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Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 115 (2020) 102821

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Synthesis, characterization and application of polyacrylamide

grafted bioflocculant
S.S. Ngema *, A.K. Basson, T.S. Maliehe
Department of Biochemistry & Microbiology, Faculty of Science and Agriculture, University of Zululand, Private Bag X1001, KwaDlangezwa, 3886, South Africa


Keywords: Water pollution contributes to water scarcity by decreasing the amount of available freshwater. Grafted bio­
Bacillus pumilus JX860616 flocculants tend to have excellent wastewater remediation capabilities. The aim of this research was to syn­
Domestic wastewater thesize, characterize and apply polyacrylamide grafted bioflocculant to wastewater treatment. Bioflocculant
Flocculating activity
(TMT 1) produced by Bacillus pumilus JX860616 was grafted with acrylamide chains using a microwave initiated
TMT 1-g-PAM 2
method. To optimize the synthesis, irradiation time and acrylamide concentration were varied. Optimum grade
(TMT 1-g-PAM 2) was characterized by intrinsic viscosity, elemental analysis, SEM, FTIR spectroscopy, XRD and
TGA. TMT 1-g-PAM 2’s biosafety – on human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells – was assessed by MTT assay. Its
biodegradation was investigated by a composting method. The effects of dosage size, cations (BaCl2, KCl, NaCl,
LiCl, CaCl2, MgCl2 and FeCl3), pH and temperature on the flocculating activities of the flocculant were evaluated,
spectrophotometrically. The flocculation mechanism was determined by measuring zeta potentials using Zeta­
sizer Nano. Optimum grade (TMT 1-g-PAM 2) was obtained when a concentration of 2.5 g of acrylamide was
used for grafting on TMT 1 at irradiation time of 3 min. Changes observed in intrinsic viscosity, elemental
analysis, SEM, FTIR, XRD, and TGA confirmed that grafting occurred. HEK 293 cells displayed high viability
(75%) at 200 μg/ml of the flocculant. The removal of COD, BOD, N and P, in domestic wastewater, by the
flocculant reached 98%, 54%, 53%, and 57%, respectively, when evaluated by spectrophotometric cell tests. The
good flocculation efficiency by the flocculant means it has the potential to replace the traditional chemical

1. Introduction (Spellman, 2014). The flocs can then be removed by sedimentation,

flotation or filtration processes (Edward, 2011).
Water pollution is one of the major problems in the world, especially In wastewater treatment industries, flocculation is the most
in the developing countries (WHO, 2017). For example, in these coun­ preferred technology for primary wastewater treatment. This is due to
tries, 90% of polluted water is discharged (untreated) into the receiving its simplicity, effectiveness and affordability (Lee et al., 2014a). This
water bodies (Corcoran et al., 2010). Pollutants may include heavy technology is made possible by using flocculants. Flocculants are
metals, nutrients, microorganisms and organic matter (Willey et al., grouped according to their chemical composition. The two main groups
2011). Therefore, pollutants degrade water quality and pose a danger to available are natural occurring flocculants and chemical (inorganic and
human health and the ecosystem (WHO, 2017). synthetic organic) flocculants (Salehizadeh and Shojaosadati, 2001).
Many pollutants exist as colloidal particles. This means that they are Natural flocculants are biodegradable and have shear stability. How­
very small (1 nm–1 μm in diameter) (Spellman, 2014). They remain ever, they have limited efficiency at low doses (Bolto and Gregory,
continually suspended because of their electrostatic charge (often 2007). On the other hand, synthetic organic flocculants, which are
negative) which causes them to repel each other (Lee et al., 2014a,b). mostly used in industries, are highly efficient at very low doses. They are
Therefore, for these types of pollutants to settle, flocculation needs to be also inexpensive. But, they are non-biodegradable and have a weak
employed. Flocculation is the physical process of slowly mixing the shear resistance (Nayak et al., 2002). Thus, there is a steady demand for
coagulated water in order to increase particle collision, which leads to flocculants that are cost-effective, ecofriendly and innocuous to humans.
destabilized colloids colliding and binding together to form large flocs Grafted bioflocculants have thus emerged as potential materials in

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S.S. Ngema).
Received 3 June 2019; Received in revised form 27 September 2019; Accepted 18 November 2019
Available online 22 November 2019
1474-7065/© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
S.S. Ngema et al. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 115 (2020) 102821

biotechnological processes. They are synthesized through graft copoly­ (containing Bacillus pumilus JX860616). The inoculated production
merization (Lee et al., 2012). medium was then incubated using a Labcon shaking incubator (FSIM-SP,
Graft copolymerization is the physico-chemical modification of the JHB, RSA) at 165 r.p.m. for 72 h. Afterwards, the fermented medium
properties of natural occurring and synthetic flocculants (Mishra et al., was put in a centrifuge set at a speed of 5000�g, temperature of 4 � C,
2014). Thus, by combining the best properties of both chemical and and a time of 30 min. Deionized water (1000 ml) was transferred to the
natural occurring flocculants through graft copolymerization, a superior supernatant and centrifuged (5000�g, 30 min, 4 � C) in order to get rid of
flocculant, which is synergistically efficient at low doses, shear resistant, the insoluble materials. Ethanol (2000 ml) was poured into the super­
inexpensive, ecofriendly and has controlled biodegradability, can be natant, mixed thoroughly and then left to precipitate overnight at a
obtained. temperature of 4 � C. The precipitate was dried using a vacuum-drier.
In this study, a grafted bioflocculant (TMT 1-g-PAM 2) was synthe­ The resulting crude bioflocculant was dissolved in 100 ml of deionized
sized by grafting polyacrylamide chains to bioflocculant TMT 1. The water. Chloroform and butanol was mixed in one volume in a ratio of 5:2
grafted bioflocculant was characterized, and its flocculation efficacy (v/v). This mixture was then poured into the solution of crude bio­
assessed on domestic wastewater. flocculant, mixed and left to settle for 12 h at room temperature. Finally,
the precipitate was vacuum-dried in order to obtain a pure
2. Materials and methods bioflocculant.

