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Concepts and Dynamics of Management (CDM 111)

Midterm Examination

October 21, 2021

1:00 – 2:30 PM

Name : ________________________________________________

General Instruction: The examination covers Modules 1, Module 2, and Module 3.

This exam is being facilitated using a digital platform through Google Classroom. The
time allotted for this exam is one (1) hour and thirty (30) minutes from 1:00 to 2:30 in
the afternoon. Please read and comprehend each direction of each part of the
exam and answer briefly. The composition of the exam are the topics of Concepts
of Management, Planning, and Organizing with a total number of 100 points, of
which 50% is the passing score. Be sure to finish the exam within the time allotted.
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God bless.

Part I. Modified Definition. Define the following terms below:

A. Define management as given by:

1. Johnson and Stinson. (5 points)
"management is the process of working with and through
other people to accomplish organizational goals."

2. Terry and Rue. (5 points)

"a process or form of work that involves the
guidance and direction of a group of people toward organizational
goals or objectives."

3. Koontz, O’Donnell, and Weihrich. (5 points)

"Management is the establishment of an environment for group
effort in such a way that individuals will contribute to group
objectives with the least amount of such inputs as money, time,
effort, discomfort and materials."

4. Stoner. (5 points)
"management is the process of planning, Organizing, leading and
controlling the efforts of organization members and of using all other
organizational resources to achieve stated organizational goals."
B. Define Planning. (5 points)
the process or setting the objectives to be accomplished by an organization
during a future time period and deciding on the methods of reaching them.

C. Define Organizing. (5 points)

the process of grouping and assigning activities and providing the necessary
authority to carry out the activities.

D. Distinguish Organization Objective and Individual Objectives. (10 points)

Organizational objectives are concerned with the organization's overall
direction and goals. Managerial objectives, which identify the goals of
specific departments or organizational segments, are subordinate but
intimately related to organizational objectives. Individual objectives, on the
other hand, are personalized goals that define what each member of the
group is attempting to achieve.

Part II. Discussion. Discuss briefly the following topics given below:

A. Discuss the term Scientific Management. (5 points)

Scientific Management was a philosophy that dealt with the relationship of
people and work.

B. What is a Gantt chart? (5 points)

This is a bar chart comparing schedule with actual performance widely used
in production control and now in computer scheduling operations.

C. What is the rationale behind Koontz's Management Theory Jungle? (5 points)

Management entails getting things done with people, the human behavior
school's basic assumption is that management philosophy must be oriented
on interpersonal relations. The motivation of the individual as a
socio-psychological being is central to their idea.

D. Discuss the three characteristics of effective objectives. (15 points)

General objectives are not sufficient; they should be spelled out in very
specific terms. "To make profit" becomes to make 12% net profit after
taxes. There should be 3-6 objectives for each job - this may be too
many or too few. The best approach is to aim for levels of achievement
which are difficult but attainable. Objectives must be practical. Must be
within the capacity of the individual or group. Tomato sauce cans: "To
increase production of the 227-gram tomato sauce cans by 10 percent
by August 13, 1993" is an example. An objective like "to develop
management," can be quantified by reporting the number of qualified
promotions for a given period.
E. Distinguish authority and responsibility. (10 points)
Authority defined as the right to give orders and the power to exact
obedience.Responsibility, on the other hand, is the obligation of an
individual to carry out assigned duties to the best of his or her ability.

F. Differentiate centralization and decentralization. (10 points)

Centralization is the concentration or systematic reservation of
decision-making power at the top of the organization. Top management
makes the key decisions in the organization with little or no input from
lower-level employees. In contrast, decentralization is the transfer of
responsibility from the central government bodies to field units of the
central government and semi-autonomous private or voluntary
organizations. It is the transfer of resources and public functions from a
higher level of government to lower ones. Lower-level managers and
subordinates are given the discretion to make decisions and considered
as important agents in any decision making process.

G. What is delegation? (10 points)

Delegation means conferring authority from one manager or organization
level to another in order to accomplish particular assignments. It is the
process of allocating tasks to subordinates, giving them adequate authority to
carry out those assignments, and making them obligated to complete the
tasks satisfactorily.

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