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Text as a Connected


Reading and Writing 11

Text VS Discourse

text is defined in terms of

its being a physical
product (meaning is not
found in text)

discourse is viewed as a
process (meaning is
derived through reader's
interaction with the text)
01 02

When does a text become a Why is a text a connected

connected discourse? discourse?
(Lapp and Flood, 1978)

Reading 01 reading is a decoding process

is defined according to two reading is seen as a

types: comprehension process
It is process of involving the readers
into an interaction with the text and
enables them to use the reading
strategies in getting the meaning of
the printed text.
David (2005)
Vaughnn and Reading

Linan -Thompson
comprehension is the
active process of
constructing meaning
(2004) from text.
Reading There has to be
interconnectedness among the
three (3) components - the author
and reader and text
Techniques in
(1) Overview of the Text

1 2 3 4 5

Previewing/ Skimming Scanning Predicting Paraphrasing

Overview looking for the main looking for specific use knowledge stop at the end of a
review titles, point of the reading information about subject section
section headings, material matter and author
and photo captions
to get the main to get the main to make predictions to check
to get a sense of idea, identify text idea, identify text about content and comprehension by
the structure and structure, confirm structure, confirm vocabulary and restating the
content of a or question or question check information and
reading selection predictions predictions comprehension ideas
Lewis Carrol
(2) Using Context Clues
Humpy Dumpty took great pleasure in
obfuscating the poem's meaning for Alice. His
explanations about the poem were confusing
and complicated.

The hero in the poem did not give in to
trepidation; rather, he bravely slayed the
Jabberwork with his sword.
(2) Using Context Clues
Only a few weapons are truly nifty in hunting
monsters, like the vorpal sword.

Explanations and Definitions

Hearing someone "outgrabe" -- which means he
is whistling, bellowing, and sneezing all at once --
can be a funny sight.
(2) Using Context Clues
The boy wondered if he should have brought
some back up, in case he could take on the
Jabberwock by himself.

The hero' s conquest of the Jabberwock is

an exemplary case of bravery.

The hero is lucky that the murder of the

Jabberwock does merit a case in court.
(2) Using Connotation and

Denotation - basic, precise, literal

Daddy: a male parent

Connotation - positive, negative, attitudes, ideas, or associations

Daddy: association: positive // feelings: love, familiarity, childhood
(3) Derivation
or Structural
ab (away from)- absent

ante (before) - anticipate

circum (around) - circumnavigate

dis (not) - disagree

Prefix inter (between) - international

(3) Derivation
or Structural
ous (like, full) - dangerous

able (being) - forcible

al (pertaining to) - theatrical

ance (state of) - repentance

Suffix ment (result) - commencement

(4) Inferring the
Main Idea
a comprehension skill which involves the use of
information presented in the text and connecting it to
your own knowledge

Literal Comprehension
reading what is right there ( How did . . . ? Who . . . ? What is)

Interpretive Comprehension
reading between the lines (what do you think about . . . ? Can you explain…?
How was this similar to . . . ?)

Applied Comprehension
reading beyond the lines (hat would have happened if . . . ? How might . . . ?
What effect does . . . ? )
(5)Properties of a Well-Written Text
1 2 3 4 5

Organization Coherence Cohesion Language Use Mechanics

Outlining Paragraph Unity Repetition Concise Capitalization
Order of Ideas Synonym Conrete Punctuation
Paragraph Pronouns Common
Developmrnt Transitions Precise and

(6) Order of Spatial


Ideas Inductive



(7) Paragraph

Cause and Effect


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