2.1. Chemicals purchased from E. Merck, South Africa 2.6. Synthesis of the graft copolymer using the microwave initiated
Acrylamide, formamide, acetic acid, hydroquinone, NaCl, K2HPO4,
MgSO4.7H2O, glucose, (NH4)2SO4, KH2PO4, ethanol, chloroform, Microwave irradiation was utilized to produce free radical sites on
butanol, HCl, NaOH and kaolin clay were all obtained from E. Merck the bioflocculant (Sen et al., 2009). One gram of the bioflocculant was
Limited, South Africa. They were utilized without being purified further. dissolved in 40 ml of distilled water. Acrylamide (2.5–7.5 g) was dis­
solved in 10 ml of distilled water; and then added to the bioflocculant
2.2. Wastewater solution. They were mixed thoroughly and then transferred to the re­
action beaker which was then placed on the turntable of the microwave
Domestic wastewater was collected from Vulindlela Wastewater oven (25 l LG Microwave oven Model: MG-577 B). Microwave irradia­
Treatment Plant (KwaDlangezwa, KwaZulu-Natal Province, RSA). The tion at 900 W was performed for the desired amount of time ranging
surrounding community has livestock and agricultural farms. Thus, the from 1 to 4 min. Periodically, the microwave irradiation was stopped
plant receives mostly domestic effluent, commonly full of organic pol­ after every 40 s, and the reaction mixture was cooled by placing the
lutants. The effluent was obtained in the aeration tanks of the plant. reaction beaker in cold water. This was done in order to keep the re­
Some of the chemical characteristics of this raw water are shown in action temperature below 70 � C so as to avoid thermal damage to the
Table 1. bioflocculant. Once the microwave irradiation for the intended time
period was completed, the reaction mixture was cooled and then left to
2.3. Bacterium that was used for bioflocculant production stand. After 24 h, the reactions were stopped by adding saturated so­
lution of hydroquinone, and then the gel-like mass left in the reaction
Bacillus pumilus JX860616 was used for bioflocculant TMT 1 pro­ beaker was added to 250 ml acetone. The resulting precipitates of
duction. The bacterium was previously isolated from Sodwana Bay, in grafted polymers were collected by a spatula and put in hot air oven (60
Kwazulu-Natal, Republic of South Africa. It was identified using 16S �
C, 6 h) to dry. The percentage grafting of synthesized copolymers were
rRNA gene sequencing with BLAST Analysis; and stored in 20% glycerol evaluated as:
at 80 � C, in order to preserve it, at the University of Zululand (Maliehe,
2017). Graftingð%Þ ¼
Wt: of graft copolymer Wt: of pure bioflocculant ​
Wt: of pure bioflocculant
2.4. Composition of production medium for TMT � 100

Scheme 1 shows the suggested mechanism of graft copolymer syn­

The production medium that is optimum for the production of bio­
thesis when microwave initiated method is used. Table 2 displays
flocculant TMT 1 was previously done by Maliehe et al. (2016) and it
different parameters that were employed for the synthesis of the graft
consisted of NaCl (0.1 g), K2HPO4 (5.0 g), MgSO4.7H2O (0.2 g), glucose
(20 g), (NH4)2SO4 (1.2 g) and KH2PO4 (2.0 g) in 1000 ml of filtered
seawater (Maliehe, 2017).
2.7. Purification of graft copolymer by solvent extraction method
2.5. Extraction and purification of bioflocculant TMT
Any obstructed polyacrylamide formed by competing homopolymer
The extraction and purification of the bioflocculant was carried out formation reaction was removed by solvent extraction using formamide
using a methodology described by Chang et al. (1998). One thousand and acetic acid mixture in a 1:1 ratio by volume (Fanta, 1973).
millilitres of production medium was inoculated with 20 ml of inoculum
2.8. Characterization
Table 1
Characteristics of a domestic wastewater from Vulindlela Wastewater Treatment 2.8.1. Intrinsic viscosity
Plant. Absolute viscosities of polymer solutions were measured using
Parameter Value Units
Brookfield viscometer (DV2TRVTJO, USA) at 25 � C. In each experiment,
0.1 g of a polymer was dissolved in 100 ml of distilled water and vis­
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) 1600 mg/l
cosity measurements were then performed (Mishra et al., 2006). Rela­
Biological oxygen demand (BOD) 183 mg/l
Total Phosphorous (P) 20.7 mg/l tive viscosity (ηr Þ was obtained using the formula ηr ¼ η=ηo where η is
Total Nitrogen (N) 13.1 mg/l the absolute viscosity of a polymer and ηo is the absolute viscosity of a
Absorbance 2.8 pure solvent. The relation ηsp¼ ηr 1 was utilized to calculate specific
pH 6.4
viscosity (ηsp Þ (Sen and Pal, 2009). Then intrinsic viscosity of each

S.S. Ngema et al. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 115 (2020) 102821

Natarajan, 2015). The compounds were evaluated by fixing a few drops

of their powder on the iron stub of the scanning electron microscope and
coated with gold to investigate surface morphology.

2.8.4. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

The Fourier transform-infrared (FTIR) spectrophotometer (Perki­
nElmer UATR TWO, 2000; Germany) was used in order to determine
functional groups of TMT 1 and TMT 1-g-PAM 2 (Sen and Pal, 2009).
Each polymer powder was investigated by firstly grinding it with KBr at
25 � C, and then pressing it into a pellet to be analysed by FTIR at a
wavenumber ranging from 4000 to 400 cm 1.

