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Module title Introduction to Urban Regeneration

CRN 40676/40659 (Jan)

Level 6

Assessment title
Urban Heritage-led Regeneration: social
value and design of Islington Mill, the
surrounding site, and its neighbourhood
Weighting within This assessment is worth 100% of the overall module mark.

Submission deadline 4pm, Wednesday 18th May 2022

date and time For coursework assessments only: students with a Reasonable
Adjustment Plan (RAP) should check their RAP to see if an extension
to this submission date has been agreed.
Dr. Uche Joyce Ogbonda
Room 500a, 5th floor Maxwell Building
Leader/Assessment set
Salford, Manchester, M5 4WT
T: +44(0) 01612953712

Appointments by pre-arrangement
You should submit your assessment via Turnitin®. By submitting
How to submit
your assessment on Turnitin®, you consent (insofar as your consent
is needed) to the following:
a) The university will submit your assessment (including details
of your name and course details) to the Turnitin® service so
that your assessments can be compared with the database of
works that is maintained by the Turnitin ®service and that is
drawn from various sources including the internet; and
b) Your assessments may be stored in that database of works
indefinitely (or until the university stops using the Turnitin®
service and request their deletion) to help protect your
assessments future plagiarism. Where there is a match
content in your assessment in other works, then your
assessment may also be copied by the University and other

Assessment Information/Brief
users of the Turnitin® service to allow closer analysis.

Further information and support for students using Turnitin® can be

found here:

Project Aim
Assessment task details
To analyse, discuss and interpret an urban-led regeneration
and instructions
proposal that reflects the needs of the City of Salford, the people
that work, live, and visit the area, and the communities that are
situated nearby.

Project Objectives
The final report will achieve the following objectives:
 Describe significant understanding of the history of Salford
and the potential of the Islington area
 Set out what characteristics of the regeneration of the
Islington Mill would add economic, environmental and social
value to the city, and to those who will experience and
benefit from the area
 Describe the physical and regulatory issues arising in the re-
use of an existing historic building.

The Brief:

Background and History of the Site

Islington Mill is a cotton spinning mill built in 1823 by David
Bellhouse of Manchester. Its partial collapse in 1824 is one of the
well documented structural failures of early fireproof mills. Poor
casting of the fireproof was blamed for the collapse. It is a Grade II
Heritage Category Listed Building with List Entry Number: 1386142,
as first listed 04-Nov-1996. The building was listed as it is an
important example of an early 19th century fireproof mill, which is
of additional interest due to the alterations that were made
following its collapse. The development of the site is also a good
example of the adaptations and extensions typical of early mills
used as textile-working sites.

In recent times, Salford City Council through its 20 years

Regeneration Framework has achieved the following regeneration
activities to its credit:

the £550 million Media City UK development at Salford

the start of works to build Port Salford which will
potentially create over 1,000 jobs in the first phase with a
longer-term target of around 3,100 jobs
the £26 million Salford City Stadium and future associated
Assessment Information/Brief
the completion of Greengate Square which is set to be the
catalyst for £400 million in private sector investment
new innovative projects such as the Soap Works and The
the revitalisation of key areas along Chapel Street and the
riverside corridors of the Bridgewater Canal and the River
the £650 million scheme to transform Pendleton is
underway. It will see 1,500 new homes built, 1,300 homes
modernised and 500 new jobs.
None of these developments include Islington Mill and its

The Strategic Regeneration Frameworks

In recent time, many strategies have been developed to support the
regeneration of cities, towns and countries. Clear examples include
Redbridge Regeneration Strategy 2017-2027, Northwest City Centre
Regeneration, Greengate Regeneration Strategy, Wirral Strategic
Regeneration Framework, Mayfield Regeneration strategy,
Portsmouth Economic Development and Regeneration Strategy.
The Salford Central Masterplan
eneration/projects/salford-central/) is a 20-year regeneration
initiative, and one of the UK’s largest development projects, ranking
25th in Planning magazine's 2013 survey of the country’s 100
biggest regeneration projects. The scheme has the capacity to
provide positive economic, environmental and social returns. All
these strategies are geared towards renewing and redeveloping UK
towns and cities to meet the changing times and needs of the

