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Manik Shit,
Department of Chemistry,
Narajole Raj College,

C5T: Physical Chemistry-II

Transport processes
Conductance (Part -1)
Q) Define conductance and specific conductance of electrolytic solution and
mention their units. Find out the relation between conductance and specific

Ans : Conductance (also known as electrical conductance) is defined as the

potential for a substance to conduct electricity. Conductance is the measure of
how easily electrical current (i.e. flow of charge) can pass through a material.
Conductance is the inverse (or reciprocal) of electrical resistance, represented
as 1/R.

The resistance (R) of a conductor is proportional directly to its length (l) and
inversely proportional to its cross- sectional area (A). therefore,

R ∝ l/A

or, R = 𝜌. l/A

where ρ is the constant of proportionality and is called specific resistance . it is

the resistance offered by a conductor of unit length and unit cross section. The
expression for the corresponding conductance (G) is

G = 1/R = 1/ρ . A/l

G = k . A/l

PAPER: C5T (Physical Chemistry - II)

TOPIC : Conductance (Part-1)

Prof. Manik Shit,
Department of Chemistry,
Narajole Raj College,

Where k = 1/ρ is the conductivity or specific conductance of the conductor.

This is the relation between conductance and specific conductance.

The unit of ‘R’ is ohm. Therefore the unit of conductance

G = 1/R = 1/ohm = ohm-1 = mho = Siemen.

Again, R = ρ . l/A

Or, ρ = R. A/l

In C.G.S system, the unit of ρ = ohm-cm. and in S.I system , the unit of ρ is


Since, k = 1/ρ , in C.G.S unit of k is ohm-1cm-1. And in S.I system it is

Ohm-1m-1 =mho. m-1 =siemen.m-1.

Q) what is equivalent conductance and mention its unit. Find out the relation
between equivalent conductance and specific conductance.

Ans: Defination: The equivalent conductance is defined as the conductance of a

solution containing one equivalent of the dissolved electrolyte such that the
entire solution is placed between two electrodes which are of unit distance apart.

Units: The unit of of equivalent conductance in C.G.S system is ohm -1cm2equiv-1.

And in S.I system is ohm-1m2equiv-1.

PAPER: C5T (Physical Chemistry - II)

TOPIC : Conductance (Part-1)

Prof. Manik Shit,
Department of Chemistry,
Narajole Raj College,

Relations: Suppose 1 equivalent mass of an electrolyte is dissolved in the

volume V of the solution. Let this whole solution be placed in a conductivity cell.
The conductance of a solution at given tempature is given by

G = k . A/l = k . A.l/l2

Gl2 = k. (Al) = k . V

The term Gl2 is known as equivalent conductivity, Ʌeq. , i.e;

Ʌeq. = k . V

If ‘ C’ is the concentration of solution is equivalent per litre , then 1 equivalent

mass of the substance will be contain in the volume (1000/C) C.C. equiv.-1 . hence
we have ,

Ʌeq. = k . 1000/C

This is the relation between equivalent conductance and specific conductance in

C.G.S. unit .

If C is the concentration of a solution In equivalent per m 3 , then the volume

containing 1 equivalent of the electrolyte is (1/C) m3.equiv. -1.

Hence , We have Ʌeq. = k . 1/C

This is the relation between equivalent conductance and specific

conductance in S.I. unit.

Q) what is molar conductance and mention its unit. Find out the relation
between molar conductance and specific conductance.
PAPER: C5T (Physical Chemistry - II)

TOPIC : Conductance (Part-1)

Prof. Manik Shit,
Department of Chemistry,
Narajole Raj College,

Ans: Defination: The molar conductance is defined as the conductance of a

solution containing one mole of the dissolved electrolyte such that the entire
solution is placed between two electrodes which are of unit distance apart.

Units: The unit of of molar conductance in C.G.S system is ohm-1cm2mole-1.

And in S.I system is ohm-1m2mole-1.

Relations: Suppose 1 mole mass of an electrolyte is dissolved in the volume V

of the solution. Let this whole solution be placed in a conductivity cell. The
conductance of a solution at given tempature is given by

G = k . A/l = k . A.l/l2

Gl2 = k. (Al) = k . V

The term Gl2 is known as molar conductivity, Ʌm. , i.e;

Ʌm. = k . V

If ‘ C’ is the concentration of solution is mole per litre , then 1 mole mass of

the substance will be contain in the volume (1000/C) C.C. mole.-1 . hence we have

Ʌm = k . 1000/C

This is the relation between molar conductance and specific conductance in C.G.S.
unit .