2.8.5. X-ray diffractometry analysis

XRD analysis of TMT 1 and TMT 1-g-PAM 2 was completed using a
X-ray diffractometer (Ultima-I II, Rigaku, Japan) utilizing a copper
target slit 10 mm and a scattering angle varying from 5 to 60� (2θ) (Giri
et al., 2015).

2.8.6. Thermogravimetric analysis

The thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of TMT 1 and that of the
TMT 1-g-PAM 2 were carried out with TGA instrument (Model: DTG-60;
Shimadzu, Japan). The study was performed in an inert atmosphere
(nitrogen) from 25 � C to 800 � C. The heating rate was uniform in all
cases at 5 � C/min (Okaiyeto et al., 2016).

2.9. Biosafety assay of TMT 1-g-PAM 2

The cell cytotoxicity was measured according to the method by

Mosman (1983). Human embryonic kidney 293 cells (HEK 293) were all
grown to confluence in 25 cm3 flasks. They were then trypsinised and
plated into 48 well plates. Cells were incubated overnight at 37 � C. Old
medium was supplemented with the fresh medium (MEM þ Glutmax þ
antibiotics). The grafted bioflocculant was then added and incubated for
4 h. Thereafter, the medium was removed and replaced by complete
medium (MEM þ Glutmax þ antibiotics þ10% fetal bovine serum).
After 48 h, the cells were subjected to 200 μl of 3-(4,5-dimethylth­
iazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) (MTT) with a concentra­
Scheme 1. Schematic depiction for a mechanism of TMT 1-g-PAM synthesis. tion of 5 mg/ml in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and 200 μl medium
was added to each well and incubated at 37 � C for 4 h. Thereafter, the
medium with MTT was aspirated from the wells and the formed for­
polymer was calculated using Solomon-Ciuda equation which states that
mazan crystals were solubilized in 200 μl of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).
intrinsic viscosity ¼ (2ηsp 2 lnηr Þ0:5 =C, where C is a concentration of a
Finally, the optical density of the solutions was read at 570 nm using
polymer in mg/ml (Rheosense, 2016). a micro-plate reader. The cell viability was expressed as percentage with
control using the equation: cell viability (%) ¼ (F1/F0) x 100, where F1
2.8.2. Elemental analysis and F0 are the final and initial values obtained after and before treat­
The elemental analysis of acrylamide, TMT 1 and TMT 1-g-PAM 2 ment with the grafted bioflocculant.
was conducted using an elemental analyser (Oxford instrument x-max,
UK). Five elements, which are: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and 2.10. Biodegradation studies
sulfur were estimated (Mishra and Sen, 2011).
A modified composting method by Kalea et al. (2007) was used to
2.8.3. Scanning electron microscopy study the biodegradation of both the natural bioflocculant and the
The morphological surface structures of the acrylamide, bio­ grafted bioflocculant. Each of these flocculants was mixed with the soil
flocculant (TMT 1) and grafted bioflocculant (TMT 1-g-PAM 2) were and effluent that were collected from Vulindlela Domestic Wastewater
ascertained using a SEM (SIGMA VP-03-67, UK) (Karthiga and Treatment Plant, KwaDlangezwa, RSA. The effluent was collected from

Table 2
Synthetic details of TMT -g-PAM using microwave irradiation.
Sample Power (w) Amount of TMT (g) Amount of acrylamide (g) Time (min) % Grafting Viscosity (ml/mg) � SD

TMT 1-g-PAM 1 900 0.5 2.5 2 10 0.16 � 0.05a,b

TMT¡1-g-PAM 2 900 0.5 2.5 3 94 0.29 ± 0.01a
TMT 1-g-PAM 3 900 0.5 2.5 4 2 0.09 � 0.04b
TMT 1-g-PAM 4 900 0.5 5 3 51 0.25 � 0.05a,b
TMT 1-g-PAM 5 900 0.5 7.5 3 42 0.18 � 0.04a,b
TMT 1 – – – – – 0.03 � 0.00c
AM – – – – – 0.26 � 0.16a,b

SD represents standard deviation. Values with different letters (a and b) on the same column are significantly (p < 0.05) different.

S.S. Ngema et al. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 115 (2020) 102821

