Helping Happily: Questions

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Helping Happily

Lucita saw a beggar.She was thin and old. Lucita

wanted to help but she had only five pesos and fifty centavos.
It was just enough for jeep fare in going home.

“ I will just walk home. This five pesos and

fifty centavos will help the beggar, “ Lucita said to herself.
Then she placed the coins on the beggars hand. Lucita was
very happy as she walked home.


1. What did Lucita see?___________________________

2. Who was old?________________________________
3. How much did Lucita give the beggar?
4. How did Lucita go home?
5. How did Lucita feel after helping the beggar?
Going to a Doctor

Nestor felt very sick. His fever was very high. His
mother brought him to a doctor.

“ You will have to be injected to get well,” the doctor

said.” It would not hurt at all.”

“ Come on, Nestor. Be a good boy,” Mother said.

Nestor smiled at the doctor. Then he looked away as the doctor gave
him the injection. “ Now, tell me, did it hurt? Asked the doctor.

Nestor said, “ Not at all. Thank you.”


1.Who was sick?____________________________

2.Who brought him to the doctor?_______________________

3.Who injected Nestor?______________________________

4.Why should Nestor be given an injection?__________________

5.Was Nestor hurt with the injection?_______________________

On Food

Miss Benigno asked her pupils to write down the food that
they eat everyday. These are some of what the children wrote:

Nita_____ rice , ice cream, eggs, bananas

Luz_____ rice, meat, eggs, milk, vegetables

Bert____ rice, fish, vegetables, eggs

Fred____ rice, fish, vegetables

Ana_____ rice, eggs, bananas, vegetables, fish


1.What food do all of the children eat?_______________________

2.Who was Miss Benigno?_____________________________

3.What did Miss Benigno ask the children to do?__________

4.What food does Nita not eat that the others do?_____________
School Materials

“Tomorrow, we shall go out to buy your school materials.

You must all wake up early, “ Mother said. The next morning, Pina,
Mario and Lorna woke up early. They went to the bookstore with their

“This store is very big. It’s full of school materials,”

Mario said. Pina bought notebooks, pad papers and ballpens. Mario
bought a box of crayons, a bottle of paste and a pencil.

Lorna bought notebooks and a ballpen.


1.What were the children going to buy?_______________________

2.Where did they buy them?________________________________

3.What were in the store?_______________________________

4.Who bought pencil and crayons?____________________________

5.Who went with the children?_____________________________

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