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From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp



(overlock & safety stitch)

wi[aeox 6’

1 --

iii 1(51111 1)1



I ihricatioi 5
Caution to 01 hi ter sc reei 5
I low to (1(110 VOUl macbin
) lac: ing the needles
Re 6
ihread ng your macbin 6
Regulating thread tens ioi Ii

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

lb reading d agrams 7
Regulating seam w idtl
Adjusting the upper and lower knives .9
Regulating the stitch lengtl
Adjusting the differential feed regulating love 10
Pressure of presser foot 10


Adjusting needle bar height 11

Adjusting needle guards 11
Left looper adjustment 12
Right looper adjustment 12
Right looper lever adjustment 13
Chainstitch looper adjustment 13
Chainstitch looper height adjustment 14
Chainstitch looper avoiding motion adjustment 14
Feed adjustment 14
Presser foot arm alignment 15
Presser foot lift adjustment 15
Chainstitch looper thread control adjustment 15
Timing gauges 16
Miii meter- inch fraction & decimal conversion chart 1 7

Maclion bed frau 503-51 6 /IV- 20—2 1
(I ) Main fuiiuuui- awl uuiiscellauueoiis u-oes 515—SI 6 /IV- 22—23
(2) Maui frauuii ijuul u uxcellineuis covers 515—516 /IV--- 24—25
(I) M;iiui fruuuue mu uuuiuellimuuiu; coy —503—1S14/IV— 26—27
(2) Miii [rain and misuelhnienus covers 503—514 /IV” 28—29
Crnulshmii nuu’clua,nsn 503-516 /IV”30-3 1
(1) Needle drive nuu’clmanmsin 503—516/IV” 32—33
(2) Needle drive mechanism 503-516/I V- 34-35
Right looper drive mechaniso 503516 /IV• 36-37
leO loopet ulij\’e unechunusn 503-516/1V” 38-39
(I) (‘haiiixtutch looper thrive mechanism 515-516/TV” 4.0-41
(2) (.hiijuisi,itu-h looper drive mechuniSn 51 5-51 6/TV” 4.2-43
(I) Miii and differential feed mechanism 503-516/TV” 44.45 -

(2) Main and differential feed mechanism 503-5 16/IV” 46-47

Ilmor uiiil lower knife mechanism 503-516/TV-- 4.8—49
Presser foot and lit mechanisn 503-51 6 /IV 50-51

(I) Pump hulnicatung mechanisn 503-516/TV-” 52-53

(2) I jump luhricating mechanism 503.51 6/TV 54-55

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

I ) Attachments
(2) Attachments
(3) Attachments
62-6 3
Ihread stand
64-6 5

503/IV-44. 503/IV-48. 504/IV-7 68
501./IV-1 7. 504/IV-19. 504/IV-21 69
504/IV-25. 504/IV-43. 504/[V-45” 70
504/IV-47. 504/TV-S-TO. 504./[V-S-16 71
504/IV-S-1 7. 514/TV-il. 514/lV-12 72
514/IV-20. 511/IV-22. 514/IV-23 73
514/IV-41. 514/IV-42. 511/TV-S-li
514./IV-S-13. 5 14/IV-S-14. 514/TV-S-is 75
514./IV-S-18. 514/IV-S-19. 514/lV-S-20 76
Component parts presser foot complete 503-514/TV

515(516)/IV-26. 515(516)/IV-27 78
515(516)/TV-28. 515(516)/IV-29 79
515(516 )/R3 1. 515(516)/IV-32 80
515(516)/IV-33. 515(516)/IV-38 81
515 (5 16 )/I V-3 9. 515(516)/TV-SI 515(51 6)/[V-52 82


Numerical index of new product code nnmhers with old numliers
6:3 -90
Numei-ucal index of old numbers with new product rode numbers
91 -98
Sewing organizations for 500/TV line
W & C; .500 class model specification and summary sheet

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

The new Willcox & Gibbs 500/IV is the latest design in Overlock and
Safety stitch machines. You will benefit from its ease of handling,
fast pickup in starting and smooth, quiet running. it is automatically
lubricated and ruggedly designed for trouble-free performance. As the
operator, you will appreciate these features helping you to gain more
production with less fatigue as you operate. Wilicox & Gibbs will
continue to lead the way in developing new machines that will benefit
the Operator, achieve more production with greater ease.


LUBRICATION (Fig. 1, 2, 3)
(‘,\ I JIl( )N I(1 i1 s’’as iliaiited front (tie iii:iciiiiie when shipped. Relill with oil iwlore oper:itiig.
liii 0l)/IV ie;iliiies inily ;iillonlaIIe lubrication with a concealed forced air cooling. system. tin.’ ml is
pressiri/.cd by a piiiiip to (lie niternal snrt:iees of liie coiniectiotis through (he inner (‘ranksliaft.
A 1kw iii:ieiina’ should he run at least Iwo weeks at a speed 1101 to exceed 5,000 r.p.m. At (he end of wu
weeks, lift original oil should be drained out and replaced.
Opei:iliuiial speed it er two weeks run--ui may he 0,00(1 r.p.m.
Use iecoiiiiueiided type oil only.


SPhhl) SIZh in IN(l lhS
4000 031 3 1/8”
5 I 00 632 3 1/4”
5275 633 3 3/8”
5450 034 3 1/2”
5050 635 3 5/8”
5825 630 3 3/4”
6000 637

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

3 7/8”

Fig. 3

Note: Ilic above pulleY siv.e is based on a motor speed Fig. I

of appmX. 3,480 r.p.m. (60Hz, 2.pole)

To replace the oil.

Remove the machine from its stand and set it on a table.
Remove Drain Plug (Fig. I, D) which is located on the Oil Pan
just below the Handwheel. Drain oil from machine. Replace
the plug and return the machine to its stand.
To refill, swing out the Cloth Plate (Fig. 2, A) to the left and
remove the Filler Plug (B).
Pour fresh oil into the reservoir using the funnel supplied with
the accessories until the oil reaches the upper line of the Sight
Gauge (Fig. 1, C). Fig. 2 -

The oil level should be kept between the two lines on the
Sight Gauge.
The Oil Filter Screen (Fig. 4, A) should always be kept clean.
Since the lubrication oil is filtered by this Screen and delivered
to all the frictional surfaces, clogging of this Screen may cause
lack of lubrication and accidential seizure of parts.
Check and clean the Oil Filter Screen every three months, or
if necessary, replace with a new Screen when:
the oil jet in the Oil Splash Sight Window is restricted or
weak, or the oil contains foam or debris.


Cleaning the machine is a simple but important operation. it is not necessary to remove any part. Merely
release the foot and swing it out to the left. Swing out the covers and remove all the collected lint from
around the loopers, feed slots, and under the needle plate. Blow out any loose lint or use a lint brush.
Replace covers and return foot to the sewing position.

lt II l;ue llltdle, huh hit’ lIafltlWllct’l until 11w
Needle thu is iii its ugliest position. lilt up the llund
Lt I eVII (lig. 5, F) intl Swing loot In hut’ hell (I).
503, 504/IV (Fig. 6)
Looseiu Needle ( ‘laiuip Nut (A) and wit hdi aw needle.
I r,

1 ,
luist’rt lily,’ uut’i.’dle ihitu the needle hole is tar as it will
go, and posit oil start oh I lie ieedle to the rear ot I lie
maeliiiui. keliglulen nut (A).
514/IV (Fig. 7)
515, 516/IV (Fig. 8)
Loosen Need Ic (‘lunp Screws (13) and wit hdraw needle.
Insert new needle into the needle hole as tar as it will
go, and position scan ol the needle to the rear of the
macluuiuc. Relighten screws (13).
Fig. 5
503, 504/IV 5 I 4/I V 515, 516/IV


From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

Fig. 6 Fig. 8

THREADING YOUR MACHINE (Fig. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)

When a machine is received, note that it has been threaded correctly. The simplest way to rethread it is to
tie the new threads to those already in the machine and pull the new threads through, making sure that
the knots wilt go through the looper eyes and needles.
In case the machue requires a complete rethreading refer to tile threading diagrams.


The amount of tension required varies with type of material, thread, stitch length, etc.
Adjust individual thread tensions as follows.
To increase tension Turn nut clockwise.
To decrease tension — Turn nut counterclockwise.


‘13 r4



503/IV, 504/IV, 514/tV

I503/IV. 504/tV .514/tV

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

Left needle thread Non Non ‘F I
Right needle thread T2 12 T2
Right looper thread Non T8 18
Left looper thread T7 T9 19

Fig. 12

For the welting operation which requires a loose
needle tension, the Needle Thread Guide (Fig. 9,
B) may be adjusted.
To decrease tension —Loosen Needle Thread
Guide Screws (Fig. 9, C), move Needle Thread
Guide down. Retigh ten screws (C).

515/tV, 516/tv ———— Threading for stretchy thread like wooly yarn

l5/iV6V Fig. 13

Right needle thread T3 13

Left needle thread -__14_- 14
Right looper thread
J Non T8
Left looper thread 17 19
Chainstitch looper thread 110 TI 0

Fig. 11: Needle threading for elastic synthetic

Fig. 14
7 -
515, 516/IV (Fig. 15)_
1. Turn the I lindwlieel until the Upper Knife is at its lowest point.
2. lAnsen I he Lower Kink’ I lolder Screw (A). Pull the Lower
Kni ic I lolcier (the lower Knife (lamp Stud Nut. B) to the left
as Far is it will go mt 1 lightly tighten screw (A).

3. Loosen the Upper Knife (lamp Screws (C) and move the Upper
Knife ( Limp (I)) to the right or left until the desired width is
4. Tighten the Upper Knife (‘lamp Screws (C).
5. Loosen t lie Lower Knife Holder Screw (A), then the Lower
K iii Fe II ol cler will ret urn to position by spring action.
6. Retigliteri screw (A).
503, 504, 514/IV (Fig. 16)
• Turn tie I landwheel until the Upper Knife is at its lowest point. Fig. 15
2. Loosen the Lower Knife Holder Screw (A). Push the Lower
Knife llolder (the Lower Knife (lamp Screw. U) to the left as
far as it will go and lightly tighten screw (A).
3. Loosen the U pper Knife (lamp Screws (C) and move the Upper
Knife (lamp (D) to the right or left until the desired width is
4. Tighten the Upper Knife (lamp Screws (C).

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

5. Loosen the Lower Knife Holder Screw (A), then the Lower
Knife 1—lolder will return to position by spring action.
6. Retigh ten screw (A).


515, 516/tv (Fig. 15, 17)
Fig. 16
1. Loosen the Lower Knife Holder Screw (Fig. 15, A). Pull the
Lower Knife holder (the Lower Knife C’lamp Stud Nut. B) to
the left as far as it will go and lightly tighten screw (A).
2. Remove the Upper Knife Nut (F) and raise the knife
to remove. Replace with a new knife but do not tighten
nut (F) completely.
3. Turn the Handwheel until the Knife Holder (D) is in its
lowest position. Set the Upper Knife so that its cutting
edge overlaps the Lower Knife by 1/32” (.5-1.0mm)
(Fig. 17).
Retighten nut (F).
4. Loosen the Lower Knife Holder Screw (A), then the.
Lower Knife Holder will return to position by spring
5. Retighten screw (A). Fig. 17
503, 504, 514/IV (Fiq. 16, 17)
1. loosen lie I,ow(y kiiik holder Sciew (A). l’usli the lower Knife
holder (the Lower Knife (‘I;uup
Screw. L) lo the letI as tar ax it will go and lightly lighten screw (A).
2. Remove the tipper Knite Stiew Nut (1) iinl raise the knife to reniove.
Replace with new knife hilt (10 lot tighten nut (I”) eonipletely.
3 ‘luiii the Ilanthwhieel until lie Kuite Holder (I)) is in its lowest position.
Set the Upper Kuile so that its eiittuig edge overlaps the lower Knile
by 1/32’’ (.5-1.0mm) (Hg. 17).
Ret ghiten iiit ( U).
4. I •ooseu the lower Kuite I lolder Screw (A), (lien (lie Lower Knite Holder will
return to position by
spring action.
5. Ret ighi len screw (A)

515, 516/IV (Fig. 15, 17)
• Looseu the Lower Knife I lolder Screw ( Fig. I 5, A). Pull the Lower Knife Holder (the Lower
(‘lamp Stud Nut. B) to the left as tar as it will go and lightly tighten screw (A).

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

2. [,oosen the (‘hun St tid Nut (B) and i Cfliuve [he Lower Knife.
3. Insert a new Lower Knife (U) into the groove of the Lower Knife Clamp Strict (1), setting
the blade so
that the cutting edge is level with the top of the Needle Plate (Fig. I 7). Tighten nut (B).
4. Loosen the Lower Kni te I lolcler Screw (A), then the Lower Knife Flolcler will return to position by
spnng action.
5. Ret ighten screw (A).
503, 504, 514/IV (Fig. 16, 17)
1. Loosen the Lower Knitc Holder Screw (Fig. 16, A). Push the Lower Knife Holder (the Lower Knife
(‘lamp Screw. F) to the left as far as it will go and tighen screw (A) lightly.
2. Loosen the Lower Knife Clamp Screw (E) and remove the Lower Knife.
3. Insert a new Lower Knife (U) into the Lower Knife Clamp (H), setting the blade so that the cutting edge
is level with the top of the Needle Plate (Fig. 17). Tighten screw (E).
4. Loosen the Lower Knif’e Holder Screw (A), then the Lower Knife Holder will return to position by
spring action.
5. Retighten screw (A).

Note; A right angled Upper Knife is also available as an aLixiliary sales item.

Knives must be kept sharp. The Lower Knife may be sharpened by use of a grinder while making sure that
the correct angle is maintained.
Lpper Knife may be sent to our distributors or rCtLirfled to us for resharpening since it requires special


To change the stitch length, swing Cloth Plate to the left. Loosen Feed Eccentric Push Rod Screw
(Fig. 18,
A) and press in the Eccentric Push Rod (B). While pressing in on the rod, turn the Hanclwheel
in the
sewing direction until the rod drops into the hole in the eccentric.
Turn the Handwheel toward the desired stitch length as shown on the Handwheel mid cover tor
a longer or
shorter stitch (Fig. 19).
Longer Stitch (less stitches per inch) — Turn Flandwheel clockwise.
Shorter Stitch (more stitches per inch) — Turn Handwheel counterclockwise.
When desired stitch length is obtained, release the rod (B) and tighten screw (A)

‘I 1.

(5)5,5 (5))., 504. 54)
I”ig. I S Fig. I 9


The tollowmg teed ralios are preset at (lie tactory.
Seaming machines 1/2: I stretch to 2: I titling
Slurring machines I : I seaming to 3: I shirring

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

Seaining Iviachines Loosen Thumb Nut (C). I .me up mark on Differential Lever (D) with setting
(Iig IS) shown on Indicator PIn Ic (S). Retighten nut (C).
1.5 = 2 : I filling
0.6 1/2 : I stretcb

Sb i rn ng Machines intermittent shirring can be obtained by use of the Knee Control provided with
(Fig. 20) Shirring Machines. When the range has been set the adjustable stops (E) are
positioned and Thumb Nut (C) is left loose.
3 = 3 : 1 shirring
2 = 2 : 1 .shirring
I I : I seaming

Please note all settings are approximate figures that will vary with fabric weights, thread, stitch length.

i’,, / .y ‘•



Fig. 21


Pressure of the Presser Foot is regulated by means of the Presser Regulating Thumb Screw (Fig. 21 C).,

Pressure on the Presser Foot should be just enough to feed material and obtain proper stitch formation.
Too much pressure may spoil material and give it more stretch than it needs. Too little pressure may
cause uneven feeding or stitches.

Wjlli a new neille iii (ic iii;iLl1ile. urn Ic lI:iinlwlieel iiilil (lR needle is ni Is liiglies( posiliiiii. LIc’
Fnnii’, .iii;e, check (lie cle:ii:iiicc hel weci (lie pi)iiit ol (lie iiecdle id I lii lop ol the Nec-dIe Male.
If elc:ii;iiiee is nil oriccI. loosen (lie Neeille Bar (‘oniiectiiit’. Br:ickel Screw cud 1usd (lie Needle Our
corieelly. (‘luck In nalse sure ((ic needle ix iii lie cenler nI lii’ needle hole nid lighten (lie hr:icleI
screw seen rely
I-li )IkA I. I)IMI’NSIoN
5 II’I(’ll M0I)I’I, IIG. N0I’h
503 503/IV .1 ho 04 22
50-h So-lily -II 0 11)1 22
50)5 505/I V LI I (I 0,4 22
SI 2 5 14/IV .4S I I .8 23 check to I he Ic I) need ft
SI-I 5I4/IV I 1.8 23 c-heck In (Ic IIt needle
515 5l5/IV .415 I Of 24 check to the riejit needle
L__Slh - 510/IV .1 IS lO.f 2l check to the dglI needle
515 (Sl)/IV3S, 10. I nini
SlS(516)/IV-51,-52 I 2.0)inrn

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

I[ l:j



Uug. 22 Fig. 23 [ig. 24

ADJUSTING NEEDLE GUARDS (Fig. 25, 26, 27, 28)
Machine are fitted with both front and rear needle guards. Set Rear Guard first.
Rear Needle Guard
515, 516/IV (Fig. 25, 27)
Turn Hanclwheel until Needle Bar is at its lowest position. Loosen two screws (U) holding Needle
Guard Bracket. Move bracket until the top of the Overlock needle eye is .020’’ (0.5mm) below the
line (T) of the Needle Guard, Rear. Tighten screws (U). Loosen screw (R) holding Needle Guard, Rear.
When point of the Left Looper comes to the centerline of the needle, adjust the Needle Guard
hack and forth so that it lightly touches the needle. Tighten screw (RI.
503, 504, 514/IV (Fig. 26, 27)
Turn Handwheel until Needle Bar is at its lowest position.
Loosen two screws (N) holding Needle Guard Bracket. When point of the Left
Looper comes to the
centerline of the needle, adjust the Needle Guard (S) back and forth so that it lightly touches
the needle.
Tighten bracket screws (N).
Front Needle Guard (Fig. 28)
Adjust Needle Guard so there is a space of .004 .008” (.1

.2mm) between the Needle and Guard.

CAUTION: Needle Guard must be reset when needle size is changed.




Fig. 25 Fig. 27
N -

Fig. 26
(‘lcaiiiicc tiiiii l)oiiit I I ulci 1 ccitciliiii’ ol l”ccIlc

MO!)!. I
SII1( II I N( 1 I MM
5(0 503/IV .151 (5/3.2) 3.2)
501 ‘St).I/I\.f .15! ( 5/32) .1.2)
505 S0’l/IV .154 (5/32) 3.2)
SI.2 S l4/IV .151 (5/32) V
511 5 l!/IV () (I I /01) 43
I”ig. 3(1
• 515 St 5/IV . 54 (5/32) 3.2)
510 Sl0/IV
I .151(5/32) 33)
Iii!. .20
Iiisert 11w looper nib lIiL looper lever, iii;ikiiig sure it reaches
the bottom of slot. lighten screw ( B). ‘Fun the I Lnidwhee until
the looper is in I lie ext reiiuely Ic ft P05 I ion
Loosen clamp screw ( Fig. 211, Y ). Sc! poni I of Looper Irom ccii (crime of Needle to correct dimension
shown above and lightly tighten screw (YF [urn I landwhiccI until Looper point us on the centerline ol (lie
Needle. Move Looper I .ever, if necessary, along its shalt so thai the Looper point just touches the needle
at the scarf ( Hg. 30). ugh ten screw ( Y ). Recheck clearance dnnension and tighten screw (Y) securely.

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

RIGHT LOOPER ADJUSTMENT (Fig. 31, 32, 33, 34, 35)
Clearance from Looper (eye) or Spreader ( bottom of V groove) to centerline of Needle ( Fig. 3 I 32). ,

503 503/IV .130 ( 1/8) 3.3 -
504 504/IV 130(1/8) 3.3
505 504/IV .130 (1/8) 3.3
512r 514/IVr -*

514 514/IV .157 (5/32) 4.0 Fig. 31

515 515/IV .130(1/8) 3.3
516 516/IV .130(1/8) 3.3
aligned with left needle eye

Turn l-landwheel until the Looper is at its extremely left position.

Loosen clamp screw (Fig. 35, K) and move Looper until necessary 1ig. 32
dimension is obtained as listed above.
0.2 0.4mm
At the same time, make sure the Looper points .008 --.016” 01 —0.2mm
cross as shown in Fig. 33. 004 -.008”
.004 - .006”
Clearance between the Needle (N) and Right
Loopershouldbe .004 —.008” (0.1 - 0.2mm)
(Fig. 34).

Fig. 33 Fig. 34

If the Right Looper strikes the Left Looper in passing, advance or retard the timing by adjusting the Right
Looper Lever.

Turn lI:indwtit’el until the Right Looper is at its lowest posit (iii.
(‘lear:iiieebetween (‘rank Pin md Maclone Bed
should he:

l\4( )l )11 I K
!N(’Il MM
503/TV .157 (5/32) 1.0
515/TV .157(5/32) 4.t)
5(El/IV .13% (9/64) 3.5
51.1/TV .13% (9/64) 3.5
S I n/TV .13% (9/6*) 3.5

Note: lo check this set hne the Oil Pan must

be remoVed.