an aeration basin and the soil was obtained from the sludge drying beds. previously determined in section 3.9.1) at different temperatures for 60
For each test, 4 g of soil was transferred into a diamond shaped min. Thereafter, the flocculating activities were evaluated by the jar test
weighing boat (80 � 60 � 14 mm) and mixed with 0.5 g of either pure procedure (Okaiyeto et al., 2013).
bioflocculant or the grafted bioflocculant. The effluent was poured into
the weighing boat up to a level just underneath the surface of the soil. 2.11.3. Proposed flocculation mechanism
Effluent was sprinkled every day to stop the samples from drying out. The flocculation mechanism of TMT 1-g-PAM 2 was proposed after
The samples were left uncovered at room temperature. the zeta (ζ) potentials were evaluated by Zetasizer Nano (Malvern, UK).
After every week of a 5 weeks period, samples were dried using hot The ζ potentials of TMT 1-g-PAM 2, kaolin particles in solution and
oven (37 � C) and then weighed. This was done in order to monitor kaolin particles flocculated by TMT 1-g-PAM 2 in the presence of CaCl2
biodegradation progress. For the control, all the above-mentioned steps were measured at pH 7 and temperature of 25 � C (Aljuboori et al., 2015).
were followed but instead of using a mixture of soil and flocculants, only
4.5 g of soil was transferred into a diamond shaped weighing boat. 2.12. Application of grafted bioflocculant in wastewater treatment
To calculate the weight of the flocculant remaining after biodegra­
dation (Wr) the following formula was used: Wr ¼ Wm – Ws. Wherein, The flocculation efficiency of the flocculants was tested on domestic
Wm is a weight of a mixture of soil and flocculant, and Ws is a weight of wastewater (Table 1). The jar test experiment was utilized to determine
soil. the removal efficiencies of the grafted bioflocculant in comparison with
other flocculants (TMT 1, FeCl3 and PAM). For each experiment, 3 ml of
1% (w/v) BaCl2 and 2 ml of an optimum dose of a flocculant were added
2.11. Evaluation of flocculation properties of TMT 1-g-PAM 2
to 100 ml of wastewater, stirred at an agitation speed of 50 r.p.m. for 10
min, and then allowed to settle for 30 min (Okaiyeto et al., 2014). The
Flocculation properties of the flocculant (TMT 1-g-PAM 2) were
supernatant was collected and the COD, BOD, N, P and S contents were
studied by assessing the influence of different parameters (such as
determined using respective spectrophotometric cell tests (14541,
dosage size, cations, pH and temperatures) on the flocculant’s floccu­
100687, 100613, 114729 and 114779) (Merck, Germany) and following
lating activity. The influence of these parameters, on TMT 1-g-PAM 2,
manufactures’ guidelines. The removal efficiency (RE) was calculated
was then compared to their influence on other flocculants such as the
using the equation:
native bioflocculant (TMT 1) and the commercial flocculants (FeCl3 and
� �
polyacrylamide, PAM). E D
REð%Þ ¼ � 100
2.11.1. Dosage and cation
The jar test procedure, on kaolin clay solution (4 g/l), was used for Where E is the initial quantity and D is the quantity after flocculation.
comparative analysis of the influence of dosage size on the flocculating In order to determine the flocculating activity (FA) of each flocculant
activities of the grafted bioflocculant (TMT 1-g-PAM 2) and other floc­ in domestic wastewater, the jar test procedure as described in section
culants - TMT 1, FeCl3 and PAM. For each test, 2 ml of the flocculant 2.11.1 was followed. However, kaolin clay suspension was replaced by
(having a concentration ranging from 0.1 to 2 mg/ml) and 3 ml of 1% the domestic wastewater. In addition, the optimum flocculants dosage
BaCl2 were added to 100 ml of kaolin clay suspension in a 250 ml sizes, that were determined in section 2.11.1, were used in each
Erlenmeyer flask. The mixture was then vigorously stirred, by a Labcon experiment.
shaking incubator (FSIM-SP, JHB, RSA), for 1 min at 180 r.p.m., floc­
culated for 3 min at 45 r.p.m.; and thereafter, settled for 5 min in a 2.13. Software and statistical analysis
graduated measuring cylinder. After a settling period, the supernatant
was collected for optical density measurement using a spectrophotom­ All the experimentations were done in triplicates and the error bars
eter (Spectroquant Pharo 100 M, EU), at a wavelength of 550 nm (Lee in the figures show the standard deviations of the data. Data were sub­
et al., 2001). For the control, a same method was followed but the jected to one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using Graph Pad
bioflocculant solution was substituted with distilled water. The floccu­ prism™ 6.1. A significant level of p < 0.05 was used. Values with
lating activity (FA) was calculated by the following formula: different alphabetical letters on the same column or graph are signifi­

� cantly (p < 0.05) different.
FAð%Þ ¼ � 100
3. Results and discussions
Where A is the optical density of the control and B represents the optical
density of a sample. 3.1. Extracted bioflocculant
The jar test experiment was used to assess the synergetic effect of
various cations on flocculation. To obtain the optimum cation for the Yield and productivity are good indicators of how bacteria use cul­
flocculant, BaCl2 previously used, was replaced by the following cations: ture media to grow and produce secondary metabolites such as bio­
KCl, NaCl, LiCl, CaCl2, MgCl2 and FeCl3 (1% w/v) (Cosa and Okoh, flocculants (Smith, 2009). B. pumilus JX860616 yielded 2.4 g/l of the
2014). A negative control was obtained with the same procedure bioflocculant. The bioflocculant yield was much higher than most of the
without a cation. bioflocculants produced by pure bacterial strains which, according to
Lin and Harichund (2011), are often less than 2 g/l. The high yield is
2.11.2. Thermal and pH stabilities of TMT 1-g-PAM 2 probably caused by the ability of the strain to optimally survive and
A comparative analysis of the influence of pH on flocculating activ­ produce the bioflocculant in the optimised culture conditions and the
ities of the grafted bioflocculant and other flocculants (TMT 1, FeCl3 polarity of the solvents used during extraction.
and PAM) was carried out according to Wang et al. (2010). The pH of
kaolin clay suspension (4 g/l) was adjusted in a range of pH 3–11 with 3.2. TMT 1-g-PAM synthesis by microwave irradiation
0.1 ml HCl and 0.1 ml NaOH addition. The flocculating activities were
determined again, using the jar test procedure. Scheme 1 displays the probable mechanism for the synthesis of
Thermal stabilities of the flocculants were assessed at different polyacrylamide grafted bioflocculant (TMT 1-g-PAM). This mechanism
temperature ranges (50–100 � C). This was done by heating 2 ml of each is proposed to be similar to the one proposed in other studies involving
flocculants’ solutions (having an optimum concentration/dosage graft copolymerization of biopolymers with vinyl monomers (Sen and

S.S. Ngema et al. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 115 (2020) 102821

