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Materials Today: Proceedings 42 (2021) 465–474

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Effect of bacteria subtilis on e-waste concrete

I. Rohini, R. Padmapriya ⇑
Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai 119, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Concrete is considered to be the greatest consumers of natural resources, which forms dominant material
Received 4 September 2020 in the construction Industry. Concrete possess very low tensile strength and it cracks under uninter-
Received in revised form 4 October 2020 rupted loading. Due to destructive environmental agents, life of the structure is conclusively reduced
Accepted 9 October 2020
which were constructed using concrete materials. This type of damage is caused beforehand of the build-
Available online 14 November 2020
ing structures life and also in due course of time. Epoxy injection methods are used to countermeasure
this problem of formation of cracks. But they are not agreeable. Therefore, a different and eco-friendly
method of crack arresting called Microbiologically Induced Calcium Carbonate (calcite) Precipitation
Bacteria subtilis
has been proposed to improve the strength of construction materials. In this paper the issues of environ-
Self-Healing mental concern were addressed and the use of E-waste as a substitution for coarse aggregate was planned
Compressive strength to attempt. M30 grade of concrete mix design was adopted. E-waste in the range of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and
Flexural strength 20% to that of coarse aggregate has been substituted. Percentage of microorganism varies as 1% & 2% of
Split Tensile Strength the cement content. Finally, the mechanical properties of concrete mix are obtained and compared with
control concrete mix. Remarkable improvements in strength properties were reported.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Second International
Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing 2020.

1. Introduction and severe illness like cancer. E-waste also comprises valuable
materials like gold, copper and other ordinary metals [4]. The
1.1. Background major source from where E-waste is generated are public and pri-
vate organizations which contribute to around 70% of the total E-
Disposal of Solid Wastes has become a common problem in the waste. Household waste which is comparatively less accounts for
developing countries and in particular with the electronic waste just above 15% and 4% of the E-Waste are being recycled [5].
(E-waste) it shows a troublesome growth [1]. Electronic wastes Greater researches have been carried out Construction firms to
such as cathode Ray Tube may contain harmful materials such as use components of Electronic waste which is non-biodegradable
lead, ferrous material, cadmium and plastics. The reuse of such as a partial substitution to aggregates in concrete [6].
components may create momentous hazard to workers and people E-waste concrete will be lesser in weight than that of conven-
in the community. Care should be ensured to reduce direct expo- tional concrete. The coarse aggregate substituted with E-waste
sure to heavy metals leakage from landfills and ashes from inciner- reduces the cost of materials and disposal problems can be sorted
ator [2]. E-Waste may include heavy metals like lead and cadmium, out [7,8,10]. E-waste aggregate can be embodied with coarse
cadmium from batteries, lead oxide from ray tubes, poly chlori- aggregate in concrete without any adverse effects and with reason-
nated biphenyls (PCBs) present in older capacitors, brominated able development in mechanical properties [9]. E-Waste concrete
retardants used on printed circuit boards, cables and plastic casing, exhibits greater strength, durability and increase in compressive
copper cables coated with poly vinyl chloride and plastic materials strength up to 15% replacement to coarse aggregate [11]. The
from computer casings that release highly toxic dioxins & furans, chemical content of the E-waste is essential to understand the
mercury switches, mercury in flat screens, transformers etc [3]. behaviour of the waste for the substitution of aggregate with the
These toxic materials can cause brain damage, allergic reactions concrete which is represented in Table 1.
Concrete is susceptible to be deteriorated by external agencies
⇑ Corresponding author. and results in the formation of cracks [12]. Concrete is being effec-
E-mail address: (R. Padmapriya). tively used in constructions globally because of its availability and
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Second International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing 2020.
I. Rohini and R. Padmapriya Materials Today: Proceedings 42 (2021) 465–474

Table 1 Ca ðC 3 H5 O2 Þ2 þ 7O2 ! CaCO3 þ 5CO2 þ 5H2 O ð2Þ

Composition of E-Waste.

