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Unit 3: Hazard Analysis and Critical

Control Points (HACCP) and Its


Lesson 1. The Concept of HACCP System

In the beginning, the man was created to live
on earth but they tried to discover the moon. While
traveling in space, the astronauts needed guaranteed
safety food for consumption. To ensure such
assurance, the National Aeronautics in Space
Administration (NASA) came up with a solution for
that certain food problem. Thus, they adopted the
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)

As time goes on, HACCP System is not only

recommended to NASA but it is the best food safety
system available to foodservice operators worldwide.
Its primary benefit is that it emphasizes the control
of hazards inherent to food at all stages of the
processing continuum. Another advantage is that it
identifies the food establishment as the final party
responsible for ensuring the safety of the food and
handling procedures.
Today, HACCP is being applied to other
industries aside from food, such as cosmetics and
pharmaceuticals. This method, which in effect
seeks to eliminate unsafe practices, differs from the
traditional “produce and test” quality assurance m
methods that are less successful and appropriate
for highly perishable foods.

Being a part of the hospitality industry, we

are involved to practice the procedures in the
HACCP System. As part of the Bachelor of Science
in Hospitality Management Course, we have a big
role to learn the HACCP way of life in this subject,
Risk Management as Applied to Safety, Security and Sanitation.

Learning Outcomes
1. discussed the concept of HACCP system, its history, and benefits;
2. identified the common prerequisite programs and described the
preliminary tasks in the development of an HACCP plan; and
3. examined and elaborated the seven principles in a HACCP system.

Activate Prior Knowledge


1. Write some terms you can associate with Hazard Analysis and Control Point


2. Visualize how an astronaut handled and consumed food he brought in space in

connection with HACCP System? Illustrate or Tell.

3. Before learning the HACCP System, cite some of your experiences in a

restaurant when you are being served with lukewarm food that should be served
hot. How do you feel?

Acquire New Knowledge

What is HACCP System?

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point

(HACCP) is a systematic, preventative approach to a
food safety system that addresses physical, chemical,
and biological hazards. As a means of prevention
rather than finished product inspection, it is designed
to prevent problems before they occur and to correct
deviations as soon as they are detected.

HACCP is used in the food industry to

identify potential food safety hazards, so that
key actions, known as Critical Control Points
(CCPs), can be taken to reduce or eliminate the
risk of hazards. The system is used at all stages
of food production and preparation. This
preventive control system, complete with
documentation and verification, is widely
recognized by scientific authorities and
international organizations as the most effective
approach available for producing safe food.

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point

have been recognized worldwide as a systematic
and preventive approach to providing the food
manufacturer’s quality assurance for food safety.
The ultimate objective of this system is to
anticipate and prevent rather than through end-
product inspecting and testing.

History of HACCP

The HACCP system is derived from two major

developments. First, it was associated with W. Edward
Deming’s theory of Total Quality Management
Systems. It emphasized a total quality assurance
approach to improve quality and reduce costs.
Second, it was the development of the HACCP concept
by Pillsbury Company in the 1960s for United State

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). They created food for the US
space program that approached 100 percent assurance against contamination by
bacteria, pathogens, toxins, chemical hazards, and physical hazards that could cause
illness or injury to the astronauts.

In the ’70s, the US Food and Drug

Administration has adopted HACCP from the
astronauts and applied it to its seafood and juices.
The seafood industry was the first processing
segment to be required to implement HACCP,
followed by the meat and poultry industries. Since
the early 1990s, the foodservice industry has been
under increasing pressure to adopt the principles of


HACCP implemented a control system in

preventing possible hazards for each stage
through continuous monitoring techniques at
critical control points. In the early 1980s, the
HACCP approach was adopted and has accepted
as a food safety quality assurance worldwide.
Since the mid-1980s, HACCP has been recognized
as a best practice means of monitoring food
safety in all segments of the food industry,
including foodservice operations.

On March 20, 1992, the National Advisory

Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods
(NACMCF), adopted a revised document on HACCP that
included seven principles that guide the development
of an effective HACCP Plan. HACCP, as defined by
NACMCF, emphasizes the concept of prevention and
universal application and incorporates a decision tree
for use in identifying critical points. HACCP
implemented a control system in preventing possible
hazards for each stage through continuous monitoring

techniques at critical control points.

Benefits of an HACCP-Based Food Safety Management System

Food safety management system built in accordance with the principles of

HACCP has a clearly defined structure.

