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Criticisms hurt our hearts. The person who criticizes may have the best of
intentions but criticizing hurts our pride and gives us the feeling of worthlessness. We
do not learn anything good from criticism. It does nothing to motivate us. It makes us

We do not want to be criticized. We can afford to criticize ourselves once in a

while, but we do not want anybody to say anything bad about us even when they mean
no harm. When criticized, we become defensive. A defensive person will have the
tendency to justify his actions.

No one is exempted from the poisonous sting of criticism. It can demoralize even
a mighty king and the holiest saint. Criticism does more harm to the person than
improve his condition. If there is one motivation that criticism does to a person, it is to
criticize the critic back at the first possible opportunity.

Remember, it is easier to criticize than to make the effort to understand the

person and his circumstances. The sign of true greatness is our capacity to treat those
who have less than we do, not just with prudence but also with kindness.

Unfortunately, parents often criticize their children, thinking that it will help them
grow maturely.

Teachers criticize their students with the desire to enhance their intellectual

The mayor criticizes his officials to push them to become more cooperative.

The boss criticizes his employees to force them to deliver more good results.

Before you criticize, figure out why people act the way they do. If you are in
their situation, will you do things differently? Focus more on how you can help improve
the situation. We are all people of emotions. We are ruled by the sensitive heart and
not so much by the logical mind. We respond better by seeing good examples and not
by hearing harsh words. If you want change, begin with yourself.

When you are tempted to criticize, appeal to your heart and seek first to
understand. Do you want people to be kind to you? Never criticize them. It is in
understanding their situation that makes them cooperative. It is kindness that makes
them respond positively. Substitute criticism with appreciation by looking at the positive
qualities in others. Doing this will change the way you look at people and the way they
look at themselves. Also, it is easier to serve people whom you appreciate.

It is kindness, not criticism, that allows people to respond positively. It is

understanding, not anger, that makes people improve tremendously.

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