Name of the Material Percentage

Ferrous material 36 2. Materials and methodologies
Lead glass 19
Brominated plastics 18 2.1. Concrete materials
Plastics 12
Others 6
Aluminium 5 Ordinary Portland cement of 43 grades was used in the
Copper 4 research. The fine aggregate used for this investigation was natural
Other metals 0.31 sand which passes through 4.75 mm sieve with test results satisfy-
Glass 0.30 ing zone II of IS: 383 – 1970 [28]. Crushed granites of size 20 mm
Lead 0.29
was utilized as coarse aggregate. Sieve analysis for coarse aggre-
gate has been performed and test results satisfy the Grading zone
III of IS: 383 – 1970 [28]. Ordinary potable water of good quality
adoptable cost but in due course of time cracks are formed due to satisfying IS: 456–2000 [32] was used. E-Wastes segregated
progress of chemicals and leads to the Corrosion of rebar earlier through 20 mm sieve and retained on 12.5 mm sieve was used as
[13,14]. Self-healing of the concrete is new approach which shows a partial substitution to coarse aggregate which is shown in Fig. 1.
ability of concrete to repair its cracks itself [15]. A micro -
biologically induced calcium carbonate formation in which a
micro-organism develops a local environment with the action of 2.2. Bacillus subtilis
bacteria with unreacted calcium particles left in the cement com-
posites, called bio mineralization can be effectively used to heal Bacillus subtilis or the hay Bacillus usually obtained from soil.
the cracks [16]. Addition of microorganisms improves the overall In this present research Bacteria Bacillus Subtilis is used as an
concrete properties and durability aspects [17]. These bacteria admixture to improve the performance of E-Waste concrete. The
incorporated into the concrete should be able to produce high bacteria selected to treat the concrete specimens should be effec-
urease activity to produce calcite precipitation and should be tive in crack healing and able to precipitate calcium carbonate
highly resistant to live in high PH environment of concrete. The crystals. The microorganism should be able to form the inorganic
bacteria used to be able to withstand the mechanical stresses act- calcite precipitation from organic nutrients. The bacteria used
ing over the concrete [18,20]. A new attempt has been made to should not affect the properties of concrete. Bacteria Subtilis is
improve the efficiency of E-Waste concrete by the action of selected since it can withstand the heave stresses that comes from
Microorganisms. The basic properties of concrete making materials the load and it can survive in high pH environment like concrete
such as Fine aggregate, Coarse Aggregate and cement was deter- [27].
mined. The properties of E-Waste to find the suitability of adopting
it for the substitute of coarse aggregate were examined. The 2.3. Production of bacterial water
Mechanical properties of E-Waste concrete with and without the
treatment of Microorganisms was studied and compared with The nutrient required for the growth of bacteria with other
the conventional concrete. Self-Healing methodology on concrete chemicals are mixed with required water and the mixture is ster-
reduce the dependency of new resources, reduces the cost with ilized in a conical flask the sterilized solution should possess the
respect to transport, sort out the landfill at sites and disposal reddish colour. After bringing it to the room temperature the bac-
problems. terial cell prepared in nutrient agar plate is added to that prepared
mixture of nutrient broth and other chemicals. Then flask is then
1.2. Working principle of self-Healing agent covered with aluminium foil and shakes periodically. After 2 days
from the preparation of solution the reddish colour turns into light
Self-healing Techniques will have a promising future for the yellow colour which indicates the formation of Bacillus Subtilis in
rectifying the crack formation in concrete and proven to heal the the flask. Before the treatment of concrete, concentration of cells is
micro cracks effectively over the surface of the concrete. Calcite determined [26].
crystals will be precipitated on the pervious layer of the existing
concrete [19]. Due to action of Microorganisms the cracks up to
0.05 mm to 0.1 mm wide cracks can be cured effectively [21].
The Calcium silicate gel formation is improved by successful reme-
diation by bacteria in concrete specimens to induce calcium car-
bonate precipitation [22]. The pores are formed in concrete due
to the presence of silicates concrete [23]. Calcite crystals will be
precipitated over the top surface of the concrete by reaction of
CO2 present with the Ca(OH)2 indicated by the following Equation
(1). The calcite crystal formation at the initial stage is due to the
scant amount of CO2 present. Dur to the entry of water from atmo-
sphere through cracks Ca(OH)2 is a gets dissolved and diffuse out of
the crack in the form of precipitates. The self-healing process in
concrete remediated with microorganisms is much more influen-
tial due to the effective metabolic conversion of unreacted calcium
particles present in the concrete [24] represented in Equation (2).
The improvement in compressive strength of concrete will be up
to 15% and the decrease in porosity at 28 days will be attained [25].
CO2 þ CaðOHÞ2 ! CaCO3 þ H2 ð1Þ
Fig. 1. Customized E-Wastes to required size.

