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>Words that describe NOUNS [ / / / ]

adjective adjective
verb BE + adjectives + NOUN

a.1) My mother is beautiful, b.1) It’s an orange and big cat.

intelligent and funny.
b.2) It’s a nice, small and brown bag.
a.2) This woman is beautiful,
intelligent and funny.
b.3) Her mother is an old person.
a.3) Her mother is old.

an + vowel
a + consonant
Possessive Adjectives > To talk about POSSESSION.

Subject Pronoun Possessive Adjective Examples

my S.1) Mi abrigo es negro.

I > My coat is black.
S.2) Mis abrigos son negros.
> My coats are black.
S.3) Tu maestra es divertida.
You your > Your teacher is funny.

S.4) Los juguetes de él son bonitos.

He his > His toys are beautiful.
S.5) Su juguete está genial.
> His toy is cool.

her S.5) Su amiga es de China.

She > Her friend is from China.
S.6) Los papás de ella son
> Her parents are Chinese.

its S.7) La pelota del perro es pequeña.

It > Its ball is small.
S.8) Sus juguetes están en
** it’s = it is una caja.
> Its toys are in a box.

our S.12) Nuestro papá es divertido.

We > Our dad is funny.
S.13) Nuestros papás son de
> Our parents are from Australia.
S.11) Sus libros de inglés son muy caros.
You your > Your English books are very expensive.
S.12) La maestra de ustedes es
> Your teacher is Mexican.

S.9) El bebé de ellos está lindo.

They their > Their baby is cute.
S.10) Sus papás son viejos.
> Their parents are old.

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