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Grammar Test 2
Name: Date:

Table of Contents
2 Exercise 1 5 Exercise 8
Simple Past Conjunctions

2 Exercise 2 6 Exercise 9
Simple Future Modals

3 Exercise 3 6 Exercise 10
Count & Non-Count Nouns Gerunds & Infinitives

3 Exercise 4 7 Exercise 11
Pronouns Simple Present, Past & Future

4 Exercise 5 8 Exercise 12
Adverbs of Manner Writing (Optional)

4 Exercise 6 8 Exercise 13
Adverbs & Adjectives Speaking (Optional)

5 Exercise 7
Prepositions of Direction

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Grammar Test 2

Exercise 1

Write the simple past form of the verbs from the list.

1. I            my friend in the hospital yesterday. Word List:

2. The boys            around the track. • arrive

• sleep
3. The students            late for class. • run
• visit
4. My husband            for 10 hours last night.
• sit
5. They            on the couch all day yesterday.

Exercise 2

Write the simple future form of the verbs from the list.

1. Ann            her mother tonight. Word List:

2. We            a test tomorrow. • play

• take
3. The girls            baseball next weekend. • call
• graduate
4. They            to Europe next month.
• go
5. My daughter            in two years.

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Grammar Test 2

Exercise 3

Write a before a count noun and some before a non-count noun.

1.        rice 6.        information

2.        dog 7.        job

3.        book 8.        work

4.        traffic 9.        news

5.        hair 10.        test

Exercise 4

Circle the correct answer.

1.     books are for sale. 3. Everyone    a passing grade. 5. The man     is wearing the
black coat dropped his wallet.
a) Those a) gets
b) Them b) get a) whom
c) That c) getting b) who
c) which
2. He cut     shaving. 4. That laptop is     .

a) yourself a) my
b) himself b) me
c) myself c) mine

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Grammar Test 2

Exercise 5

Change each adjective in parentheses into an adverb.

1. I can’t understand you when you speak            .


2. The opera singer sang            .


3. The students did            on their tests.


4. Those children are eating so            .


5. The machines are performing            .


Exercise 6

Circle the correct answer

1. She studied hard all night. 3. Your boyfriend is so friendly. 5. Don’t speak too
loudly in the library.
a) adverb a) adverb
b) adjective b) adjective a) adverb
b) adjective
2. The race cars were very fast. 4. My new bike was costly.

a) adverb a) adverb
b) adjective b) adjective

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Grammar Test 2

Exercise 7

Smith Street
Look at the map and fill in the blanks
with the correct preposition.

Bank Grocery

Summer Street
1. The bank is                  Store
the bakery and the grocery store.
Bus Stop
2. The bus stop is                 
the grocery store. Main Street
3. The theater is                 
Smith Street.

4. The library is                 

the parking lot.

5. The bakery is                  Library

the parking lot.

Exercise 8

Circle the correct answer.

1. He has two brothers     3. There is a lot of food,     5. Do you want to go together,
three sisters. the guests are enjoying     would you rather go
themselves. by yourself?
a) and
b) but a) and a) and
c) or b) but b) but
c) or c) or

2. Sonia can’t dance,     4. Marco has a great job,

she can sing very well.     he is unhappy
at work these days.
a) and
b) but a) and
c) or b) but
c) or

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Grammar Test 2

Exercise 9

Circle the correct answer.

1. She should     3. Jack must     the test 5. Julie and Sam    
to college soon. if he wants to graduate. to work tomorrow.

a) apply a) pass a) have get to go

b) applies b) passes b) have got to go

2. You     be late for school. 4. He    the report by Friday.

a) had not better a) have to finish

b) had better not b) has to finish

Exercise 10

Circle the correct answer.

1. Sherry finished     3. She is thinking about     5. His counselor

her book. to Europe next summer. advised him    .

a) writing a) traveling a) studying

b) to write b) to travel b) to study

2. It is important     your 4. Terry decided     tonight.

boss back right away.
a) not going out
a) calling b) not to go out
b) to call

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Grammar Test 2

Exercise 11

Write each verb in the simple present,

simple past, or simple future tense.

1. I            new shoes last week.


2. My sister            coffee every day.


3. Mrs. Smith            never satisfied with her students’ work.


4. The pilot            at the airport until tomorrow.

(arrive, not)

5. I            to your party if you really want me to.


6. She            happy when she heard the bad news.

(be, not)

7.            you            me next weekend?


8. He            to school very often.

(go, not)

9.            your brother            you two months ago?


10.            she usually            jeans to school?


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Grammar Test 2

Exercise 12

Write two paragraphs about traveling.

Write the first paragraph about a holiday you enjoyed (use simple past verbs).
Write the second paragraph about a trip you want to take (use simple future verbs).

Exercise 13

What did you do last weekend? What are you going to do next weekend?
Tell your teacher about your weekend plans. Use past and future verbs.

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