20 Final Exam

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Final Exam

Reading Visual Arts (GE 20)

Name: Kineth Mark D. Ngojo Code: 2134 Time: 9:00am-10:00am Permit #:

Test I- Definition of Terms

1. The semiotic principle is the idea that language is made up of a series of signs. This theory may be traced
back to Aristotle, who defined the human voice as "semantikos psophos" (meaningful sound) or sounds
that make meanings. However, semiotics is now employed to introduce each object's difference from
one another, allowing us to differentiate them individually, rather than simply naming or labeling the
things around us. As a result, the semiotic principle is a symbolic language or linguistics system.

2. Reading the Real is a method of reading and analyzing the context offered by an artform and related
masterpieces by developing personal implications and perspectives on how it affects you as a person,
whether through emotion, culture, or cognitive level. As a result, the observer is able to decipher the
true message conveyed by the masterpiece.

3. Visual Narratives is a type of narration in which images or visual props are used to tell the story. It is
commonly believed that an image contains millions of words implied within its frame, which is why
people nowadays never forget to document their memorable experiences and share them with everyone
via social media: this way, others will be able to learn about each individual's story by looking at these
images. In contrast to traditional narratives that rely on words to produce imagery, with visual narratives,
stories may be imaginatively delivered using visual tools to aid in the presentation of the narrative's main

4. Narrative writing is the process of weaving words together in a creative way to tell a tale and
communicate important concepts and ideas to the audience. This can be connected with a variety of
issues and causes, either to entertain readers with genuine or fictional characters and plots, or to inform
and persuade with facts. As a result, narrative writing has become an important part of society.

5. Narratology is a body of knowledge devoted to the study of narratives and their structures, as well as
the skill of writing them. It also defines the talents and instruments necessary to create an engaging
Final Exam
Reading Visual Arts (GE 20)
Test II

Authors /proponents of our lessons indicated in week 8-9

Jonathan Crary Guy Debord Benedict Anderson

11 subtopics from week 1- 7

Reading Visual Arts- is a field that teaches children and teenagers how to enjoy, criticize, and analyze visual art
representations and masterpieces, allowing them to build innovative talents.
Visual Culture- is the study of modern culture's ancestry and practice of visualization. Rather than focusing on
artists and works, it focuses on the interface between pictures and viewers. It's about visual occurrences
involving information and technology.
Visual Imagery- is a reading technique that involves creating mental images when learning new information in
order to better recall the information later. This aids in improving retention of ideas and fully comprehending
concepts introduced because it associates these new concepts with previously learned concepts.
Visual Reading- This is the fundamental skill that makes up a person's visual literacy since it allows them to read,
write, and create visual images.
Seeing- is a sophisticated and absorbing activity that is both an automatic, physiological function that we
undertake without thinking.

Seeing Subjects- are human beings whose primary mode of access to the physical and intellectual world is
through vision.
Postmodernism- is a set of ideologies and practices that define the modern world as a jumble of images whirling
in promiscuous uncertainty, akin to an MTV clip.
Visual Regime- The process by which a specific area or group of fields (for example, the sciences) manages to
export their ways of seeing to most or all other fields is referred to as the visual regime. As a result, the authority
of many forms, genres, mediums, and practices of the visual is universalized in order to enable access to what
we may call "visual reality."
Final Exam
Reading Visual Arts (GE 20)
Normalization- is a term used in the realms of science and bureaucracy to describe a process. as well as the
Capitalism- is a crucial aspect of the economic sphere because it is the ideology that pushed markets to be
Biopower- is a term that describes the knowledge, techniques, procedures, and operations that have been
established for evaluating, characterizing, controlling, and regulating population behavior.

Basic Elements of Story

• Plot-what happened and why

• Narrator -the point of view from which it is told
• Characters- human or otherwise
• Events-everything in the story that happens to or because of the characters
• Setting- time and place in which those events take place, and the causal
relations which link the events together
Final Exam
Reading Visual Arts (GE 20)

Test III: Visualization

My Everything

No one is ever born into Life alone. Everyone has shared the bond of family, at least at birth, and
for many people it is a bond that will follow them throughout life. For many people it is the most
important bond of all.
Family is one of Be Strong Families core values, beginning with respect for and appreciation of
others no matter how old, how young, where they come from, what they’ve experienced, where they
are, how capable they are, how healthy they are, who they love. It extends to individual’s choices of who
they call family – what intentional, meaningful relationships they form. Our value of family extends to
community and to sisterhood and brotherhood. Although we are united by this value, family means
something different to each of us
I remember the feeling of completeness and security I had growing up with my mom, dad,
grandparents, and extended family members. I always felt like I belonged and was accepted for me.
People are not perfect, sometimes in actions and words, but, knowing the unconditional love that we
are surrounded with by our families keeps us grounded in our true selves. Now that I am older, I feel the
same security that I experienced while growing up. A familiarity of comfort that brings me to a place of
peace and security. My own comfort zone where I am loved, happy, cared for and needed. Household
always feels nearby. The closeness is never determined by distance or time. Frequent gatherings develop
into mutual support. And occasional visits enrich lives with gratitude. Family is comfort; it is home. What
is most important: I refuse to limit family to a group or place. I am passionate about strengthen all
communities. I believe, the foundation is respect and commitment and creating cherished moments.
Family always feels nearby. The closeness is never determined by distance or time. Frequent
gatherings develop into mutual support. And occasional visits enrich lives with gratitude. Family is
comfort; it is home. What is most important: I refuse to limit family to a group or place. I am passionate
about strengthen all communities. I believe, the foundation is respect and commitment and creating
cherished moments.
Final Exam
Reading Visual Arts (GE 20)

Exam Permit:

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