Black Friday Friday

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Read the text and answer the questions.

The day after Thanksgiving has become America’s biggest shopping day. Closed all day on
Thursday, shopping centers all across the nation open early on Friday. Some of them open
at 12:01 Friday morning, while others open at 4 a.m. Some “sleepyhead“ shopping centers,
like Target this year, don’t open their doors on Friday until 6 a.m. From Friday to the day
before Christmas, this is the season when businesses make nearly 25 per cent of what they
earn in a year. This season puts many businesses “in the black”, that is, they make the
money they need for the year.

Reporters from local TV stations interview people who sleep in tents in front of the shops a
day or two before the doors open on Friday. These people patiently wait in queue to get
products that are 50 per cent cheaper or more.

1. When is celebrated the Black Friday?

a. The day before Christmas. b. On new year.

c. The day after Thanksgiving. d. The day before Thanksgiving.

2. According to the text, the Thanksgiving day is celebrated on:

a. Holiday b. Tuesday

c. Wednesday d. Thursday

3. In the text the word “Sleepyhead Shopping Center” means:

a. Shopping center with big heads. b. Shopping center that don’t open early on
black Friday

c. A sleepy person d. Shopping center that opens early on Black


4. Usually on Thanksgiving the shopping centers are:

a. Open b. Close

5. The expression “Put the business in the Black” means.

a. The shopping centers lose lots of money b. The shopping centers earn almost 25
on Black Friday. percent of what they do in a year during
the Black Friday.

c. The shopping centers does not open on d. The Shopping centers offer 25 percent
Black Friday. discounts.

6. There are people who sleep a day or two outside the shops before the Black Friday.

True False

7. Some shops open their doors one minute after midnight on Black Friday.

True False

8. Many reporters think to interview people who sleep in tents in front of the shops before
Black Friday is an interesting news.

True False

9. Thanksgiving is the day when people can buy many things by half price at the shopping

True False

10. Black Friday is not a good business for the shops in the United States.

True False

Listening activity
Write the expressions in the correct column

When you're thinking of something to When you show the other person you
say! are listening!

 
 
 
 

Listen to the audio at

a2/four-conversations. You are going to listen to four different dialogues, match each topic with
the correct conversation.

A visit to a A class project in

A job interview An old photo
museum groups

Conversation A

Conversation B _________________

Conversation C _________________

Conversation D
Writing exercise

1. Write a paragraph about your daily routine with at least fifty words.


2. Write a paragraph about your holidays with at least fifty words.


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