(A Thesis Submitted As The Fulfillment of The Degree of Sarjana Pandidikan

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( A Classroom Action Research at SDN Kelapa Dua -Tangerang )
Submitted As the Fulfillment of the Degree of Sarjana Pandidikan


( A Classroom Action Research at SDN Kelapa Dua -Tangerang )
Submitted As the Fulfillment of the Degree of Sarjana Pandidikan


A. Background of the Study
As a professional teachers in the language teaching, especially the teaching of English a foreign language,

teachers mostly spend much of time on appropriate teaching methodologist for greater effectiveness in students

acquisitions on English, designing and implementing materials, test, and practice Teacher are responsible to educate

the students from little or no knowledge to sufficient English speaking environment.

Mostly of the teaching method before the past few decades, found the teacher tend to carry out the

teaching process in the classroom by applying traditional and monolingual principle ways of teaching with

unsatisfactory. This shows that teachers need enrichments with appropriate ways of teaching atmosphere, that why

in teaching English as the second language by applying new and modified fashions in order that the result of the

teaching learning process would contribute more input to reach satisfied learning outcome. Whole around the world

recently, where the people encourage that English as their target or second language used based on whole

interactions and communication holding the dominant role of very aspects of their life. English is most widely used

in teaching learning process of broader Educational occasions either formal or informal environment.

It is reasonable that English is progemmed as the first foreign or second language in many countries on

this earth, furthermore in present global era. That is why experts on language and language teaching range must

invent today English teaching and learning environment.

According to the 2006 English Curriculum and its supplement, the emphasis of the curriculum is that the

students are able to communicate in English by mastering the whole skills.1 However, it is not easy to master all the
skills; there must be one important skill that covers the whole skills. Based on the statement above speaking is the

most important skill that should be mastered by students in order to communicate in English fluently.

In this case, the students must study hard to master it and the teacher should create a good atmosphere in

class. However, it is contrary to the real situation in class. Speaking activities do not work in class because many

factors prevent students from speaking English with their friends. They are afraid of making mistakes, of being

laughed at by his or her friends and of having lack of confidence in their ability.

Considering problem, relating to speaking activities in class and helping students to improve their

speaking skill is part of the teacher’s job. He or she is expected to have right teaching techniques to provide students

with appropriate teaching materials and to create a positive classroom environment. Therefore, the students will

have opportunity to use English among themselves. The teaching –

learning process should not only happen between teacher and students but also
between students and students.

Speaking is an activity used by someone to communicate with other. It takes place very where and has

become part of our daily activities. When someone speaks, he or she interacts and uses the language to express his

or her ideas, feeling and thought. He or she also shares information to other trough communication.

In the classroom, the teacher must create the situation that can encourage real communication, many

activities can be designed to make majors’ element lively. Games is one of the techniques that can be applied in

teaching speaking because games in one of potential activity that gives students feeling of freedom to express

themselves. Games are also potentially useful to encourage students of interact with each other orally.
In this research, the researcher focuses on the guessing games. The reason for using guessing games is you

give more opportunities to students to make turns in speaking during the times allocated. The researcher assumes

that guessing games are combination between language practice and fun. They can express their ideas freely because

they do activities with their friends. This game is also easy to admiser and flexible in terms of subject matter and


B. The Identification of the Problem


speaking English. It makes them enjoy expressing their feeling, ideas, opinion and even in messages and

suggestions. Since it is fun activity, it helps students to take port in practice.

A. Definition of Teaching

Teaching is a process to give guidance the students to reach the goals. Teaching known as “Instruction” it

means process that makes someone do learning. Teaching is a media for learning process includes behavior

individual changes through pre- planned.

Teaching is an exiting job. Today, many references help teachers to get some solutions of problems in

teaching learning process. The teachers can use some references to find out some techniques of teaching in their

classroom. On the other hand, teaching is not easy to do. The teacher should do much of his work before entering

the classroom. According to Brown,

Teaching is a superior job, is the demanding job. Among the demanding tasks are modifying the approaches,
Syllabus, technique, and exercises to adopt and maximize the learning of a class as well as of most of its individual
It can be stated from the definition above that teaching is not just
presenting information or knowledge to students, but it needs strategies and
James Dean Brown, The Elements of Language Curriculum: A Systematic Approach to
Program Development, ( Boston : Heinle & Heinle Publisher, 1995 )

tactics. The teacher must decide what goals it would be best to teach and what
strategies and tactics are best suited for teaching these goals.

According to Patricia, “It is important for teacher to include as many techniques as possible to enhance student

learning”3.The knowledge gives the intelligence concerning to import, as a knowledge before unknown, or rules for

practice to inculcate as true or important to exhibits impressively as, to teach arithmetic, dancing, music, or the like

to teach morals.

The objective of language is to encourage effective communication in daily life, by practicing effective

expression, increasing vocabulary, give sample opportunities that use language to describe, to compare and relate

experiences, thoughts and felling, creating stories dramas, song, poems, etc. Language should be embedded

throughout all activities.

Moreover, young learner can learn easily many languages. Young learner are equipped by language

acquisition device, therefore, they will not have any difficulty to learn two or three different language at the same


B. Definition of Speaking

Speaking is one of the skills that have to be mastered by students in learning English. It is important for

students to known definition first. Many experts define speaking in different ways. Brown and Yule stated in their


3 Patricia J. Wentz, The Student Teaching Experience, ( T.tp.: Merrill Prentice Hall, t.t )
“Speaking is to express the needs–request, information, service, etc.”4 The speakers say words to the listener not

only to express what in her mind but also to express what he needs whether information service. Most people might

spend of their everyday life in communicating with other. Revell defines communication as follow:

“Communication, of ideas, of opinions, of feeling.”5 Therefore, communication involves at least two people where

both sender and receiver need to communicate to exchange information, ideas, opinions, views, or feelings.

Meanwhile, Jones stated, “Speaking is a form of communication.”6 We can say that the speaker must consider the

person they are talking to as listeners. The activity that the person does primary based on particular goal. So, it is

important that everything we wants to say is conveyed in an effective way, because speaking is not only producing

sounds but also a process of achieving goals that involves transferring messages across. Jone said, “How you say

something can be important as what you say in getting your meaning across.” 7 Therefore, speaking process should

pay attention to want and how to say as well as to whom appropriately.

Gillian Brown and George Yule, Teaching the Spoken Language : Approach Based on the
Analysis of Conversational English (Australia : Cambridge University Press, 1989), p. 14
Jane Revell, Teaching Technique for Commutative English (London Macmillan : Pres Ltd).
P. 27
Rhodi Jones, Speaking and Listening (London : The Bath Press, 1989), p. 14
ibid. Rhodi Jones

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