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Assignment 1 Guidance

Task 1 - State your simple business problems

to be solved (P1)
First, you need to provide an overview about Algorithm with image illustration, explanation
and example.
Next, you will have to represent a small and simple problem, why it is needed to be solved
and how an algorithm could help to solve it. It could be a simple problem such as:
• Sorting Algorithm: Selecting Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, etc.
• Searching Algorithm: Linear Search, Binary Search, etc.
(Word limit: 100 – 250 words)

Task 2 - Analyse the problem and design the

solutions by the use of suitable methods (P1)
In this part, you will have to analyse the business problem and turn it into application
requirements. Then, you will need to design the algorithm to solve the problem by using
suitable diagrams such as Flowchart, Activity Diagrams, etc.
(Word limit: 200 – 300 words)

Task 3 - Demonstrate the compilation and

running of a program (P1 – M1)
Next, you have to demonstrate how the application is implemented by using suitable
programming language. Source code and screenshots of the program have to be included
with clear explanations.
You need also explain briefly what is Software Development Life Cycle and how the source
code is compiled and run.
(Word limit: 200 – 300 words)

Task 4 - Evaluate how the problem is solved
from the designed algorithm to the execution
program written by a specific programming
language (D1)
In this part, you need to demonstrate how the problem is solved by using the application.
Test plan with test cases needs to include to make sure that the algorithm works properly.
(Word limit: 200 – 300 words)

Report Structure
Chapter 1 - State your simple business
problems to be solved
1.1 Overview about Algorithm
1.2 Represent a small and simple problem

Chapter 2 - Analyse the problem and design

the solutions by the use of suitable methods
2.1 Analyse the problem
2.2 Flowchart

Chapter 3 - Demonstrate the compilation and

running of a program
3.1 Introduce how the problem is solved
3.2 Source code and screen shots of the final result
3.3 Explain briefly what is Software Development Life Cycle
3.4 Explain how the source code is compiled

Chapter 4 - Evaluate how the problem is
solved from the designed algorithm to the
execution program written by a specific
programming language
4.1 Include Test cases
4.2 Evaluate how the problem is solved from the designed algorithm to the execution
program written by a specific programming language

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