1t adjiistiiienl is necessary, loosen clamj) screw ( [_). Fig. 35

Adjust the Looper Lever (J ) up or down until (he correct setting is obtained. Retigh ten clamp screw ( F).
Adjust the Looper back and I orth, right md left in the holder. Retime the Looper to the Needle since
raisi ig or lowering the ever will alter the distance between the Looper eye and Needle centerli mie.

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

Securely tighten screw (K) and ( L). Replace Oil Pan.
CAU’I’ION : Make sure when tightening screw ( F) that you do not twist the Looper Lever causing a bind
in the machine.

Various Right Loopers are provided as listed below for use with various size needles.
boy ease ot identilication looper have been marked with a looper marking.


)-l2 027-032 65-80 204278
323-810.215 -

2 tlmmead 503-5 1 5/TV 3 13-In 034-040 85-100 204704 204704

323-810-011 323.810-01 I
5 17-21 042-051 100-140 204705
- 323-810-012
2 -
9-12 027-032 n5-S0 204062 204062
323-810-218 323-8 10-2 18
3 thread 504-51 6/IV 4 13.16 204702 204702
034-040 85-100
323-810-009 323-810-009
6 17-21 042-051 100-140 204703 204703
323-810-010 3 23-S 10-01 0
4 thread 514/IV 7 9-14 027-036 65-90 204663
Clearance from point of Looper to centerline of Needle

[ 5 15-516/TV .083 (5/16) 2.1

Insert Chainstitch Looper into Looper Lever (Fig. 36, 0)

until it touches the Looper Regulator (P).
Tighten screw (Q). Turn Handwheel until the Looper is at
its extremely left position (Fig. 37).
Loosen cia iii p screw (R) and move Looper Lever until
(lie necessary clearance is obtained. Tighten screw (R).

ltnii IIHii(IWlieel aiid check lie eye to eye relationship ut lie needle mitt
[oliei Ihe (‘ye ol the iieedle iiid (lie eye ol I oopei should croSs when
the lilei is eoniint’, ni to lie iieeclle and on (lie way hack. If the eye to eye
reIitiL)nshnl) is not obtained, adjust the looper Regulator ( lig. .4b, P) to the
tell iii dhit. Flux adjustment will r;nse or lower (lie looper eye.
hut I oopci uiuuisl lie set So lull (hut’ poml 01 lie looper does uuo( qtnte
k)Iieh hue needle is it passes. When the above settings ire complete, tighten
chnnp sciew (RI securely.


‘b eluiinge tie looper iuvoidmg iiiot Oil due to (lie diameter or the needle. When larger or smaller needles
are lit ted to (lie niielnnc make 11w tollowmg adjustment.
Swing ont ( loth Plate. Remove Bedplale. Loosen Looper Avoiding Connection Pin Nut. Turn Looper
Avoidmg Regulating Screw. ( Fig. 39, C).

Less notioii Turn screw clockwise. This will raise the Looper Avoiding Connection Pin.
More motion ‘l’urn screw cmiii tei clockwise. This will lower the Looper Avoiding Connection Pin.
Check that tile (‘hainsli tell Needle passes just. belnnd the Chainstitch Looper on the downstroke.

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

Retigli (cii Looper Avoiding Connection Pin Not. Replace Bedplate and Cloth Plate.

FEED ADJUSTMENT (Fig. 39, 40, 41)

Feed Dogs have generally been preset at the factory with a front to back tilt when the machine was sewn
off. Before adjusting feeds, turn the Handwheel until the feeds are at their highest position.
Standard height of Main Feed is 0.47” (3/64) 1.2mm above the
needle plate at its rearend tooth. A straight edge can be placed
across the top of the feeds (Fig. 41).
Loosen Feed Dog Screws (Fig. 40, A & B) and raise or lower
feeds until the proper height is obtained (Fig. 41).
Retighten screws (A & B).
r) To tilt the Feed Dogs, remove Plug Screw (Fig. 39. C) and
-l ‘‘ loosen Feed Bar Flinge Pin Screw (D). Remove screw (F) and
turn screw (F) until the desired tilt is obtained.
Retigh ten screw (D) and replace screws (C & F).
Woven materials Set feeds level
C, Knit materials -— Tilt feeds higher in the front than the rear
Fig 39


Fig. 40 Fig. 41
[,ooseii alcw (S I nit) move Piessir
Am (I’) In the right or let I
ililtit tile I;iee ot (lie Piesset
Arm lunches the Mwliine Arm evenly.
Siemmiely I I(’,IItemI silew St.

501. 5 l1/IV 515. 516/IV Lig.42
V I’

Hg. 43


43, 44)

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

Loosen SCICWS holdiig Regiihitorx (11g. 42, W &
lig. 43, V) ‘l’uni
Regulators to allow the highest lilt.
Tigh ten both screws.
Turn I landwheel Un [ii Needle Bar is in the lowest
position. Remove.
(2) lock screws (Hg. 44, N).
Turn screw (M) left or right until a lilt is obtained
of .236” (I 5/64)
Replace screws (N). After tius setting has been.
made, position
Regulators (V & W) as stops so they are
in contact with the
Presser Arm (P) and F not Lilt Lever (Z).

Fig. 44


(Fig. 45)
Loosen screws holding Looper Thread Takeup Eyelets E
(A) and move
eyelets until the coiled ends line up with the engraved line
on Guide
Bracket (B). Tighten both screws.
Turn Handwheel until the Needle Bar is at the highes i.
t position.
Loosen tile two screws holding bracket (B). Set the bracke
t in a
horizontal position. With the left screw loose, position
Looper Thread
Takeup Gtude (D) so that the bottom edge of guide
(D) is .060”
(1 / 1 6) 1.5mm above the top of bracket (B). Tighten both
Loosen the two screws holding takeup (C) and turn the llandw
until the Needle Bar is at the highest position. Set the
takeup (C)
so that the flat portion is at a 100 angIe to bracke
t (13). ‘l’igliten Fig. 45
takeup screws. Check to make sure that the takeup clears
guide (D).
TIMING GAUGES 515. 5l(/IV 5H..-2.()


I 55 ‘So
5O, 504/IV 514 I IV 323-R82•UU

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp



A) Right Needle, at upper dead Point. from Needle Plate top to Needle Point.
B) Right Looper, at left dead Point. from Left side of Needle to Looper Thread
Eye Center.
C) Left Looper, at left dead Point. from Left side of Needle to Looper Point.
(Needle Size 11)
D) Left Looper, at left dead Point. from Left side of Needle to Looper Point.
(Needle Size I 4)
E) Chainstitch Looper, at left dead Point. from Left side of Needle to Looper Point.
(Needle Size II)
F) Chainstitch Looper, at left dead Point. from Left side of Needle to Looper Point.
(Needle Size 14)
G) Maui Feed Dog. at upper dead Point. from Needle Plate top to top Edges of Teeth.
H) Highest height of Presser Foot lifted. from Needle Plate top to Sole of Presser Foot.
I) Needle, at upper (lead Point. from Needle Plate top to Needle Point.
J) Right Looper, at left dead Point. from Left side of Needle to Looper Thread
(Needle Size 9) Eye Center.
K) Left Looper, at left dead Point. from Left side of Needle to Looper Point.
(Needle Size 9)
L) Left Needle, at upper dead Point. from Needle Plate top to Needle Point.

— 16-

A I’l’R.
IRA(”I’. MM IN(’IJ 1)t(’JMAI,
0, I .004 3.4 .134
0.2 .008 6.7 1 7/64 .264
3.5 .138
0.3 1 /ei .01 2 6.8 26$
3.o 9/64 .142
0.4 I/l .016 6.9 .272
3.7 .146
•5 .020 7.0 .276

• I 50 .
71 9/32
0. -

.024 3.9
0.7 • 154 7.2
.028 4.0 5/32 .283
0.8 1/32 .157 7.3
.032 4.1 .287
0.9 16I 7.4
.035 4.2 .291
1.0 .165 7.5 19/64
.039 4.3 .295

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

.169 7.6 .299
1.1 .043 4.4 11/64 .173
1.2 3/64 .047 7.7 .303
4.5 .177
1.3 3/64 .051 7.8 .307
4.6 .181
.4 .055 7.9 5/16 .311
4.7 .185
1.5 .059 8.0 .315
4.8 3/16 .189
.- .- --
8.1 .319

1/16 .063 4.9

1.7 .193 8.2
.067 5.0 .323
1.8 .197 8.3 21/64
.071 5.1 .327
.9 .201 8.4
.075 5.2 1 3/64 .330
2.0 5/64 .205 8.5
.079 5.3 .335
.209 8.6 .339
2.1 .083 5.4 .213
2.2 .087 8.7 1 1/32 .343
5.5 .217
2.3 .091 8.8 .346
5.6 7/32 .220
2.4 3/32 .094 8.9 .350
5.7 .224
2.5 .098 9.0 .354
5.8 —

.102 5.9
2.7 .232 9.2
.106 6.0 15/64 .362
2.8 7/64 .236 9.3
.110 6.1 .366
.240 9.4
.114 6.2 .370
3.0 .244 9.5 3/8
.118 6.3 .374
.248 9.6
3.1 .378
.122 6.4 1/4 .252
3.2 1/8 .125 9.7 .382
6.5 .256
3.3 .130 9.8 .386
6.6 .260 9.9 25/64 .390
10.0 .394

20.0 25/32 .787 50.0 1-31/32 1.968

30.0 1-3/16 .T81 80.0 3-5/32 3.150

. 60.0 1-23/64 2.362

40.0 1-37/64 1.575 90.0 3-35/64 3.543
70.0 2-3/4 2.756 100.0 3-15/16 3.937

— 17--
From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp




From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp


iu:i. NIW P8) )l tilt 304/IV : I 5/lV
NO. tOOl NO. OIl) NO. l)ES(8l19ION 514/TV Slo/IV

I .1 ..l- 0X 001 .0 (lOot tO laeliiiit het liaiiit

3 .1 3.) 568—00.1 II l4l 1)1(1 I llI1( x
3 i 5332 l4iciiiiie lird liHiliC lii 111111. IiII) x 5
‘I 3 (l0( —0).) P.liilinit nd lr:lIIIe (Ill lode plug sciew (.1 used) x x

S .1 3.) 500-006 30)62 l\’liclu iuc irni ( rill x x

6 ..)-66-31)7 201251 Miclniie nm (right ) oil seul gasket x x

7 3 33600-00 51 (Il) Maclone inn (right) screw (4 used) x x
. 23 620-001 It It (2 Machine arm (right) lunge pin (2 used) x x
0 32)500 001 11% :1 M,hu inc uiuu (left) x x
I) - 23-60)-( 27 5237 Machine urni (left) screw (long) x x

II 321-600-328 563 Machine arm (left) screw (short) (2 used) x x

I2 323-620-001 201002 Maclone arm (left) Innge pin (2 used) x x
Ii 32366.1-2 13 204277 Machine ann (let)) oil shield x x

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

14 323-560-015 204849 Machine arm (left) dust. shield x x
15 323-882-201 204003 Oil sight gauge x x

6 323-627-205 204004 Dead lode plug x x

17 323-627-014 205088 Dead hole plug x x
18 323-600-320 5 I 79 (‘onstruc (iou hole plug screw (small) x x

19 323-615-001 20 006 Cons (met ion hole plug screw (sun all) washer x x
20 323-600-356 53)3 (‘on sine (I on Ii ole plug screw (large) x x

21 323-615 232 204448 Construe (ion hole plug screw (large) washer x x

22 323-627-010 204828 Dead hole plug x x

23 323-600-359 5332 Screw driver hole plug screw x x
24 323-615-209 200138 Screw driver hole plug screw washer x x

25 323-620-242 204006 Machine bed bottom pin (4 used) x x

26 323-655-007 204794A Machine bed oil filter x X

27 323-692-224 204334 Model plate for 5 15/IV-26

28 323-692-017 204686 Model plate for 504/IV-45


L- ‘J [J
- -
,1 1
ZL I, / - 9

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

aNy VJVèid NIVVJ (i)
515 516/I V

III’ I. NIl V Il( (I))’)

Nfl. (‘fill’. Nfl. (I ) NU. I )I:X(’lIl)’l’luN

I 12 1 00)31)12 2(3-30-3 I)) 113)11>1’

.4.’ 1,o 1)1 3.) 05 I ll’TjI:i) 511(1<1’)
00).) 1)1.1 h))))) 11u1
lle1 s,.’i ,‘‘.‘.‘ (1 used)
301.1 1’,l 5 1.4013 ((ii liller hug Xci 1.1(4’

5 42.) 0 I ‘ ,
2’) 21)2207 A flu ‘11111 1111)’, X(’[C4’/ 4V()SlieI

0 .42.4 S))) 21 1 203 2)3)4 III bid (‘IlV(’l

7 423.003 I01 20’I 2))’) Me’Iiin’ lid 1.’(IVCF 4Hisk(’)

0 (-(00 SI 17 MaiIiuuie bed cover screw (round head) (5 used)
1> .3 .!1-61)( I— 2/I 3(33 Mar’IlIIlF’ bed coVer screw (hex. lead)
I)) .323-5 TO- 265 2))’) 2l OA h”li)1.’IIII1C 11111 (11)111)) COVeT plate

II .423,663. fl
1 21)1211 M(I1.’IIIIIC arm (right) co1(’er phflc giuskel
2 .32.3.600-057 5117 MallIne arm (iigli I) COVer plale s cv.’ (10 used)
3 32.4-5 10-2.1/ 20421 2A M:ucllllue bed bollouii eover

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

II 3 23-800-034 2042 13A Maclone bed ho) torn cover plate
15 .32:4-600-057 5117 M IC 31111 C bed ho) I OflI c we r pla Ic screw (8 used

36 32.1-1302.210 20’l2lS (‘111)11 pla)c

17 .32.3-015-201 202576 (‘lotlu pla(e lunge sOuci thrust washer
IH 3 ]3 201139 (‘111)11 pla)e Iiinte stud thrlus) collar
I’) 323-000-013 5084 (‘lodu plate Iinge s)uud lhrus collar screw (2 used)
20 323-734-204 2042)8 (‘10(11 plae lock spring

23 S 23-600-06% 1216 (‘10(11 plate lock spring screw (2 used)

22 323-615.015 2001 62A (‘lo lb plate lock spring screw washer
23 323-600-314 5232 (‘loll) plate lock sprung ha (ch
24 323-600-01 I 5002 (‘bib plate stop screw

25 323-630-001 3044 (loth plate stop screw nut

26 323-800-222 204325 Face plate

27 323-600-034 4009-I Face plate screw (3 used)


From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

33 13
c? 11 12
3 ;(4,


— (3)

(31 /


c%’Z (44i

51 5-51 6/IV
I{I1. NIVV ritol )I H ‘I
NO. (()I )E NO. 1)1.1) NO. 1)ES(’R1 Ill ON
I .1 .23—5o00 I 6 20464$ (‘In th plate l’abr c go a rd
1. 3 3—oOt-t) Id 100$-I (‘lot Ii p1:1 Ic- lab tic guard Sc cw ( 2 used
:t 23—510(151 208023 Needle bar cover
4 323-oiO-24O 202653 Needle bar cover hinge pin (2 used)
5 323-641-201 20266$ Needle bar cover lock spring
6 3 2.t-(1)0—006 1 234 Needle bar cover lock spring screw (2 used)
7 33-510-248 204221 Needle bar cover lock spring a [cli
8 .123-600-014 4009-1 Needle bar cover lock spring latch screw
1) )t691. 256 204450 Needle bar.cover name pl:i te
0 323—510-251 204224 lop cover
I 323—600—07 2 5094 Top cover screw (long)
I 2 .123-6(30-038 5095 Top cover screw (medium)
13 323 600-057 5117 Top cover screw (short) (2 used)
14 323-5 10-054 208012 Front cover, complete with 208002, 208000, 20800
2(18009, 200555, 208010, 1459 & I 169x2
15 323-510-051) 206002 Front cover (left)
16 323-510-052 208000 Front cover (right)
17 323-600-301 1189 Front cover screw (2 used)
16 323-728-009 208007 Front cover hinge
19 3 23-622-004 208009 Front cover hinge pin
20 323-634-004 200555 Front cover hinge pin stop ring
21 323-640-015 208010 Front cover hinge spring

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

22 323-600-034 1459 Front cover hinge pin screw
23 323-600-068 1216 Front cover hinge screw (short) (3 used)
24 323-600-072 5094 Front cover hinge screw (long)
25 323-630-202 5137 Front cover hinge screw (long) nut
26 323-510-030 204650A Oil cooler cover
27 323-600-072 5094 Oil cooler cover screw (3 psed)
28 323-560-014 204799 Right looper lever oil shield
29 323-600-206 5147 Right looper lever oil shield screw
30 323-627-206 204242 Cloth plate rubber
31 323-600-251 5022 Cloth plate rubber screw (3 used)
32 323-627-207 204243 Cloth plate rubber plug
33 323-860-200 201048A Right needle thread eyelet
34 323-639-225
20l072A Right looper thread tube
35 323-860-213 201048A-l Right looper thread eyelet
36 323-639-225 201072A Left looper thread tube
37 323-860-213 201048A-1 Left looper thread eyelet
38 323-860-200 201048A Chainstitch looper thread eyelet (2 used)
39 323-891-002 204649 Stitch indicator
40 323-628-002 204871 Stitch indicator rivet (2 used)
41 3 23-800-026 204646 Front cover spacer
42 323-615-018 137906 Front cover hinge screw (short) washer (3 used)
323-561-018 204988 Eye guard, complete with parts of Ref. Nos 43-52
43 323-56l-0l9 204924 Eve guard
- -

44 323-b00-073 2918 Eye guard screw (2 used)

45 323-630-009 509’) Eye guard screw nut (2 used)
46 323-015-032 204925 Eye guard screw nut w:tslwr
47 323-726-012 204922 Eye guard hinge
48 323-000-046 1170-3 Eye guard hinge screw (2 used)
49 323-u 15-013 200821 1-ye guard lunge screw washer (2 used)
50 323-51)5-012 204982 Eye guard hinge base
51 323-ut)0-227 5003 Eye guard hinge base screw (2 used)
52 323-630-009 5099 Eye guard hinge base screw nut (2 used)

503-514 ‘IV

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

(I )
(1 (1

N /c)
“ .—



3) 15

503 514/IV

NIlSY II( 11)11(1

t’flI)IN() (II I) No. l)lS(’IIl’tl()N

I 32 X)t() 1)12 201812 lIiil1 it
2 1 ‘.1 (((—tI I It ‘1)1851 (ccl I ii I i’ s,sle I
1)1)—tIll 4111)’) I I cI
1 S(,Td.55’ ( / iliid’(l)

4 (21-63) (tIll ‘Ilk) ‘‘I (‘huh plttc’ i_osiiiuiii iuliir0uii(e)

5 .12)oIt)1.15—I 51.181) ( hI I (hi plug sc-nw
ou .1. l-t, I 5—22) 2)12 2%7A )il 111cr ping scow washri
7 .1315 1(1 21/ ‘(II ‘(1% (Vlic’liiiielcd COVCI
8 13166 1—21)8 2(1121 MicIcinc hid cc )V( usI(c I
‘1 .1 23-60(1 1)57 5117 Miilipijc 1)111 roVel sc-less’ (Imiiol licad ) (S iscil)
1) 311—61)) (-27 I 2193 1\lcuililIe (ccl cclvii screw (liec. iic’acl)
II .123-510265 20121 (IA 1\’lcul(inealTil(IipIlt)covei plate
I2 (23-6(3 201) 204 211 1t’1icliiie (Till (iiTili) coVc’i j)iatt ‘islceI
13 .l2.1-6)057 5117 vlaclaiic ariii (rielit I cOVeT plae screw (1(1 IlsecI)
II 1235118231 3(1121 2A islacliiiic hid lilt cclii cover
IS .1 73—%IHt-(t.i’I 21(42 HA ciacIoric lcd (lIlt tciiii covci lisle

I6 .123-61)01)51 511 7 Nlac(iiiie bed hot (III) plate screw (8 used


17 .123-80-223 202(cSO Hue plul Ic

8 1 23—600—014 4111)8—I I cc p1 a e sue w (3 used
I) 3 23-802-002 2)14 740 (‘hitli plate (narrow) (used with pats ot Ret. Nos. 20—32)
20 .1.33 734-003 204742 (dli pl;itc latch
21 (23-618-213 20418 (lolli phi Ic latch spacel

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

22 - 23-600-089 5362 (‘lotli plate (a teli screw
23 3 23-600-069 I 135 Cloth plate ak_li ,iillustnlg screw
24 3 23-6001)34 II 59 (mlii plate latch adjustmg screw lock sciew
25 323-620-014 204743 (‘lolli plate latch poi
26 323-740-019 204 744 (‘loth plate latch pin hricckct
27 323-600-032 1202 (‘bIb plate latch pin hracket screw
28 323-640-007 204745 (‘I nIh plate latch spring
2) 323-620-015 204746 (‘bib plate posh P01
30 323-850-023 204747 (‘bib plate push pin guide
31 323-600-015 5053 Cloth plate push pin guide screw
32 323-640-008 204748 (loth plate push 1)111 spring
33 3 23-802-003 204798 Cloth plate (wide) (used with parts of Ret’. Nos. 34—38)
34 323-734-204 20421$ Cloth plate lock Spring
35 323-600-068 1216 Cloth plate lock spring screw (2 used)
36 323-615-014 200162 (‘loth plate lock spring screw washer
37 323-600-3 4 5232 Clot lipi atelock SI) [I H pin—Screw
38 323-627-005 204749 Cloth plate cushion plug
39 323-615-201 202576 Cl 0th plate hinge stud I h ros I washer
40 323-680-001 201 139 Cloth plate hinge stud lliiust collar
41 323-600-013 5084 Cloth plate hinge stud thrust collar screw (2 used)
42 323-627-005 204749 Cloth plate cushion plug (small) (2 used)
43 323-600-057 5117 Cloth plate Stop screw
44 323-630-001 3044 Cloth plate stop screw nut