I. Rohini and R. Padmapriya Materials Today: Proceedings 42 (2021) 465–474

2.4. Mix design and sample preparation

M30 grade of concrete was used. Concrete Mix design was car-
ried out as per the guidelines recommended by IS10262-2009 [29].
The mix proportion proposed for the research was 1: 1.37: 2.27
with 0.45 w/c ratio. Five Concrete mixtures with various propor-
tions of Electronic waste starting from 0% (for the controlled con-
crete mix) to 5%, 10%,15%,20% by the weight of coarse aggregate
was prepared to determine the mechanical properties. All the five
mixes were fed up with different proportions of microorganisms
(0%, 1%, and 2%) taken with respect to weight of cement. Concrete
cubes, prisms and cylinders were casted for all the five mixtures
and cured at the age of 7, 14 and 28 days.

2.5. Compressive strength test

Compressive strength of Concrete cubes was determined based

on IS Code 516: 1959 [30]. Cube moulds of size
150 mm  150 mm  150 mm were cast. Concrete mixes were Fig. 2. Split Tensile Strength Test.
prepared using E-waste as partial replacement and bacteria as an
admixture. The mixture is then placed in mould with and com-
pressed using the rod of size 16 mm diameter. After 24 h the spec- 3.1. Crushing value test
imens were unmoulded and subjected to water curing. The cube
Specimens were finally tested for compressive strength at the Aggregate crushing value test was conducted based on recom-
end of 7, 14 and 28 days. The Ultimate load was determined after mendations given by IS 2386–4:1963 [33] on natural coarse aggre-
failure and the compressive strength is calculated by dividing the gate and Electronic waste. The aggregate crushing value for Natural
maximum load by the area of Specimen [12]. coarse aggregate is found to be 14.85% and that of E-Waste is 2.3%.
Both the aggregates possess the value less than 30% and it is within
the limits specified by IS 383:1970 [36]. It can be concluded that E-
2.6. Flexural strength test Waste have more resistance to the wear and tear than the natural
Flexural strength of concrete prisms was determined based on
recommendations IS Code 516: 1959 [30]. A beam mould of size 3.2. Impact value test
500 mm  100 mm  100 mm was used in the test. With and
without E-Waste concrete was filled in the beam moulds and then Aggregate impact value was determined based on test recom-
compacted using the tamping rod. After 24 h the specimens were mendations given by IS 2386–4:1963 [33]. Impact test is the best
unmoulded and subjected to water curing. The cube specimens indicator of strength and durability from the test result it is found
were loaded to UTM and ultimate load at failure at the period of that natural and Electronic waste are having wide difference of
7, 14 and 28 days. Two-point loading method were adopted to fail impact and crushing value. It is predicted that electronic waste
the specimen at the constant rate. Flexural strength of the concrete has the impact value of 2.1% whereas the natural aggregate impact
beam specimens was determined using the formula recommended value is found to be 7.6%. Since the value for E-waste is less than
by IS 516:1959 [12]. 30% as per the recommendations specified by IS 383:1970 [36] it
can be considered as extremely stronger and can be put into use
over construction industries.
2.7. Split Tensile strength test
3.3. Abrasion value test
Splitting tensile strength on concrete cylindrical specimens was
conducted based on IS 5816:1999 [31] to determine the tensile Abrasion value for both natural aggregate and E-Waste was
strength of concrete. The cylindrical mould used for the research determined based on IS 2386–4:1963 [33]. Los angles abrasion test
was 300 mm height and 150 mm diameter. Tensile strength test was conducted and results were depicted in Table 4. It is observed
was adopted by placing the cylinders in the compressive testing that that abrasion value of natural coarse aggregate (11.5%) is
machine as shown in Fig. 2. The load was gradually applied till fail- much higher than electronic waste (3.8%). The wear and tear mea-
ure and the split tensile strength of the sample is computed using sure of E-Waste is very much lesser than limiting value (60%) as
the suitable formula recommended by IS 5816:1999. specified by IS 383:1970 [36] and hence it can be used as a substi-
tution material for all types of construction works including pave-
ments where the concrete is subjected to more wearing action.
3. Results and discussion
3.4. Specific gravity test
Number of tests at frequent intervals were conducted on con-
crete materials in both green & hardened stage to obtain the Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a substance to the
mechanical properties of Electronic waste remedied with bacteria density (mass of the same unit volume) of a reference substance
for possible consideration to use it as concrete material. The prop- and was found out based on IS 2386–4:1963 [33]. Specific gravity
erties of concrete materials such as water absorption, specific grav- of fine aggregate is found to be 2.62 and that of cement used is
ity, aggregate crushing value, impact value was determined and 3.14. Coarse aggregate and E-Waste specific gravity is around
discussed below. 2.69 and 1.12 respectively. It is observed that electronic waste
I. Rohini and R. Padmapriya Materials Today: Proceedings 42 (2021) 465–474

