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Name Date Class rere) be tt) ae el th] Electrons in Atoms sections.1 Light and Quantized Energy In your textbook, read about the wave nature of light. Use each of the terms below just once to complete the passage. amplitude energy frequency hertz light wave wavelength speed Electromagnetic radiation is a kind of (1) ve that behaves like a(n) Wave as it travels through space. (3). Vignt is one type of electromagnetic radiation. Other examples include X rays, radio waves, and microwaves. All waves can be characterized by their wavelength, amplitude, frequency, and speed ‘The shortest distance between equivalent points on a continuous wave is called a(n) (aarcloratn _. ‘The height of a wave from the origin to a crest or from the origin to a trough is the (6) Ww tude @. frequency — is the number of ‘waves that pass a given point in one second. The SI unit for frequency is the @_ectz . Which is equivalent to one wave per second. Use the figure to answer the following questions. - ition of he Mee i Cpr 9, Which letter(s) represent one wavelength? a 10. Which lettér(s) represent the amplitude? 11. If twice the length of A passes a stationary point every second, what is the frequency of the wave? DQ vyertz Cong © Gideon 14 Chemistry: Matter and Change + Chapter 5 Study Guide opt © lnc sn The Men Coa Name Date Cass EB Su aS Section 5.1 continued In your textbook, read about the particle nature of light. le the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 12. A(n) is the minimum amount of energy that can be lost or gained by an atom. a. valence electron _b electron 2) quantum, 4. Planck’s constant 13. According to Planck’s theory, for a given frequency, v, matter can emit or absorb energy only in ‘a. units of hertz . entire wavelengths. ® whole-number multiples of hv. 4. multiples of $v, 4m, and so on. 14, The is the phenomenon in which electrons are emitted from a metal’s surface ‘when light of a certain frequency shines on it. a. quantum bb. Planck concept © photon effect d.. photoelectric effect 15. Which equation would you use to calculate the energy of a photon? '& Ehocon = Av X Planck’s constant ck, photon, =hv d.c= dv 1 zh photon In your textbook, read about atomic emission spectra. For each statement below, write true or false. FEMS 46, Like the visible spectrum, an atomic emission spectrum is a continuous range of colors. Avve 47, Bach element has a unique atomic emission spectrum, ANSE __ 18. A fame test can be used to identify the presence of certain elements in compound. Awe 19. The fact that only certain colors appear in an element's atomic emission spectrum indicates that only certain frequencies of light are emitted. Aolee 20. Atomic emission spectra can be explained by the wave model of light. $56 ___ 24, The neon atoms in a neon sign emit their characteristic color of light as they absorb energy. ACCS ___ 22. When an atom emits light, photons having cértain specific energies are being emitted. Study Guide Chemistry: Matter and Change ChapterS 15, Name Date ‘Chass Ca Section 5.2 Quantum Theory and the Atom In your textbook, read about the Bohr model of the atom. Use each of the terms below to complete the statements. atomic emission spectrum electron frequencies ground state higher energy levels lower 1. The lowest allowable energy state of an atom is called its optiard stale 2. Bohr’s model of the atom predicted the {HEALOAASS of the lines in hydrogen’s atomic emission spectrum. 3. According to Bohr’s atomic model, the smaller an electron’s orbit, the — ower the atom’s energy level. 4, According to Bohr’s atomic model, the larger an electron’s orbit, the TESS ares HEI wom egy evel 5. Bohr proposed that when energy is added to a hydrogen atom, its electtov moves to a higher-energy orbit. 6. According to Bobr’s atomic model, the hydrogen atom emits a photon corresponding to the difference between the JevAS associated with the two orbits it transitions between. 7. Bohr's atomic model failed to explain the GROMC cormssion ypacl raw) of elements other than hydrogen. In your textbook, read about the quantum mechanical model of the atom. Answer the following questions. 8 If you looked closely, could you see the wavelength of a fast-moving car? Explain your answer Do Lnicleradin ig Lr 0 anette be measunel los Gyuipment 9. Using de Broglie’s equation, X = 7; which would have the larger wavelength, a slow-moving proton or a fast-moving golf ball? Explain your answer. Relon pula nove lamer wouslenoin scl (uavelenefin os Gorourcse cele dig will, mass avd udoctu 16 Chemistry: Matter and Change * Chapter 5 Study Guide Cony © GicoaM Ce rin of Te Me Compe Copy © Giese ln of Te Metra Hl Companies Name Date Class Salts STUDY GUIDE Section 5.2 continued In your textbook, read about the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. For each item in Column A, write the letter of the matching item in Column B. Column A. Column B Sad, Ai sponee el Stns lie ten weber Heisenberg uncertainty as waves principle Or 44, stats thats impossible to know both the velocity b. Schridinger wave equation and the position of a particle at the same time a quantum mechanical model 42, A three-dimensional region around the nucleus of the atom representing the probability of finding an electron any » atomic orbital 413. Originally applied to the hydrogen atom, it led to the ‘quantum mechanical model of the atom Answer the following question, 14. How do the Bohr model and the quantum mechanical model of the atom differ in how they describe electrons? Quoviow medvawce| wodel treats deckrons ag urwves and chesnt deems ite pay ord Phe nucleus. Bolu ede! treo: ecko as pertticles -frowslive, orbs In your textbook, read about hydrogens atomic orbitals. In the space at the left, write the term in parentheses that correctly completes the statement, OV ts, Atomic orbitals (do, do not) have an exactly defined size. AWO 46, Bach orbital may contain at most (two, four) electrons. SW, S549; AM s orbitals are (spherically shaped, dumbbell shaped). 