L ‘.
in i
Ti •
- -“‘-
-. 1’, :
I -


( )z

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

(L cL) (Ce) (EL)
NY 3LiWdd NIWJ ()
RI I- Nl-\V ItO 31311 I
NO. (‘0131 NO. 01 liN() llLS(’Rll’llON
(II U 20-lU-Ill (‘litlli li_ill. lilote gii;iid
.1.’ hO))) -I (fl)’) (‘Itilli iI;ili- Iilliic- lIhililil Scl’\l’ (2
•3 hIset))
3 I )3) 3)13.1 ))3)ti—l (hUh 1 ’LiIe I:ilui lii:iId 5I):i(’i
-I .32 1 oflO ‘.3 ‘‘3 Itilli (lilt :3(1331 )_ii;hiiI sl):i(—(’I, Sc’iL’’tV
5 30.5 0-05 .0110._I Net’ tIle 11:31 ct VII
3 33’ ‘0 2.0
Nietfl’ lir liWli hihlhei’ tiii (2 used
.1.1-U-I ‘Op ‘0.9$’) Needle hal coVet lot-k Sphll)(3
.3 .‘.1flOI)flo I Needle bar eovei Ioch spring, screw (2 used)
13.15 I)) ‘-(8 ‘0-132.1 Needle (ar COVer tick Splilill lak’hi
.)‘.3)fl0I) I-I ((3(3’). I Needle bar cover lock sprig alt-li screw
.i.’.1—3’)_.—_S 30—I-I Needle h:o cover name pla)e
.3.23-5 10-25 I ‘0-12.51 c_i IVt’r
.1 23—nflfl—() / -
50’).I ‘Ii ip cover screw ( long,
.1.’..1-OI) 1)311 5095 loll c-over sciew (nie(Ioin
32.3oOfl-057 SlI? lop cover screw (short ) (2 used
.32.3—S I 0—IIS - 20800) I loll I cover ( rigi 1)
.1 2.3-5 (LU-lU 30$flfl.i lri,it) coVer (li-Il) (all I —needle iii:ii:hiiiies
and 2—iieeclle
I Sinn & 2nun g:oI(’,e n:icluiiies)
1$ 323-SIfl-US,i 20805$ Eronl cover (leO I (2-needle 25mm & 3mm gauge
9 .32,3—5 I 0—1)-lU 208005 machones)
IOonl c-over (hell) (7mm & 8mm gaUge
0 323-600-30 I 1189 11011) covei screw (2 tused)
21 32.1-728-009 2081)0/ 115)111 COVe I hiiilgc

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

22 323-62 2-1)0-I 3fl9fl)1)
I ron I cover lunge pm
23 323-034-0)—I 200555 brunt cover buiige liii) SlOfi rung
24 .32 3—611)—I) I 5 2080 I () I ron I cover Ii loge sprig
- .323-600-034 I (5() I roii I cover hinge piiu SCICW
26 .3 23-oflfl-06$ I2IU I ron I ci we r hut ige screW (short (3
27 32.3-600-072 ) tisech
S094 I roii I covet longe screw (long)
28 .323-630-202 5(37 ri in I c iver hinge screw (long) ii lit
29 323-510-030 204650A

Oil cooler cover

30 323-oOO-072 509d Oil coolei cover screw (3 used)
31 323-560—0(4 204799 Right looper lever oil shield
32 .323-600-206 5(47 Riglu (looper lever oil shield screw
33 323-860-20(1 201 04%A Rigli t needle thread eyelet
34 323-639-225 2fll072A Right 100 C r thread tube
35 323-860-213 20I048A-I Right looper thread eyelet
3U 323-639-225 201072,\ Left looper thread tube
37 323-860-213 20l048A-I Left looper thread eyelet
38 323-891-002 204649 Stitch indicator
39 323-628-002 20487 I Stitch indicator rivet
40 323-800-026 204646 broii t cover spacer
41 323-615-018 137906 Front cover hinge screw (short) washer (3 used)
323-561-018 204988 Lye guard, complete with parts of Ref. Nos
42 323-561-019 42-51
204924 Eye guard
43 323-600-073 2918 Eye guard screw (2 used)
44 323-630-009 5099 Eye guard screw
nut (2 used)
323-615-032 204925 Eye guard screw nut washer
46 323-728-012 204922 Eye guard hinge
47 323-600-046 11 70-3 F-ye gu:ird hinge screw (2 used)
48 323-615-013 200821 Eye guard hinge screw washer (2 used)
4’) 323-505-012 204982 F- ye guard hinge base
50 323-600-227 5003 Eye guard hinge base screw (2 ned)
51 323-630-009 5099 Eye guard hinge base screw nut (2 used)

503-51 6/IV I


From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp





3 )ldC ‘.,

503-51 6/IV

(31)) (38)

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp


503-51 4/IV 1) .i rN

_i 4





RIl. NIW I’ROI)L(’ I’ 1)3/IV

Nt I. (‘(11>1: Nt). 504/IV SI Shy
(311) ND. I )hS( ‘RI PTION ’IV 516/IV
I 3 22-5—10—0 5 204 13.1 (‘ran kha K K
2 .123 1100- t44 5315 (‘i titksliaff ill plug sci e’’ x x
s i 2.1 151—003 2020% (‘riiikiiif idI wick K K
4 323o7 -200 204010 (‘i:inksliall f:ifl l)eaiiiig (fell) K X
S .1 .Ll- S 5—004 2048% I (‘rattksltalt luill beauttg(leIt)liiususg

(1 .1 .1.1-S 15—002 204737 (‘ianksh:il’l half licarmg (lull) ltuiisiiig K

7 122 1100- 245 SI (r:inksfi:if’t ball wiring (lefi I hllusuig sci w (4 used) K x
8 - 2.1-Oo$- 205 2042 II) (‘raitksli:if’f hall heaung (luff) liiiiisiiig gasket x x
() .123 o3$-002 201 734 (.‘r:inkslialf ball hearing (left) rel:nuiitg ung x x
It) - 2$7s 8-003 204813 (.‘ranksha If cx tension

23—n 5233 204520 Ciziiikshafl exIeni2u washer

323nOO007 5361 (‘riiksftift ball hearing (luff) sciew x
323-615-233 204520 (‘ian ksli’df t ball ben lug (left) screw wihr’ x
3 23-n76- 243 2040 4 (‘raiksliaft hnshniu x a:
S 23-600-043 2022 (‘ianksltaft bushing screw x x

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

16 323-076-232 204016 Crankshaft busluiig (cen let), cninjilcte wiili II 74x2 x x
17 322-600-027 I 174 (‘rankshalt bushing (ceiiiei) assembling screw (2 used) x x
18 3 23-600-2°3 524(1 (‘raiikslisft hushuig (center) screw K K
19 323-n7 1—001 201523A (‘ranksli:if’f ball bearing (eeu’ci) K X
20 323-615-217 204018 (‘rsnksliaft ball bearing (ccii Icr) waslici (4 used) K X

21 323-646-0(11 2040 19A (‘rankshaft ball be:iring (center) spacer x x

22 323-671-002 204020A (‘rsuksbaf’f ball hearing (right) K X
23 323-800-224 204021 Crankshai I ball bearing (right) plate x x
24 323-626-202 204022 Crankshaft hail bearing (right) plate gasket x x
25 323-600-057 5117 (‘ranksbsff ball bearing (ught) plate screw (4 used) x x
26 323-600-294 5238 (‘ranksliafi ball hearing (right) screw x x
27 323-615-221 204023 Crankshaft ball hearing (ughf) screw washei x x
28 323-680-204 204024 (‘rankshaf’t oil seal enllar x x
29 323-632-001 201022 (‘raitksltaft oil seal collai ‘‘U” ring (2 used) x x
30 323-546-203 204025 Machine pulley x x
31 323-600-008 5080 Machine pulley posilinn screw K K
32 323-600-009 5081 Machine pulley screw x
33 323-546-204 204026 Machine pulley ccsllar x x
34 323-600-295 5267 Maclune pulley cOlOn sciCW K X
35 323-780-006 204658 Mach inc pulley cap 2 1 diff. feed rat in x x
36 323-780-005 20464% Machine pulley cal) 3:1 cliff, feed ratio x x
37 323-uOO-010 5010 Machine pulley cap screw (3 used) x x
38 323-510-243 20402% Machine pulley cap name plate x x
39 323600-200 5214 Machine pulley cap name plate sc tew K X

3) 1
503- 516/IV

NIV I’lUll (I St)3/IV

(Ul)I. Nfl. 504/IV 5I5/IV
II) N( ). 1)1 -S( I P1 l( )N
5 I I / IV 5 It/lV
S 15- .‘US 20102) Needli- bii driVe ciiiinect inn
323—flo)- S J( x x
Nierllt bai ilrjvi iiiiiiltiiHiii screw (2 used)
3. .‘tt 217 2)))., A
x x
t’lcttl I) ()) I iii VI i(iiIIIi’I) 11)11 liii
.12 1—1)) tI) 5 1’l x
bleedle I)ll iii lvi i-iiiiiieet tin iiii sciew
.1 •‘i /6 (8)1 x x
I 1(OA 1’litIli I)II iljvc— ei:IIII ( riIil
(515-5 I1/lV except S I5-5l6/IV-5 I & -52)
( 5O3-504/IV except 5(t4/IV—S- 10)
6 32.1 ./(t—0l)5 21)111 IA Needle ltai drive ciank (iighl)
(51/I V. 515-SI 6/IV-5 & -52. 501(1 V-S I 0)
7 .l)_l—(ttH)—040 5087 Needle bai diivi crank (ugh) ) chimp screw x x
S .l23—tt3I)-005 SI S I Needle bar drive crank (right) clamp screw ml
323-540-232 20403 I
x x
Needle bar drive shaft
10 x x
32.1676-233 2041)32 Needle en drive shaft huslung (left
I I 12367o—028 x
204033A Necdle bar drive sli:iff hushing (right)
12 .123—UI S—00h x x
201 I 17 Needle bar (IriVe shaft must collar x x
13 3)1Ott.0l 3 51)84 Needle bar drive shual I thrust collar screw (2 used)
14 .121-851-213 x x
204276 Needle thread guide
15 323-851-222 20271)4 x
Needle thread guide x
16 323-85 1-21 5 204046 Needle thread guide wire
17 323-600-014 x x
4000-1 Needle thread guide wiie screw
x x
18 323-740-023 204783 Needle guard bracket

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

19 323-600-22% 5061 Needle guard hi acket screw (large)
20 323-oOO-302 x
5227 Needle guard bracket screw (small)
21 323-630—010 x
204657 Right looper tiucad tube (letI)
22 323
_ 6 1-0 13 2047% I x
Needle guard (rear), tur right needle
23 323-600-255 501 2 Needle guard (rear) screw
24 *323.561014 x
204782 Needle guard (trout), for right needle
25 323-000-256 x
5020 Needle guard (front) screw (2 used)
26 323-56 I -xxx x
Needle guard (front), fur left needle
27 323-600-302 x
5227 Needle guard (front) screw
8 323-5o 1 -xxx Needle guard (rear), or left needle
9 323-600-021 x
I 206 Needle guard (rear) screw
10 * x
Needle guard (front) 503-504/IV
(1 *335( I -xxx
Needle guard (front) 51 4/IV
12 323-600-021 1 206 Needle guard (front) screw x
13 *323.56lxxx Needle guard (rear) 503-504/IV
4 323-56I-xxx
1 Needle guard (rear) 5 l4/IV
15 323-600-021 1 206 Needle guard (rear) screw
6 x
323-740-018 204636 Needle guard bracket
7 323-600-027 x
I 174 Needle guard bracket screw (2 used) x
8 323-561-017 204884 Movable type needle guard — optional item (514/IV)
9 323-600-245 5136 Movable type needle guard screw
0 323-740-037 204762 Edge guide holder bracket base
1 x
323-600-019 1175-3 Edge guide holder bracket base screw (2 used) x

*See Organization Chart

- 33—
503-51 6/IV


From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp


503-5 14/tv
— (25

31 26 45
33 ‘S




4) -

(‘p. 28 27

—34 --
(II”. NI ‘iv 110(111 ti 8(1 lIly
NO. (‘(Oil’ NO. tO I) Nil. 118(3(3)1 ION 5)1.1 / I 55 5 ( Sr / I 5’
514 / IV 5 16/lV
‘i/i, 3 ‘ti_Sot) / Nt’i’illi’ (vii ill vi’ ‘i oils
((_5,5 it)
I hI I) .5
Neille liar i(iivi’ ernik (let) si’ii’w (itOh heidI 5
S St
Needle bar iii vt er,iiik I kit) ‘clew
4 3>) i_l(I-((i(5 Ill), h Nt’i’ilIi’ (in uiiiiiiet’(iiig 5, St
link (3 asciI I
I 6/lu SI-I (>) (I)
Needle liii i’iiliiier’Iiiig link liusliiii;t 12 used)
S. 5,
St S
6 33.1 (ut
1 .0)’) I SI Necille liar riiiiiii’t’Iiiig Inik tiiislioig screw (2 used)
7 (u.1((0t(’t (‘Ii) Netille liar riliiiiee(iiilt link liiisliuig screw iiii (3 iwetl 5 St
(1 .1 /41) Itt 31, 1(1 lii .5 .5
(3 I_I) (0)) ((11
Netile ciiiliii’i’i rig lii .irket S
II 71) .1 (‘lerill’ liii i’iiiiiret’liriIt (nickel si’iew .5
Ill (3.1—670—21(t) II bleetlie liii tiriliec) lint )irii’ke I lreu’ing 5, 5,.
S St
II 33.3 ‘/41(1(16 i)1

2/i)S /5 Niecille I lireiti ic (rioter Iii icke)
12 (((I .5.151) Neeille )liri’I eliliter )iiirks’t screw 5 5,,
13 I..) (15(1—0? I 3.1(5 bleelle Ii reid ie t,iinei ,uiile spit_er St St
14 t1_t’%3u)( 2_SI PleetlIe I liretil reirijitci S. Si
IS ii di’ a
2 ,1 6-I) 1—211 .1 Neeil(i (lii i’ail tinner (ii
N St
16 (2 .1—600—2 2.3 ‘1(1/It .2 Net_tIle (lucid retainer siriii3t screw
17 .12.3 866-_SI 2112706 iS (‘leetlle thread liIeiip S X
115 12 ,(-)I8i—,IIII) 5i)t)
Needle i(neait Iakeiilr clew 2 ret)) S. St
1) .12.1115 (—212 21)1 235 Needle Iii reid ‘ii ide wire N St
20 32.3-154 Needle hi 5,,

21 (fl’ ((4 (.x\ Need Ic (ri

22 .12.(-(14.I-axs Needle liar
23 (51—600—341 521)7
Needle cli in p sri civ (2 ii veil I

24 12.1-620-213 .11 I’) Nec-tIle elinip till St

25 (2 3—67 1—) (25 21 (‘16 25 iS Needle

bar Istislung (tipper)


26 323—61(0—1)1 2
1.157 Needle liar hiisliinit (tipper) scre\v
27 32 (-676-26 204627 A Needle liar biislii ug (lower) a S
28 St

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

.12_l—6t(0—I( 2 (457 Needle bar (nisluilirt (lower) st_i ew St
29 (2 3—65 :1—111(5 21(21 76 Needle (lit biislortg till nick x St
30 (2.1—1 i)
$ 00
21)4 (u 2 ( Needle h:n hnshiiir-, uI wick elnup St x
St X
31 .12.3-6315-21)(( 2(11 4.16 Needle bar bnslonlt oil wick (nbc
32 .1 2:1—t86—2lII) 201417 Needle liar biislorit’ oil wick nbc clamp St S
33 .12:1—61(I)—Il 3i( 5113 Needle lvii biisluntt oil wick nbc clamp sd ew St St
34 32:1—5 1(1—24)) 2(1 26 15 Needle bar CaP csuVCt x St
IS 123-61)11-1)1 2 457 Need It’ St X
ha r a p covet Sc: ew
St St
36 3 23-900-2011 2)12478 Needle (Ii read te nsisin corn plc Ii’ Wi lIt 20 I 035 A, 202278,
St X
2(31(137, 21)1039, 2(11 462v2 A. 5082A
((or 3—thread overlork sli(ch)
37 223-630-201) 21(1(05 A Needle thread en son tUt
35 :123-676-2(12 2(122/8 Needle thread ten sion sprintt buishin: N St
39 323-642-0(11 2(111)37 Needle Iliread tension sprung (heavy)
40 32:1-760-002 2010:19 Needle thread tension sprung ciii, St St
4( 32.1-61 3—001 2(11482 Needle thread tension disc (2 umu) x St
42 :12:1—604—20 I S 0% 2 A Needle thread len stun post x x
43 (23-80(1-215 2)126413 Needle thread tension guide St St

St St
3 23-9(10-2(11 2)12479 Needle thread tension, r’oflWli’te with 20l035A, 202278,
201068, 201039, 201482x2 & 5082A
((‘it r 2—lItre ad ovetloek sill clt)
44 323-642-002 21(11)68 Needle thread tension spring (light)
45 323-851-116 2(14(14 5 ‘l’op cover ((tread ‘tilde bar x x

St St
46 323-600-303 5165 lop cover thread guide bar screw
47 323-80l-xxx Needle plate x a
46 323-600-075 1732 Needle plate screw (2 used) a
49 *
Needle (right) x
Sit *
Needle (lets) x St
51 *3
2 3XX a
Needle plate
52 32:3-600-014 4009-1 Needle plate scresi (2 used)
53 323-649-003 204631 Needle plate key
34 323-6(10-304 523) Needle plate key screw (2 used)
15 323-740-017 204750 Needle plate bracket
6 .123-600-098 .5:157 Needle plate bracket screw (2 used)
7 323-620-037 2046:10 Needle plate bracket guide pot (2 used) x
8 323-756-003 2046:) 2 Needle plale support x
9 323-600-257 5(191 Needle plate support screw (2 used) St

‘See Organizilion Chart

— 35
503-5 I 6/IV


From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

/ 45
/ r 45
/ ,44)
/ ‘41

/ (13



54) ()
( 60)
— 36 -

(‘001: NO. 01 I) NO. l)hX(’R119’ION 5I4/1V S lo/IV
I (—7(0-20% 2181202 Right loopet dove couiiectiuii x x
2 (2,t.60(t_ttS6 221 (—I Right looper dove coiiiiectioii cap screw (2 used) x x
3 32.(-o20—237 20271 IA Right loopei diiveciank pin x x
4 t23—6tt(t-Ol 2 1457 Right loupei drive crank pin sciew x x
. S •(.13—7.Ot2t8) •2O27tRtA Right looper (love conliecting link x x
6 (—576-217 204332 Right looper drive crank x x
7 3 23-600-022 2022-4 Rigli I looper (love crank screw (2 used) x
8 .L-6l-238 2027 I 2A Right looper drive crank pin x x
0 (23—600—01.1 5084 Right looper (lrive crank pin screw x X
10 .123-615-218 202757 Right looper drive crank pin thrust washer x x
I I .123-600- 068 I 21 6 Rigli I looper di ive crank pin thrust washer screw x x
I2 (23-540-2.28 204060A Right looper lever shaft x x
13 323-6 I 8-2 It) 2043 I I Right looper lever shaft thrust washer x x
Ii .1 .23- 600-271 2193 Right looper lever shaft thrust washer screw x x
IS 323-617-200 202286 Right looper lever shaft thrust washer screw washer x x
16 .123-676-234 204050i\ Right looper lever shaft bushing (front) x x
I7 3 23-626-201 204052A Right looper lever shaft bushing (front) oil seal x x
18 323-676-236 2040% I Right looper lever shaft bushing (center) x x
I9 323-676-262 204437 Right looper lever shaft bushing (rear), complete with 20443$ x x
20 323-632-203 204438 Right looper lever shaft bushing (rear) stop ring x x
21 323-525-229 204055A Right looper lever crank x x

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

22 323-630-304 5239 Right looper lever crank clamp screw x x
23 323-600-225 5286 Right looper lever crank clamp screw nut x x
24 323-6 17- 204 202045 Right looper lever crank clamp screw nut washer x x
25 323-620-237 20271 1 A Right looper lever crank pin x x
26 323-600-013 5084 Right looper lever crank pin screw x x
27 323-530-224 204057A Right looper lever x x
2$ 323-85 1-009 204732 Right looper lever guide x x
29 323-653-208 204273 Right looper lever guide oil wick (long) x x
30 323-653-209 204274 Right looper lever guide oil wick (short) x x
31 323-600-041 1457-1 Right looper lever guide oil plug screw (3 used) x x
323-676-029 204854 Right looper lever guide bushing (front) housing, complete with x x
204059, 5084 & 204060
32 323-676-248 204059 Right looper lever guide bushing (front) x x
33 323-600-013 5084 Right looper lever guide hushing (front) screw x x
34 323-51 5-202 204060 Right looper lever guide bushing (front) housing x x
35 323-627-205 204004 Right looper lever guide bushing (front) housing cap x x
36 323-600-002 1 175-2 Right looper lever guide bushing (front) housing screw (2 used) x x
37 323-676-249 204061 Right looper lever guide bushing (rear) x x
38 * 323-810-xxx Right looper x x
39 323-600-291 5220 Right looper screw — x x
40 3 23-900-202 202480 Right looper thread tension, complete with 20l035A, 202278, x x
201086. 201039, 201482x2 & 5082A
41 323-630-200 201035A Right looper thread tension nut x x
42 323-676-202 202278 Right looper thread tension spring bushing x x
43 323-642-003 201086 Right looper thread tension spring (middle) x x
44 323-780-002 201039 Right looper thread tension spring cup x x
45 323-613-001 201482 Right looper thread tension disc (2 used) x x
46 323-604-201 5082A Right looper thread tension post x x
47 323-800-215 20284) Right looper thread tension guide x x
48 323-866-011 204063A Right looper thread takeup (large) x x
49 323-600-259 2902 Right looper thread takeup (large) screw x x
50 323-866-013 204902 Right looper thread takeup (small) x x
51 323-600-026 2921 Right looper thread takeup (small) screw x x
52 323-61 5-216 202875 Right looper thread takeup (small) screw washer x x
53 323-851-018 204905 Right looper thread guide x x
54 323-600-074 2905 Right looper thread guide screw x x
55 323-851-019 204903 Looper thread guide x
56 323-600-255 5012 Looper thread guide screw x

‘See Organization Chart

503-51 6/IV

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp


(,2 1



34. 3.5..