Islington Mill and its environment - which has many physical and
economic constraints - needs improvement from a regeneration
perspective. Several recent proposed developments, including the
new High-Speed Rail (HS2) hub at Piccadilly Station, the
regeneration of land to the north of the station, and the recent
growth in the development of mixed use investments around Chapel
Street (with the University of Salford and Deansgate in close
proximity), mean that Islington Mill and the surrounding
environments could be a vital link in the chain of regeneration for
the Manchester city region.

Your Role
You represent a firm of Architectural Technologists and Building
Surveyors that is proposing to create an alternative structure plan
for the regeneration of Islington Mill and its environs. Your proposed

Assessment Information/Brief
client, Salford City Council, wants to commission you as a
regeneration expert, to submit a report setting out your own ideas
of how the area could be regenerated to provide the necessary
returns to generate/encourage actions.


Your report should include the following sections:

Section 1 – A description of the district and its surroundings (20%)

This section should include an analysis of the historic built form of
the area including the reason for a possible regeneration/renewal
effort, supported with maps, demographic and socio- economic
data. Map(s) showing the location of landmarks are encouraged,
primary and secondary evidence (graphs and photographs from
secondary and different sources for example) should be included.
(ILO 1,2,7,8,9 & 10)

Section 2 – Heritage and Regeneration (20%)

This section should include a discussion on sustainability in terms of
heritage-led regeneration, and the implication of urban
regeneration on heritage buildings. Align your explanation to the
feasibility, creative reuse of the existing building, and how you think
the regeneration of Islington Mill will enhance the surrounding
neighbourhood physically, economically, and environmentally. (ILO
1,2, 3,4, 8, 9 &11)

Section 3 – Social Value Implication (20%)

This section should include a clear discussion encompassing safety,
social inclusion, local social networks, spatial integration, cultural
heritage, and wellbeing. You should also discuss the implication of
regenerating listed building such as the Islington Mill in the
surrounding environment particularly, and in the Northwest in
general. (ILO 2, 3, 4, 6, 7,10 & 12)

Section 4 – The Proposal (30%)

Provide ideas for a new use and an outline sketch proposal for the
conversion of the building together with an analysis of any technical
and regulatory issues to be considered in the redevelopment and
remodelling of Islington Mill and its environs for regeneration.
Consider in your analysis issues of planning constraints, listed
building constraints, fire regulations and disabled access. (ILO 4, 5,
10, 11 & 12)

In addition, 10% of the mark will be given for clarity of expression,

presentation and the standard of referencing


Assessment Information/Brief
Before submitting your assessment, ask yourself the following
questions, just to be sure you’ve met all the requirements:
 Have I correctly referenced all the sources which I have
 Have I used Turnitin to check my referencing and
bibliography so that my tutor knows where I have found all
my information?
 Have I completed the assignment within the word limit
and/or stated my word count?
 Have I used a spell checker and proofread my work?
 Have I defined any key terms used in the report?

You must clearly demonstrate that you have read around the
subject. This includes a range of types of information sources
including books and journal articles (do not rely solely on web-based
material). It is important to include alternative views. A selection of
sources has been provided at the end of this document.

You may find the following books and resources helpful:

 Cottrell, S. (2008) The Study Skills Handbook (Third Edition),
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
 Neville, C. (2007) The Complete Guide to Referencing and
Avoiding Plagiarism, Maidenhead: Open University Press/
McGraw Hill Education
 Cochrane, A. (2007) Understanding urban policy: a critical
approach, Oxford: Blackwell
 Imrie, R. and Raco, M. (2003) Urban renaissance? New
Labour, community and urban policy Bristol: The Policy Press
 Brooker, Graeme., and Stone, Sally, Rereading: Interior
Architecture and the Design Principles of Remodelling
Existing Buildings. London: RIBA, 2004. Print
 Digimap: Environment. Web.
 Digimap: Historic. Web.

