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Module 1

1) Define entropy list the properties of Entropy ? (06)

2) Ex 1.28 page no 63 (07)
3) Ex 1.14 page no 43 (07)
4) State and prove Kraft inequality (06)
5) Ex 2.14 page 125 (08)
6) Ex 2.30 page 163 (06)

Module 2

1) What is Mutual information ? mention its properties. (04)

2) Ex 3.2 page no 186 (08)
3) Ex 3.6 page no 198 (08)
4) Ex 3.9 page no 207 (06)
5) Ex 3.11 page no 211 (06)
6) Ex 3.18 page no 226 (08)

Module 3

1) Discuss the types of errors and types of codes. If C is a valid code vector (namely C =
DG). Then prove that 𝐶𝐻 = 0, where 𝐻 is a transpose of parity check matrix H. (08)
2) Ex 5.6 page no 307 (12)
3) Ex 5.11 page no 318 (10)
4) Ex 5.18 page no 335 (10)

Module 4

1) Define Cyclic codes. List the properties of Cyclic codes. (08)

2) Ex 6.5 page no 361 (12)
3) Ex 6.11 page no 382 (12)
4) Discuss the formation of BCH code. (08)

Module 5

1) Ex 8.4 page no 415 (08)

2) Ex 8.5 page no 417 (12)
3) Ex 8.9 page no 429 (12)
4) What do you understand by trellis diagram of a convolution encoder ? explain clearly

Module 1
a. Define: Information rate, Symbol rate, Self information and Zero memory space. (04)
b. 1 c
c. June 1 c
a. June 2 a
b. 2 b
c. 2 a

Module 2
a. June 3 a
b. Ex 3.5 page no 197
c. Ex 3.2 page no 186
a. Ex 3.8 page no 206
b. Ex 3.10 page no 208
c. Ex 3.18 page no 226

Module 3
a. June 5 a
b. Ex 5.9 page no 314
a. Ex 5.20 page no 342
b. 6 b

Module 4
a. Ex 6.10 page no 380
b. Ex 6.12 page no 383
a. June 8 a
b. Ex 6.13 page no 385

Module 5
a. Ex 8.3 page no 413
b. 9 b
a. 9 b
b. Ex 8.8 page no 425

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