503/I V
Nll\V Il) )t )l 1)1
SllI/l\/ 5l5/IV
(3)1)1 Nu. UI 0-NO I)I-S(’IUVIION Sll/lV SIO/lV

iioc’)nsr S S
I I) 1-S •S 10 I7 -Il Ioj)cI luvc’
- I l)ii’p love (T)IIe(tiOTI cap X.ICW )i;iige) (2 used) S X

())0. 1) 11/0 I -ti looper dove cooI)ecliofl clj SeTt’\V (small) (1 used) S S

iiilc S S
‘I I •)•) 5fl lii IdA IA’)) Ioopei iliivc (O)II1e(tIOil
S .12 (00 201) II ‘6 I (‘II loopei drive c Tineulion guide screw ‘I

u)Tliule screw S S
6 1 2.1-n /200 I.) .90 I cli I pu—u dove c-(Iulueu’),oI)

7 •1 2 1 ‘S 7n ( )( in .9)) /87 cli Ioopeu dove cuani-. (501 501/IV excepi ‘SO’l/IV S I)))

8 i’ 1 S 1(1)111 10)11(8 I eD looper dove cuank (S l411V ..SO1/IV—X ID)

(515—5 16/IV) S
9 .1.1: .576—21 21)100-IA let) looper drive riuuk
ID 2 hi 111) I)) 20) /$o) I_eli looper dove crank linus) washer S

II .123 0000 2 202-l I eli looper (love crank screw ( used) S S

I2 323-540-228 201) )69A I eli looper lever sIrs))
loll I I I_eli looper lever sli;ift thrust washer x x
1.1 .1236)8-20)
Id 323—n)l0 271 21)2 ECu looper lever shall Ihuis) washer screw
IS 3 2.3-6 17- 20(1 02 286 I_eD looper lever shaft thrust washer screw washer S X

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

16 371 676-235 204 OS’) let) looper lever shaft hushing (2 used
I] 1,23-62(20 I 204 05 2A I_eli loper lever shall huslrrnu oil seal
1% 373-520.25 104)171 cD looper lcvei
10 l.)•S30-Ott) 204664 elI Ioopei lever
20 31 130 OIl 10-185.1 left looper lever optional item, used Willu movable )vpe
needle guard •204%84

.21 .32.3-000-300 5184 Let) looper lever elaifli) sciew
22 323-6 6-200 204293 I.e ft looper lever clamp screw washer x

2.) * 323-SI 0-xxx I_el) looper

24 323-600-30 I I 89 Le t1 looper screw
25 323-600-019 1175-3 Left looper screw
Left looper thread tension, complete with 2010354 S X
26 323-900-202 202480
202278, 201086, 201030, 201482x2 & 50$2A
x x
27 323-630- 200 2010354 Left looper thread )ension nut
x x
28 323-676-202 202278 l.efl looper thread tension spring bushing
x x
29 323-642-003 201086 Left looper thread tension spring (middle)
.30 323-780002 201039 I.e ft boner thread tension spring cup x

31 323-613-001 201482 Left looper thread tension disc (2 used) S

32 323-604-201 5082A Left. looper bread tension post
33 323-800-215 202849 Left hoper thread tension Lruide X x

34 323-866-012 204901 leO looper di read I akeu p
x x
35 323-600259 2902 Let looper thread takeup screw
x x
36 323-851-217 IQ3 174 Left looper thread guide wire

*See Organii.ation (‘hart


From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

20) 9



8) 24
7) 2i,


4 ..

515 516/IV

1(11. NF\V l’l()il)l (‘I

h—Ill. ‘1)1)1 19)) (II Il N)). l)l8)ltllrllt)h9

I I -, 1-5 .b 23 I /0-Ill/S I chive cnciiiccIi’’ci

2 .12 101) 29’ I clove c-ccicccee)ccii!
AcOpti C;!)) seiew (Iai,e) (2 used)
1 .1 23-uI))). II.’)) Il/i)- I 11)I’pur dccvc c- ucne’)uon cap secew (suuu;ilI) (2 cecil)
‘I 323 8’)) ‘00 /1)1011 A lAcc!l)eI chuuvc’ c,cccuueelic’cc ccccle
32 1 600 2011 II ‘0’ I ,pec chive ,‘oiucueelcouu gnide screw

(1 12.1—1,) / ‘11)1 21)2 /8i’ I cnpec chive c-occnec-)ic’ic linde screw washer
7 3/3-576-2 I’) 21)11 17u 1_onpec clove ec;cuck
$ 23—100 1)22 21)2 ‘—1 I .cuc’per chive cc ink sccew (2 need)
‘1 321— 54)1-2 2041)!’) I nope! drive cinch I
II) 323—541)2.11 .1)-Il 150 l.ccccper clove shc;ull hcccshccuug(lroco)

I 323—626 20) 211-1(15 2A I occper drive shah I liccshcing (Iron)) oil seal
I 2 323-676- 236 21)4081 l_oopec clnve shall hciuslncug(ccar)
13 323—7311—211 20416)0 I_nccpcr avoiding link

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

14 323-6011-1)43 21)2 2 looper avoiding Inik screw (2 used)
5 323-68-206 20409 I looper ;cvncdiuug link )lurnsl washec (2 nsed

16 323-680—206 204092 looper avoitli ig luck coll;n

17 323-600-013 5(184 looper avoidnug liuk collar screw (2 used)
18 32364320t) 2(34233 Looper avoiding Imk spring (2 used)
19 323-600-271 2193 Looper avoiding link spring screw
20 323-615-012 201185 Looper avoiding link spring screw washer

21 323-530-226 204093 Looper lever

22 323-600-306 5284 [oope r lever clamp screw
23 323-616- 200 204293 Looper lever clamp screw washer
24 *3238l0 ‘17 2045 IdA Looper, for 2 & 3mm needle gauge
323-810-219 20443 I Looper, for 5mm needle gauge

25 323-600-301 1189 Looper screw

26 323-716-208 204172 Looper regulater
27 3 23-600-048 1353 Looper regulator screw
28 323-580-208 204077 Looper drive eccentric, complete with 204078
3 23-540-233 204078 Looper drive eccentric pin

29 3 23-600-043 2022 Looper drive eccentric screw (2 used)

See Organization Chart

51551 6/IV

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp



‘22 8

19 4 ‘)


2 15

10 16

33 14
!15 hlh/IV
lCI-l NIW 110)10)1
Nfl. ‘flflI’ N)). (II I) NO. fll’S’klI’IION

I .11 1-5 1)’) ‘()‘108.’A I uoI)o’I •rv,tuiil ,uuoe,t oii

1 1’ t— ‘It ‘S 1 It IS I ivouutuir ‘uuiott’t i ii )uui
.1 0 olS I I 51))
I IcIllil :ivoiului ‘ilunelion wish,
ttttt it).’) I 0)1 ;ivoidui;’ conoli m in nut
S (1.018-Il I 11)4 ItS ;iviriiliiitt ,,iiiiie,tiuii jin nut
6 1.061710)) .9)2 ‘tO I iscr ;ivoiiliiitt toiioi,’Iioii jili in) sn ing s’1IsIier
7 (il (,ttt)—iSti 53(3 I .oojci ;iviitiiit 1i,‘
8 32.1625—201 11)1518 I i)0)L’I iVoi(IIIi) it)iiliIiii) X(’TI.\V hitt
1 .(2.t.(tttt2 0) 1) 1
1)11 ivoidiiii’, ri dat iiig sc,cw plate sciew (2 used)
It) 32.1 672-21)1) Itl’I Ut-)’ (opel IVOhlliiiI’ I(’ttiiIi( rig llee(IlL_’ he:iriiig

II iJ3_57( 125 IttISI -1 I ioei i’oiiliiir,,criiiI:

II 12 i-OttO 801 5.181 l,00j)1i i\’0I(liIt)L’I1iIils ul1iIr(lsCrr’\’
13 323—510—It 20)87-I I ()iC aVOL(.l 1I1) slr:rl
4 .12.1. (,76-I).iH 10875 101111cr ivoitliiit’ slr:ilt )iie;Iiiirrijlett)
15 323—676 25)) 11)41)8’) .O0I)ei aVoiding sIi1il I hiisliiiig (right)

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

I6 .12.1-618—0)0 201050 looper shalt thrust collar (2 used)
17 3 23—600-01.1 51)84 I .ooper avoiding shill thrust collar screw (4 used)
III 323-680-205 21)41)87 I .ooper avoiding eccentric collar
I9 323-6)0305 5224 looper avoiding eccenliic ollo screw (3 used)
20 323-630-01 5 3056 I aper hreid teitsion nii

21 323-642-201 I o7077 I loper t urea) tension sproig

22 323—613-001 201482 I ooper thread tension disc (2 user]
23 323-61)4-22’) 167072 lo ]ler thread teiisioii post
24 323-800-21 5 21)2849 [_ooper I luread tension go ide
25 323-866-213 2040’) 5 A Looper thread takeup

26 323-600-341 5292 looper thread takeup screw (2 used)

27 323-850-246 204096 I ooper thread takeup ginde
28 323-740-032 204097 A I ooper thread guide bracket
29 323-600-014 4009—I I ooper thread guide bracket screw (long)
30 323-6004)39 5113 Looper thread guide bracket screw (short)

31 323-860-215 204324 Looper thread takeup eyelet (7 used)

32 323-600-307 5077 Looper thread takeup eyelet screw (2 used)
33 323-851-219 204098 Looper thread guide
34 323-600-039 5113 Looper thread guide screw
35 323-851-220 204099 Looper thread tube

36 323-600-012 1457 Looper thread tube screw

503-51 6/IV

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

2 / 21

(7 10

38 25
‘36’ 38
5 0,


29, “

44 --
503-51 6/IV

RII, NIW I’kt)l (I (I S t! / IV

Nt). (Dl), ND. ((I) ND. Dl:S(-RIlliItiN ‘01/l\’ 5 IS/IV
Sill 5l6/I\’
I .S.’12. 2.(I•i lit)) Illil LliiV(’ toiiiiec)ioii
2 ).1 / 2(12./I IA itid LIIIVI. conhirilioii liii X
.1 12 100(1 (II 3 :0S.l Icl lii\t’ ciiiiiieciioii piii sciew x x
-I i lu /fl0
1 X X
.0.105.! Lccd IIIIV(’ 1OiiiieCtiOii iitcdlt’ Iwaiiig
S 1)1 5/u.2’t.) 2.1)1)155 I’t’id thive ([aiil x x
12 1(00 SIll 535 I Iced drive craii) clailill SriLW
7 2.1. /5-200 201.152 I’cd & loo x x
wr eccentric, complete with 204 (II A
435.1, 204 1 x
54x2, 204355, 204356, I l)6 & 204086B
5 12 1000-0! 2.0-I/lu led eccenlric, r ii plile with 201101 A, 21)4353,
204354x2, x
(lIDS, 201 ISo, I 00 & 204735
.12.1100-35 Si2
iced (& looper) eccentric sciew (2 used)
10 123—51-111-2.1 I 20410)4 iced ccccntik X X
3-757-2.02. 2.04353 Iced ecceiulrw liner x x
I 2. 32.3—u 0—2.S 201.151 x x
Feed eccentric liner pin (2 used)
13 323—u—!3-213 2.04355 Feed eccentric liner spriun, plate (hurge) x x
x x
14 323-043-211 201.1St CeLl ciieiitric Ii icr spring plate (small)
IS .12.3600—02) I I >u iced eccentuic liner spong plate screw x x
Di .123—550—2.10 20105(41 (luainstilclu looper eccentuic x x
I? 323-6-16-0 1(1 204735 Feed eccenti ic retaineu x
IS .123-600-OuuS I2I6 Fecd eccentric stop screw (for 2 I dill, feed ratio) x
x x
I0 .123—600-034 I 45(1 Feed eccenlt ic oil plug (lou’ 3: I iliO. feed ratio)

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

20 323-7 I 6-215 204 I 024 Feed eccentric regulator x x
2I .123-643-21 2 21)4357 Feed c-cceuui nc Ia teli spring
x x
22 3 23-650-006 204u37 x x
Feed eccentric i egulator collar, complete with 204078
23 323-600-043 21)22 Feed eccentric regulator collar screw (2 used) x
323-540-233 204078 Feed eccentric regulator collar pin
24 323-535-21 2 2041344 Feed eccentric push rod x
25 23-u00-2l5 2133-I Feed eccentric push rod screw x x
2n 323-640-218 21)4135 x X
Feed eccentric push rod spring
27 323-634-200 202522 Feed eccentric push rod stop ring x x
x x
28 323-632-2(11 2041 85 Feed eccentric push rod “o” ring
2) .123-540-017 204752 x x
Diii. feed shaft
30 323-676-027 204753 x x
Diff. teed shaft hushing
31 323-626-201 2040524 Dill, feed shaft hushing oil seal x x
32 323-680-007 204754 x x
Diff. feed shaft thrust collar
x x
33 323-600-013 5084 Dill, feed shaft thrust collar screw (2 used)
34 323-502-213 204139A Dill, feed shalt arm x x
35 323-600-801 5381 x x
Difi. feed shaft arm clamp screw
36 323-730-214 204140A Dill. fred link x x
37 323-600-347 5316 x x
Dill, feed link screw, complete with 204498(2 used)
x x
38 323-634-200 202522 Dill. feed link screw retaining ring (2 used)
30 323-530-01 1 204755 x x
Diff. feed regulating lever (rear)
40 323-600-060 51 18 x x
Dill, feed regulating lever (rear) screw
41 323-530-018 204883 x x
Dill, feed regulating lever (front)
42 323-600-068 1216 x x
Dill. feed regulating lever (front) screw .
x x
43 323-800-036 2041428 Dill, feed regulating lever guide
44 323-600-060 5118 x x
Diff. feed regulating lever guide screw (2 used)
45 323-891-200 204143A Dill, feed regulating lever iift guide (2 used) x x
46 323-600-083 5321 A Dill. feed regulating lever adjusting screw x x
47 323-630-017 204870 x x
Dill, feed regulating lever adjusting nut
x x
48 323-618-209 202868 Diff. feed regulating lever adjusting nut washer
49 3 23-640-006 20475u x x
Dill, feed regulating spring
50 323-600-102 204757 x x
Dill. fred regulating spring latch screw
51 323-600-107 204869 x x
Knee controller chain hook latch screw
x x

503-5 I 6/IV

14. 13
(7 (6

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

I 6)

Si B;



1 (h’) (;

— 46 —-
503-51 6/IV
5)) lIly
1(1:1. NI’huV IIIDI 111(1’ .5))? / I V SI 5/IV
NO. (‘11111’ NI). III Ii NO. I 05111 Il’I’)( (N 5 I 4/I SI (/IV
I 1715.1(1(11)1 ‘0.1 1 I I’ ccii cii shrill a a
2 17 1-6 I tI 71 7 4 II)! Iced bit sIl:ifl I hriisl w.istic a >5
.1 17 16)8)1)14 ‘11)1)9 I liar shall I lii is) washici st_i csv a a
4 17 1176—2(5 ‘I 141)54 l”reil (sir ‘.Ii,it’I )ii_isliint’ (2 used I a a
— 5 17,1—I I 71)11156 IeeiI liar sli,il I collai ‘S ‘5,

6 17 3—61)1)—Il I .1 5)1114 teed hal sItu I chat screw (7 used I a .5,

7 12,1 S/Ic 215 7)61111)5 tvl,iiiu Ieeul refills I jig. i’inik ‘a a

1) (7,) (III) 1(1)1 5,1111 Main lcu’il rel’iiltiliiil: 10(11k t’Iaiiip ui rsv ‘S 3’
1) 17,1—’! .10—211’! 7) ‘I I I Mtuun teeth 1(11111Cc lug link 5 S
11) 32.1-65 (—11114 204618 Main Iced i’uniiieclilip link till virk ‘S a
I 123—6)16-11)12 71)45 tItI hl;iin fetal (tiniticrl link oil wick rebutter
lip a a
12 .12:15 25-2:1.) 71)4112 Fvlnn Iced eiuiiiuci’l litik 1>111 3’ a
13 (2 (6W—() 5 I 37 tvlaiii Iceil ‘iiuuileu’l hf’, link 1)111 tilt a a
14 .12.1—617 7)))) 71)72116 Mon Iced ciililici’)ihip link piti lii) ttisliei a a
5 32:I—6’1l—25 I 2114114 (vI,iiii teed cinhiecI in1: link liushiiit

1 3’ a
16 32,1-6001119 5231 hula itt Iced counted tip link rrw >5 a,
17 321-6111211 71)4 115 Maui Iced coiluecling luik liusliiiup screw washer (2 used I 1 a
18 .123—716-214 70’)’? 6’! 1)111. Iced regiltibur, complete willi 21(411 (iS, 2(14 I 75 a 3’
2(141195, 51)29x2, 21(4121, 1435 & .1)144
19 323—5111—2)12 21)41165 l)ift’. Iced I egilla I hip seghildn I a a
2(1 (2:1.61)1)1(1)1 5381 till. Iced rel:iila Iiilp segilidilt cia up screw >5 ‘S

21 .12:1—750—211.1 2)141175 1)111. ‘ccii reguila I lug hiiuu’K S x

22 :123-618-21:1 21)4118 l)ifl’_ Iced regulating block I lirtist mustier 5- ‘S

23 .123—6(10—059 3)11)1 l)ifl’. teed ragula [tug block I trust waslict screw a 3’
24 32,1-510-263 2041195 I)ifl’. Iced i egultu bug block cover 3’ x

25 123—600251 51)2) I) I II. I ceO regli Ia Ii up block covci sd ew (4 u secl I a x

26 123-770-1)1)2 21)4121 1)1 II. Iced repulsIng block slide x x

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

27 .12 3—6)111—1)69 1435 Dill’. ‘ccc) regllltlllllg block slide screw a X
28 323—6:10—1)1)1 3044 Dill, teed i eptiltiting block slide .icrew nut x x
29 323-525-2:14 2)14122 Dill’. Iced conned np link ii x
30 :123676-251 204114 Dill. feed conilecling link buslunp x x
31 323—6(10—309 5231 Diii’. Iced conned ing link Itushuig screw X x
32 323-618-211 2(14115 1)1 If. Iced connecting link bushing screw washer (2 used) x x
33 323-593-0(13 21)4 I 235 Ma Ill (cccl bit r a x
34 323-593-207 2(14 124 DiIT, Iced bar x x

35 323-620-253 21)4 1285 iced bar Ii luge pm x X

36 :123—6(10—013 5 1)84 Feed bar hinge pin sdiew a X
37 323-615-231 204439 I “erci bar (singe pin washer x x
38 323-600-355 5317 I eed bar Iii nge pin wa slier screw x a
39 323-676-261 2041295 F cccl bar guld e bushing a x
40 323-600-215 2133-i Iced bar guide bustling screw x x
41 323-750-003 204810 Iced bar jill block (split type) x x
42 323-750-002 201 107 Feed bar guide block (2 used) x x
43 323-850-024 204709 Feed bi r go icte (right) x x
44 323-600-353 5 2(15 Feed bar guide (right) sd ew (2 used) a X

323-650-026 2047 lilA heed bar guicte (left), cmpJetc with 20481 4A & 2(14711 x a
45 323-600-353 5 2(15 Feed bar guide (left) screw (2 used) x x
46 :123-850-027 2048145 Teed bar guide (lct’t) a a
47 323-663-011 204711 Iced bar gludc (left) gaskel a X
48 323-560-012 204712 Iced bar oil splash guard a x
49 323-800-031 2047 l3A ced bar
I oil splash guardinsert plate x x
50 323-800-028 204714 Feed bar oil splash guarct
plate x x
51 323-60(1-016 1229 Feed bar oil splash guardplaie scrcw (4 used) a, 3d
52 323-830-xxx Main feed clog, complete with iutliary ‘red dog & 2922 x
53 323-600-002 1175-2 Main fcrd dop screw x
t323830,xxx Auxiliary teed clog -
32 3-600-2 29 2922 Auxiliary feed dog screw a
54 323-830-xxx Differential feed dog x
55 323-600-301 1189 Dibilrential Iced dog screw x
56 323-1a30-xxx Main teed dog
57 323-600-002 117 5-2 Mam teed rtog screw x
58 323-830-xxx Auxiliary Iced dog x
59 323-600-229 2922 Auxiliary teed clog screw x
60 -630-vxx
32 Dit’fdren ha] tiled dog x
61 323-600-301 1189 Dilferenual Iced dog screw x