Assessed intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

Knowledge and 1. Explain, compare, and contrast the historical and

Understanding contemporary approaches to regeneration.
2. Discuss and interpret the complex interaction between the
physical, environmental, cultural, political, social and
economic elements of regeneration and urban renewal.
3. Analyse and interpret the methods used by community,
corporate, governmental, and other agencies influencing
urban development and community actions.
4. Critically interpret the barriers to regeneration including
economic under performance, social exclusion, and physical

Assessment Information/Brief
and virtual separation from wider society.

Practical, Professional or 5. Make written presentations which are ethical, coherent,

Subject Specific Skills cogent and logically structured to an appropriate standard
6. Demonstrate an integrated approach and learning policy
needed for urban regeneration through the application of
experiential learning and the exploration of lessons learned
from practitioners
7. Synthesise and analyse data and information.
8. Students will be able to use subject related knowledge for
different professional task
Transferable Skills and
other Attributes 9. Develop Skills for critical thinking to abstract, analyse and
make critical judgement
10. Develop problem solving skills to solve problems in an
efficient and effective manner
11. Improve communication and collaboration skills for
multidisciplinary work environment
12. Manage own learning and gain skills for independent
learning in sustainability context

1. To provide students with knowledge of the urban

Module Aims
regeneration process
2. To provide students with knowledge, skills and a holistic
vision towards urban regeneration to enable them to
understand and participate in sustainable regeneration
3. To examine a wide range of issues from physical, economic,
social and environmental dimensions that are correlated to
each other, through which a strong emphasis will be given on
integrated regeneration strategies for better implementation
of community-based regeneration for long term
4. To explain the holistic nature of problems and successful
long-term solutions to urban regeneration projects
5. To identify and integrate issues related to the physical,
economic, social and environmental aspects of successful
long-term sustainable project solutions
6. To enable students to recognise and apply their discipline
related skills and knowledge in the context of complex urban
regeneration projects.

Word count/ duration (if Your assessment should be 5,000 words excluding references,
bibliography, and coversheet.
Assessment Information/Brief
Do not submit any appendices with the report.

There are no extra marks given for exceeding specified word count,
and this might attract a penalty such as a reduction in marks.
Students are therefore encouraged not to exceed word counts and
page numbers.
You can expect to receive feedback within 15 working days of final
Feedback arrangements
submission. Feedback will be provided via Turnitin. Appointments
can be made for one-to-one feedforward, and additional feedback
session can be arranged and held via Microsoft Teams.

You can obtain support for this assessment:

Support arrangements
 Through the frequently Asked Questions page on blackboard
 Through booking for a one-on-one meeting with module
tutor or sending an email to
with response within 72 hours of request.
The University offers a range of support services for students
through askUS.

Good Academic Conduct Students are expected to learn and demonstrate skills associated
and Academic with good academic conduct (academic integrity). Good academic
Misconduct conduct includes the use of clear and correct referencing of source
materials. Here is a link to where you can find out more about the
skills which students need

Academic Misconduct is an action which may give you an unfair

advantage in your academic work. This includes plagiarism, asking
someone else to write your assessment for you or taking notes
into an exam. The University takes all forms of academic
misconduct seriously. You can find out how to avoid academic
misconduct here.
If you have any questions about assessment rules, you can find
Assessment Information
further information in Blackboard in the Assessment Support area.
Personal Mitigating
Circumstances If personal mitigating circumstances may have affected your ability
to complete this assessment, you can find more information about
personal mitigating circumstances procedure here.
Personal Tutor/Student
Progression If you have any concerns about your studies, contact your Personal
Administrator Tutor or your Student Progression Administrator.
Grades are given in the following bandings:
Assessment Criteria
(Marking criteria and descriptors explained from pages 9-10)

