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Diana gets a cough. Which medicine should she take ?


A. fever killer
B. Pain Killer
C. Syrup
D. cough Syrup

What makes the drink more attractive? *

D. strawberry

A. Siti
B. Lina
C. Udin
D. Beni

Where does the dialog take place ? *

A. At school
B. At home
C.In a bedroom
D. In a clinic

Where can you read the label ? *

A. On a hand-sanitizer package
B. On a shampoowrapping
C. On a hand-lotion plastic bottle
D. On a snburnt lotion bottle

A. 2-7-1-5-4-6-3
B. 2-7-4-6-1-5-3
C. 4-6-3-5-2-7-1
D. 4-6-2-7-3-5- 1

A. An agreement
B. an advice
C. disagreement
D. a certainty

“Pour soda drink, grapes juice..”.The word “pour” has the same meaning with …. *

A.Flow out of or into something

B.Put out of from something
C.Throw up into something
D.Scatter in something

The genre of the text is ........ *

A. Procedure
B. Recount
C. Narrative
D. Descriptive

Shake well before use. It means that........ *

A. Shake the bottle so that the ingredients mix well before you take it
B. Shake the bottle so that the ingredients fill out
C. Shake it before you buy
D. Use the bottle after you shake it

How many soft gels does someone take everyday ? *

A. 1 gel
B. 15 mg
C. 200 UI
D. 600 mg

We .................English at 9 o`clock yesterday when you came at my house *

A. are studying
B. Studying
C. Were studying
D. Study

C. 3 – 8 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 1 – 2 - 7
D. 3 – 8 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 1 – 7

A. The steps
B. The goals
C. The materials
D. The methods

“ Daily value has not been established ( line 8). What is the meaning of the
“established ? *
A. Order
B. Determined
C. Carried

The best time to enjoy rujak is........ *

A. During cold days

B. After having dinner
C. During hot days
D. While studying

How much sodium does the product contain per 100 g? *
A. 45 mg
B. 148 mg
C. 565 mg
D. 709 mg

The text is Written in order to........... *

A. Congratulate Hasan on his success

B. Inform people about the best journalst
C. Announce people to give praise to hasan
D.Invite people to come to th jaknews publisher

We should eat home made foods...........stay healthy. *

A. Should
B. For
C. In order to
D. must

The text above tells you about .... a computer *

B. Operating
C. Turning off
D. Using keyboard on

A. Congratulation
B. What a very nice drawing !
C. I don`t like this drawing.
D. I think it is a wonderful drawing.

A. 2-1-5-6-4-7-3
B. c. 3-2-1-4-6-5-7
C. 2-4-6-1-5-7-3
D. d. 2-1-6-4-5-7-3

The label is telling us about … of a product. *

A. The steps
B. The goals
C. The materials
D. The nutrition information

How does lina feel ? *

A.She is well
B. She will be right
C.She is weak
D. She is ill

A. . 8 – 4 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 7 – 1 - 3
B. 8 – 4 – 6 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 1 - 7
C. 8 – 1 – 7 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 4 - 6 D
D. 8 – 2 – 5 – 3 – 1 – 7 – 4 – 6

We grind the brown sugar........... *

A. Before peeling the fruits

B. After grinding the species
C. Before preparing the fruits
D. Before grinding the salt,shrimp paste and chillies

.What does the underlined word refer to? *

A. procedure
B. front page
C. next page
D. article

A. 9-1-7-6-10-5-3-4-2—8
B. 9-1-6—4-3-5-10-3-2-8
C. 9-1- 5 -7-10-6-4- 3-2-8
D. 9-1-4-5-7-6-10-2 -3 – 8

The text above shows that ......... *

A. the writerbis on of the contestants
B. Esther is the best student
C. Esther is the best singer
D. Daffa is Eshter`s special friend

What does Hasan do ? He is a....... *

A . Journalist
B. Manager
C. Staff

A. I`d like to congratulate you

B. Hoppefully you like it
C. I hope it rains hard
D. I hope you arrive home safely

The generic structure of phrases in the first two lines is....... *

A. Complication
B. Description
C. Inform to the reader
D. Materials needed

What should you do be before connecting the mouse cord to the CPU? *

A. Connect the monitor cable to the back of the CPU

B. Press the power button located on the front panel
C. Connect the power cord to the electricity source
D. Click "Start" button or restart the computer

.What is the product description ? *

A. Supplement facts
B. Milk Calcium
C. Dietary Supplement
D. Serving size

A. What do you think ?

B. Yes, you are right ,Mom.
C. I don`t like umbrella.
D. That is my favorite thing,Mom.

A. I hope you tell me

B. I hope you get the most votes
C. I hope the students choose the right person
D. I hope they choose someone else

The text is for ...........of FLS2N. *

A. the best student

B. the best singer
C. the best teacher
D. the best graduated student

The text is written to ….. *

A. tell experience in reading a newspaper

B. give tips on how to read a newspaper
C. describe a good newspaper
D. select a good newspaper

A. Congratulation.
B. I hope so
C. I think so
D. I don`t think so

.We should have breakfast have energy to do our activities during the day *
A. But
B. or
C. so that
D. while

. My mother ......I can get the first rank *

A. Can
B. Hopes
C. Wish
D. May

A. I hope he will get well soon.

B. I hope he looks so sad.
C. I hope he is still hospitalized.
D. I hope he gets sick.

A. 2-6-8-4-3-5-1-12-9-10-7-11
B. 2-6-11-7-10-9-1-12-3-5-4-8
C. 2-6-3-5-4-1-12-9-10-7-11-8
D. 2-6-4-8-3-1-5-10-9-12-11-7

Yesterday, when I went home from work,They.......television in the living room *

A. Watched
B. are watching
C. Watch
D. were watching

A. So that people will be happy

B. So that I can buy in the canteen
C. So that I can save some pocket money
D. So that you can have my pocket money

A. 1 -2 -3 -4
B. 4 -3 -2 -1
C. 3 - 2- 4 - 1
D. 3- 4- 1 – 2

How many steps are there to make grape Cruz? *

B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

According to the text, it can be concluded that.......... *

A. The product is only for children

B. We should use the product over and over again
C. We should close eyes while applying the product
D. Our skin will become reddish after using the product

.The underlined word has the closest meaning to …. *


The purpose of the text is........ *

A. To entertain the reader
B. to describe Things
C. To retell make grape Cruz
D. To show how to make grape Cruz

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