See Organization (‘hr

503-51 6/IV

503-5 I 4/IV

(2 1

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp





5 15-5 I 6/IV

@1 /



—48-— K)

II I, 1’11\V l’l1 )I )( II I 5) 14/I V S I S / IV
NU. I •( II I NI). 1)11) N)). I)IX(RIl’IIUN 5 l4/IV SI 6/IV
1 S (S 11115 1J11ir kiii)e <love <iiine<tjiiii x 5’
2 Illifiel kiiili dove ()iiiie<iiIin cii sijeis (2 used) x 5’
13-n It Il Ill I)) I Ifijili ltiiIc <hive i(iiiie(Iii)ii <Iii 5’ \
1 .3-if))- 7)1 lIpp<i I_nile dove <<Iiiiei)Ioii pin Sciew 5’ 5’
S 25- 1fl) 21)1 I 1 1 IIpiti Iiiifi iIiive<iiiil >‘ 5’
(‘3 )f0%0 I 5.161 I Iplol knife drive i:miik el;iinp screw x
7 () (-%Sf))((
21)-I 1-1611 I ipir knife levei x x
x 3’$ )/) 11’) ‘II II I) I ipui knife cvii hnshiig (fell) x x
‘I .1 ‘.1 oXO- 108 1)_Il S I I Ipper knife Ievei Linslong (rigli) x x
II) .123—680— 2)1? 21)1(115 i lppii knife lever bus) eohlin x x
II .1 23-60)U)0•l 50(i)) Upper knife lever )lirusl collar screw (2 used) x x
2 .173-67(1-71 701 l21A I ppei <nile (wide) cam hide tipped x x
1$ 323-870-1)17 11)2527 tipper knile(im:iriow) earluide lipped x x
1.1 .173—61)1) 1)))) 5(3) tipper knife suiew x x
5 323—H)) 1)03 (0’) I I Ipper knife screw not x x
I6 3 23—n83— 21 7 2)112.1 IA I lppei kniFe c lamp x
I7 1 23—663- ((13 7046.18 P1W F k,ii fe clam p x
IX 323-6(1)1(11)2 I 75-2 (fppe< knife chimp sciew (2 used) x x
I’) 323—61 S—Oh $ 21)0821 Upper knife clanip screw washer (2 used) x x
20 32.1—620-24S 204154 tipper knife clamp 1)111 x
21 123-620-016 204706 tIpper kiiile clamp pin

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

22 323-685-237 2(14 157 Lower k nile Ii ol do x
23 323-600-014 ‘1000— I I owe r ciii Fe holder screw x
24 373-685-1)12 21)4 758 [owe k nile holder x
25 323-600-01 5002 Lower knife holder screw x
26 323-6-10- 0 2(14158 - knife liolde F SFI fl$
Lower x x
27 323-625-202 2(1415<) Li )WC F kniFe h 1)1 cr spring seal x x
2% 323-600-057 5117 Lower ciii Fe holder spring suit screw (2 used) x x
20 323-850-247 204 l60A Lower <nile holder guide x x
30 323-61)0-002 1175-2 LoWer knife holder uuide screw (shori) x x
31 323-600-010 51)10 Lower knife <older guide screw (long) x x
32 323-87(1-2 13 204161. Lower knife x
33 323-600-33 I 204162 Lower cmii Fe clamp stud x
34 3 23-630-21)3 5260 Lower knife clamp stud no x
35 323-615-002 20000$ Lower knife clam r slit d nut washe. \
36 323-870-210 2()2295 Lower knife (thick) x
37 *33%7 201127 Lower kniFe (thin) x
38 323-683-014 204759 Lower knife clamp
30 323-600-771 2193 Lower lcnife clamp screw
40 323-870-217 204152 Upper lcnife (angled)
41 323-870-004 204835 Upper knife (angled)
(carbide tipped)
42 323-600-312 5229 Upper knile screw x
43 323-750-202 204153 Upner knile clamp x
44 323-600-226 1170 Upper lcnife clamp screw V
45 323-600-108 5371 Upper knife screw x
4n 323-683-015 204830 Upper knife clamp x
47 323-600-054 5142 Upper knife clamp screw x
48 323-683-213 204155 Upper knife gib x x
4<) 323-560-225 204156 Upper knife guard j x x

FSee Organization Chart

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp
.\ Q-j
C— •
•-.- /

U, c -
w A U)
0 / V 0
503-51 6/IV
1<1 I-. NI ,\V t’t){ (1)114 “1 .S)l4/lV 5l5/IV
Nt) I flt)l. NI) )I 0 NO. l)FS(1t119lON .514/IV 5l6/lV
(27 .5)1.’. 2))) ‘(III 6 A l’ij-sse Ion
2 ) I 1)2-0)) / .1)4(4 (IA I’ies,.e arm x
.5 2 4 Pi esscr ann screw x x
4 (2.) (8.1 201 .0)250.) I’iessei iou regulator x
S 32.7-600—20’)
.5714 Presseu reg(itilor scrLsv
0111 x x
6 123-716 2))’) ((76)1) Ircsscu arm tilt ref tat oi a a
(2 1—60)) 0),)) I8 l’resscr 001 lilt regulator screw x
1 x
32 )h%5-4)) 11(1 2.1/ l’resseu jim sss’iijg-o(ut connection x a
‘1 .12)600-04/ 5164 Presser ai ui swing--out couinsciion lunge screw a
I)) .12.) 6)0)002 71)1 141 Pressri arm swing-mit coTuliectuouu tuju(ge screw collar x

II )23—H1:)-001 21(1:108 (‘hiiuuciitter knile x x
12 .12:) (18)048 :173 (‘Iiainciutlcr knile screw (2 used) x x
3 32:) (1)5141 3)14)27 A Pre swu loot holder, corn plete with 2042361) 2043 28A & 5323 a
14 32:)-60))-0t4 4009) Pre-ser loot holder bracket screw a
_‘04 27611 Presser lout holder tracke) x
204 :128 A Prcsseu loot holder a
32.) (1))))))) 5 5:12:) Presse r ((jot Ii older hinge pIn-screw x
15 (2.)- 71(1.2)))) 704172 Presser toot lilt regulator x
1(1 323—600—307 5077 Presser loot tilt regulator screw x
17 323 820-xxx Presser toot, cool pletc A
(H 204 I 691) P resse i loot body (MIp only) x
9 204 I /Ol) Presser toot mx iluary (Mtg only) a
20 323-600-104 20’l496 Prcsscr foot auxiliary tun(c pin a
21 323633-202 2)144’) 1 Presser foot auxiliary spring x
22 323-630-235 53.11 Pj-ewc, loot auxiliary spring screw -—
23 323-640-226 204 I 7 I It Presser fool auxiliary hinge pin retai ung ring a
24 323-600202 .5)13)) Presser toot iii xi! iary hinge pill nut

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

25 323-600-016 I 229 Presser lo,I screw a
26 323-560-xxx Presser toot labric guard a
27 323-600-307 5077 Presser foot, bibric guard screw
28 323-640-224 204)29 Presser loot body spring a
29 323-61)0-313 5291 Presser tool body spring screw (large) a
30 323—600-026 292! l’resscr foot body spring screw (small) a
3) 323-685-232 202504A Presser loot holder bracket x
:12 323-600-014 4009-I Presser foot holder bracket screw x
33 33flj
4 Presser toot x
34 Presser toot x
35 323-863-xxx Presser loot chaining-off finger A
36 323-600-050 5089 Presser loot chaining-off finger screw x
37 323-643-001 201 156 l’resser foot lunge spring x
38 323-716-005 204841 Presser foot regulator x
39 323-600-026 2921 Presser foot regulator screw x
40 *323.560-xxx Presser foot uncurler x
41 323-600-202 5030 Presser foot uncurler screw x
42 *323.t) Presser foot fabric guard x
43 323-600-05 1 1231 Presser foot fabric guard screw x
44 323-540-240 204164 Foot lift lever shaft a a
45 323-676-240 204165 Foot lift lever shaft bushing x x
46 323-600-215 2133-1 Foot lilt lever shalt bushing screw x x
47 323-530-229 204166 Foot lift intermediate lever x x
48 323-600-022 2022-4 Foot lift intermediate lever screw x a
49 323-629-200 202641 Presser bar, complete with 202642 & 5053x2 a x
50 323-850-249 202642 Presser bar guide x x
51 323-600-015 5053 Presser bar guide screw (2 used) x a
52 323-640-217 201 3811 Presser bar spring x a
53 323-600-317 202643 Pressure regulating thumb screw x x
54 323-530-233 202644A I-land lift lever x x
55 323-629-201 202645 Hand lilt lever spring plunger x x
56 323-676-259 202646A Hand lilt lever spring plunger bustling x x
57 323-600-256 5029 Hand lift lever spring plunger bushing screw x x
58 323-620-239 202647A Hand lilt lever hinge pin x x
59 323-640-221< 201395 Hand lift lever spnng x x
6)) 323-530-016 204177B l’oot lift lever x x
61 323-600-032 1202 Foot lift lever screw (2 used) x x
62 323-600-314 5232 Foot lift lever stop screw x x
63 323-71 6-209 202683 Foot lilt lever regulator x x
64 323-600-060 5118 Foot lift lever regulator screw x x
65 323-640-220 204178 Foot lift lever spring x x
66 323-710-002 204179A Foot lilt cam x x
67 323-676-241 204241 Foot lift cam bushing x x
68 323-600-084 204590 Foot lift cam pin screw
69 323-720-001 204591 Foot lift cam pin roller x x
70 323-600-08 1 5141 Foot lift cam pin roller screw x x
71 323-6110-315 5236 Foot lift cain regulating screw stud x x
72 323-600-316 291 3-2 Foot lift cam regulating screw stud stop screw (2) x x
73 323-600-026 2921 Cord and piping foot screw a

*See Organization Chart


From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

15 4 21






5(13/I V
kI1’ NIVV I’[tOI)l (I
51)1 /IV 5)5/I V
( 0))’ NO. ( )I I) NO. I)I’S(’RIP Il( )N S I-lIly S Io/IV

3 23—’)O( )—l ) I 211-IS )3 (L’:tI iiiiii_’itiIe) vi(It 1;lIls ( Ie). i”1s. I itt 12 x x
I 3 2.1-S I .9-20.1 2))) I 14) (;eIr put iuuisiii
11 x x
2 .1 23—o00- 326 5 Jl; (‘ui piiittj) IIc)uISuIu), iii pill)’, screw x x
80-031) 2(11 2)3 A ( e;lr ))iIiti p (fISiii) jtli ) x x
1 .113 61)0-057 5117 (k’at piiiuit lacing plate screw (4 used)

5 - 23761-001 201 201 Puuitip leal ( igli I I

(i ) )760) 201 205 l’uuuiip p_ar (Iii I)
7 3 13-540237 204 83 l
t iiuip .eai slit (-I (lung)
8 3 23—6)01)0 21)1 00k) ISuutip gem sluil I (luuuo) key
0 1 23-510 236 204 184 s
Puuiui )L’u1I shall I shot )

10 323-600-037 145% i gear shall (short) scicw (2 used)

I 323-570- 204 2(14 187 Worm wheel x x
I2 323—600-004 5060 Worm wheel screw (2 used) x x

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

13 323-570-203 21)4186 Worm x x
4 323-600-043 2(12 2 Vonii screW x x
15 323-632-201 21)4 (85 Gear pump untie I ‘0’ ring x x
16 323-600-072 5094 Gear pump housing set ew (2 used) x x
17 323-655-002 201338 Oil screen hI 1cr x x
18 323-663-001 201311 Oil screen filter gasket x x
19 323-508-002 201341 Oil screen 011cr hrame x x
20 323-600-057 5117 Oil screen filter screw x x
21 323-902-020 204188 Oil cooler assembly x x
22 323-600-054 5142 Oil cooler tithe joint screw (8 used) x x
23 323-663-21 I 2041 Q2 Oil cooler tube joint gasket (2 used) x x
24 323-683-2 14 204189 Oil cooler tube clamp x x
25 3 23-600-059 3001 Oil cooler tube clamp screw x x


From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

c 2)
(B) (B)
•( 4)

- - -







-- 54—

503/ IV
1(00. NEW I’RODIIIl 504/tV SI S/IV
NI). 101)0 NI). 1)1 I) NI). lW%lRII
7’lI)N -
5l4/IV 5l6/IV
I I ‘.1—6.19- 2.12 .1(4 19.1 Oil disliihiiloi - x
2 .12.1—6(14 2(1’) 211(11 52 )il ilisl [11)111 Si screw x x
.1 .12.1-1 15-Ill’) 21)1)1.1% Oil ilislriliiiliir screw waslici (2 used) x
4 .3 2.1-6(1(1-062 211I.12.1 lii ilislrihnliir splash screw x x
5 .12.1-627-2(1% 2(12’ 11(1 lii tlisliiliii liii plug
1’ .113-6(9-2.1.1 2(14 I ‘14 lii splash pipe
7 .123-600-1164 211175% Oil splash pipe screw x x
8 32.1-615 (11(1 21)175’) Oil splash pipe screw washer (2 used) x x
.123-736—002 2114845 Oil pressuift’ reliel valve, complele willu 21(4846, 204822. x x
2’)21 202875 & 204847
9 .123—615— 21%) 2001.3% Oil pressure reliei valve easing washer (2 used) x x
It) 204846 I p ressu ire relief valve casing :5 :5
II .11.1—641. (It)! 2(148 22 Oil rebel valve spring :5 :5
I2 323-611(1-1)26 2’121 Oil pressure relief valve spring screw :5 :5
1.1 323—615—216 2(12875 Oil pressure chef valve spring screw washer x x
14 .323-il 11-00 I 2114847 Oil pressure relief valve hall - -- :5 :5
IS .l23-639-1(I% 200698 Oil (uhe for luhricaling 204016 crankshuafl hushing (center) :5 :5
16 :323-636- 200 200136 Oil lube jninl (2 used) :5 :5
I? 323-604-2(19 2(1(115 2 Oil luhe jninl stud (2 used) :5 x
8 323-685-003 2(12 199 Oil lube clamp (2 used x x
19 323-6l5-209 21)1)1.1% Oil I nbc nm I washer (4 used) :5 :5

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

2t) 323-568-202 21)4198 Oil cooling fan x x
21 323-7l3-2t)l 204 2IltlA Oil pan x x
22 323-655-205 204202 Oil pa ii filler x x
23 323-800-221 204203 Oil p (lIter plate :5 :5
24 323-600-068 1216 Oil pan filler pta Ic screw (2 used) x x
25 323-600-3 54 513813 Oil drain plug screw x x
26 323-615-229 202 28 lÀ Oil (train plug screw washer :5 x
27 323-663- 206 204201 Oil pan gasket :5 :5
28 3 23-605-006 515013 Oil pan bolt (4 used) :5 :5
29 323-615-029 204806 Oil pan bolt washer (4 used) x x
30 323-510-032 204865 Machine cover (left) (for cloth plate (wide) 204798) x x
(used with parts of Re[ Nos. 31-34)
31 323-600-257 5091 Machine cover (left) screw (short) (2 used) x x
32 323-600-109 5182 Machine cover (leO) screw (long) x x
33 323-646-005 204867 Maclsine cover (left) spacer x x
34 3 23-600-039 5113 Machine cover (left) spacer screw :5 x
35 323-510-031 204857 Machine cover (left) (for cloth plate (narrow) 204740) x
(used with parts of Ref. Nos. 36-39)
36 323-600-360 5092 Machine cover (left) screw (3 used) - - x -

37 323-646-004 204868 Machine cover (left) spacer x

38 323-600-239 2308 Machine cover (left) spacer screw x
39 323-615-213 202058 Maclsine cover (left) spacer screw washer x
40 323-891-202 204493 2:1 diff. feed ratio indication plate x x
41 323-891-201 204494 3:1 diff. feed ratio indication plate x :5

— 55.—

15 C.
33 211 23
38 1 34
21 21 Iju
(Y) 28
211 (11

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp





— 56
ilI, Nl’\V l( (III l( I
M). t)lil’N. (II ii Nfl. I) 1St l I (N
12 0(0 IS _lfl( /1) Sluiuiuig ittiwlouueiut, conulilete 515-516/IV

(ueil vitlu sluiuuiuu, lul:udt’ 2050(i’l iuud parts ul Itch’. bios. .1 lii 31)
1.’) 001) (III 2)1-1882 Xluouup iii;ui’lnneul, eouoplele 5(14—5 14/lV
(unit with slorong lilaile IllS 1.17 nud pails ul Re!. Nici. 3 Iii 31
I 1 2.1.8 11—20)) 1(1—I Xlouu iuug lilaile SI 5—5 I (1/IV
2 .12.1-8/5 (((II ‘1 (‘1 1.1/ Xliii iug blade 504—5 I 4/IV
.1 (‘.1(1)1) .1)). Stun hip blade screw (2 used)
1 .1 oIl) 21)51)65 IlliIiil;itIai.’Ili1iiIitSlinlIll
5 .123-6 15-22.1 2115(116 Shin jug II I;icliiiieol spniig _‘iillar
0 •1 2$—6l11—tt25 Xliii log al iielimcnt spring collar screw (2 used)
7 .12.1 S-Ill- ).() 21)5(6/ Xluiriiiiti(Iar-luiiientsliall
S .i5(-6X0-. 10 2(l1ll08 Xliii lug attacliuuueuit shaH collai
0 .1 2.1—61 ((1- 2.11 2211 Xliii uing atlacliuneiit sliift collar screw
(I .12.1./511 201 2(15061) Xloru iiig at (icliuneiit block
II .i.3.6t)lt.35() 5.120 Shining il lacliiiiciit block screw
I2 .123 l.1() 202 5)37 Slurring ulttcloocnt lul(ick screw ml
3 .1 23—o I 7. flfl 21)228(1 Slurring mItcluinent block screw nut waslueu
Id .1.51-02.5- 2(1.1 2(15(111) Xloni hug il tuclument block luck spring
IS .(2.l-0003)16 I 229 Xliii ring at tiucliuneul block luck spring screw (2 used
I6 .12.1—6 18-007 2(1(111(3 Xlnrruug ;illacluncnt block lock spring screw washer (2 used)
17 .12.1-800-2.15 2(14405 Xli irriiig at taclimen I block phi Ic
IX .123-600- 27 I 2193 Slurring atlacluiucnl block plate screw (2 used)
I 32.1—ti I 7—20(1 202286 Slurring attachment block plate screw washer (2 used)

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

20 32.1-740-229 204451 Xli irri up a taclinuen I block ula te extension
21 323—600-057 Slurring aliicluioeuul block plate extension screw (2 used)
22 323-530-232 21)51)7 2 Xlii [ii up blade sw i ng—ou I lever
23 323-600-057 5117 Xlii rring blade swing-out lever screw (2 used)
24 323-000-220 II 70 Xlii r ri lip hI a tie swi up— on I lever regulating screw ( 2 used)
25 323-030-003 3091 Slurring blade swing-oil I lever regulating screw nut (2 used)
26 323-534-001 204592 Sb irring blade Ii ftc
27 323-600-088 5276 Slurring blade lifter screw
28 323-615-213 202058 SIn rung blade lifter screw washer
29 323-750-2(15 205104 Xli irni op blade Ii lter block
30 323-60(1-088 5276 Slurring blade lifter block clamp screw
31 323-615-213 202058 Slurring blade lifter block clamp screw wasoer
32 .123-685-243 205103 Cord and piping attachment block
33 323-600-019 1175-3 Curd and piping attachment block screw (2 used)
34 323-615-211 167066 (‘ord and piping attachment block screw washer (2 used)
35 Cord and piping attachment (binder)
36 323-600-020 I 170-I Cord and piping attachment screw (2 used)
37 323-850-258 205091 Shirring cloth guide
38 323-600-068 1216 Shirring cloth guide screw (2 used)
323-900-224 192 Knee controller, complete with parts of Ref. Nos. 39 to 55
39 323-530-100 193 Knee cont roller
40 3 23-728-004 194 Knee controller hinge
41 323-600-100 5183 Knee controller hinge regulating screw
42 323-630-001 3044 Knee controller hinge regulating screw nut
43 323-615-017 137142 Knee controller hinge regulating screw nut washer
44 3 23-600-060 5118 Knee controller hinge screw
45 323-615-017 137142 Knee controller hinge screw washer
46 323-620-100 195 Knee controller hinge pin
47 323-634-200 202522 Knee controller hinge pin stop ring (2 used)
48 323-640-100 196 Knee controller hinge spring
49 323-505-100 197 Knee controller hinge bracket
50 323-605-003 5347 Knee controller hinge bracket screw (2 used)
51 323-630-013 5348 Knee controller hinge bracket screw nut (2 used)
52 323-615-021 204585 Knee controller hinge bracket screw nut washer (2 used)
53 323-665-001 198 Knee pad
54 323-732-002 199 Knee pad chain
55 323-600-10] 5341 Knee pad hinge bracket wood screw (2 used)

*See Organization Chart

504-51 6/IV



i Q
(3)’ ‘

1? (8) 13)


