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1. PROBLEM. Situation to be investigated

2. HYPOTHESIS.A possible explanation for an observation made, which can be tested. It must be clearly
stated and linked to the problem/observation. It must be testable and deal with only one variable or
condition at a time.

3. AIM. Precise and clear statement about the reason for /or object of an experiment. It must be relevant to
the problem/hypothesis

4. APPARATUS/MATERIALS. A list of equipment and reagents that are used to conduct the experiment

5. METHOD/ PROCEDURE: A logical sequence of steps showing how the apparatus and materials will
be used. It should be written in the present tense with no essential step missing. The treatment of
variables should be mentioned. The duration of the investigation, number of trials, measurements,
precautions, observations taken.


a. Manipulated (Independent). The variable that is manipulated or changed in a controlled way

b. Controlled (Constant). The variable to keep constant throughout the experiment

c. Responding (Dependent). The variable that has being measured. It is any change that results from
manipulation of the independent variable

7. DATA TO BE COLLECTED. Quantitative or qualitative information gathered from the investigation.

These must be present in an appropriate manner, using a table with accurate descriptive title, it should
be underline, written in capital letters and centered above the table. Appropriately label each column and
row using the correct unit. Measurement using consistent decimal places.

8. TREATMENT/ INTERPRETATION OF DATA. Calculations and chemical equations linked to the

problem/hypothesis. All results/ data must be analyzed and interpret. They must be correctly linked to
the hypothesis/problem. Also show link between how data to be collected proves or disproves

9. LIMITATIONS. A restrictive condition or variable which cannot be controlled and which can affect
the validity of the results

10. ASSUMPTIONS. The supposition that something is true. A statement taken for granted without

12. PRECAUTIONS. Any safety measures or instructions needed in carrying out lab properly.

1. A consumer purchases two (2) brands of baking powder contain the same amount of
sodium hydrogen carbonate. Plan and design an experiment to show that the two brands
contain same amount of sodium hydrogen carbonate.

2. Janet and Jane, fourth form chemistry students observed that there two unlabeled bottles
containing colourless on solution on the shelf. Jane said one of the unlabeled bottle
smells like vinegar and the other smells like ammonia, but Janet said both solutions does
not have any smell. The shelf also contains packet of starch, sodium chloride, baking
soda and sugar. Plan and design an investigation which can be used to determine which
claim (if any) is correct.

3. Betty's mother is the supervisor in a bakery. She observes that sometimes the baker uses
yeast while at other times baking powder. However, she is concerned about the time
production is taking and therefore need to use the raising agent that is quicker and
therefore ensure quicker production. How would you help her to make this decision?

4. Mother forgot to remove the safety pin from her cotton blouse and realized that after
repeated washing there was a rust mark on her blouse. Plan and design an experiment to
help her decide what is best for removing the rust from her blouse. -lime juice vinegar,
baking soda or toothpaste.

5. Mr. George is suffering from acid indigestion. His doctor recommends two brands of He
would like to know which will likely be more effective. As chemistry students think of an
experiment that would help Mr. George decide which antacid to use.

6. A brand of beer reports to contain 5(% alcohol content by volume. Plan and design an
experiment to verify this claim.

7. Tiana suggested that the extracts from both the purple and red lilies can be used as
indicators. Plan and design an investigation which can be used to determine winch claim
(if any) is correct.

8. Two leaves of different shades of green were taken from different plants. Plan and design
an experiment investigate if the two leaves contain the same pigment.

9. A lab technician made an observation that during the winter it took longer for potassium
nitrate to dissolve in water and during the summer the same process took a shorter time.
Plan and design an experiment to investigate these observations.

10. Two bags contained hydrogen peroxide. Crushed celery was placed in one of the sealed
bags containing the hydrogen peroxide and this was left in a cupboard along with the
other bag of hydrogen peroxide. It was observed that after some time the bag containing
the celery was more distended than the other bag. Plan and design an experiment to
investigate these observations.

11. Stearic acid is solid at room temperature. A chemistry teacher gave samples of stearic
acid to two groups of students from two different bottles to determine the purity of the
acid. Based on your knowledge on pure and impure substances, plan and design an
experiment to carry out the investigation.

12. You are provided with two colourless liquids. Plan and design an experiment to identify
the two colourless substances as oxidizing and reducing agents.

13. A pregnant lady was ordered by her doctor to take iron tablet. She went to the pharmacy
and sees two brands for the same price. She needs to know which of these tablets contain
most iron. Plan and design an experiment to determine which brand contain the most

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