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Arts & Humanities Elective

Module2/Week2/Canvas Based/Ma’am Cunanan


Arts & Humanities Elective
Module2/Week2/Canvas Based/Ma’am Cunanan


Arts & Humanities Elective
Module2/Week2/Canvas Based/Ma’am Cunanan


Arts & Humanities Elective
Module2/Week2/Canvas Based/Ma’am Cunanan

3. Grouped Data Axis — the grouped data

The following ore skills related to critical
axis is always oT the base of the bars. This reading:
axis displays the type of data being
grophed. A. Getting the Noin Idea and Identifying
In studying line graphs, you should: Supporting Details
1. Determined the topic of the graph -The main idea refers to the topic or provides the
2. Look at the oxes (vertical and horizontal) summary of a given paragraph. IT may be
and diagonal line to understand the implied/ not written or directly stated in the
relationship thot being illustrated paragraph. 0n other hand, supporting details ust
In studying circle graphs, you should determine: give cidditionol/ clarifying information related to
1. What the entire circle represents the main idea.
2. What the vcirious ports of the circle
represent Consider the following paragraphs wherein the
3. How the percentage compare main ideas ore highlighted while the rest of the
A TABLE is a means of' arranging data in rows other ports serve as mere supporting details.
and Af'ter completely reading each paragraph, reflect
C0IUIYIF\S on the given guide questions thot follow to aid
When reading tables, you should: yourself in understanding why each paragraph
1. Determine the sub ect has the highlighted port as its main idea and
2. Establish what each category and the rest as mere supporting details
subcotegory represents
1st Paragraph: (1) The phrase "raining cots
II. GRITIGAL READING and dogs" originated in 17th Century England.
(2) Puring heavy downpours of rain, mony of'
-The next step as a reader is to analyze and
these poor animals unfortunately drowned and
evolucite the usefulness and validity of' their
their bodies would be seen floating in the rain
contents. Doing so is called critical reading and
torrents thot raced through the streets. (3) The
it prevents one from falling prey to misleading
situation gave the appearance thot if had
literally rained ’cots and dogs' and led to the
current expression.
As a critical reader, one answers any or a number
of the following questions while reading a material
Guide oues†ion/s: Con Sentence 2 or 3 summarize
 What is the general message of the text?
the whole paragraphs Pon’t they both just
 Is the text or its portion supporting or
opposing on idea? illustrate further the point of Sentence 1 with the
 Is the author presenting on objective or a help of historical events?
subjective/ biased information? Why‘?
 Are the pieces of information accurate and 2nd Paragraph: (1) Having a pet teaches
consistent with other reliable sources* children mony values. (2) Children learn
 Are the pieces of inf'ormotion supported responsibility of once. (3) They also learn
with compassion while taking core of' animals. (4)
logical and valid details? These young ones also learn respect and value


Arts & Humanities Elective
Module2/Week2/Canvas Based/Ma’am Cunanan
life of creatures.

Guide Question/s• Don't sentences 2 to 4 just

illustrate the mony vcilues thot children gain from


Arts & Humanities Elective
Module2/Week2/Canvas Based/Ma’am Cunanan

having a pet? If so, aren’t they just supporting believed since the author locks the actual ability,
details whereas Sentence 1 is the main ideal unlike

3rd Paragraph: (1) The Kiwi, notional bird of New

Zealand, cannot fly. (2) It lives in a hole in the
ground, is almost blind, and lays only one egg
each year. (3) Despite these facts, it has
survived for more than 70 million years. (4) Kiwi
is indeed a unique bird.

Guide Question/s: Pon't sentences 1 to 3 just

show the things the Kiwi con do thot make it a
unique bird? If so, aren’t they just supporting
details whereas Sentence 4 is the main ideal

B.Keeping and Answering the Right Questions in

-As a critical reader, there ore questions thot
must be kept in mind and eventually answered
while or offer reading a material before it could
be deemed believable or useful as well as to
hove deeper understanding about its purpose or
point. These
0|U9Sfi0FlS 0II°9 OIS f0ll0WS

Gri†icol Question/s: Who is the sources Does

s/he hove the needed credibility to write about
the information presented?

Suppose thof the given text is•

’The coming year will be plagued by numerous

natural disasters such as earthquakes and tidal

Applying the Griticol Question/s Later on, as a

result of answering the above questions, it was
f'ound thot the author/ source of' the information
is a fortune teller/ Feng Shui expert. Knowing
this invcilidotes or makes fhe text questionable
and something thot must not be immediately


Arts & Humanities Elective
Module2/Week2/Canvas Based/Ma’am Cunanan
seismologists, to tell if natural disasters such people around the world each year con travel
as earthquakes and tidal waves ore highly from
likely to OGGUI°.

Note. Checking on the author's or source's

background information as a result of the
cibove questions helps in strengthening the
veracity of the details presented and prevents
one from easily being fooled.

Gri†icol oues†ion/s: What is the text form What

is the
aim of the author for writing it?

Suppose †hot the given †ext is:

’Wotfpod is a writing community in which users

ore able to post articles, stories, and poems
about anything online.'

Applying †he Critical oues†ion/s As a result

of' answering the above questions, the given
text is thought to be for advertisement
purposes because it highlights the usefulness of
Wotfpod bg saying thot users con use it to post
about anything online. In addition, the text con
also be added with other texts thot ore positive
about the usefulness of Wottpod since they
shore the some positive idea about it.

Note: Answering the above questions will help

make understanding the nature of a given text
easier and its connection to other texts and/ or
situations quicker to identify.