( 9) n 12

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

503-51 4/IV

III’. NI2V l’lfll)t (‘1
NO. (‘Ol)h NO. Ull) N(.k I)hS(’RIP’I’ION
•)),$5() )5( ‘0444’) kdge giude, cuiiiplete 515—51 6/IV
(used with guide /120I 233A :uid parts ot Ref. Ntis. 3 to l2)
.l.’1—50-t)2t .‘04)’)(, ’e ‘tilde, complete 504—5 14/I\’
(used with guide 11204667 md ot Ref. Jo;. 3 Ii; I 2)
I 1.’.t851) Ill 21)1 ).t 1,\ I’.dgc guide 515—5 l6/IV
2 .)2i-850-t)2..)O46o/ hdge guide —504—5 14/IV
3 32.1—6001)1) I.’))) l;dgc giude sciew
‘I .1)1-740 ))(i )t)445 I Idge guide hulder bracket
5 .t).1—oOO—(t57 5117 I.dge guide (wider bracket screw (2 used)
6 1)3-74022)( .204452 Pdge guide holder bracket exteimoit
7 .))3qtOO-)7 I 21 .1 Idge guide bolder bracket extension screw (2 used)
8 l2-6i 7-20(1 202280 hdte guide holder bracket extension screw washer (2 used)
9 123—740-01 2 201485 hdgc guide wider
10 .323-600-07’) Si 84 l2dge guide holder screw
11 32.1-615-015 201191 hUge guide holder screw washer
12 .123-630-010 5074 hUge guide bolder screw washer nut

Welt guide for 504/IV-25

13 .123-505-i)l0 204760 Welt guide base
14 323-600-002 I I 75-2 Welt guide base screw
I5 323-400-0(11 201 211 A Welt, guide (I 1/2’’ Item)

16 323-600-074 2905 Welt guide screw

17 323-615-017 137142 Welt guide screw washer

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

—Backtacker for 503-5 I 4/IV—
323-900-017 303135 Racktacker, complete with parts of Ref. Nos. 19 to 29
18 323-600-019 1175-3 Backtacker screw
19 323-505-01 1 303037 Backtacker base
20 323-873-002 303038 l3acktacker blade
21 323-600-251 5022 J3acktacker blade screw
22 323-61 5-030 303039 Backtacker blade screw washer
23 323-850-038 303040 Backtacker blade guide
24 323-530-021 303041 Backtacker blade lever
25 323-600-361 5368 Backtacker blade lever screw
26 323-620-027 303043 Backtacker blade lever push pin
27 323-640-016 303042 Backtacker blade lever push pin spring
28 323-600-362 5369 Backtacker blade lever push pin adjust screw
29 323-600-341 5292 Backtacker blade lever push pin adjust screw lock screw
323-900-018 303 136 Rotary solenoid, complete with parts of Ref. Nos. 31 to 39
30 323-600-363 5370 Rotary solenoid screw
31 323-795-001 811002 Rotary solenoid
32 323-630-022 5367 Rotary solenoid nut (2 used)
33 323-615-012 201185 Rotary solenoid nut washer (2 used)
34 323-740-041 303046 Rotary solenoid bracket
35 323-71 6-209 202683 Needle thread pull-off takeup lever regulator
36 323-530-022 303049 Needle thread pull-off takeup lever
37 323-600-271 2193 Needle thread pull-off takeup lever clamp screw
38 323-866-014 303048 Needle thread pull-off takeup
39 323-600-026 2921 Needle thread pull-off takeup screw
40 323-900-0 19 742008 Rotary solenoid cord, complete
41 323-900-020 706001 Micro-switch, complete
42 323-740-042 303050 Micro-switch bracket
43 323-71 6-209 202683 Foot lift lever regulator already in (lie maclune

44 323-600-061 5152 Foot lift lever screw

45 323-600-314 5232 Foot lift lever stop screw already in the machine

46 323-850-039 303047 Needle thread guide

47 323-600-014 4009-1 Needle thread guide screw already in the machine

48 323-900-021 760009 Electric controller

49 323-740-043 303009 Electric controller bracket
50 323-600-365 5378 Electric controller bracket screw (2 used)

For more information on Backtacker, see its instruction hook.




4 3)



From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp




— I--——

1161 NI \V 11(1 1)1)11
Nt). (lilt Nil. (0)) N) I (IFS) 11W) II IN
Chain Cutter Model KSU-320 for 5 I 5-5 I 6/lV
‘1111)12) 1)) (((1 (‘lciiii itilIt’) haiiii_ lllnI(iIiii 5510) (‘lOs ot OiL Ntis. 2 to I)
(21 (tIll) II) ‘I 4011’) I C Ii.ou illIlci Ii iliac isv (2 used)
.5 (21 SlIt) ((II) (0(0(1)) C han) cliii
(2 (.87 It).) 0).))) /l .Sii iwo y bide
.12.1 (tIlt) 25) 502.’ S(,iliciii,ics’ Itlaile si-ow (.1 list-tI)
I) I 560027 (0 ((115 SL,(icinary (‘(oh, l.ih,iic girl
(2(600 251 5022 Sia)niiciiy lilaili 1.1)11 ii 111:1111 screW C) used)
72 18/I—lIt)) ((((076 Movable (1(11111’
I) (23 61.) (8(1 .0(0/7 Movable ltI,,de spiing
72.1—850 (((0 (0.0(7)1 Movable Itlade (110111
(2 (601) It,), 5.111, Movable blade screw
.12.1 6.101)71 (((71(79 Movable (iladi iiicle scow nil)
12 2)1(5 Movilile Ititile audi’ sciew
.123620025 (((((((5 SlttvaItleIlIlIcIi1III()epIi)
14 (2 (6(9 ((21 .0) (011) A Si, Ititwet
15 (2.1—68.)))) 1, .0) (((1(5 Si’ Newer 111,1’ clamp (2 used(
Iti (2.1 6)10—1)45 171.1 An blower (nbc cloup screw
I? (7(571).))) 1
.0) (056 An blower vinyl lube

Chain Cutter Model KSU-520 for 503-51 4/IV

7)3—100 02’) .1)1)1.18 tlitiii cliMes tranuc, cinipleic svill, parIs ii) 18e1 Nis. 19 Ii 29
18 3)74)1(1 057 5)17 (ham cullet trai,ue screw (2 dyed)
19 3)3_5g5.fl))1)
71)7)) (0 ( ham cut (ci Leone
2)) 727—87 .1—005 70.1)) II SItu) ioicury (lade
21 323—600—251 5022 Slanonary lilarle screw) I used)
2) 323—56(1-1(25 307036 Sbuluonay blade laliic guard
23 :123—600—251 51)22 SNbonary blade flibric guard screw (3 used)

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

24 (23—877—0)16 30:1072 Movable blanc
25 323—600—) 2’) 5:166 Movable blade screw
26 :123—647—108 7)70:13 Movable (dane spring
27 323—630—024 303034 Movable blade gti irle screw nut
28 (23—6)10—11)4 4)0)9—I Movable blade 5
uide screw
29 323—85)1—04 I :0)30:15 Movablc blade guide
31) 323—620—028 .11)1(1:15 Movable blade cuinle pin

—Suction Device Model VSA-200--------

3) 323-7 36-10(3 300)127 Needle valve
.12 323—651—001 30003.1 Vcn(uri
77 723-740-044 300037 Air valve bracket
34 323-600-367 5344 Air valve bracket screw (2 used)
35 323-t05-t(21 204585 Air valve bracket screw wasbe (2 user))
36 323-63)1-0(3 5348 Air valve brackel screw nut (2 used)
37 323-7(64)1)6 300038 Actual or
38 .127—641)—I)) 7 :1001(42 Actuator (singe spring
39 :12:1—640—/ll 8 300043 Ae(eator spring
4)) 323-600-014 4009-I Actuator screw (2 used)
4) 323-600-027 1)74 Actuator stop scresv
42 323-6:10-003 7091 Actuator stop seresv nut
43 323-732-00) 126 Actuator chain
44 323-716-007 522001 Air regulator
45 323-736-004 530001 Air valve
46 323-600-039 5113 Air valve screw (4 used)
47 723-891-003 596002 Air pressure gauge
48 323-636-006 601001 Air valve joint
49 323-636-007 601011 Elbow
50 323-635-003 601012 Sleeve (2 used)
5) 323-636-011 60)013 Nipple joinl, for 600005
52 323-636-005 601014 Nipple, for 600005
53 323.63600d) 601015 Air valve nipple (right)
54 323-636-010 60)016 Air vtdve nipple (left)
55 323-639-023 600005 Vinyl tube
56 323-639-024 600006 Suction tube
57 323-639-025 600007 Exhaust tube
58 323-692-028 300044 Model plate
59 323-900-023 300105 Was)e cecepta etc complete
60 323-600-364 5354 Waste receptacle seresv (3 used)
61 323-630-022 5367 Waste reccp)aele screw nut (3 used)
62 323-615-012 201185 Was)e reeeplaele screw nut washer (6 used)
63 323-655-009 300107 An tiller
64 323-634-005 300)08 Air tiller stop ring
65 32 3-740-045 300109 Waste eeeeptaele Isracket
66 323-605-003 5347 Wasle receptacle bracket boll (2 used)
67 323-630-rn 3 5348 Waste receptacle bracket bill nut (2 user))
68 323-615-021 204585 Wasie eeeeptaele bracket bolt nut washer (2 used)
(69) 323-600-101 5341 Waste receptacle hraekei wooden screw (2 used)

Fur more information on Chain Cutter, sec its insteuetion hook.




-Il CD
0 C-)

m 0


From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

R[i. NIV I’I(( )I 01(1
Nfl. (‘( )I)I Nfl. (II .1) N( 1. 1)1 ‘S( RI lV I I ( )N
)))—‘)45—t)t)’ I I flU iiiiIiiiiei
.12.1 (,5O-20() I .12 ( )ilci
I I94 5—00.1 I I’ A 1 )il 011111(1
4 .12.1-8802 I I I lIlA 95 Wicinli ( ).Siiiiii)
S 12 I—f-4$t)-’l (1 IOtA-K Wrciicli (K.Onini)
(i l.1 88(1. OIl I lIlA 7 Wi inch ( 7.Oiinn)
7 I •l-%%().t)% I lIlA 0 ‘Viencti (O.Oniin)
8 .12.1-880 20-1 I bA-S Wrench (5.Oinni)
() 323885-001 27 Sciew (Iliver (01(e)
10 323—885002 I 28 Suiew diver (inediuni)
23-885-201) 79 Allen wreiicli
12 .1-8)-iD 214 I 82 Allen key (3.1 7niin)
13 23-880005 200 Allen key (4 .76nnn)
14 .123—886 -001 I .1! ‘Iweezers
15 323 (i60-200 I 53 Ihi cad ii’, wii e
16 121-533-005 245 ‘Ireadlc
17 .123-732-1)01 26 ‘Ireadle cliaiii
18 .123-870-21 3 204 In I I ,OW(’[ knife
I9 Needle (lo pieces)
20 Needle (ID pieces) (for 2—needle machine)
Accessories for semi snhnmerged installation
21 323-945-213 204301 (‘ Machine rest board
22 323-605-202 204303 Maclnne rest hoard hanger bolt (4. used)

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

23 323-630-204 5221 Maclnnr rest board hanger bolt nut (4 used)
24 323-61 5-203 202700 Maclnnc rest hoard hanger bolt nut washer (4 used)
25 323-945-202 20269! Machine isolating rubber (4 used)
26 323-945-208 202693A Machine rest hoard isolating iubber (lower) (4 used)
27 323-627-204 202765 Machine rest board isolating rubber (upper) (4 used)
28 323-740-223 202768 Machine rest board hanger bracket (8 used)
29 323-600-324 5296 Machine rest board hanger bracket screw (4 used)
30 323-630-228 5297 Machine rest hoard hanger bracket screw nut (4 used)
31 323-615-219 202769 Machine rest board hanger bracket screw nut washer (8 used)
32 323-616-001 201477 Machine rest board hanger bracket screw nut spring wasOer (8 used)
33 323-605-203 202766 Maclnne rest board set bolt (4 used)
34 323-630-229 5298 Machine rest board set bolt nut (4 used)
35 323-61 5-220 202767 Machine rest board set bolt nut washer (4 used)
36 323-774-001 2013480 Waste chute
37 323-600-217 5017 Waste chute screw (3 used)
38 323-615-002 200098 Waste chute screw washer (3 used)
39 323-630-001 3044 Waste chute screw nut (3 used)
40 323-774-200 201349B Waste chute extension
41 323-600-060 5118 Waste chute extension screw (4 used)
42 323-630-001 3044 Waste chute extension screw nut (4 used)
43 323-615-002 200098 Waste chute extension screw nut washer (8 used)
44 323-740-013 201346A Waste chute top
45 323-600-321 175 Waste chute top wood screw (4 used)
46 323-605-204 5302 Motor hanger bolt (3 used)
47 323-615-219 202769 Motor hanger bolt washer (6 used)
48 323-616-001 201477 Motor hanger bolt spring washer (3 used)
49 323-630-228 5297 Motor hanger bolt nut (3 used)
9 L
1) 01

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

0 cOl BJ
- BI
k\ 1.1 GL
— - -


RI-U. NPW ‘1(1 11111 NOS. RIiQ(ll RI/I

NIl. 111111 N)). 10!) NI). 141k 511101.5 01-
IIES(’R1I9lt)N 3 4 5 1

$ ))J)4) 19’,
21)8 lhit’itI 5611111, iottiplt’Ie .1 spools
‘1—10 lOu lIo’td slam). olopIllI.’ ‘I spools
42.4 ‘00 10 / I—I ‘IltoatI slaIn). )‘)tlopIelc S spools
4 ‘4. 0-I I 12)18 21(1 ‘I’hteail suoitl_ i’oiilplt’ 6 Ii Spools
I .4.1.1-5.)’ 001 21n ‘IItit’;id sl;itol 19pc1 11)11 I I I
2 3 23 60)) I IS 2 I -/ Iltrc,it) sland llCl toil SctCsV I I
3 23—535 (102 118 ‘1111 cii) sI 011) lower t oil
3 23—/-10035 2)0 Spool pitt hi tic kit I
I 2
5 323—50(1 0-I 243 SIJIBI) pill Itracke I clamp plale
ii 3 237(0—036 22)) Spitol pill hrackc I 2 I —

7 323-68)-Il’) 22! Sptotl pio bracket claolp screw 2 2 2 2

8 3 It (30—)) IS 111
Spool pii brackel clamp screw titil 2 2 2 2
‘1 323-620021 223 ‘i)oI lilt 3 4 5 6
10 323-6 15—028 224 S
1 nd pill 5501511cr 3 4 5 6
II 32.4—617—1)1)1 225 Spill II pIll till) spring washer 3 4 5 6
I2 323—630-0(i)

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

22It Spool 1)111 11111 3 4 5 6
I.) 323-685-11)3 227 Spot)! (ray 3 4 5 6
H 323-850-03) 228 Spoil! re tailtiog tin 3 4 5 6
IS 323-740-034 22) ill read giode bar rod brackel I I I
16 323-60))-) 20 231) ‘lItre ad go i (Ic bar rod h racke I cI amp screw I I I I
7 3 23-630-1)20 23 1 Tllread guide bar rod brackel clamp screw nut I I I I
18 323-535-003 23 1 Tb re adgo ide bar lild 1 1 1
(0 323-600- I 20 230 Tb read erOde bar rod screw I 1 1 I
20 323-630-020 23 I Tb read go ide bar rod screw no 1 1 1 1
2) 323-750-006 233 Thread guide rod retaining block 1 1 1 1
22 323-600-120 230 Thread guide rod retaimog block clamp screw 1 1 1 1
23 3 23-630-020 23 I Thread guide rod retaining block clamp screw nut 1 1 1 1
24 323-590-003 234 Thread guide bar 1 1 1 1
25 323-600-120 230 Tb read guide bar clamp screw 1 1 1 1
26 323-630-020 23) Thread guide bar clamp screw nut 1 1 1 1
27 323-851-021 235 Thread guide wire (long) 2 — 2 4
28 323-630-021 236 Thread goide wire (long) lock nut 2 — 2 4
29 323-851-020 237 Thread g.uide wire (short) 1 4 3 2
30 323-630-021 236 Thread guide wire (short) lock nut 1 4 3 2
31 323-685-0)6 260 Thread guide wire holder 3 spools —

32 323-685-017 261 Thread guide wire holder -— 4 spools

33 323-685-018 262 Thread guide wire holder — 5 spools
34 323-685-014 23$ Thread guide wire holder 6 spools

35 323-600-121 239 Tb read guide wire holder screw 1 1 1

36 323-505-009 240 Thread stand base 1 1 1
37 323-600-122 24! Thread stand base wood screw 3 3 3 3
38 323-600-123 242 Thread stand base rod screw 2 2 2 2


From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp
SOi/IV-44 5O./IV-4 504/IV-7

•1 0J V. -t V -r

C’ C’

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— — flu —
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From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

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-t en C rfll fir nr
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> N
N.H N°
COMMON PARTS: 204072 (323-810-216) — Left lorper
201121A (323-S --21-n —

GaII P:ecr
Machine model Needle Mm Die:c,::l Auxilic:y e’e ce3:e Right Lcv
(Operation) pa:e feed feed fred tfrcn:( :ei Io::r: e -

unci) comple:e
3mm 205239 204723 203724 203677 *204951 204634 204535 204523 24702 2112
Intermittent shirrin
1/8” 323-601360 323-830-032 323-830-036 323-830-037 323-824-017 323-561-009 323-561-010 322-595- -3 325-ri-- 9 s:s--:s

_1 4mm 205r40
H - 5/32” 323-801-361

‘ Es

‘—___. 14 323-S0l-36a
2mm 202616 204729 204730 204674 204953 2 4 62
Seaming light knit goods
5,64” 323-601-038 323-830-052 323-830-059 323-830-054 323-820-023 -- - -
323-810-Oio --

3mm 202617 ,, ,, -. ‘ ,, .,

1/8” 323-501-039 — —— - famr:v

4mm 20218 —

5/32” 1
5mm 204913
316” 323-601-045
504/W-21 - 3mm 202542E 204723 204724 ‘204951 20112
Intermittent slurring
1/8’ 323-801-026 323-830-032 323-830-036 323-820-017 325-670-211 -

4mm 202546E
I 5/32 ( sevmg)

323 SOl 027

DC\1 =11
) 5mm 202596E ‘244952 2’22295 23222851
28 018 32 e
[J ::
E!!Li 1,4 323 Sul 0_9

aSee page 77 for its components.


RItit looper for needle size Right looper for needle size
Model - I
Part number Mark Singer ‘ W & G I Metric - ‘ -
Part nucr Mark Srneer W & G Metric
204278 323-810-215 1 - 9-12 027-032 65-80
[ 204062 323-810-218 2 9-12 027-032 65-80
204704 323-SIC-Oil 3 ‘13-16 034-040 85-100 503,’IV 204702 323-810-059 4 13-16 034-2-D 85-100 5- IV
20471’S 323-810-012 5 17-21 042-051 - 100-140 204703 323-810-010 6 17-21 032-051 100-140
204663323-510-008 7 9-14 027-036 65-90 51j

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

—5 LuiMUN iAKIS: 204U/2 (323-810-216) — Left looper

201121A (323-870-214) Upper knife
Machine model Gauge
Needle Main Differential Auxiliaiy Presser
(Operationl plate Needle roarS Nee)r Rt 1-: re:
inh) feed feed feed f)

complete Near) tar :::Cr :.ife

mm 202616 204729 — - -
Hemmmg light knits 2O470 2°4674 2 226 C
— —
564” 323-801-038 323-830-052 323-830-059 323-830-054 323-820-220 323-S6109 323-56110 323-59lN3 323-510-211 323-80-210
3mm 202617 ‘5

1/8’ 323-801-039 N:

4mTn 202618
5/32” 323-801-222 •, -n

5mm 204913
3/16’ 323-801-045

3mm 205235 204721 204722 204677 *202992

1/8” 323-801-340 323-830-031 323-830-035 323-S3-3-037 323-820-25’) 323-S10C9 523-50-ii
4mm 205236 ,,
,, ,, ,,
5/32” 323-801-341 ,.

