindo en cuenta bs propéstos comunicatvos de distinos géneros, 8 Vora el pensamienio fii en el proceso comuricatho en su vita codlana y académica x|x|x]x 9. Analza y compara el igen, desarrollo y dversiad de ns sistemas y medics de comunicaién. 10, Ienificae nepeta a idea general ye pose desaolo de un mensae ol o eso en una segunda enqua,recu- yy yy ‘endo a conocimienos pravns mens no verbal y content 11, Se comunica en una engua extanjra mediante un dscurso Kigco, ral o esto, congruents conta sinc coma. © X =X XK 12. Uz as tecnologfas de a informacién y comunicacin para vestige, resolver robles, produc materiales y rns informacion, «|x Sections ot Your book Beginning of the block Thssectin canbe wed asa agnostic evaluation that ‘willl yu tent the competences an knowledge youalready haven are to brain the acquston of pe Irowlege and the eelpment few sls Learning objects Under the “Leming Objects section you wil fd a colton of stucal and rotoral ems wih are contend ‘carting tthe thai uni in ogi ana perien sequence, gag the student and techer a der diecton to flew throughout the bod. Demonstrate your lnowedge sland tiles apie to eae stuatonsayou develop the

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