Table 2 material has less specific gravity when compared to that of natural
Slump Cone values. coarse aggregate. Lower the specific gravity lesser will be the
% of E-waste 0% Bacteria 1% Bacteria 2% Bacteria weight of concrete. E-Waste can be used to produce Light weight
0 26 28 30 concrete. Lower specific gravity of E-Waste directly reduces the
5 30 35 35 density and strength of concrete. Addition of bacteria forms the
10 36 38 40 calcium carbonate crystals and improves density of concrete by
15 45 46 49 arresting the pores and fissures. E-Waste concrete can be made
20 58 56 60
into high performance concrete by treating it with minimum per-
centage of microorganisms.

Table 3
Compressive Strength of E-Waste Concrete with 0% bacteria.
3.5. Fineness modulus
% of E-Waste 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days
0 20.9 30.4 31.9 Sieve analysis was performed on concrete materials such as
5 21.0 30.6 32.6
10 21.6 31.0 32.8
Fine aggregate, Coarse aggregates, Electronic waste and cement
15 21.9 32.1 33.9 and fineness modulus is determined as per IS 2386–4:1963 [33].
20 19.9 28.5 33.9 It is found that the fineness modulus of Electronic waste is 2.5
which is in agreement with that of natural aggregate 2.65 which
shows its suitability of adopting it as substituting material. The
fineness modulus of fine aggregate is around 1.9 and that of
Table 4 cement is 4.3. The limiting value of fineness modulus for coarse
Compressive Strength of E-Waste Concrete with 1% bacteria. aggregate is 6.5 to 8 and fine aggregate is 2 to 4. Lower the value
% of E-Waste 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days of Fineness modulus less will the course of aggregate. The concrete
will be more paster and easier to finish.
0 21.0 30.2 32.1
5 21.9 32.1 33.8
10 22.6 32.9 34.5
15 22.7 32.9 34.8
20 21.3 31.2 32.9 3.6. Water absorption