Assessment Information/Brief
An analysis of the historic built form of the area including 20%
the reason for a possible regeneration/ renewal effort,
supported by maps, demographic and socio- economic data
of the location.
Discussion of sustainability in terms of heritage-led 20%
regeneration, and the implication of urban regeneration on
heritage buildings, aligning your explanation to the
feasibility, creative reuse of existing building and how you
think the regeneration of Islington Mill enhance the
surrounding neighbourhood physically, economically, and
Discussion encompassing safety, social inclusion, local 20%
social networks, spatial integration, cultural heritage,
wellbeing, and the implication of regenerating listed
building such as the Islington Mill in the surround
environment and the Northwest contexts.
The Proposal 30%
Report structure (including introduction, conclusions, 10%
presentation and referencing)

At Undergraduate Level 4, 5 and 6 the following marking scale shall

be used:

Grade Descriptor Mark Classification

Extremely poor 0% to 9%
Very poor 10% to 19%
Poor 20% to 29%
Unsatisfactory 30% to 39%
Adequate 40% to 49% Third
Fair 50% to 59% Lower Second
Good 60% to 69% Upper Second
Very good 70% to 79%
Excellent 80% to 89% First
Outstanding 90% to 100%

Your assessment is not eligible for in year retrieval. If you are eligible
In Year Retrieval
for this scheme, you will be contacted shortly after the feedback

If you fail your assessment, and are eligible for reassessment, you
will need to resubmit on or before 4pm, Friday 29th July 2022. You
will be asked to resubmit the same piece of work unless advised
For students with accepted personal mitigating circumstances for
absence/non submission, this will be your replacement assessment

Marking Criteria for L6 Introduction to Urban Regeneration Module

Assessment Information/Brief
Descriptor/ Description of the District and its Heritage and Regeneration Social Value Implication The Proposal The Report Structure (including
Percentage Surroundings introduction, conclusions,
presentation and referencing)

20% 20% 20% 30% 10%

90 – 100% An outstandingly well written, An outstandingly well presented, Outstanding and exceptional An outstanding, well written, Outstandingly well written with correct
(Outstanding) creative and descriptive narrative of coherent argument, making creative understanding of complex and meaningful, creative, coherent, spelling and grammar. An articulate
the Mill and its Surrounding and insightful use of numerous claims meaningful logical narrative. The sketch/design. The section makes very and fluid writing style that offers no
environment. The description took and viewpoints that are supported by narrative demonstrates very effective effective use of an outstanding
opportunity for confusion via well-
into consideration graphics, rigorously prepared evidence and use of outstanding knowledge base explanation and interpretation of
diagrams and pictorial evidence of examples; supported by including practical and professional sustainability issues. Outstanding structured sentences and paragraphs.
information outstandingly provided. comprehensive knowledge whilst illustrations as well as exhibits illustrations exhibiting comprehensive
recognising and responding to well- comprehensive understanding of the understanding of professional creation Text is appropriately formatted, with
defined counter arguments. Shows subject area. Able to address in depth of the subject. The knowledge research sources correctly cited fully
outstanding links between precedents the implications, assumptions and base of regulatory issues and and correctly conforming
and evolving change without distinctions of the topic, using concepts is relevant. precisely to UoS Harvard
destroying cultural heritage analysed relevant, rigorous and valid researched th
requirements – Harvard APA 7 Edn.
with critical insights into areas of sources and exhaustive analysis.
80 – 89% An excellent, well written, creative An excellent, well presented, coherent Excellent understanding of complex An excellent, well written, meaningful, An excellently well written content
(Excellent) and descriptive narrative of the Mill argument, making creative and and meaningful logical narrative. The creative, coherent, sketch/design. The with correct spelling and grammar. An
and its Surrounding environment. insightful use of numerous claims and narrative demonstrates very effective section makes very effective use of an articulate and fluid writing style that
The description took into viewpoints that are supported by use of outstanding knowledge base excellent explanation and
offers no opportunity for confusion via
consideration graphics, diagrams rigorously prepared evidence and including practical and professional interpretation of sustainability issues.
and pictorial evidence of examples; supported by illustrations as well as exhibits Brilliant illustrations exhibiting well-structured sentences and
information excellently provided. comprehensive knowledge whilst comprehensive understanding of the comprehensive understanding of paragraphs.
recognising and responding to well- subject area. Able to address in depth professional creation of the subject.
defined counter arguments. Shows the implications, assumptions and The knowledge base of Text is appropriately formatted, with
excellent links between precedents distinctions of the topic, using regulatory issues and concepts is research sources correctly cited fully
and evolving change without relevant, rigorous and valid researched relevant. and correctly conforming
destroying cultural heritage analysed sources and exhaustive analysis. precisely to UoS Harvard
with critical insights into areas of
discuss. requirements – Harvard APA 7 th Edn.