Gri†icol Question/s: Are details believable* Why

or why not? Are they consistent with other

Suppose thot the given text is•

’A terrifying ’sniff and die' bug thot kills 89,000

Arts & Humanities Elective
Module2/Week2/Canvas Based/Ma’am Cunanan

the nose to the brain and spinal cord in just 24 3. The Mnited States seems to be in love with
hours, scientists hove learned.' the
idea of going out to eat. Because of this, a
Applying †he Gri†icol Question/s: Bg answering the
variety of restaurants has come about
above questions, a reader con determine thot
the details in the given text ore possibly true
because it has details such as numbers and a
supposed credible source identified to be
’scientists’. However, bg further checking the
consistency of the contained details with other
sources, a reader con ultimately verif'y if' it is
true or fake.

Note: Answering the above questions will

prevent one from immediately believing what
already seems to be true information.

(Synch Gloss PPT)

Getting the main idea and supporting the
1. blast of the teenagers and young adults do
not know what they wont to do for the rest of
their lives. It is a big decision. There ore
number of things you con narrow the choices.
For example you con take on interest test, do
some research on your own about a career,
try volunteer work in the field which you ore
interested, or job- show’, in which you spend a
day with a person who is working in a field
thot interests you. These ore just a few
helpful ideas as you begin
TO 0 Gh00S9 0 G0II°99F.
2. The movie Apollo 13 was blockbuster for the
summer of 1995. It is on exciting story
about space and exploration. In the movie, the
astronauts get in trouble while they ore
trying to return to Earth. People in the
audience ore on the edge of their seats
waiting to see what happens. What makes it
even more exciting is thoT it is a true story.


Arts & Humanities Elective
Module2/Week2/Canvas Based/Ma’am Cunanan
specializing all kinds of foods. PlcDonold’s is disturbed children hcive been observed to
the king of subgroup of restaurants called smile and react with interest if there is a
lost— food restaurants. Chances ore, no cuddly kitten or puppy to hold.
matter where you live, there is McDonald's
near you. There ore even PlcDonold's is the
Soviet Mnion. Now McDonald's is trying
something new. It is called NcDonold’s Express
and there is a test site in Peabody,
Nossochusetts. It is a port of Nobil gas
station. This allows you to fill up with gas and
fill up on food of the some time. What they
will think next?
4. Summer is wonderful time to spend at the
Beach. It is a beach with light—colored, soft
sand. The coastline goes on for a long way
and mony people enjoy walking along it.
Ghildren like to ploy in the surf' and walk
along the rocks thot ore visible at low tide.
This is a fun a beach f'or people of all ages.
5. The physical complaints of neurotics —
people who ore overly anxious, pessimistic,
hostile, or tense — were once largely ignored
by physicians. None doctors believed thot the
frequent complaint of neurotic were
exaggerations. However, new research shows
thot neurotics ore in fact, more likely To hcive
physical problems. Specifically, researchers
f'ound neurotics stand a greater chance of
having five particular ailments arthritis,
asthma, ulcers, headaches, and heart disease.
In addition, there is evidence thot people who
ore pessimistic in their teens and twenties
ore more likely to become ill or die in their
6. A study of one prison shows thot owning a
pet con change a hardened prison inmate
into more caring person. Another study
discovered thot senior citizens, both those
living alone and those in nursing home,
become more interested in life when they
were given pets to core for. Even emotionally
Arts & Humanities Elective
Module2/Week2/Canvas Based/Ma’am Cunanan

Animals, then, con be a means of therapy for

 Give cidditionol information related to the
monk kinds of individuals.
main idea
 They con be facts, reasons, testimonies,
1. Lost sentence or first sentence
statistics and experiments thot support
2. First sentence
the topic sentence.
3. Third sentence
4. Inferring
4. First sentence
 Guessing information not literally
5. Third sentence
found in the text by combining text
6. Lost sentence
(available f'octs) and prior knowledge
The main idea con either be stated (it con be
and experience
found in a specific sentence) or implied (it is not
 An inference is on educated,
stated directly written in the text and must be
intelligent guess you make based on
inferred based on the supporting details given).
available information
 Is a conclusion you draw from or
Levels of Reading
judgment you make based on what
1. Literal you read or observed
 Based on text  Be careful when you infer ideas while

 Reading in the lines reading in order to avoid jumping to

 Literal interpretation inaccurate or invalid conclusions.
2. Inferentiol  Facts con be verified, proven or
 Reading between the lines validated unlike inferences which con
Combining inf'ormotion in text and be only suggested based on the

stock available fcicts or sometimes based on
knowledge perceived knowledge, previous
 Guessing with basis experience, and even cultural
3. Critical orientation
 Involves udging with writer, purpose of Example The policemen shot the
text, nature of text
Which of the If. statement ore facts?
1. There is a policemen. (true)
Reading Skills (Analyzing Information)
1. Noting details 2. There is a snatches. (true)
 Simple recall of specific, factual 3. The snatches is dead (false)
information stated in the text 4. The victim alerted the policemen (false)
5. There is a gun (true)
 Answers WH questions
6. The policemen fired a shot (true)
Example: the blood of mammals is red,
7. The policemen was shot (false)
the blood of insects is yellow, and the blood
8. Bystanders were hurT (false)
of lobsters is blue.
9. A crowd gathered around the scene of
2. Getting the main idea
the crime (false)
 Tells the topic of the paragraph either
10. The policemen fulfilled his duty well
implied or stated or summarizes it


Arts & Humanities Elective
Module2/Week2/Canvas Based/Ma’am Cunanan
3. Finding Supporting details


Arts & Humanities Elective
Module2/Week2/Canvas Based/Ma’am Cunanan


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