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Name __________________________________________ Class ______________________________

End of Level Test B

Complete the sentences
1 He’s ____________________. He’s from Naples.

2 My sister (be) ____________________ married.

3 ____________________ you watch a lot of TV?

4 ____________________those her trainers?

5 Have you got a bicycle? No, I ____________________.

6 She (fly)____________________ to Munich at nine o’clock tomorrow.

Underline the strong syllables
7 confident

8 interview

9 delicious

10 appointment

11 employer

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2006 Pearson Longman ELT 1

Complete the sentences
12 Let me take your photograph – I’ve got a new ____________________.

13 All that junk food is bad for you. You should eat more ____________________ food, like
fruit and vegetables.

14 Take the clean clothes out of the washing ____________________.

15 I like studying ____________________. I love biology and chemistry, but physics is the

16 New York and Los Angeles both on the ____________________.

17 The library will ____________________ you the book – you don’t have to buy it.

You have to be fit to work in our company. The office is on the fifth floor and there is no lift.
We don’t mind, we all like the exercise. We arrange adventure holidays for young people, and
everyone here does sport in their free time. We don’t have a car park, we have tennis courts
instead. Nearly everyone in the office plays tennis once a week. Most people cycle to work.
Sometimes people get the bus, but only when the weather is very bad. I like working here. I’ve
never been in such a friendly office.

True or False
18 In this company people always use the stairs. _____

19 Everybody likes the exercise. _____

20 They play tennis in the car park. _____

21 Most people have a bicycle. _____

22 It’s a good place to work. _____

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Track 5

True or False
23 The building was a school. _____

24 It changed in 1917. _____

25 The station opened in 1900. _____

26 Trains went to the west of France. _____

27 The station closed in 1937. _____

You have arrived at your holiday hotel. Use the notes to write a postcard home.
good journey/no problems

weather warm and sunny

great hotel/friendly people in reception

lovely room

sightseeing tomorrow


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