Process-based system. Business will benefit from a clear definition of

processes and procedures effective communication and continual process
improvement are the cornerstones of a functioning management system.

Customer confidence. A controlled food
operating an environment with an effectively
implement and applied the food safety system will
improve customer confidence in the safety of food.

Risk management. It uses a systemic

approach covering all aspects of food production
from raw materials, processing, distribution, point of
sale to consumers, and beyond. It moves a
company from a sole product testing and sampling
approach toward a preventative designed to reduce product losses and liabilities.

Management responsibility. It enables

the management to demonstrate their commitment
to the production and supply of safe products.

Relationship improvement. This system

enhances the relationship among organizations in
the food chain, costumers, and enforcement
Records. Record-keeping enables a more efficient, more
effective government and customer oversight. It allows investigators to see how well
a firm are complying with food safety laws over some time rather than how well it is
doing on any given day. Documentation within a food safety system facilitates the
inspection activities of food inspectors.

Legal protection. It has been widely accepted

that HACCP-based systems present the food industry
with the most effective management tool to enable the
production and supply of safe food. As such, the
adoption of this approach can offer a legal defense in
the event of an outbreak of foodborne diseases.

Trading benefit. HACCP-based approaches are

beneficial to companies seeking to meet customer and
legal requirements in domestic and export markets.

Alignment with other management systems. Food safety

management systems based on HACCP can be combined with other management
systems such as ISO 9001:2000. The combination combines a risk reduction
methodology with the required programs and a structure for the management of a fo
od safety system.

Pre-requisite Programs

Prerequisite programs are groupings of

procedures that address operational conditions.
By definition, the term prerequisite implies that
something is required as a precondition to
something else. In this case, prerequisite programs
serve as the foundation for the development and
implementation of HACCP. Prerequisite programs
are not part of the formal HACCP plan, which is
focused on the inherent hazards specific to
individual menu items. Rather, prerequisite
programs define intervention relative to people,
facilities, and the work environment that are
practiced routinely regardless of the nature of the food being prepared.
If consistently and properly followed, prerequisite programs create an environment in
which the food can safely flow from receiving to service with a minimum risk of being
contaminated by environmental conditions.

The production of safe food products

requires that the HACCP system be built upon a
solid foundation of prerequisite programs. Each
segment of the food industry must provide the
conditions necessary to protect food while it is
under their control.

This has traditionally been accomplished

through the application of current good
manufacturing practices (GMPs). These conditions
and practices are now considered to be prerequisites in
the development and implementation of effective HACCP plans. Prerequisite
programs provide the basic environmental and operating conditions necessary for the
production of safe, wholesome food. Many of the conditions and practices are
specified in federal, state, and local
regulations and guidelines (e.g., GMPs and
Food Code).

The Codex Alimentarius General

Principles of Food Hygiene describes the basic
conditions and practices expected for foods
intended for international trade. In addition to
the requirements specified in regulations, the
food industry often adopts policies and
procedures specific to their operations. Many
of these are proprietary. While prerequisite
programs may have an impact on the safety of

foods, they also are concerned with ensuring that foods are wholesome and suitable
for consumption.

GMPs are important because consumers cannot easily detect an unsafe or

ineffective product simply by looking, smelling, or touching it. GMP testing, typically
performed on small samples from a batch, ensures that the rest of the batch
provides the high-quality medication or supplementation desired by these

Examples of common
prerequisite programs are facilities,
supplier control, specifications,
production equipment, cleaning and
sanitation, personal hygiene, training,
chemical control, traceability and
recall, pest control, quality assurance
procedures, standard operating
procedures, for sanitation processes,
product formulations and recipes,
glass control, procedures for receiving,
storage, and shipping, labeling, and
employee food and ingredient handling

Developing a HACCP Plan

The format of HACCP plans varies. In many cases, the plans will be product and
process specific. However, some plans may use a unit operations approach. Generic
HACCP plans can serve as useful guides in the development of process and product
HACCP plans. However, the unique conditions
within each facility must be considered during
the development of all components of the plan.

In the development of a HACCP plan, five

preliminary tasks need to be accomplished
before the application of the HACCP principles
to a specific product and process: 1) assemble
the HACCP team; 2) describe the food and its
distribution; 3) describe the intended use and
target consumers of the food; 4) develop a flow
diagram which describes the process; and 5)
verify the flow diagram.