5mm 205237
— --
3/16” 323-801-342 ‘ -‘--.--- -

- - -
6mm 205238 -

1/4’ 323-801-343

Seaming medium-hea knits 3mm 205231 204692 204693 a202993

1/8” 323-801-344 323-830-030 323-830-034 201127
4mm 205232 ,, ,, ‘ ‘ -
5/32” 323-801-345 ‘

amni 20233 -

3/16’ 323-801-346 DC\

---- -
-‘ 323,8ThD-210
6mm 205234
1/4” 323-801-347

See page 77 for its cornpcnen:s,


Right ioopcrj for needle site
- - ——
—-——i- —
Rtght looper

[__Part number Model for needle size
jMark Singer V &G Metric
J Part number Mark Starer V& U
204278 323-810-215 1 9-12 027-032 65-80 204062 323-810-218
204704 323-810-011 3 13-16 2 9-12 027-032 65-53
034-040 85-100 503/IV 204702 323-810-009
p47023-8lO-ol2H 17-21 4 13-16 034-040 85-100 504:IV
042-051 j 100-140 204703 323-810-010 6 17-2l 042-051 103-140
204663 323-810-008 7 9-14 027-036 65-93 ha IV

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp


COMMON PARTS: 204072 (323-810-2161 Left leaper
201121 A (323-870-2141 Upper kn:fe
Machine model Needle
(Operation) Main Differential Ai:\iIiary Peer
- eud
(i’i’i) plate feed teed feed
c:erle:e ,lranr rear) J -
.-- —
3mm 205239 204675 204676
Seamingwoven and knits 204677 *202994 2:4634 204635
1/8” 323-801-360 323-830-029 323-830-033 :04623 :
323-830-037 323-820-282 323-561-O’a9 323-561-010 323-591-003 325-5109 52352Ii
I 5/32” 323-801-361 --

,; ‘ —
.) o Cmiii 205241 ‘fact::y
‘ -

‘/ 3/16 323-801-362 -‘
—,, Hjr
‘ ‘ -
o s 6mm 205242
5:3-8-:lo - —a
o_ ,, ,,
1/4” 323-801-363 -‘

Seaming Jcan 3mm 202542E 204678 204679 204674 ‘204956
1/8” , :04703
323-801-026 323-830-051 323-830-056 323-830-054 01127
4mm 202546E 323-510-010 525-8ThJ-21 1
5/32” 323-801-027
r oI - - —-

nn - tnm 202596E -- --
,, -,
LJ ,, ,, - ,
1 -
- 3/16” --
-f’ 323-801-028 -‘

U i 6mm 2i”9 , 323-670-210

1/4 323801029 — DCX’ =18
7mm 204797
9/32” ,,
323-801-042 -‘

8mm 204731
5,16” 323-801-041
Seaming bu1k knitwear 3mm 202542F 204678 204691
1/8” 323-801-026 323-830-051 323-830-058 247o2 201127
323-510-009 323-870-211
4mm 202546E —

- -
5I2 7
a2 801 017 Need:e
, —
iHn\u u 5mm 202596E
— -
3 1 23 801 028 ., -
— - -‘

I ‘7 c
, , 110
I-.-- -
6mm ‘0’97E
o U “

1/4” “ ‘, “
323-801-029 -‘

See page 77 fer itS components.


RiOt looper for needle size Right looper for need!s size
Part number Model
JMager7V & tricH Part number Mark Singer \1& G ietriz
204278 323-810-215 1 9-12 027-032 65-80 204062 323-810-218 2
204704 323-810-011 3 9-12 027-032 65-8-3
13-16 034-040 85-100 503/lV 204702 323-810-009
204705 323-810-012 4 1 3-16 034-040 85-120 504lV
5 17-21 042-051 , 100-140 204703 323-810-010 6 17-21 042-051 102-14.3
,_204663 323-810-008 79-14027-036 65-90 514!IV

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

— Up7er kri5e
201121 A (323-S70-214)

Gauge Prescr NecSz R1—: Lc,scr

Needle Main Diriercn-i 1 Auxilbry Need:e guard
Machine model (mm) foot .__
r .- -—

feed Iron:/ (mart -J

(Operation) - plate feed fred complete

504/IV-S-i7 204634 20635 :s:s :s: 2°i1

3mm 202542E 204675 204690 2:4674 ::4956
Seaming knits 1/8 323-S0l-026 323-830-029 323-830-057 323-830-054 323-820 026 323-561-009 323-561-010 3:3-591-ooss:3-8In-:1s3:s-8-::1

— 3m 2
1 6E
5/32’ 323-Sul-027 -

--- Dcl -ii

-- I I
-) ‘
,, ,, ,
2fl296E ,, —
I ol 5mm 23 1 -

- 3/16 323-801-028
,, ,,
— —i 1/4” 323-101-629

514/IV-1 1 ,, *3Q4954 204659 204660 4S2° 2:0553 201

- 2x2mm 205255 ,, 204676
2-needle seaming woven fabrics 323-82:-0:4 323-561-011 323-561-012 52350i s:3-sl:ss:5-s:-::1
5,’64x5/64” 323-801-047 323-850033
,, :::;s
- O\3mm

S/64X1/8” —

J 32 323 Djl 32

OO .L U 2\5mm202499E
—— —s 564x3/16 323 801-031

514/IV-12 204693 -
- mmn
2 2u2702 204692
2-needle seaming woven fabrics 5’64x1/8 ‘ 323-801-070 323-830-030 323-130-034 323-820-024 —

v0x3_o ,—J -
ze)4.c , 24ntm 202675 ,, “ 204955

1 I’ 5,645/32’ 323-501-315 323-8:0-025

-— D-l -

9 oi --

,. ,,

l\SmTn 203914 204838 ,, 2°2998
- -

1/8x3/16” 323-801-046 323-830-042 323-820-299 323-591-° 5

cf. left bottom in this page - sketch for 3x5mm gauge

Sce pace 77 for its cop:-ec.
51 4/IV-12
3 0X5.O
Theist looper for needle size Right 1oprr for needle size
Mod1 I
— Part number I Mark Singer W & GMetrie Part number Mjrk S/ \V & G
204278 323-810-215 1 9-12 027-032 65-SO 204062 323-810-218 2 9-12 027-132 65 C9
ifl 204704 323-810-011 3 13-16 034-040 85-100 503/TV 204702 323-S1O-009 4 13-16 034-040 85-100 5’4 IV
204705 323-810-012 5 17-21 042-051 100-140 204703 323-Slu-OlO 6 17-21 C42-051 1’0-140
‘tj 2:4653 323-1C-C7S 9-14 fl2-u36 65-97 510 IV

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

COtI’ION PARTS 204072 (323-810-216) — Left 1oerr
A 32S-8-21-

Mahinc model G,iue -

beedle 51 -in Djt1erental .-\u\:.
Presser - - - -
—, --. T -- - -
(Operation) plate feed feed Others
feed (frec:) lrer’

2 needle seaming light knits I.fx2mm 204910 203729 204730 2u4674 *2:4954 204659 204650 4872 204655 :2:95 -.
1 i0’c 64 32 501 043 323 830 02 a23 8i0 09 32a 8 0 fl4 - -
323 5) fl’4 aa 61 011 2i a 9
r— —-———— i’OtV
1SxSmnt 204911 -

DC3 =°
323-801-044 -

•‘ ?
I 2x2irrrn
, ,
-\ 205256 •,

1 3” 323-S0l-048
35359i 4 -
0 U =4
‘x3mm 20 ‘7
— -——j
5;64x1 ;s 323-801-049 -

2x2nim 205255 204723 204724
2-needle intermittent sharing. ,, 204952 ,, - 201127
564x5:64” 323-801-047 323-830-032 323-830-036 323-525-018 — - _s-C--Ll
— 2x3mm

1 LJ 5t’64xl!8” —

523-i°-2!0 Dcxl

2x5mm 202499E ,. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
!64x3/l 6” 323-801-031
I’ L-’
2-needle intermittent shirring

2x4mm 205243 , 204677 ,, ,,

c 64’ 32 -- “
32 801 364 P3 80 037
DC —
2x5mm 205244 ,,

5643/l 6” 323-801 -365

., ,, “ “ “

See p,Igr 77 for its components.


Rielit looper for needle size Rieht looper for needle sice
Rirt number ----—
MarkSmgec W&G[ Mctric 1 Part number Medel
Mark Siner \ & G
204278 323-810-215 1 9-12 027-032’ 65-80 203062 323-810-218 2 9-12 027-032 65-5-7
204704 323-810-011 3 13-16 034-040 85-100 503/IV 204702 323-810-009 4 13-16 034-’40
-a 204705 323-810-012 S 17-21 85-l 5 IV
042-051 100-140 204703 323-810-010 6 17-21 042-051 105-1°
1204663 323-810-008 7 9-i4:027-O36 65-90 -

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

COMMON PARTS: 204072 (323-810-216) — Left looper
201121A (323-870-214) Upper kn:e

Machine model
Needle Main DifSerential A:\1::v Needle s Ns:e R:: - L: :r
(Operation) plate feed feed feed reIn I:
514/IV-41 5r OcO-’7’
2-needle seaming on stretch fabrics c-i’ 5_ -5j
•— —
s -a-

2 205243 204675 204676 204677 *202995 274659 27:660 :462 ::563 :7::;s
5/64x5/32’ 323-801-364 323-830-029 323-830-033 323-830037
- —
323-820-283 323-561-011 323-561-012 723-591-1 4 523-il0-1 S23572V

x 5mm 205244 DCx2 =1:
5!64x3/16’ 323-S01-365 - -

2N3mm 202982 204692 204693 202996
2-needle seaming on stretch fabrics
S,’64x1/8” 323-801-355 323-830-030 323-830-034 323-820-284 —

2\4rnm 202983 272997
: r 5!64x5’32” 323-801-356 323-820-289
1 Lj
JJ H o 3xSmrn 205245 204838 202998 DC27=i
1 o3
1j8x3/16 323-801-357 323-830-042 323-827-299 323-91-c
cf. left bottom in this page sketch for 3x5rnm gauge

5 14/IV-S-1 1
2-needle seaming bulky knits
, -°
2x3rnm 205255 204678 204691 204674 203954 224624
fl 5’64x18 323 Sf1 047 323 830 051 323 830 08 323 841 fla$ 323 821 4 23 9t $
I - 01 \4m11)
2 202554E 20495a
ci4s/3 23 801-140
7 z23 57 2
0 0 \j

*See page 77 fOr its componeots


Ri”ht looper for needle size

Right looper for needle size
--- Model
Part number Mark Singer I w&G Metric Part number Mark Sinzer W& G Metric
204278 323-810-215 1 942 : 027032 6540 204062 323-810-218 2 9-12 027-032 65-80
204704 323-Sb-Oh 3 13-16 034-040 85-100 503lV 204702 323-810-009 4 13-16 034-747 85-177 524 lV
204705 323410012 5 1721 042451 100140 204703 323-810-010 6 17-21 742-751 1:7-1:7’
274663 323-810-175 ‘ 9-i-i 027-036 65-99 514 1V

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

COMMON PARTS: 204072 (323-810-216) Left lcpcr
2011214 3233,21z! L:r
Machine model Gauge
(mm) Needle Main Differential Auxiliary
(Operation) d1a
(inch) plate feed feed foot
feed front)
2-needle seaming light k-nits 1.5x2mm 202899 204692 204693 204674 2O4954 204659
1116.xL’64’ 323-801-071 323-330-030 204660 4172
323-830-034 323-830-054 323-820-024 323-561-011 323-561-012 323-591-°07 3:5-310-003 33-Si-210 See:e
1mrn 02674
I :tinri
l/16x118 323-801-040
I H. —
DCx3 9

5 o 2x3mm -

—“ 202702
It 5’64x118” 323-801-070
i_ —--
Q I 2x4mm 2026!) -

5/64x5/32’ 323-891-315
514/IV-S-14 323-820-025
2-needle seamIng knits 2x2mm 205255 204675 204690 -, 204954
5/64s/64’ 323-801-047 323-830-029 323-830-057 201 12

2x3rnm 323-50-211
fl -

Li 5/64x1/8
o 2x4rnm - a
2 -•S e’-21 -

I 202554E
7 5/64x5/32’ *204955 DH =11

2-needle seaming knits 2x2mm 205255
5/64x5/64* 323-80 204676
1-047 323-830-033 201127
1 fl 2x3rnni -

yi U 5’64x18 C295
oL 2\4mrn °O2co4E 3
,-- )j4955 -
[ ii:F - / L’64x5J32 323-801-030 DC\
n II
0 LiJU --

S ee page 77 for its components.


— --
Right looper
for neeole size
Right looper for needle size
Pjrt number Mark Sinrer Model
W&G Metric Part number Medal
204278 323-810-215 Mark Sirizer IV & G Metric
1 9-12 027-032 6580
204704 323-810-011 204062 323-810-218 2 9-12 027-032
3 13-16 034-040 85-100 503/IV 65-80
705_323-810-012 204702 323-810-009 4 13-16 034-OzO
5 17-21 042-051 100-140 35-100 5Ot iV
204703 323-810-010 6 17-21 0-t2-051 105-142
204663 323-810-008 7 9-14 027-036 65-90 514/lV

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

— Upper knife
201 121 A (323-870-214)

Gaune Praner
NIi1iiiie model Needle Main Diff3renOal l\IF3rV Rieht Lo

(01 r lOon) plate d fred feed t
(inch) connc
514/IV.S-18 1m0
7 204674 2ef
205255 204723 204724 204952 24559 62 =
2 rdlr intermitt nt rim m 1 01 — -
64\ 64 ‘ I fl47 2 0 032 373 8O [6 3 S 7 4 a
2 8 0 8 1

• fl 2x3nin
L -

— —
I I U = 5 64’Jjs —

/ 5 1 24ninn 202554E
0 3 643 t’ Sul 0 0

2-needle seamine

24iinrn 205743 204675 204676 204677 202995

) 64j32 733 801 364 323 830 029 323 SiO 033 32a 870 037 323 8 317 DC

o o°’.a ir 000

514/1V-S-20 1SxSTnm 202981 204692 204693 202996 24872

2 needle seaming
1/16x1/8 i’ 801 354 323 30 0 0 323 87Q i4 32a 823 2s4 2j
DC\ =
o} 2x3nsin 202982 274624
! 5/64x1/8” 323-801-355 S23-59i- DC’.i =11
- --

iL -

/ L 2
x lnrm 202983 202997
fl H ‘64cf72 323S01 336 723k 3289

*See pace 77 for Es cornnponer.ts.


I REht looper for needle size Right looper for needle size
H Modal
Part number Mark Singer W&U lie nc Part_numj8Iark SEizer W& G NIe:nic
- -
323-812-215 1 9-12 027-032 65-80 204062 323-810-218 2 9-12 027-032 65-80
1204704 323-810-011 3 13-16 034-040 85-100 503/IV 204702 323-810-009 4 13-16 034-040 85-100 5D IV
LZ023-810-0l2 5 17-21 042-051 100-140 204703 323-810-010 6 17-21 042-051 100-140
204663 323-810-013 7 9-14 027-036 65-90 514 IV

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp


Presser foot chatnin-off

complete b0d chaininz-off
finger finger screw hie s i’ fic r’ca:S i.curer
202992 2fl’52 2fl1224B 509 211 6 B 1 1
‘3 820 180 —_ 5030
323 820 285 323 863 007 32 6010 0 —

323 64 CM 2 54 1 :-,-- -,r,
202993 202799
323-820-281 I 323-820-286
202994 205253
323-820-282 323-820-287
202995 201310A
323-820-283 323-863-201
202996 I 202799 201396B
323-820-284 323-S20-286 323-863-215
202997 201310A

- -
323-820-299 L 323-820-288 323-S63-216
204951 205135 -

323-820-017 -
- 323-820-013
j: — —

204952 205136
323-820-018 323-820-014 — — —

204953 201473B 201224B

323-820-023 323-820-022 323-863-007
204954 201230C 201396B
323-820-024 323-820-019 -
201265B 1231 204665

323-863-215 —

323-854-200 323-622-051 323-560-020

204955 201310A
323-820-025 323-S63-201
204956 201224B
323-820-026 323-S63-007
205226 201152E 201155C
323-820-220 3 23-820-021 323-863-217 205342

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

COMMON PARIS: 224782 (323-561-014) — Needle c.cJ (fru) fr r::ht needle
204781 (323-561-013) — Needle gj:3 (rear) for rht needle
204072 (323-810-216) — Left 1ooer
204161 323-870-213) — Loner knife
Maclime model GIu9 Prser Presser
Needle Main ede road Neede
Dife:eo:al -o
(Operation) plate feed feed -
coete reoj
515/1v26 2xSmm 294343A 2042439 204250B 204349A 204173A 204536
516/LV-26 5/64x1/8’ 204521 224677 21 4
Ai 20i lOlA
323-801-255 323-830-314 323-830-316 323-820-255 323-560-221 323-561-211 323S430O1325Sin2l53:381)2l
323-561-219 323
Gener1 seamine on woven 2\401n1 204344A -
and knit fabrics 5’64x5/32323-S01-256 -

2x mm 204345A
DC — =
5/64x3/16 323-801-257
2x6min 20$346A
564x1/4’ 323-601-258

3x3rnm 204293B 2741679 20-42 20522 2-58

1/8x1,S 323-801-275 323-620-260 323-561-218__323-531-22° 3235432:2 323-8102i1
—-m 3x4mm 2040399
-H 1;85/32 323-801-276
- 3x5mm 204252B
- 1:83’16” 323-801-277
J— 3’6mm 204295B
L 1/8x1/4 323-801-278
Cx2° =
\/ 5\3mm204j8a
7fl443\ —

3716x18” 323-891-263
323-620-257 323-643-023 523-SN-2i9
5x4mm 204359A
3/16x5/32” 323-801-264
5x5mm 204360A
3,’16x3!16’ 323-S91-310
5x6mrn 204361A
3/l6xls4 323-891-266
515/1V27 2x3nrm 204362 204395 204409 204440 204447 204536
516/IV 27 204521 24877 2:4278 24310A oo:s: -
5’64x1 8 323 801 267 323 839 244 323 8i1 243 3235172 8 323 (fl 2a4 323 61 211 3a 61 119 13 5_ 1 2j Cli 1 - 10 7
General seaming and serging 2\4mm 204333
on light weight materials 5/64x5/32’ 323-801-268
2\Smm 204361
5/64x3/16 323-801-269
2\6rnm 204365 -

3x3mrn 204366 (factory se::inz

I 204443 204242 2:1522 204878 DCx2ii
18\1S 323 801 271 7 s’O 2o9 —
a2 61 218 i2 161 2 I a2a S•a-’
3x4mns 204367
L 1j8x5/32’ 323-801-272
\ ) 3x5min 204368
\Z/ 1/8x3/16’ 323-801-273
3x6inm 204369
1/8x1)4 323-801-274


Right looper -_j for needle size Right looper -— neece -

[ for size
Part number Mark Sinr V & G Metric Part number Mark Since: C1 & G Me:rio - - -

E 204278 323-810-215 1 9-12 027-032 65-SO ro4o62 323-810-218 2 9-12 o27-032

204704 323-810-011 65-80
I 3 13-16 034-040 85-100 515jIV 204702 323-810-009 4 13-16 034-040 15-122 516;IV
705 323-810-012 5 17-21 042-051 100-140 204703 323-810-010 6 17-21 04251 100-140

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp


204781 (323-561-013) — Needle guard (rear) for rHO) needle

204072 (323-810-216) — Left l:c:rr
204161 (323-870-2)3) — Lcorr (-j:D

M ichine model Gue Pf Presser
\ cdl M ri Difl r 11)1 I fo
(Operation) plaH feed feed
(ih) corlctc leer-c: -
(fr:) — (rear) c:—:::e
515/1V28 2.\3mIn 2O4343 204125B 204254B 204349A 214173A 204536 22c521 46 :2428
516/IV-28 5’64x1/8’ 323-S01-255 323-830-237 323-830-238 323-S20-25 323-563-221 323-561-211 323-551-219 323-5c3-011 23 0-2i53:5- i:- -

General seaming on permanent-

press fabrics 2x4inin 204344A
564x5/32 323-801-256 -

2x5rnrn 204345A -
5/64x3/16 723-801-257 --

2x6nim 204346A -,

‘64-d 4 323 801 7 8 N Ic

— fa ors en
0 -

3x3mm 204294B 204167B 214042 204522 2C488

1,8xlib 373 SOl 275 a2o 5’] 260 373 61 218 2 -
61 “0 281
34rnm 20409B

o, 1 8\ a2 32301 2/b — —

1j \./ 3x5nim 204252B -
I 1/8x3/16 323-801-27] - —
I --- --—-—- —

3x6nim 204295B - “
l/Sxl/4” 323-801-278
515/LV-29 3
n,rl 204362 204396 204410 204440 r-r-444
7 234536 224521 24S
516/IV-29 5;64x1/8” 323-S01-267 323-830-248 323-830-247 Z
25 - -

323-820-258 323-560-234 323-561-211 323-561-219 323-S$3-CDi

Gencr ii seanhin and serJng
— 204763 —— — —
on light to medium sseieht 1
64x5/32’ 323-801-268
wovenandknitfabrics — -- --

2x5tnm 204364 -

- -Sr-.
5/64x3/16 323-801-269
2x6tnm 204365 ;- - --
,—---—--—o3 5’641,4” 323-S01-270
-‘ rH
- CE ,—
- -
3x3nim - -, S
04o66 204443 2u-,j-,2 2-.r-22 S5
UPj ljSxl/8 323-801-271 2u48E
L 323-820-259 323-561-218 323561-220 323-843-132 323-810011
S 3\4Inrn — 204367 ——

- —
1 8\S/32 323801272
= -

L- 3x5tnm 204368 -,

-- 1/8x3/16’ 323-801-273
- -
— -

LH I 3x6min 204369 - -

ljSxl,4 323-801-274


Leht looper for ned1e size_ Rielit looper for needle size -
Patnuiribe JMark lSinrerTW& G_jetnl S n er & G -
204278 323-810-215 1 9-12 027-032 65-80 2
204062 323-810-218 9-12 027-032 65-S’ -

204704 323 810 011 3 la 16 0 4040 Sri 100 laiR 2j4io2 323 8l C ‘9 4 1E 07 . 1CI1 l l\
204705 323-810-012 5 17-21 042-051 100-140 204703 323-810-010 6 17-21 042-051 lO].1e )

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

COMMON PARTS: 204752 (323-561-014) — Needle guard (front) for riel:t needle
204781 (323-561-013) — Needle soarS (rear) fer eirt roreSic
274072 t323-$10-216) — LeSt Icc-Ocr
2-m61 323-8’0-313L — Loam