Water absorption of is performed on all the aggregates based on

Table 5 test recommendations given by IS 2386–4:1963 [33]. and reported
Compressive Strength of E-Waste Concrete with 2% bacteria. in Table 7. It is found that Electronic wastes has considerably less
% of E-Waste 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days water absorption value when compared to that of natural coarse
aggregate. Water absorption value of E-Waste comes around
0 21.9 31.8 33.6
5 22.4 32.5 34.5 0.04% whereas for coarse aggregate it is determined as 0.6%. For
10 22.8 33.6 34.9 fine aggregate the value is 0.3%. It can be concluded that water
15 23.1 33.8 35.6 absorption for all the aggregates is less than or equal to 0.6% as
20 22.0 32.5 34.2 per the Indian Standard guidelines.

Fig. 3. Compressive strength of E-Waste concrete treated by 0% bacteria.

I. Rohini and R. Padmapriya Materials Today: Proceedings 42 (2021) 465–474

Fig. 4. Compressive strength of E-Waste concrete treated by 1% bacteria.

Fig. 5. Compressive strength of E-Waste concrete treated by 2% bacteria.

Table 6 Electronic waste increased and even after the addition of microor-
Flexural Strength of E-Waste Concrete with 0% bacteria. ganism. Since the slump values ranges between 25 and 60 the
% of E-Waste 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days degree of workability of E-Waste concrete with microorganism as
0 5.4 7.9 8.3
5 5.7 8.1 8.6 Table 7
10 5.9 8.6 9.2 Flexural Strength of E-Waste Concrete with 1% bacteria.
15 5.5 7.9 8.4
% of E-Waste 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days
20 5 7.4 7.9
0 5.2 8.4 8.6
5 5.6 8.7 8.9
3.7. Slump cone 10 6.1 9.0 9.5
15 6.3 9.3 9.6
20 5.3 7.8 8.1
Slump cone test was performed as per IS 1199:1959 [34] and
indicates decreasing trend of workability when the percentage of
I. Rohini and R. Padmapriya Materials Today: Proceedings 42 (2021) 465–474

Table 8 3.8. Compressive strength test results

Flexural Strength of E-Waste Concrete with 2% bacteria.

% of E-Waste 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days Concrete cube specimens of size 150 mm  150 mm  150 mm
0 5.6 8.8 9.2 were casted with and without the addition of E-Waste. The maxi-
5 6.5 9.3 9.6 mum load at failure reading was taken and the average compres-
10 6.3 9.5 9.6 sive strength is calculated. The cube Specimens were tested for
15 6.6 9.8 10.2 compressive strength at the end of 7, 14 and 28 days. Compressive
20 5.8 8.9 9.1
strength of E-Waste concrete with 0%, 1% and 2% addition of bacte-
ria are represented in Tables 3-5. It is observed that E-Waste con-
crete up to 15% replacement to coarse aggregate showed a better
per IS 456:2000 [35] is low. The increased value of slump cone test result at 28 days with the maximum compressive strength of
indicates the high flow rate of concrete and it can be recommended 35.9 N/mm2 at 2% bacterial action. Variation of compressive
for lightly reinforced sections in beams, columns, walls and floors. strength at the end of 7, 14 and 28 days with and without the
Table 2 shows the average slump values recorded during the test. action of microorganism are represented in Figs. 3-5.

Fig. 6. Flexural strength E-Waste concrete treated by 0% bacteria.

Fig. 7. Flexural strength E-Waste concrete treated by 1% bacteria.

I. Rohini and R. Padmapriya Materials Today: Proceedings 42 (2021) 465–474

Fig. 8. Flexural strength E-Waste concrete treated by 2% bacteria.