Pal, 2009; Sen et al., 2009; Shahid et al., 2013; Singh et al., 2006; Sinha polyacrylamide chains in TMT 1-g-PAM 2. These elemental analysis
et al., 2013). results confirm that grafting was successful. Similarily, Biswal and Singh
Microwave irradiations cause the polar hydroxyl and amine groups (2004) observed an increase in nitrogen content when they grafted
in TMT 1 to rotate, thereby leading to free radicals. When each water acrylamide on carboxymethyl cellulose.
molecule, used in the grafting reaction, receives the same irradiation
energy, the molecule is small enough to rotate and thus it heats up, 3.3.3. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
without any of its bonds breaking. The water molecules then pass ra­ The SEM micrographs of the surface structures of, acrylamide,
diation energy to acrylamide. This energy causes the double bonds in TMT 1 and TMT 1-g-PAM 2 are displayed in Fig. 1. Acrylamide had a
acrylamide molecule to break; thus creating acrylamide free radicals fibrous structure (Fig. 1a), bioflocculant TMT 1 showed an amorphous
(Sen et al., 2009). The free radicals on the bioflocculant (TMT 1) and and porous structure (Fig. 1b) and TMT 1-g-PAM 2 (Fig. 1c) revealed a
acrylamide enable these macromolecules to react with each other in granular structure. The major morphological changes seen in TMT 1-g-
order to form a graft copolymer - TMT 1-g-PAM. Scheme 1 reveals that PAM 2 are owed to the grafting of PAM chains on the backbone of
this formation of a graft copolymer occurs in three steps: initiation, TMT 1. These findings are analogous to those that were obtained by
propagation and termination. Yang et al. (2013). They found that the graft copolymer (carboxymethyl
chitosan-graft-polyacrylamide) had a different surface morphology to its
3.2.1. Effect of acrylamide concentration on % grafting native biopolymer, carboxymethyl chitosan.
The optimum grade (TMT 1-g-PAM 2) was identified by its relatively
higher grafting percentage and intrinsic viscosity. Table 2 shows that 3.3.4. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy
TMT 1-g-PAM 2 was obtained at an optimum acrylamide concentration The FTIR spectrum, for TMT 1, in Fig. 2 displayed the presence of a
of 2.5 g and irradiation time of 3 min. weak and broad absorption peak at 3250 cm 1 caused by N–H or O–H
An increase in monomer (acrylamide) concentration above optimum stretching vibrations. The absorption peak at 1646 cm 1 was due to
conditions led to a decrease in % grafting (Table 2). This was ascribed to C–– O stretching vibration of amide group and the C–O stretching vi­
an accumulation of excess acrylamide in the bioflocculant backbone in bration resulted in an absorption peak at 1057 cm 1 that is attributed to
close proximity. Excess acrylamide probably resulted in homopolymer the methoxyl group. There was also a C–H absorption peak at 877 cm 1
formation reaction that led to reduced % grafting (Dey et al., 2017). which indicated that TMT 1 is a sugar derivative. On the other hand, in
These findings are similar to those obtained by Ranjbar-Mohammadi TMT 1-g-PAM 2, O–H and N–H stretching bands of TMT 1 overlap with
et al. (2010) on grafting chitosan onto a fabric of wool. N–H stretching bands of acrylamide and lead to broad and strong ab­
sorption peak at 3260 cm 1. The amide 1 (C– – O stretching) of acryl­
3.2.2. Effect of time on % grafting amide and the amide 1 (C– – O stretching) of TMT 1 overlap with each
The grafting percentage increased with an increase in reaction time other to produce a strong absorption peak at 1682 cm 1. There is also
from 2 to 3 min (Table 2). This increase in grafting percentage can be appearance of new bands of N–H (1659 cm 1), C–N (1390 cm 1), CH2
attributed to the prolonged exposure time which allows more free rad­ scissoring (1233 cm 1) and CH2 twisting (1162 cm 1) in TMT 1-g-PAM
icals to form on the bioflocculant TMT 1 backbones. This, in turn, allows 2. These additional bands in the grafted product confirm the successful
for more of the acrylamide to react with the bioflocculant, leading to an grafting of PAM chains onto the backbone of TMT 1. Similarly, in a
increase in % grafting. Beyond an optimised time (3 min), there was a study by Sen and Pal (2009), graft copolymerization of polyacrylamide
significant decrease in the % grafting. The decrease might be due to the onto carboxymethylstarch was ascertained by the appearance of new
degradation of bioflocculant backbone (Sen et al., 2009). The observed functional groups in the grafted product. Furthermore, the functional
decrease maybe as a result of the depletion of acrylamide during the groups such as hydroxyl, amines and carboxyl have been reported to
grafting progression. These results are comparable to those obtained by improve flocculation capabilities of flocculants (Cosa et al., 2013).
Sen and Pal (2009). They concluded that the optimum time for grafting
polyacrylamide onto carboxymethylstarch is 3 min. 3.3.5. Xray diffraction analysis
X-ray diffractograms of TMT 1 and TMT 1-g-PAM 2 are exhibited in
3.3. Characterization Fig. 3. Both TMT 1 and TMT 1-g-PAM 2 display partial crystallinity
peaks from 2θ ¼ 5ᵒ to 60ᵒ. But the crystallinity peaks of TMT 1 are more
3.3.1. Intrinsic viscosity intense than those of TMT 1-g-PAM 2. This decrease in crystallinity of
All the grades of TMT 1-g-PAM had higher intrinsic viscosities than TMT 1 when grafted with acrylamide chains might be caused by the
that of TMT 1 (Table 2). The Mark-Houwink-Sakurada equation states: insertion of bulkier groups within the biopolymer and consequently
Intrinsic viscosity η ¼ KMα, where M is a molecular weight of a polymer, decreasing the intermolecular hydrogen bonds (Mishra et al., 2007). A
and K and α are constants linked to stiffness of a polymer (Sen et al., study involving the graft copolymerization of pectin with acrylamide
2012). Thus the increase in intrinsic viscosity is a consequence of an chains found similar results (Mishra et al., 2007).
increase in molecular weight (M) caused by the grafted polyacrylamide
chains. Table 2 also shows there is a relationship between percentage 3.3.6. Thermo-gravimetric analysis
grafting and intrinsic viscosity; the higher the percentage grafting, the Thermal stabilities of TMT 1 and TMT 1-g-PAM 2 were studied
higher is the intrinsic viscosity. This is because higher percentage using thermo-gravimetric analyser. The results are presented in Fig. 4.
grafting leads to a higher molecular weight (Sen and Pal, 2009). Sinha TMT 1 thermograph displays 3 stages of weight loss. The first stage, in a
et al. (2013) also observed similar results when they grafted poly­ range of 30–118 � C, shows a weight loss of 3%. This loss in weight might
acrylamide chains onto casein. be caused by moisture content loss in TMT 1. According to Maliehe et al.
(2016) the moisture is from the presence of hydroxyl groups in TMT 1.
3.3.2. Elemental analysis
Table 3 displays the results for elemental analysis of acrylamide,
Table 3
TMT 1 and TMT 1-g-PAM 2. TMT 1 shows the presence of small
Elemental analysis results.
amount of nitrogen (0.9%). This small amount is because of the small
Molecules %C %O %N %P %S
quantity of proteins (6%) that make up TMT 1 (Maliehe et al., 2016).
However, graft copolymerization resulted in the production of a graft Acrylamide 79.7 16.6 3.5 0.0 0.0
copolymer (TMT 1-g-PAM 2) with a relatively high nitrogen content TMT 1 18.1 65.8 0.9 13.9 1.3
TMT 1-g-PAM 2 34.9 55.3 3.7 5.9 0.2
(3.7%) compared to TMT 1. This is due to the presence of grafted

