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Chemical Education Today

edited by
Teacher Talk Erica K. Jacobsen
JCE Secondary School Editor

A Nobel Gift
by George Sellers

From the Editor

fellow teachers every day, could reach a wider audience. Hearing
Often when teachers get together, at summer conferences, about the experiences of other teachers can help us realize our
workshops, or even just in the break room, talk revolves around place in a wider community of educators. Stories can help us to
teaching. What do you hear in this off-the-cuff “teacher talk”? recharge. They can make us laugh. They can inspire us.
It might be a quick description of As a result, I’d like to offer the forum of this “Teacher Talk”
something funny that happened in feature. It’s particularly for stories from high school teachers, and
the classroom. It might be a story will appear occasionally, as accepted submissions arise. I thank
about something that inspired you. George for sharing his story below, and encourage you to listen
It might be a more serious anecdote to your own teacher talk for a story you might share with us.
that makes one ponder. Send your submission to the Editorial Office, indicating it is for
At an American Chemical So- the Teacher Talk feature.
ciety meeting, I was chatting with
photo by Wayne Koehler

George Sellers, a high school chem- Supporting JCE Online Material

istry teacher who was then teach-
ing in Florida. In the course of our
Abstract and keywords
conversation, he shared an anecdote
about the Nobel Laureate Sir Harold Full text (PDF) with link to cited URL
Sir Harold Kroto discusses Kroto. It really struck a chord with
his work with high school me. I wondered how stories like this, Erica K. Jacobsen is Editor, Secondary School Chemistry,
chemistry teachers. and other stories you share with your JCE;

Presenting the Gift

In the summer of 2005, Carmen Gauthier and I received guished guests were won-
an innovative grant award from the American Chemical Society dering what in the world

photos by Jesse Jacobsen

to host a Saturday symposium for local high school chemistry was hidden in that funny
teachers at Florida Southern College. Cheryl Pierce, a chemistry looking package. He started
teacher at Lakeland High School, helped us organize the sympo- the process of unwrapping
sium that was held in January 2006. We were honored to have it—but this took a while
Sir Harold Kroto, a co-recipient of the 1996 Nobel Prize winner because I had used a lot of
in chemistry, as our keynote speaker. Sir Harold’s presentation, tape. As the contents were
Building an Erector Set toy
The Internet: The Second Education Revolution, was captivating revealed, a tremendous involves multiple small, precise
and the teachers greatly enjoyed hearing him. smile erupted on his face. steps.
In connection with the event, the President of Florida He thanked me profusely
Southern College, Anne Kerr, awarded Sir Harold an honor- and then turned to to show
ary doctorate and hosted a private dinner in his honor. The the others his gift—an
symposium organizers and speakers were invited. As organizers, Erector Set! He excitedly
we decided to buy gifts for Sir Harold and the other speakers to explained how important
be presented at the dinner. I offered to be in charge of select- an Erector Set had been
ing Sir Harold’s gift because I knew the one thing he should to him in developing his
receive, based on having read his biography on the Nobel interest in science. He told
Chemistry Web site, everyone at the dinner that
istry/laureates/1996/kroto-autobio.html (accessed Feb 2009). I they should buy a set for The result:
wrapped his gift in the comics section of the Sunday newspaper, each of their children and a motor-
and was so excited to be able to give a present to a Nobel Laure- grandchildren. Then, he driven
ate! How many times does gathered everyone around vehicle
that opportunity arise for a his laptop and showed us and a
high school teacher? a PowerPoint presentation feeling of
photo by Patricia Mason

As I presented the gift, on the history of the Erec- pride.

I could tell that the distin- tor Set. It was an unforget-
table moment!
Putting the finishing touches George Sellers is in the Science Department of Ware Shoals High
on an Erector Set car. School, Ware Shoals, SC;

412 Journal of Chemical Education  •  Vol. 86  No. 4  April 2009  •  •  © Division of Chemical Education 

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