70 – 79% A Very good written work, A very well presented, coherent A very good understanding of complex A very good well written, Very good, well written with correct
(Very good) somewhat creative and argument, making creative and and meaningful logical narrative. The meaningful, creative, coherent, spelling and grammar though a few
descriptive narrative of the Mill and insightful use of numerous claims and narrative demonstrates very effective sketch/design. The section makes very noticeable errors. A very good writing
its Surrounding environment. The viewpoints that are supported by use of outstanding knowledge base effective use of an excellent
style that avoids any confusion using
description took into consideration rigorously prepared evidence and including practical and professional explanation and interpretation of
graphics, diagrams and pictorial examples; supported by very good illustrations as well as exhibits a very sustainability issues. Brilliant well-structured sentences and
evidence of information very well knowledge whilst recognising and good understanding of the subject illustrations exhibiting comprehensive paragraphs.
provided. responding to well-defined counter area. Able to address in depth the understanding of professional creation
arguments. Shows a very good links implications, assumptions and of the subject. The knowledge Text is appropriately formatted with
between precedents and evolving distinctions of the topic, using base of regulatory issues and research sources mostly correctly cited
change without destroying cultural relevant, rigorous and valid researched concepts is relevant.
and almost fully and correctly
heritage analysed with critical insights sources and exhaustive analysis.
into areas of discuss. referenced conforming to UoS
Harvard requirements – Harvard APA
7 Edn.

60 – 69% (Good) A good, reasonably well presented A good presentation, logical argument, A good understanding of complex and A good written work with somewhat A good written demonstration with
introduction and descriptive making creative and insightful use of meaningful logical narrative. The meaningful, creative, coherent, spelling and grammar logical though
narrative of the Mill and its numerous claims and viewpoints that narrative demonstrates very effective sketch/design. The section makes very with noticeable errors. A good writing
Surrounding environment. The are supported by rigorously prepared use of outstanding knowledge base effective use of an excellent
style that shows few confusions in the
description took into consideration evidence and examples; supported by including practical and professional explanation and interpretation of
sentences and paragraphs.
graphics, diagrams and pictorial good knowledge whilst recognising illustrations as well as exhibits good sustainability issues. Good illustrations
evidence of information well and responding to defined counter understanding of the subject area. exhibiting understanding of
provided. arguments Shows good links between Able to address in depth the professional creation of the subject. Text is slightly formatted with research
precedents and evolving change implications, assumptions and The knowledge base of sources somewhat correctly cited and
without destroying cultural heritage distinctions of the topic, using regulatory issues and concepts are not quite correctly referenced
analysed with critical insights into relevant, rigorous and valid researched relevant.
conforming to UoS Harvard
areas of discuss. sources and good analysis.
requirements – Harvard APA 7th Edn.