Assemble the HACCP Team

The first step in designing a HACCP

program is to assemble a HACCP team
composed of individuals with relevant product
and process-appropriate knowledge and
expertise. Developing the HACCP Plan forms
the responsibility of the team. The team should
be multidisciplinary and include peoplefrom
areas such as engineering, production,
sanitation, quality assurance and microbiology
of food. It should also be made up of local
workers involved in the operation because they
are more familiar with its complexity and limitations. m

Describe the food and its distribution

Next, the HACCP team will identify the

food. It consists of a general description of the
food, its ingredients and methods of production.
The method of delivery, along with details on
whether the food is to be delivered frozen,
chilled or at room temperature, should be identified.

Describe the intended use and target consumers of

the food

Describe the intended daily use of the

food. The target consumers may be the
general public or a specific segment of the
population (e.g. infants, immune-
compromised individuals, the elderly, etc.).

Develop a flow diagram which describes the process

The aim of the flow diagram is to provide a clear and simple overview of the
steps involved in the process. The scope of the flow diagram shall include all steps in
the phase which are directly under the control of the establishment. It may also
involve steps in the food chain that occur before and after food processing. The flow
diagram does not have to be as complicated as the engineering drawings.


Verify the flow diagram

The HACCP team will carry out an on-site analysis of the process to
check the quality and completeness of the flow diagram. Changes to the flow
diagram should be made as required and recorded accordingly.

Seven Principles of HACCP System

PRINCIPLE 1: Conduct a Hazard Analysis

When considerations of the five preliminary

tasks in the development of the HACCP Plan had
been accomplished, the HACCP team should
conduct a hazard analysis and identify the
appropriate control measures.

The purpose of a hazard analysis is to

develop a list of hazards that are of great
significance that they are reasonably likely to cause
injury or illness if not effectively controlled.
Hazards that are not reasonably likely to occur do not

require further consideration in a HACCP plan.

It is important to consider in the hazard analysis ingredients and raw

materials, each step in the process, product storage and distribution, and the final
preparation, and use by the consumer. When conducting a hazard analysis, safety
concerns must be differentiated from quality ones.

The hazard analysis and identification of
associated control measures accomplish three
objectives. First, the hazards and associated
control measures are identified. Second, the
analysis done can identify needed modifications
to a process or product so that safety is further
assured or improved. Lastly, the analysis
provides a basis for determining critical control
points (CCPs) in the second principle.

Plants and factories determine the food

safety hazards and identify the preventive
measures the plant can apply to control these
hazards. Food safety hazards are any biological,
chemical, or physical property that can cause
food to be unsafe for human consumption.

PRINCIPLE 2: Identify Critical Control Points

A critical control point (CCP) is a point, step, or procedure in food at which

control can be applied and, as a result, a food safety hazard can be prevented,
eliminated, or reduced to an acceptable level. This step is also known as the killing
point of microorganisms if not prevent the rate of bacterial growth to avoid
foodborne illness.

The following are some examples of

critical control points:
 Receiving, cleaning, storing and
preparing food items
 Cooking, reheating, and hot
 Chilling, chilled storage, and chilled
 Receiving frozen items, freezing, thawing, preparing, cooking and then

There are many forms of CCP in the food service establishment, however, the
most commonly used in the cooking, cooling, reheating, hot/cold holding. To be
easily understood, most establishments either hotel, resort, restaurant, or any other
food service establishment do not refer to CCP’s but rather as an SOP or Standard
Operating Procedures.

PRINCIPLE 3: Establish a Critical Limit for Each Critical Control Point

A critical limit is a maximum or minimum value to which a physical, biological,

or chemical hazard must be controlled at a critical point to prevent, eliminate, or
reduce to an acceptable level. There are four common items in the foodservice that
are the critical limit. These are the following:

1. Time - This refers to the length of time when the food is prepared,
cooked, and served to guest inside the temperature danger zone. The critical limit is
that it should not go beyond 4 hours at the temperature danger zone from receiving,
storing, thawing, preparation, cooking and serving (if needed cooling and storing).

2. Water activity - Food items with a water activity of

less than .80 discourage the growth of bacteria that
mostly cause foodborne illness.

2. Temperature - Cooked food should be

displayed with a temperature of 60 degrees
Centigrade or higher. This can be achieved by
putting it in a hot holding area where the
temperature is controlled and constantly being
monitored. It can also be placed in a chafing dish
where there is constant heating. Should the food be
in a chiller it should be more than 5 degrees or colder.