If C is the concentration of a solution In moles per m 3 , then the volume

containing one mole of the electrolyte is (1/C) m3.mole. -1.

Hence , We have Ʌm. = k . 1/C

PAPER: C5T (Physical Chemistry - II)

TOPIC : Conductance (Part-1)

Prof. Manik Shit,
Department of Chemistry,
Narajole Raj College,

This is the relation between molar conductance and specific conductance .

Q). Relationship between molar and equivalent conductance.

Ans: If N+Z+ (N-Z-) is the total charge of the cations ( or anaions) of a single
molecule of an electrolyte , it follows that-

1 mole = ( N+Z+) ( 1 equivalent)

Hence , Ʌm = k/C

Ʌequ = k/ (N+Z+)C

Or, Ʌequ = Ʌm/N+Z+

This is the relation between molar conductance and equivalent conductance.

Q). Why AC is used in conductance measure ment, but not D.C ?

Ans: When a current is passed through an electrolyte, a chemical reaction

takes place. This alters the composition of the solution over time and you
won't actually be measuring the conductivity(or conductance) of the initial

Since in AC current, equal current flows in both directions over a given

amount of time(larger enough than time period), reaction takes place in
both the directions. On an average, no chemical change in composition
would be observed.(Of course, that doesn't mean no reaction has taken
place.) Therefore the conductivity(or conductance) you measure will be the
conductivity you wanted to measure

PAPER: C5T (Physical Chemistry - II)

TOPIC : Conductance (Part-1)

Prof. Manik Shit,
Department of Chemistry,
Narajole Raj College,

Q). Why are earphones used in conductance measurement?

Ans: An AC of frequency 500-2000 Hz is supplied for conductance measurement.

When Ac is used, galvanometer can not detect the balance point. Since, a current
of this frequency is within the range of human ear , the galvanometer can be
replaced by a set of earphones. Now, the passage of current through these
earphone produces a buzzing sound which decreases the intensity as balance
point is approached and it attains minimum when the balance point is reached .
As Ac is used so galvanometer can be replaced by set of earphones.

Variation of Conductivity and MolarConductivity

Variation of Conductivity and Molar conductivity with conductivity.

Electrolytic conductance decreases with increase in concentration or increases

with increase in dilution. This is because conductance of ions is due to the
presence of ions in the solution.The greater the number of ions, the greater is the
conductance. As with dilution, more ions are produced in solution so conductance
also increases on dilution.

Both specific conductance or conductivity and molar conductivity change with

concentration of the electrolyte. Conductivity of an electrolyte decreases with the
decrease in concentration both for weak and strong electrolytes, where as molar
conductivity increases with decrease in concentration.

Upon dilution, specific conductance or conductivity decreases while molar

conductivity increases.

Conductivity is the conductance of one centimeter cube of the solution. Upon

diluting the solution, the concentration of ions per centimeter cube
decreases and therefore, the conductivity decreases.

PAPER: C5T (Physical Chemistry - II)

TOPIC : Conductance (Part-1)

Prof. Manik Shit,
Department of Chemistry,
Narajole Raj College,

The increase in molar conductivity on dilution is due to the fact that it is the
product of conductivity (κ) and the volume (V) of the solution containing one
mole of the electrolyte.
On dilution, conductivity decreases but volume containing one mole of an
electrolyte increases. The increase in volume on dilution is much more than
the decrease in conductivity. As a result molar conductivity increases with

The molar conductance of strong (HCl, KCl, KNO3) as well as weak electrolyt
–es (CH3COOH,NH4OH) increase with decrease in concentration or increase
in dilution.

Equivalent conductivity also increases with dilution because of increase in

volume containing one gram equivalent of the electrolyte.


1. Explain the variation of specific conductance with conc. both for strong
And week electrolytes.

2. What Is the Difference Between Resistance and Conductance?

3. The resistance of 0.1 N solution of salt occupying a volume between two
platinum electrodes 1.80 cm apart, 5.4 cm 2 in area was found to be 32 ohm
. calculate equivalent conductance of solution.
4. This specific conductance of 0.01 N KCl solution is 1.41 × 10-3 ohm-1cm-1 at
25oC. When a conductivity cell was filled with this solution, it offered a
resistance of 484 ohms at 25oC. The same cell was filled with o.001 N
solution of NaCl at the same tempature , which gave a resistance of 5194
ohm. Calculate the equivalent conductance of 0.001 N NaCl solution.

PAPER: C5T (Physical Chemistry - II)

TOPIC : Conductance (Part-1)

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