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Lecture 5 M6 (8/7/2021) Review Questions.

Dr. Hj. Abdul Latif Bin Ahmad IPGKTHO

11:47 AM
100 points

1. State the characteristics of Type A and Type B personality.

Type A and Type B are two types of trait classification. Type A personality refers to a complex
pattern of behaviours and emotions that includes an excessive emphasis on competition, aggression,
impatience, and hostility. Type A individuals are aggressive, ambitious, controlling, highly competitive,
preoccupied with status, workaholics, hostile, and lack patience. Other characteristics of Type A
personality are having a tendency to multitask, competitive, have a lot of ambition, very organized, dislike
wasting time, feel impatient or irritated when delayed, spend much of their time focused on work, and highly
focused on their goals.
Type B personality is considered the healthiest and the most common. People with this personality
type are flexible and docile. They're calm, relaxed, empathetic, assertive, open to social relationships, and
have a tendency toward emotional well-being. In general, they're aware of their limitations and aren't
hostile, relaxed, less stressed, flexible, emotional and expressive, and have a laid-back attitude. Other
characteristics of Type B personality are they spend a lot of time on creative pursuits or philosophical
thought, feel less rushed when completing assignments or tasks for work or school, and will not feel
stressed when they can’t get to do everything on their to-do list.

have a tendency to multitask, competitive, have a lot of ambition, very organized, dislike wasting
time, feel impatient or irritated when delayed, spend much of their time focused on work and highly
focused on their goals.

Certain characteristics of Type B personality are

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