S.S. Ngema et al. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 115 (2020) 102821

1 1
Fig. 1. SEM micrographs of (a) Acrylamide (b) Bioflocculant TMT (c) TMT -g- PAM 2 (magnification: 5.00 KX, scale bar: 2 μm, used in all micrographs).

1 1
Fig. 2. FTIR of TMT and TMT -g-PAM 2.

These groups attract water to the macromolecules. The second stage of

weight loss happened between 118 and 180 � C indicating thermal
decomposition of the main chain of TMT 1. There was a further weight
loss of 15% in a third stage (180–792 � C).
TMT 1-g-PAM 2 thermograph also depicts three distinct stages of
weight loss. A weight loss of 6% in the first stage, between 30 and 106

C, results from evaporation of water and other solvents from the grafted
bioflocculant. A 30% weight loss in the second stage (106–631 � C) is
caused by thermal degradation of the main chain of the grafted bio­
flocculant. In a third and last stage (644–719 � C) there was a 2% weight
These TGA results show that TMT 1 is slightly more thermally stable
than TMT 1-g-PAM 2. This is because the thermal decomposition of the
main chain of the former started at a slightly higher temperature (118

C) than the latter (106 � C). Thus, the findings are in contrast to those
observed by Mishra et al. (2006). In their study, they discovered that
grafting of acrylamide chains to fenugreek mucilage increased its ther­
mal stability. 1 1
Fig. 3. X-ray diffractograms of TMT and TMT -g-PAM 2.

3.4. Biosafety assay of TMT 1-g-PAM 2

The results for the cytotoxicity studies of the polyacrylamide grafted

bioflocculant are presented in Fig. 5. HEK 293 cells had 75% cell
viability when exposed to high concentration (200 μg/ml) of TMT 1-g-
PAM 2.
According to Lin et al. (2005), this cell viability percentage means
that the polyacrylamide grafted bioflocculant has a cytotoxicity index of
1. The conclusion is therefore that this graft copolymer is non-cytotoxic
in the tested concentration range. The bioflocculants TMT 1 was also
shown to be non-cytotoxic in HEK 293 cell line, giving a 100% cell
survival and therefore a cytotoxic index of 0 in the concentrations
50–200 μg/ml (Maliehe, 2017). These results compare with those ob­
tained by Giri et al. (2015). They depicted the graft copolymer of
acrylamide and locust bean gum to be non-toxic in in-vivo toxicity study
performed in mice. Fig. 4. Thermo-gravimetric analysis of TMT 1
and TMT 1
-g-PAM 2.

S.S. Ngema et al. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 115 (2020) 102821

Table 4
Biodegradation studies.
Sample Initial weight (g) Weight of sample remaining per week (g) � SD

1 2 3 4 5

TMT 1 0.5 � 0.01a 0.5 � 0.01a 0.2 � 0.01a 0.1 � 0.04a 0.0 � 0.00a 0.0 � 0.00a
TMT 1-g-PAM 2 0.5 � 0.00a 0.5 � 0.00a 0.4 � 0.03b 0.3 � 0.01b 0.1 � 0.00b 0.0 � 0.01a
Control (soil) 0.5 � 0.00a 0.5 � 0.00a 0.5 � 0.00c 0.5 � 0.01c 0.5 � 0.01c 0.5 � 0.00b

Values with different letters (a, b and c) on the same column are significantly (p < 0.05) different. SD represents standard deviation.