Michne mcdl GaL Pr

J M i-i DL ii - i
(Operation) plate feed feed
corte tIrc iz:er 1:

204370 204400 204414 204349A 204173A 204536 274521 24877 3474 4314A 21121A
516/IV-31 5/64x1/8”
323-801-279 323-830-260 323-830-259 323-320-255 323-560-221 323-561-211 323-561-219 333-343-071 3238100)11 323610217 3253mu214
Seamine on coarse woven fabrics 2x4mm 204371
323-301-280 - - —

2\SmLfl 204372 ,, , -
S’64x3/16’ 323-801-281 - -

2\6mrn 204373
5763x1/4’ 323-801-282 —

\3mm 2043 4 - 7 41670 2 u2 2
18\lJ8 23 601 283 23 S’O 6Q a23 61 218 3 2 -
61 2 1
‘‘ G 3x4rnm
Hi I 204375
- 1/8x5/32 323-801-284 NeedOr
[ — Stnm 204376
fl 1/8x316 323 801-285 DC\_=1
422 0
\6rnrn 204377
or i 3l ‘4 U3 801 286
I Sx3min 204378 204394 204416 204433A
‘j 204879 2j3l
3,’16x1;8’ 323-801-287 323-330-262 323-S30-261 323-820-257 3238$303 773-310-219
5x4mrrr 204379
3/16x5132’ 323-801-288
Sx5mm 204380 “

3!16x3/16” 323-801-289 — -

56mm 204381 ‘

3 323-801-290
515/IV-32 3x3niis 204366 204397 204411 204443 374447 7
516/IV 32 l’8\1/8 373 $01 271 47 830 264 37 830 263 4575 2 n314 352
7 8 0 259 32
a 60 2o4 23 S - - 81 M 3
- --
General seanLjne on medium- -

heavy woven materials 3r4rnm 204367 ,

1!8x5’32” 323-801-272 ----- -

— TNeede
SxS;16’ 323-801-273 -

3x6mrn 204369 T 4224-103l

- —zj — 1/8x114” 323-801-274

sire fr
Rirht looper Riclrt looper nee7e Oze -
[ -

Part r umber Model

± Siiieer forVneedle
& G Me:ric
I Pam rnnr:ber Mark S:eer 7V & C
[04278 323-810-215 1 9-12 027-032 65-50 204062 333-Slit-21S 2 —- 9-1 3p3’-033 65-SO —‘, :15
204704 323-810-011 3 13-16 034-040 85-100 515j1V 304702 323-810-009 4 13-16 034- -
85-100 516 IV
204705 323-8W-OI2 5 “5
17-21 042-051 100-140 204703 323-810-010 6 17-21 042-051 100-14U

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

204781 (323-561-013) — Needle guard (rear) for rieht needle
204072 (323-810-216) — Left looper
— Lowzr knife
204161 (323-570-213)
Prc-<er .- - -

\l ichin mod I Gau. Pi er

\ dl Main Di r ntial R — 1_
(Operation) plate feed feed
(rear) en:e:e
s1s/w33 3x3mm 2042940 204394 204403 204167B 204173A 204042 204522 204873 2004 251A 20111A
516/IV-33 1/8x1/S’ 323-801-275 323-830-262 323-830-267 323-820-260 323-560-221 323-561-218 323-561-220 323-S43-E2 323-8l’0-2i1 325-31°-17 323-Uo-214
Seaming and turning corners i\4mm 204039B - --

on coarse woven materials 1/8x5/32’ 323-801-276 — —

3x5mm 204252B
1/8’3/16’ 323-801-277
3\6mln 2042950 --

i0E 1j8x1j4” Needr

323-801-278 -- if::r;
53rnii - a
- ‘ 4a3s
2043 A - DC -

3/16-d/b j23 801 263 23 8 0 2n7 a_a 0 42 ——

. j Sx4mm 204359A -

. I 3/16x5/32’ 323-Sfl1-264 ——

(- _- -
5xmm 204360A -
s__/ 3/16x3/16’ 323-801-310 —

5\6mln 204361A - -

3/16x114 323-801-266 —

515/IV-38 2x3nim 204935 204931 204420 204454 204460 204536 204877 2278 -t314A
516/IV-38 5,’64x1/8’ 323-801-050 323-830-061 323-830-291 323-820-271 323-560-235 323-561-211 323-561-219 323913621 323-i0-2i5 325-S1°-217 N e
3:1 intermittent (knee 2x4mm 204936 (fa arv
controlled) shining on dress 5!64x5/32’ 323-801-051 — DCx2 =11
v.eight materials 2 mm 204937 —
4 2—
5;64x3/16’ 323-801-052 -_

2x6mm 204938 -

5;64x1/4’ 323-S01-053 —

axlnirn a —
204939 2u446 aU4u
4 2 4522 2 ‘s 2
lj8xl/8’ 323-801-054 323-820-272 323-561-218 323-561-2:0 323-833-002 323-81011 -

3x4mm 204940 -. -,

ei I 3x6mm 204942 .- - -.

Ji81 4 2
a 301 ua7 —

Sx3rnn, 204943 204933 204422 204458 20’48!9 243i 42 24331:

i16x1/8 323-801-058 323-30-063 323-330-295 323-820-273 323S43003 323-810-219
3 Sx4mrn 204944 ‘- --

3/16x5/32” 323-801-059
Sx5min 204945 -

3/16x3/16” 323-801-060
Sx6ntrn 204946 - 1
3/16x1/4 323-801-061


— Right looper -
for needle size L RirEt looper for needle size
[Partnuniher 4
Mark Singer W&G Metric I Part number fark Sinrer V & G Mee:i -
204278 323-810-215 1 9-12 027-065-80 r2o4o62 323-510-218 2 9-12 027-032 65-52
I 204704 323-810-011 3 13-16 I 034-040 85-100 5 15/IV 204702 323-810-009 4 1 3-16 034-240 85-127 513 IV
L±705 323-810-012 5 17-21 042-051 100-140 204703 323-810-010 6 17-21 ‘72-051 l20-17

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

i L1 i ‘J iM

COMMON PARTS: 204782 (323-561-014) Needle eu:d (frti for r:Lt o:21e
203781 323-561-013) — Needle guird i:e,r fr rt nd:e

2-Y’2 323-81-2161 1::: -, ., - - -

— -
323-fl-2i5 1 r: ‘-
— - -

G Prerr .. - -
Mi 1 inc m dU 3 M -i Di S
(Operation) 1 —
Ri -
plate feed —
feed ‘
co1te roj . rer Con’Die:e
2\3:uln 204935 204932 204421 234454
516/IV 39 c 64\i/8 2244f9 24536 2:4521 2 = :
323 ci flsQ 323 S fl62 33 8 3 2-. i 3 52 - -i Ci -
3 -
3:1 intermittent (knee
- 2s,3mm
controlled) s1iirrin ‘

medium heavy rnaterijls 5’64\5/32’’

— -
U-Sfl (-051

- -
5__: ::,

2xniui 204937 -- —

5,’64\3/16”323-SQ1-052 DCs_
-- — $252 5:
2s6mm 204938
5/64x1/4’ 323-801-053
— ——
3,c3mm 204939 --
I Sd S 23442 2452:
i23 SM 0o4 32 523 272 1
c is ci —
i2 -,
E:l —
Thm 204940 “ “ ‘
-e-’ 1/8x5/32’ 323-801-055
3x5min 204941 - atthchment
- -: -
i/83/1 6’ 323-501-056
‘a [ -
3’,6inm 204942 ,, - ,, ,,
} ,, ,,
I i/S’il,’4’ 323-801-057
Z 5x3rnin 204943 204934 204423 204458 ,, ,, 2489 , 5 --Jl
3/16\1/8” 323-801-058323-830-064 323-830-297 323-820-273 323-833-0’3 S38ir219
Sx4mm 204944 ,, ,, •, ,,
3!16x5132” 323-801-059 -

35mm 204945 , ,, ,, , .,
3’16x3/16” 323 801-060

5x6mm 204946 ,,
“ “ ‘ -
3/16x1j4” 323-801-061
515/IV-51 516f1V-51
Sea nung and crossing seams on
heavy coarse woven materials
Sx5nini 204700 204394 204416 204915 204683 ,, ,. ., 2°4705
(- 316x3/16” 323 801-034 323-830-262 323-530-261 323-820-027 323-569-029
Sx6min 33-Si°-912
204701 ,, , ‘ -
© 3!16\1;4” ‘

D =

Fb; 49d 45p ‘/øef 3)
51 5/IV-52 51 6/IV-52 .‘- —3/J J-/’
Seaming and rosing seams on
heavy coarse woven materials
,— —:

B0 5x5mm 204528 2044u8

I6” 323-S01-358 3 23-830-267 :rt se:::z
Lii 5x6mni -
H 204529 DC1
Hi 3/16<1 4’ 323-801-359

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

- 08 -
1’ LI LII’I 010 1)0)) 11011 7.1) 910 1’07 I I 0 1 90 1101: 90 LI 060 000 100 I’ll 101
II o’,: LOOT 0101)1)9-07.0 10 1)10000 110-101-071 9 1 09 IT’Z 900-X0Y-17H:
0 90 LOOt 010-009-100 ox ooyt’oo 110—190-101: II 10 \‘I’l-9000 117-1)1:0 1011
00 91 LIII 7.10—009 1170 (IL 919I’00 110—191-071: 00 LI 010000 017 0110 1711
110 ((0 (:01)0 ITO ((1)9 17,1: ilL 900(’O7 110 (90-1101: LI’ 11 1)91(07 ((00 000-1:71:
1-0 07, 01)1)0 110 ((09—001 1)15 11 01)9 (‘00 LI)) 1 ‘II 0011 10 (1’ 1:);)) 1)17 9;: 0 0011 ) 015
II Of’ 1)100 1)11) 009 07.0 (‘7. (HI OOL000 ItO 190 1571 1)1 15 (LOI’OO 000 0110 07,0
LI 1: ((1)10 010 009—000 00 (H: 1OLI’oO 1:10-190-02): tO LI \-‘LIOI’07 (‘10 01:0-1:00
00 II 19(10 (10)) ))()9- 100 OL 099I’O0 01)1-190 000 1(11 LI 06) 001-010 07.1:
II 111 0000 1101) 1)09—17,0 ‘1.0 099 10 0 010 191 o 0): 1) ‘((11)1 7,00 1)10-1171
(1 (50 (‘07,1 900-009-171 (IL 099107, 010 190 000 199100 (11)) 0110 07.11
9 Ii; 017,t 000—009-071 1:1 0991-07 7.10 190 101: (1 7 9 1: 11(111)0 LI)) 019-071:
7) 110 091)1 000—009—17,1: OH 09901)0 010 190 000 1) 1 ITLL( (‘07. 91)) 000 (:7,1
IT (II’ 1)900 100-009—07,0 9L 609007 110- 190 1100 1)11 0)’ 11.0107 110 0110-17.1:
(‘1 III 7. ILII 7,00 009-001 IL (11(9 (‘07. ITO 190- ooo 1(11 (‘99000 0)0 010-100
0): 6)’ 0—9th 000 1)09—070 I’L (109)1)7 110- 190 10) I 11 (: V000 (‘07 (11:7-000-1100
(It 10 7,-ILl 1 7.00-009-071 IL 009000 110 190 1100 O (it’ L01007 ‘))‘7 000-17.0
LI LI’ 0-ILtl 000-009-17,0 0L 61)000 11)) 190 (:0): 1 01- 101007. 007 070-0011
01 LI’ 0-0th :00-009-100 0L 019000 0 10 1 90 0 0 (1 L 1’ 001000 (-17-010 17,1:
91 LI 7 ((LIt 00)) -009-17,0 It 009007. I 01 1) 0 0 0 1: 01 LI’ 0(1 (‘00 ItO 07,0 1:7.1:
L 17 (ILOI 100 009 (50): Ut 019100 010 190 07.0 II’ 001 1’OO 0110 o;:o 172
(‘I LI’ (‘01000 L07-161-000 09 009100 1)1)) 1 9 IiS TI’ !;L01’OO 1):;: (Ho 5:211
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9L OLOI’OO tOO- 169 07.11 IL (‘09007 o 00 1 90 1:0 1: 10 L 1: VOl_H 007 1570 1(70 57.1
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IL 07.9000 100- (60 170 Oil LI’ I’ (‘00 (‘00 ((1)9 070 IT L7 VI) I;: (‘00 1(90 (1 I 0 (:7,1:
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(IL 27,9007 1100-160071 0(1 VoL 1 I’D 0 I 00 (I’ll 1 0) 0 0 507 (‘00 9 00 0 I 11 o
(IL I 00 ((90 1 0l )0’t to;: (I ( 17;:
69 109000 000—100-101: VOL 1 100
09 079000 100-1110- 17’,: (IL VOL I (‘))7, I0 ((1)0 (:0): oo;: ‘00 tl-11 ((II 1711
00 ((9 117 500 060 1570 7.9 1991-1)0 (HI) 092 121: 900007 LI (1191:7.1
1)1 II’ Vt0tI’Ol 1100901011 00 19 9110001 1)0)) 0901015 0): I 1’ 90001)): ¶10;: 0)11(7,0
9) 0 I’ 01901)100 1)10 (III 0011 0 19 ULOISI)0 1,0)1(19% 1,00 I’ 1: ‘HObO 1)1;: 0)9 101
90 10 LL0007 (100 1)90 000 LL 1(010;: 100 (91; 1:;:’,: VIH2)-O LI;: (Ii’,(:oo:
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00 090I’OO 000 61,0 1:01: I 10 9(9(0;: 910 0)9 (‘01: ;:[ooo;: I’ll) 0)’; 17.1:
I. I I’ 9L)) 000 ((10 9_Hi 00): 1 00 9(9)0;: OIl) ((‘19 1_H (IT 90(190;: 1:90 OIL

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

( II L09700 010 91,9 50) ‘I I;: ((0000.: 910 01)2 1;:): ((((000;: ;:oo 0)’;
9 LI: 71111)0 Lb 91.0 1:00 II (I;: loLl’));: I’ll) 1)1)1 (:0): oooxo;: (:91)0)917.1
L LI’ VO11l’00 917-91,1; 1501 01. ‘H (10/I’D;: ITo oo’; III: ooooo;: (90 0)’; 1171:
0 (11 VI) I’)) 000 0 1 0 9/,9 : 11 ) I’ ,‘, ;: I 1. (‘0;: ;: I 0 1)1)1; (:1:0 (:09));: I 11(1 (I I 9 1 715
1) (IL 00/TOO LU)) 9/,’J 1500 ):r 1: 1)1:0)));: ‘0 (I-I; 10): ;:uooo;: 0:0 (()% 1:_H:
1, ) LI?. ‘00 91(1) (1,’; 0;:): 0): (0 ‘;;:ooo;: (:0;: ‘II’’; (‘‘.H: ‘I)O-)O 0111 OIL
‘I 11 VlII’Io;: 00)) 9L0 1:;:): .0 ‘9 ,‘.‘(O’HH: 9)-It ((-9 1.1 LI 1;: (‘0090.: ‘III 1:
‘: ): ): 0’)) 9): I 1);: I’ 01) 9 tO ) 01 (‘I- 19 09(00;: 01-;: 0)9 (H:): I) (‘i ‘2 ‘2)0’ -0;: :1:)) 019 0
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From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

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From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

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From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

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323630 202 5137 47 13 :123 643 (11(7 :1(1:1(1 7 7 (ii 8 32:1 671,— 2(41 21)412 9.3 47 341
323 (130 5137 57 12 32:1 (.1:1 008 3 0 3033 (1 I 20 ‘1 2 3 6 7 (1 2 6 2 - 2(14 ‘1 3 7 37 1 9
323630—203 52(10 49 34 :32:1 (14:1 21(4) 21) .4:4:1:3 .1 1 18 :323 676 263 :04 627j\ 35
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From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

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2053f .11
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From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

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From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

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From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp



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From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

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From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

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From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

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From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

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From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

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From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

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From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

Parts fr)’ I’.y( 9))),

I I 7 (1 :3:323 (30)) ((46 2 5 46

I ‘/ I) :3:32:3 (00) 046 ‘I 7
2 I 8 )2I (30)) ((73
29 1 ‘3 323- (30)) 1)73 2 3) 4 3
5003 :323 (00) 237 5 1
(1 0 3 )2l ((1)1) 227 29 50
509 9 3 2 3 (1:3)1 1(03) 29 4 5
5009 3 2 3 (1:1(1 009 29 52
5099 l24 630 00:) 23)
5099 323(3:1(1 1)09 29

200921 :i 2 :1 61 s
— ((I :s 25 49
200821 323—615 ((1:3 2 9 ‘I hi
204922 :123 726 1)12 25 47
204922 323 728 012 1 6
204924 :33- 561 1)19 25 1 3
2 04 9 2 4 323—5). 1 0(9 2 9 42
2 04 9 2 5 323 615 032 2 5 46
204925 l2) -6(5 -((32 29 4,9
2 04 9 82 323-505 - 1)12 25 50
204982 2 3 5 1):;
— — 01 2 29 ‘II)

204588 3 2 3 5 61 (11 8
- -
204988 3 2 3—56 1 —0 1 8 29


No. (11 I’iDI Tu[ FEED

503/IV—44 2 503 2 row wide

medium 1.5:1

surging woven fabric
503/IV—48 2 503 3 row long medium 1.5:1

serging woven fabric
504/IV-7 35043row long medium -
504/IV—11 3 504 3 row long medium —
3:1 ohirring—intermittent
504/IV—19 3 504 2 row narrow—medium
504/IV-21 2:1 seaming light knits
3504 3rowlo—mediurn3:l
504/IV-25 3 shirring—intermittent
505 2 row narrow—medium 2:1
504/IV—43 3 hemming light knits
504 3 row short —medium 2:1
504/IV-45 3 seaming light knits
5042 row wide medium 2:1
504 3 row long medium 2:1
504/IV—S—10 3

seaming woven and knits
504 3 row long coarse
504/IV——l6 3

2:1 seaming jeans
50471V—5-17 3 seaming bulky knitwear_
504 3 row long medium 3:1
504/IV-S—45 3

scorning knits
504 2 row wide medium 3:1

seaming sweaters
5043 row long medium 3:1
514/IV—ll 4
seaming swe_______
512 3 row long medium 2:1
5l4/IV—12 4

2 needle seaming woven fabrics
512 2 row wide mediu m 2:1
514/IV-204 —
2 needle seaming woven fabrics
-514 2 row narrow-medium 2:12 needle seamingjnitn
5l4/IV—22 4 512 3 row long
5l4/IV-23 medium—
3:1 2 needle shirring—intermittent
4 512 3 row long medium

3:1 2 needle shirring—intermittent
45123row_long medium
2:1 2 needle seaming
4 512 2 row wide medium

2:1 2 needle seaming
4 514 3 row long coarse

3:1 2 needle seaming bulky knits

From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

5142 row wide-medium 2:l2egdl_e_seangJigt kni tu
514/IV—S—l4 4 514 3 row long
5l4/IV—S—15 mediu m—
3:1 2 needle seaming knits
4 514 3 row long medium

2:1 2 needle seaming knits
4 5143 row long medium
3:1 2 needle shirring-intermitt.ent
4 514 3 row long medium

2:1 2 needle seaming
4 514 2 row wide medium

2:1 2 needle seaming
4 5123 row long medium
3:1 2 needle seaming
4 515 2 row wide medium

2:1 seaming
4 515 2 row narrow—fine
l5/IV—28 2:1 seaming
4 515 2 row wide fine

2:1 seaming
4 515 2 row narrow-medium 2:1
l5/IV—30 4 seaming
515 3 row wide medium 2:1

l5/IV—31 4

515 3 row wide coarse 2:1
l5/IV—32 4

515 2 row narrow—coarse 2:1
15/IV—33 4 seaming
515 2 row wide coarse 2:1
•15/IV-34 4

515 3 row narrow—fine 2:1
l5/IV—35 4 seaming
515 3 row narrow—medium 2:1
l5/IV—36 4 seaming
515 3 row narrow—coarse 2:1
15/IV—37 4 seaming
515 3 row wide fine 2:1
15/IV—38 4

515 3 row wide medium 3:1

shirring— intermittent
4 515 3 row wide coarse

3:1 shirring— intermittent
4 515 3 row wide coarse

2:1 seaming tractor foot
4 515 2 row wide coarse

2:1 seaming tractor foot
5 516 2 row wide medium

2:1 seaming
5 516 2 row narrow—fine
l6/IV—28 2:1 seaming
5 516 2 row wide fine
2:1 seaming
5 516 2 row narrow—medium
16/IV—30 2:1 seaming
5 516 3 row wide medium

2:1 seaming
5 516 3 row wide coarse

2:1 seaming
5 516 2 row narrow—coarse
L6/IV-33 2:1 seaming
5 516 2 row wide coarse

2:1 seaming
5 516 3 row narrow—fine
L6/IV—35 2:1 seaming
5 516 3 row narrow—medium
L6/IV-36 2:1 seaming
5 516 3 row narrow-coarse
L6/IV—37 2:1 seaming
5 516 3 row wide fine
— 2:1 seaming
5 516 3 row wide medium

3:1 shirring—intermittent
5 516 3 row wide coarse

3:1 shirring-intermittent
5 516 3 row wide coarse

• 6/IV— 52

2:1 seaming tractor foot
5 516 2 row wide coarse

2:1 seaming — tractor foot



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From the library of: Diamond Needle Corp

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