50 – 59% (Fair) An introduction with fair A fair presentation, logical argument, A fair understanding and meaningful A fairly written work with somewhat A fairly written narrative with spelling
coherence and clarity and making fair creative and insightful use logical narrative. The narrative meaningful, creative, coherent, and grammar reasonable depicted
descriptive narrative of the Mill and of claims and viewpoints that are demonstrates fair use of knowledge sketch/design. The section makes fairly though with noticeable errors. A fairly
its Surrounding environment. The supported by fairly prepared evidence base including practical and effective use of explanation and
writing style with some confusion
description took into consideration and examples; supported by some professional illustrations as well as interpretation of sustainability issues.
shown in some sentences and
some graphics, diagrams and knowledge whilst recognising and exhibits fair understanding of the Fair illustrations exhibiting some
pictorial evidence of information as responding to counter argument. subject area. Able to address fair understanding of professional creation paragraphs.
provided. Shows fair links between precedents implications, assumptions and of the subject. The knowledge
and evolving change without distinctions of the topic, using some base of regulatory issues and Text is fairly formatted with research
destroying cultural heritage analysed relevant, and valid researched sources concepts is fairly relevant. sources fairly cited and not correctly
with critical insights into areas of and analysis
referenced to conform to UoS
Harvard requirements – Harvard APA
7 Edn.

40 – 49% An adequately presented An adequate presentation and An adequate understanding and An adequately written work with Adequately written with satisfactory
(Adequate) introduction and descriptive argument, making satisfactory use of meaningful logical narrative. The somewhat meaningful, creative, spelling and grammar though with
narrative of the Mill and its claims that are supported by narrative demonstrates fair use of sketch/design. The section makes noticeable errors. Adequate writing
Surrounding environment. The satisfactorily prepared evidence and knowledge base including practical and adequate use of explanation and
style that shows some confusion not
description took into consideration example; supported by limited professional illustrations as well as interpretation of sustainability issues.
well-structured sentences and
adequate graphics, diagrams and knowledge whilst recognising and exhibits adequate understanding of Adequate illustrations exhibiting some
pictorial evidence of information as responding to counter argument. the subject area. Able to address understanding of professional creation paragraphs.
provided. Shows adequate links between adequate implications, assumptions of the subject. The knowledge
precedents and evolving change and distinctions of the topic, using few base of regulatory issues and Text is adequately formatted with
without destroying cultural heritage relevant, and valid researched sources concepts is adequately relevant. research sources not correctly cited
analysed with critical insights into and analysis
and referenced conforming to UoS
areas of discuss.
Harvard requirements – Harvard APA
7 Edn.

30 – 39% Did not provide a clear purpose An unsatisfactory presentation, Section shows unsatisfactory An unsatisfactory work with Unacceptable written narrative with
Assessment Information/Brief
(Unsatisfactory) of the work and how it has been making insufficient use of claims and understanding or meaningful logical unacceptable narrative with no unsatisfactory spelling and grammar
organised. Misinterpreted and viewpoints that are supported by narrative. The narrative demonstrates coherent flow. The narrative makes with noticeable errors. Inadequately
description showed lack of unsatisfactory evidence; supported by unsatisfactory use of knowledge base use of an unacceptable knowledge writing style that shows confusion not
coherence or understanding of the insufficient knowledge not counter or practical and professional base (theoretical and practical) and
well-structured sentences and
required narrative arguments. Shows unacceptable links illustrations to exhibit understanding illustrations exhibit lack of
between theory and practice analysed of the subject area. Not able to understanding of the subject. The paragraphs.
with a characteristic of a professional address any implications, assumptions knowledge base is not relevant,
reviewed in the discus. and distinctions of the topic, or using does not show rigor and sources used Text is unsatisfactorily formatted with
relevant, and valid researched sources are unsatisfactory and using same research sources not correctly cited
and analysis as part of the analysis makes the and referenced not conforming to
report unacceptable.
UoS Harvard requirements –
Harvard APA 7th Edn.

