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us A ‘comPutsory PERFORMANCE PLUS FOR THE HKDSE ‘TEST PAPER 3 ONG KONG DRONA F SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAANATON ENGLISH LANGUAGE PAPER 2 PART A Question Answer Book (GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (1) There are two parts A andi this paper. All cancidtes shoul ettempt ALL tak in Par A In Part, you shold ttompt ether Part {casior section) OR Par 82 (more effet secon, CCondidates attempting Pars A and B2 wil be ale to stain the fll range of vel while Level & wl be the highest level atainabe fr candidetes attempting Part A and 8 {2 Wie your Candidate Number and sick barcode lobes in the spaces provided on the anpropiate pages of Par A Question Anenar Bdk and bath Fart B Question Arener oak, (2) Wit your answers cleary and neatly inthe spacer provided inthe Question Ansar Books. Answers teten nthe margin willnt be marked. You are dvsed to use a ponel or Par A, (0) Allntening mateale wl be payed ONCE on (9) Supplementary answer shoot wil be supplied on request Wit your Cancate Numer mark he {question number bax and sick barcode abel on {ach sheet and feten them wth sing INSIDE the Gueston Aner Book The raugh-wor shoots provided are for you to take notes. Thay wil oe collated sepertaly and wil ot bemaned, 0) No oxratine vllbe given 1o candidates fr sicking fon the bercode labels or fling inthe question ‘umber bonoe after the ime up announcement. (®) Theo Question Answer Bock attempted by candidates (ne for Part and one for Part il be callected together atthe end ofthe exaination. Fasten the tw Question Answer Books together veththe green tag provided (9) The other unused Question Answer Book or Part 8 wile clacted separately st the end of the ‘xarinaton. Th wl not be marked Do not write @ Please stick the ba code labethore foams TIL ‘© PILOT PUBLISHING COMPANY LD. (7 See Pata Stuston ‘You ae Lany Kwan, a Secondsy 5 stunt t Kowloon Secondary School You and yur classmate, Pl, Ive Bee shad odo amined prec You are going to steno four readings of youself king shout the multimedia pojest with Paul and your teacher, Mr, Clarke InPartA, you wil havea taal of our tks tod, Follow the inststons inthe Quest» Asswer Book tnd on thereon o complete the aks You wl iad lle infermaton you ned ithe Question ‘Answer Book and on the recording. You now have two nutes ofc youre with Tasks 14 40 ‘© PILOT PUBLISHING COMPANY LTD. (7 es Task 1 (13 marks) You do nat now mack abou th muliadia projec 0 ae mow aking you clasmate. Paul abot Liston ‘othe conersation and complete the msg infomation inh apace below You nw have 30 second study ‘the tak At the ed of he ak you wl have ome mine ot up your onewers — esiniion of muimeda: Its te combined se of several media elements suchas(2)_— eames ‘Nanette ie cnt ® plop and vier fork Tne ant vie dp tot) oe 4B) ectpetatcn tine mot 1 i). i f]. © : i] © Bl: ©. ? fl ep ee ee i i lennon | E Teshood = E Fy Js coor - i iste) 2. Creativity o 2 «0 ___} ety with vio vi How wil bene i ig he ied oj « a ——— a —_ sar ‘© PILOTPUBLISHING COMPANY LTD, mf es (13) Avivisal supa oquied Tek () 1 corer bores. ‘Azswers writen athe macys wil ot be marked [END OF TASK ‘© PILOT PUBLISHNG COMPANY LTD, Gee ‘Task (17 mar) {ow are nw esessing your plan forthe multe pojct with Pau Listen tothe convention and complete ‘the missing information ith spaces belo. You now have 30 secon fo study the task Abe end of task, you il have one minut td pour answers, etary en Pet ee be ween tay) wetndbecua ts) mama wet ene Beant at fe bie pres Tat os — mr ree teed | taeene | = i | |i i —||i i| [heats [Roreminetemnts [Ramet [on] 1 i A 4) [apian fen Reece 2) , a —— & | [i= |mwwan Taco oH ; : 25), I i Pejetdadiee ao 7 ecto ag ig @ — a aa | ig 00) ay ear wie aagvla “0 PLOT PUBLISHING CouANY ID. 180 = ieee he mig wil nt be mated Sor Task (17 marks) You have found a poder about paying onthe Interne. Yow ae now playing the podeatfor Paul Listen ‘he podeast and anowo the questions blow. You wil al have fo fl i th ising yormcion he paces rove. You now have 30 second to study the tsk A th nd ofthe tak, you wil have ore mate oc xp ow answers ‘Whats upeyeting? + Upeyling ean te defined asthe practi of 3), + Upeyting so means (32) Whats ference between upeyeling and recycling? Recycling Recycling takes wate prods, 9). Upeyeting Upeyeling wes (24), Dr. Morvs's examples of peysting: (Old or unwanted material | New product Plastic botles Lampade z a =) on 5 _ ‘© PILOT PUBLISHING COMPANY LTD, aq £ ‘5 About Gary Ch Hong Kong inventor Gary Chan is actively involved in designing ad raking (69), — toying woof) pari hisbicyles. He as invented eight bikes using reyced metals ad bicycle rts Tn 2014, Gary Chan was ented for iding his slmade @y co tern He was fined HRS3000 ‘What poin do Dr Kate Moris and Desmond So disagree about? 2) ‘What are the ene of apeycing? peeling -Anenen writen inte magn il nt beat bps ese 4), + elps reduce (44) + tap eee 5) _—_ i + @”, Aceves wien nthe magia END OF TASK3 ist ‘© PILOT PUBLISHING COMPANY L1D, ‘Tsk 4 (18 marks) ova Paul have comple one of th video clipe andthe et dra of ow roc. ow ae nr showing hem 10 Mrs Clarke, Listen andl he msn formation about he videoclip and hen complete the cononens es, Clarke makes afer reviewing your project. You now have 30 seconds to stud the task At the end of he ask, ‘you il have thee mints 1 dy p your answers ‘ttt ‘Aim: To explore (48) sad explain © er z 4] | Protection Ageney plastic bags ae consumed worlwide. z i i a + onyemtansy__ettrtes | | : arerecyle . ‘Hong Kong + Over (53). 46 : sre thrown ou every yen, amen ‘+The Hong Kong government requires reir to charge small 64), of money foreach plac bag + Averell, the mumber of plat bag consumed analy op ——_—_——_ ‘wer wc magi wil at io 182 (© PILOT PUBLISHING COMPANY LTD, Cc Pas eres Mrs, Clarke's comments onthe video + good inroduction + G08 use of(56) 0 por you esis Negative comments | Suggestions for improvement + Abitdutto watch | Makeit (57), j Ini sone to 55} _ 3 Inte vdeo i 2 z i - : 3| | + mason inet smoot | 9) = i | st ctr commento the drt i ‘What Mrs. Clarke likes: ‘What Mrs. Clarke wants the group to think ; owt 7 ‘+ The cover looks professional + Reduce (63). + Thee 6 —_———— + Pay more tention o (68) + Stents wit aat (61) | + Make sue tat (65), + Plant include 62 ‘Answer wet be agi wl wad END OF TASK END OF PART Now goon to Part B 153 ‘© PILOT PUBLISHING COMPANY LD,

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