3. Acidity - pH is the measure of alkalinity or acidity in the liquid. The pH of

pure water is 7. A number lower than 7 indicates high acid content while above 7
indicate high alkaline.

PRINCIPLE 4: Establish Critical Control Point Monitoring Requirements

Monitoring is a planned sequence of observations

or measurements to assess whether a CCP is under
control. It also ensures to produce an accurate record
for future verification. Monitoring serves three main
purposes: it facilitates the tracking of the operation. If
monitoring indicates that there is a trend toward loss of
control, action can be taken at once to bring the
process back into control before a deviation from a
critical limit occurs; monitoring is used to determine
when there is the loss of control and a deviation occurs

in a CCP, i.e., exceeding action must be taken; and it provides written
documentation for use in verification.

Monitoring activities are necessary to ensure

that the process is under control at each critical
point. Time, water acidity, pH, and temperature are
the critical control points that are constantly being

For instance, the freezer or chiller

temperature and time should be constantly
monitored and recorded. In doing this, any
temperature fluctuation can be monitored and corrected. In an
instance that the temperature fluctuates or when sudden mechanical or electrical

defects occur, the food should be quickly transferred to another freezer or chiller to
avoid food spoilage and foodborne illness. A thick deposit of ice inside the freezer
can be a cause of temperature fluctuation. The thicker the ice, the more the
temperature becomes uneven.

Lastly, the worker responsible for checking critical control points should be
properly tooled with thermometers or probe, pH meters, and other equipment
needed for them to be able to do their job efficiently and accurately.

PRINCIPLE 5: Establish a Corrective Action

These are actions to be taken when monitoring indicates a deviation from an

established critical limit. The final rule requires a plant’s HACCP plan to identify the
corrective actions to be taken if a critical limit is not met. Corrective actions are
intended to ensure that no product
injuries to health or otherwise
adulterated as a result of the deviation
enters public consumption.

In an instance that critical limits

are not met, serious problems may be
experienced. To avoid this, the following
should be observed:

1. Determine what went wrong.

In an event that certain critical limits are
not met, try to determine the problem
so that you can be able to take
immediate corrective action. For
instance, you notice the chiller temperature
is now 9°C, take corrective action immediately.

2. Take corrective action. In an event that
something went wrong and you were able to
determine the problem, try to take corrective action as
much as possible. In the above example, try to take
out all the food items in that chiller and immediately
transfer them to another chiller. Make sure that you
inform the supervisor and all employees that the
chiller is not working properly and being fixed
3. Fix the problem.

PRINCIPLE 6: Establish Procedures to Verify that the System is Working


Verification is defined as those activities, other than monitoring, that

determine the validity of the HACCP plan and that the system is operating.
Verification and auditing methods, procedures, and tests, including random sampling
and analysis, can be used to determine if the HACCP system is working correctly.
The frequency of verification should be sufficient to confirm that the HACCP system
is working effectively.

Verification should be carried out by

someone other than the person who is
responsible for performing the monitoring and
corrective actions. Where certain verification
activities cannot be performed in-house,
verification should be performed on behalf of the
business by external experts or qualified third

Examples of verification activities include:

 review of the HACCP system and plan its records;

 review of deviations and product dispositions; and
 confirmation that CCPs are kept under control.

PRINCIPLE 7: Establish an Effective Record-Keeping System that

Documents the HACCP System

Efficient and accurate record-keeping is essential to the application of a HACCP

system. Documentation and record-keeping should be appropriate to the nature and
size of the operation and sufficient to assist the business to verify that the HACCP
controls are in place and being maintained.

To come up with an effective HACCP
plan in your establishment, make sure that it
is well documented in a written form. Keep
sufficient records to prove your system is
working effectively. The document should
provide as much as possible enough
information about the hazards associated with
certain food items or groups of foods that you
are offering. Proper date and time must be m

Generally, the records maintained for the

HACCP system should include the following:

a. a summary of the hazard analysis,

including the rationale for determining
hazards and control measures;
b. the HACCP Plan;
c. support documentation such as
validation records; and
d. Records that are generated during the
operation of the plan.

Apply Your Knowledge


Write the word/word groups to complete the sentence.