3.5. Biodegradation studies were comparable to those of Mishra et al. (2011) whereby poly­
acrylamide grafted agar (Ag-g-PAM2) performed well at low dosage
Biodegradation studies results of TMT 1 and TMT 1-g-PAM 2 are size.
displayed in Table 4. It can be seen that it took 4 weeks for 0.5 g of When compared to the pure bioflocculant (TMT 1), the graft
TMT 1 to be completely biodegraded. The graft copolymer TMT 1-g- copolymer maintained a higher flocculating activity (Fig. 6). This result
PAM 2 took more time (5 weeks) to be totally degraded. Thus the can be explained by the easy approachability model that was proposed
presence of acrylamide chains in a graft copolymer has slightly reduced by Singh et al. (2000). It proposes that the branched nature of the graft
its biodegradability. Furthermore, a decrease in biodegradability also copolymer enables it to better interact with colloids in water, thus
results because graft copolymerization leads to change of structure of leading to improved flocculation characteristics in a graft copolymer.
biopolymers, thus reducing their suitability as substrates for enzymatic The flocculation efficiency of TMT 1-g-PAM 2 is further improved by
degradation (Singh et al., 2000). This translates into increased shelf life its higher intrinsic viscosity compared to TMT 1 (Table 2). The higher
for the graft copolymer (Lee et al., 2014b). Therefore it can remain, the intrinsic viscosity, the higher will be the hydrodynamic volume; thus
functionally, efficient slightly longer than the pure bioflocculant TMT 1. leading to higher flocculation efficiency (Brostow et al., 2007). In their
These results agree with those obtained by some researchers. For study, Sinha et al. (2013) also found their graft copolymer (poly­
instance, the polyacrylamide grafted amylopectin (AP-g-PAM) showed a acrylamide grafted casein) to have higher flocculation efficiency than
slower enzymatic degradation rate than amylopectin (Kayla and Tri­ the natural biopolymer (casein).
pathy, 2014). When paralleled with some of the conventional flocculants (FeCl3
and PAM), TMT 1-g-PAM 2 displayed better flocculation efficiency than
3.6. Flocculation properties FeCl3. As can be seen in Fig. 6, the graft copolymer required low dosage
size (0.2 mg/ml) to achieve its maximum flocculating activity (81%)
3.6.1. Effect of dosage size on flocculating activity whereas FeCl3 required a higher dosage (0.8 mg/ml) in order to reach
There is an optimal dosage size at which flocculation activity is flocculating activity comparable to TMT 1-g-PAM 2’s. However, the
maximal for each flocculant. Beyond this dosage size, flocculation ac­ graft copolymer was less efficient than polyacrylamide, which achieved
tivity declines as a result of excess polymers which destabilize the flocs. flocculating activity of 96% at a low dosage of 0.2 mg/ml.
On the other hand, below the optimal dosage size, there is no significant
bridging that occurs between colloids and polymeric flocculants (Prieto 3.6.2. Effect of cations on flocculating activity
et al., 2012). Fig. 6 illustrates the comparative study of the influence of The cations are used to enhance flocculation activity by neutralizing
dosage size on flocculating activity of TMT 1-g-PAM 2, TMT 1 and some the negatively charged functional groups on the bioflocculants and
conventional flocculants (PAM and FeCl3). The dosage size of 0.2 mg/ml colloidal particles thereby increasing the adsorption of bioflocculants to
was chosen for the graft copolymer, as it was smaller than 0.4–2.0 the colloidal particles (He et al., 2010). The synergistic effect of different
mg/ml and yet gave a higher flocculating activity (81%). These results metal cations on flocculation of TMT 1-g-PAM 2 is shown in Fig. 7.
Generally, all the cations promoted flocculation. Ca2þ was the most
preferred metal cation and effectively neutralized the negatively
charged functional groups on TMT 1-g-PAM 2 and kaolin clay particles
thereby increasing the adsorption of the flocculant to the particles and
yielding 87% of the flocculating activity. This was significantly higher
than the 60% flocculating activity obtained when cations were not used
(negative control) (Fig. 7).
Even though cations enhance flocculation performance, having a
flocculant that relies less on them would greatly reduce the cost of a
flocculation process. Thus Fig. 8 shows the flocculating activity of
TMT 1-g-PAM 2 when tested on kaolin clay solution in the absence of
cations and compared with other flocculants (PAM and TMT 1). The
pure bioflocculant TMT 1 showed a poor flocculating activity (12%).
Whereas the grafting of polyacrylamide chains on TMT 1 seem to have
resulted in a graft copolymer (TMT 1-g-PAM 2) that has a relatively
good flocculation performance (60%) even in the absence of cations.
This flocculation performance, however, was still significantly lower
than that of a commercial flocculant polyacrylamide (PAM) (92%)
1 (Fig. 8).
Fig. 5. In-vitro cytotoxicity of different concentrations of TMT -g-PAM 2 on
HEK 293.
3.6.3. Influence of pH on flocculating activity
The concentration of Hþ ions also has an impact on flocculating

S.S. Ngema et al. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 115 (2020) 102821

Fig. 6. A comparative study of the effect of dosage size (mg/ml) on TMT -g-PAM 2 and other flocculants’ flocculating activities. Values with different letters (a, b
and d) on the same graph are significantly (p < 0.05) different.