Table 9 fails. Flexural strength of E-Waste concrete with 0%, 1% and 2% bac-
Split Tensile Strength of E-Waste Concrete with 0% bacteria. teria are produced in Tables 6-8. Variation of flexural strength at 7,
% of E-Waste 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days 14 and 28 days with and without action of microorganism are rep-
0 4.4 4.6 4.9 resented in Figs. 6-8. It is observed that E-Waste up to 15% replace-
5 4.3 4.4 4.7 ment to coarse aggregate showed a better result at 28 days with
10 4.5 5.0 5.4 respect to the flexural strength. Maximum value of flexural
15 4.3 5.0 5.2 strength obtained was 10.2 N/mm2 at 2% and 9.6 N/mm2 at 1% bac-
20 4.0 4.4 4.8
terial action.

3.10. Split Tensile strength test

Table 10
Split Tensile Strength of E-Waste Concrete with 1% bacteria.
Concrete Cylinders of size 150 mm diameter and 300 mm
% of E-Waste 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days
height were casted. Cylinders were tested for Tensile strength at
0 4.8 5.2 5.4 the end of 7, 14 and 28 days using the compression tester. Tensile
5 4.5 4.8 5.6
strength of E-Waste concrete with 0%, 1% and 2% bacteria are pro-
10 4.9 5.5 5.9
15 4.6 5.4 5.5 duced in Tables 9-11. Variation of flexural strength at 7, 14 and
20 4.4 4.8 5.2 28 days with and without action of microorganism are represented
in Figs. 9-11. It is observed that E-Waste concrete up to 15%
replacement to coarse aggregate showed a better result at 28 days
with respect to the flexural strength. Maximum value of flexural
Table 11
Split Tensile Strength of E-Waste Concrete with 2% bacteria.
strength obtained was 9.8 N/mm2 at 2% and 9.6 N/mm2 at 1% bac-
terial action.
% of E-Waste 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days
0 5.2 5.6 6.3
5 5.5 5.9 6.5
4. Conclusion
10 5.9 6.3 6.9
15 5.5 6.2 6.4 Concrete samples were successfully casted and tested to ascer-
20 5.2 5.9 6.2 tain the mechanical properties of E-Waste concrete remedied by
minimum percentage of microorganisms. The strength properties
of E-Waste concrete improved by 2% by the bacterial action com-
3.9. Flexural strength test paring to normal conventional concrete. The optimum percentage
of bacteria to improve the properties of concrete is around 2% at
The prisms of size 500 mm  100 mm  100 mm were casted 15% substitution of E-Waste. Past research works reported with
for the research. After 24 h the specimens were taken out and increase in compressive strength up to 15% replacement of E-
immersed in water for the period of 24 h. The cube specimens were Waste to coarse aggregate. Intrusion of bacteria showed better
tested for Flexural strength at the end of 7, 14 and 28 days. The results in strength up to 20% substitution of E- wastes which
two-point load applied was applied at slow rate till the specimen Seems to be positive result from the previous researches. Increase

I. Rohini and R. Padmapriya Materials Today: Proceedings 42 (2021) 465–474

Fig. 9. Split Tensile strength E-Waste concrete treated by 0% bacteria.

Fig. 10. Split Tensile strength E-Waste concrete treated by 1% bacteria.

in Flexural strength has been observed even up to 15% replace- CRediT authorship contribution statement
ments. E-waste seems to have a fruitful effect on the tensile
strength due to the formation of calcite crystals and action of I. Rohini: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Writing -
self-healing. Biomineralization have proved to be better solution original draft. R. Padmapriya: Data curation, Visualization, Investi-
than normal conventional technologies because of its eco- gation, Supervision, Validation.
friendly nature, self-healing capability and convenience to adopt.
E-Wastes can be the potential replacement to coarse aggregate Declaration of Competing Interest
when it its properties are accelerated by microorganisms. Dis-
posal and land filling problems can be sorted out thereby proves The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
beneficial to the society. cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper.
I. Rohini and R. Padmapriya Materials Today: Proceedings 42 (2021) 465–474

Fig. 11. Split Tensile strength E-Waste concrete treated by 2% bacteria.

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