20 – 29% (Poor) A poor attempt at Poor presentation, weak argument, Section shows poor understanding or Poor written work with no Poorly written with unsatisfactory
introduction and descriptive making feeble claims and viewpoints meaningful logical narrative. The meaningful, creative, coherent spelling and grammar with noticeable
narrative of the Mill and its that are not supported with scholarly narrative demonstrates poor use of narrative. The narrative makes poor errors. Poor writing style that shows
Surrounding environment. The evidence, poor knowledge, and no knowledge base or practical and use of a knowledge base (theoretical
confusion not well-structured
description did not take into defined counter arguments. Shows professional illustrations to exhibit and practical) and illustrations
consideration the use of graphics, unacceptable links between theory understanding of the subject area. exhibiting lack of understanding of the sentences and paragraphs.
diagrams and pictorial evidence of and practice analysed. Not able to address any implications, subject. The knowledge base
information to support discussion assumptions and distinctions of the is poor with no relevance, rigor or from Text is poorly formatted with research
as required. topic, or using relevant, valid acceptable sources in the subject sources not correctly cited and
researched sources and analysis area. reference not conforming to UoS
Harvard requirements – Harvard APA
7 Edn.

10 – 19% A very poor attempt at introduction A very poor presentation, weak Section shows a very poor A very poor written work with no Very poorly written with unsatisfactory
(Very Poor) and descriptive narrative of the Mill argument, making feeble claims and understanding or meaningful logical meaningful, creative, coherent, and spelling and grammar with noticeable
and its Surrounding environment. viewpoints that are not supported narrative. The narrative demonstrates logical narrative. The narrative makes errors. Very poor writing style that
The description did not take into scholarly evidence with poor very poor use of knowledge base or a very poor use of a knowledge base
shows confusion not well-structured
consideration the use of graphics, knowledge, not defined counter practical and professional illustrations (theoretical and practical) and
sentences and paragraphs.
diagrams and pictorial evidence of arguments. Shows very weak links to exhibit understanding of the subject illustrations exhibits lack of
information to support discussion between theory and practice not area. Not able to address any understanding of the subject. The
as required. analysed and reviewed or discuss in implications, assumptions and knowledge base is very poor with Text is very poorly formatted with
the report. distinctions of the topic, or using no relevance, rigor or from acceptable research sources not correctly cited
relevant, valid researched sources and sources in the subject. and reference not conforming to
UoS Harvard requirements –
Harvard APA 7 Edn.

0 – 9% (extremely Non provision of an An extremely poor presentation, very An extremely poor understanding or An extremely poor written work An extremely poor written work with
Poor) introduction and an weak argument, making feeble claims meaningful logical narrative. The with lack of meaningful, creative, unsatisfactory spelling and grammar
extremely poor attempt at and viewpoints that are not supported narrative demonstrates very poor use coherent, or logical narrative. The though clear errors. Extremely poor
introduction and descriptive scholarly evidence with extremely of knowledge base or practical and narrative makes extremely poor use of
writing style that shows confusion not
narrative of the Mill and its poor knowledge, not defined counter professional illustrations to exhibit a knowledge base (theoretical and
structured sentences and paragraphs.
Surrounding environment. The arguments. Shows very weak links understanding of the subject area. practical) and illustrations exhibits no
description did not take into between theory and practice not Not able to address any implications, understanding of the subject. The
consideration the use of graphics, analysed and reviewed or discuss in assumptions and distinctions of the knowledge base is irrelevant and Text is extremely, poorly formatted
diagrams and pictorial evidence of the report. topic, or using relevant, valid does not satisfy the requirement of the with research sources extremely
information to support discussion researched sources and analysis subject matter. poorly cited and references not
as required.
conforming to UoS Harvard
requirements – Harvard APA 7 Edn.

Assessment Information/Brief

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