1) 48. A principal energy has (1, 2?) energy sublevels, EATS —_ 10. The maximum number of (clectons, orbitals) related 1 each principal energy level equals 2n?, cre an hove aro (lca, five) equal ensegy p ovis Ds _& Le _ a1, tydrogen’s principal energy level 2 consists of (2s and 3s, 2s and 2p) orbitals. WE __ 22. Hydrogen’s principal energy level 3 consists of (nine, three) orbitals. Study Guide Chemistry: Matter and Change * Chapter 17 Name Date Cass Peay, Section 5.3 Electron Configuration In your textbook, read about ground-state electron configurations. Use each of the terms below just once to complete the passage. Aufbau principle electron configuration ground-state electron configuration Hund’s rule lowest Pauli exclusion principle spins stable ‘The arrangement of glectrons in an atom is called the atom’s, (nE2ran_ worry wo VOMerrons in an atom tend to assume the arrangement that gives the atom the (2) possible energy. This arrangement of electrons is the most (3)__SYolol@_ arrangement and is called the tom's aQIed-sice, electron configuration Thee rules define how electrons can be arranged in an atom’s orbitals. The 9 ALCL POPE _ sates that each eleaon oecupies he lowest eneray orbital available, The (6)Eia excise PTWCP tes that a maximum of wo electrons may occupy a single atomic orbital, but only if the electrons have opposite maping (e)_Aund’s cule states that single electrons with the same spin must occupy each equal-energy orbital before additional electrons with opposite spins occupy the same orbitals. Complete the following table. Element ‘Atomic Number Orbitals 1 2 2, 2p, 2, 9. Helium 2 al 1s 10. 7 NTN WUT [2:7 2p? 11, Neon 10 Era fru) (rs) fra frat] 25°25 2p? 4 | i ; g i ¢ j Cong © Gener Cem 18 Chemistry: Matter and Change « Chapter 5 Study Guide ‘ony © Genco dso The MEG i Con a Name Date Class Road act Section 5.3 continued Answer the following questions. 12. What is germanium’s atomic number? How many electrons does germanium have? Bz dh 13. What is noble-gas notation, and why is it used to write electron configurations? Notcle-ops notation Uses tne brocketed symbol of tte nesrest preccdunc, (OSE CES adew wm Me periodic toble iy tne Cecron Configunatons OF on GOM. This 1s used to represent the complete Gectron confiywrestiony ofan ghom wl, wan, elec 14, Write the ground-state electron configuration of a germanium atom, using noble-gas, notation, (de) 45% 3d! rg In your textbook, read about valence electrons. Circle the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 415. The electrons in an atom’s outermost orbitals are called a. electron dots. b, quantum electrons. © valence electrons. di. noble-gas electrons. 1G. In an electron-dot structure, the element’s symbol represents the 22. nucleus of the noble gas closest to the atom in the periodic table, @ atom’s nucleus and inner-level electrons. . atom’s valence electrons. d. electrons of the noble gas closest to the atom in the periodic table, 17. How many valence electrons does a chlorine atom have if its electron configuration is [Ne]3s°3p%? a3 b. 21 «5 @ 7 18. Given boron’s electron configuration of [He]2s?2p', which of the following represents its electron-dot structure? a. Ber (@® be « 4. Be 19. Given beryllium’s electron configuration of 1s?2s?, which of the following represents its Jectron-dot structure? Ge. b. Be « d. Be 20, Which electrons are represented by the dots in an electron-dot structure? valence electrons . only s electrons inner-level electrons . both a and c Study Guide Chemistry: Matter and Change * Chapters 19 Cll \ eed re CHAPTER ASSESSMENT Electrons in Atoms Reviewing Vocabulary Match the definition in Column A with the term in Column B. Column A. GATEIH te st frequencies of the electromagnetic waves ‘emitted by the atoms of an element 2. The minimum amount of energy that can be lost or gained by an atom 3. A form of energy that exhibits wavelike behavior as it travels through space 4, A three-dimensional region around the nucleus of an atom that describes an electron’s probable location 5. The shortest distance between equivalent points on a continuous wave 6. ‘The lowest allowable energy state of an atom \ Bete a W 7. A particle of electromagnetic radiation with no mass that carries a quantum of energy 10 __ t. The emission of electrons from a metals surface when light of a certain frequency shines on it —GL___ 9. A figure indicating the relative sizes and energies of atomic orbitals Describe how each pair is related. 10. frequency, amplitude b. e f Class Column B wavelength photoelectric effect photon quantum atomic orbital atomic emission spectrum, principal quantum, number ground state electromagnetic radiation Freuerey-# Facaclends passivy aoiven fowl yw 7 second cmngude~ egny F wove 11. valence electron, electron-dot structure vherce dec- culermost electrons used for Sond, ~ hod strode ~ chous tre Yolence Electron 12, principal energy levels, energy sublevels PEL: dcrete eroyy loves crowd nucleus etter whore chedvars Gre most Woy found wityn the PEL 20 Chemistry: Matter and Change « Chapter 5 Chapter Assessment Conteh © Glens Crm ion of The Mat Cape,

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