Hazard Analysis and _______________ Point is a systematic, preventative


_____________, to food ____________ that addresses _______________,

(2) (3) (4)

chemical and _________________ hazards.


record-keeping physical verification biological

critical control approach safety system critical limit


Number accordingly the Seven Principles of HACCP:

______ Establish Critical Limits
______ Establish Record Keeping Procedures
______ Conduct Hazard Analysis
______ Establish Monitoring Procedures
______ Determine Critical Control Points
______ Establish Verification Procedures
______ Establish Corrective Actions

Assess Your Knowledge

Part 1: Short Quiz - Enumeration

Supply what is required.

Five examples of the prerequisite program of HACCP system

1. _____________________________________
2. _________________________________________
3. _________________________________________
4. _________________________________________
5. __________________________________________

Preliminary Tasks in the Development of a HACCP Plan

6. __________________________________________
7. _________________________________________
8. __________________________________________
9. __________________________________________
10. __________________________________________

Benefits of a HACCP Plan as a Food Protection Tool

11. _____________________________________
12. _________________________________________
13. _________________________________________
14. _________________________________________
15. __________________________________________

Part 2: Essay

1. What is the importance of looking back into the history of HACCP System?


2. Cite concrete examples of questions to be considered when conducting a

Hazard Analysis.

2. What are the significance HACCP System to you as BSHM student and future
workforce of the industry?

Directions: Your essay will be graded based on this rubric. Consequently, use this
rubric as a guide when writing your essay and check it again before you
submit your essay

Essay Rubrics
Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
Criteria (18-20 points) (14-17 points) (13-9 points) (8-0 points)
Writing shows a high Writing is coherent Writing is Writing lacks
degree of attention to and logically coherent and logical
logic and reasoning of organized. It has logically organization. It
points. Unity leads transitions used organized. Some shows some
the reader to the between ideas and points remain coherence but
Organization conclusion and stirs paragraphs to misplaced and ideas lack unity.
thought regarding the create coherence. stray from the There are some
topic. The overall unity of topic. Transitions serious errors.
ideas is present. evident but not
used throughout
the essay.

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
Criteria (18-20 points) (14-17 points) (13-9 points) (8-0 points)
Content indicates Content indicates Shows some
Content indicates the
original thinking thinking and thinking and
Level of synthesis of ideas, in-
and develops ideas reasoning applied reasoning but
Content depth analysis, and
with sufficient and with an original most ideas are
evidence of original
firm evidence. thought on a few underdeveloped
thought and support
ideas. and unoriginal.
for the topic.
Main points well Main points well Main points are The main points
developed with high developed with present with lack detailed
quality and quantity quality supporting limited detail and development.
support. Reveals a details and development. Ideas are vague
high degree of critical quantity. Critical Some critical with little
thinking. thinking is weaved thinking is evidence of
into points. present. critical thinking.

The essay is free of The essay has few Most spelling, Spelling,
distracting spelling, incorrect spelling, punctuation, and punctuation,
punctuation, and punctuation, and grammar are and
grammatical errors. grammatical errors correct allowing grammatical
There is an absence allowing the reader the reader to errors create a
of fragments, comma to follow ideas progress through distraction,
splices, and run-ons. clearly. Very few the essay. Some making reading
and fragments or run- errors remain. difficult.
mechanics ons. Fragments,
comma splices,
and run-ons are
evident. Errors
are frequent.


Ang, M. J., & Balanon, H. A. (2010). Food safety and sanitation. Quezon City: C & E

McSwane, D., Rue, N., & Linton, R. (2008). Essentials of food safety and sanitation.
New Jersey: Pearson Education.

Osorno, R., & Bajao, G. (2019). Risk management as applied to safety, security &
sanitation. Manila: Wiserman’s Books Trading.

Palacio, J., & Theis, M. (2012). Food service management: Principles and practices.
Singapore: Pearson Education South Asia Pte. Ltd.

Somoray, A. M. (2020). Risk management as applied to safety, security, & sanitation.

Manila: Unlimited Books Library Services & Publishing.

Internet Sources:

Answers to Quizzes

Unit 1- Lesson 1 - ENUMERATION TYPE.

1. Facilities
2. Supplier Control
3. Specifications
4. Production Equipment
5. Cleaning and Sanitation
6. Assemble the HACCP Team
7. Describe the food and its distribution
8. Describe the intended use and target consumers of the food
9. Develop a flow diagram which describes the process
10. Verify the flow diagram
11. Process Based System
12. Costumer Confidence
13. Risk Management
14. Legal Protection
15. Trading Benefit


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