activity. For example, it can affect flocculating activity by influencing

stability of colloids and consequently the formation of flocs (Ugbenyen
and Okoh, 2014). Fig. 9 exhibits the influence of pH on flocculating
activity of TMT 1-g-PAM 2 and comparison to other flocculants.
TMT 1-g-PAM 2 was stable in a wide range of pH (3–11), giving floc­
culating activities above 75%. The maximal flocculating activity of 91%
was obtained at an acidic pH of 3 and the lowest flocculating activity of
76% was obtained at a pH of 9. The slight decrease in flocculating ac­
tivities in alkaline conditions might be due to the fact that hydroxide
ions (OH ) may have interfered with the bonds formation by
TMT 1-g-PAM 2 and kaolin particles (Lin and Harichund, 2012). The
ability of TMT 1-g-PAM 2 to flocculate colloidal particles within a wide
range of pH implies a wide potential usage in different biotechnological
fields and economic friendliness since the pH of the medium treated
would not have to be adjusted with costly chemicals. Similarly a graft
copolymer named carboxymethyl chitosan-graft-polyacrylamide
(CMC-g-PAM) was observed by Yang et al. (2012) to be able to floccu­
late water under acidic, neutral and basic pH.
It can also be noted (in Fig. 9) that TMT 1-g-PAM 2 performed better Fig. 8. Flocculating activity of TMT 1-g-PAM 2 in the absence of cations.
than the native bioflocculant TMT 1 and the commercial flocculant Values with different letters (a, b and c) on the graph are significantly (p <
FeCl3. For example, while TMT 1-g-PAM 2 efficiently flocculated kaolin 0.05) different.
clay solution at a wide pH range of 3–11; TMT 1 and FeCl3 were only
able to flocculate the synthetic wastewater at certain pH. TMT 1 only basic pH. FeCl3 was only able to flocculate water under acidic, neutral
managed to effectively flocculate water at strongly acidic and strongly and weakly basic pH (i.e pH < or ¼ 9). On the other hand, it can be noted
that flocculation properties of TMT 1-g-PAM 2 closely resemble those of
PAM (Fig. 9). Since graft copolymerization transfers some of the good
attributes of the synthetic polymers onto the natural biopolymer (Lee
et al., 2014b), it can be concluded that the good flocculation efficiency
of TMT 1-g-PAM 2 is due to the incorporation of PAM chains in its
chemical structure as a result of graft copolymerization.

3.6.4. Effect of temperature on flocculating activity

Fig. 10 depicts the effect of temperature on flocculating activity of
TMT 1-g-PAM 2 and comparison to native bioflocculant TMT 1 and
commercial flocculants (PAM and FeCl3). It was observed that an in­
crease in temperature did not result in any statistically significant
change in flocculating activity. TMT 1-g-PAM 2 gave a flocculating
activity of 81% after 60 min of heating at 100 � C. Therefore, the graft
copolymer flocculated water better than TMT 1 and FeCl3 as they each
respectively gave 74% and 65% flocculating activities at high temper­
ature (100 � C). The higher resistance to high temperatures in the graft
copolymer is probably caused by the incorporation of PAM chains on its
chemical structure during graft copolymerization. This is supported by
Fig. 7. Influence of cations on flocculating activity of TMT 1-g-PAM 2. Values
the observation in Fig. 10 that PAM has excellent tolerance of high
with different letters (a and b) on the graph are significantly (p <
0.05) different. temperature, giving flocculating activity of 94% at 100 � C.

S.S. Ngema et al. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 115 (2020) 102821

Fig. 9. Comparative analysis of the influence of pH on flocculating activity of TMT -g-PAM 2 and other flocculants. Values with different letters (a, b, c and d) on
the same graph are significantly (p < 0.05) different.

3.6.5. Proposed flocculation mechanism of TMT 1-g-PAM 2 chemical reactions and bridging mechanisms.
Grafted bioflocculants cause flocculation of particles mostly by two
mechanisms namely: charge neutralization and bridging. Charge 3.7. Application of the grafted bioflocculant in Vulindlela domestic
neutralization occurs when the particle and flocculants are charged wastewater treatment
oppositely (Wang et al., 2011). The bridging mechanism occurs when
segments of the flocculant functional groups are absorbed onto the Water that is highly concentrated with COD and BOD results in over-
colloids, thus binding the colloidal particles together (Hendricks, 2006). growth of chemo-organotrophs (Willey et al., 2011). These microbes use
The zeta potentials of TMT 1-g-PAM 2, kaolin particles in solution and oxygen that is available. This then causes the formation of anoxic zones
floc were all negative (Table 5). Addition of Ca2þ and TMT 1-g-PAM 2 to in water which lead to death of most macroscopic organisms in water.
kaolin clay suspension resulted in reduction of zeta-potential. When the High levels of N and P stimulate eutrophication which can also harm
negative charge is reduced or totally abolished, the repulsion force be­ aquatic life by causing overgrowth of single species at the expense of
comes terminated and particles easily agglomerate (Freese et al., 2004). others. For example, the overgrowing organism might be releasing
Thus, Ca2þ increased the adsorption of TMT 1-g-PAM 2 on the surface of toxics that are harmful to others (Sigee, 2005; Willey et al., 2011).
colloidal kaolin particles by decreasing the negative charge on Therefore, the removal of water pollutants is very important. Table 6
TMT 1-g-PAM 2 and kaolin particles. Therefore, permitting displays flocculating activity and efficiency of TMT 1-g-PAM 2 in
TMT 1-g-PAM 2 and kaolin particles in solution to draw nearer to each removing BOD, COD, N and P in water obtained from Vulindlela do­
other and chemically bind. Ca2þ compressed the double layer of mestic wastewater treatment plant, Republic of South Africa. Its effec­
colloidal kaolin particles, weakened the static repulsive force and tiveness was then compared to TMT 1, acrylamide and some
enhanced TMT 1-g-PAM 2 to form aggregates with colloidal kaolin commercial flocculants (polyacrylamide and ferric chloride). The graf­
particles in solution. ted bioflocculant had removal efficiencies of 98, 54, 53 and 57% on
The presence of hydroxyl and carboxyl groups of TMT 1-g-PAM 2 COD, BOD, N and P, respectively. Its removal efficiency of COD (98%)
suggested that the chemical interactions might have included the for­ was significantly higher than those of TMT 1 (97%), polyacrylamide
mation of the ionic and hydrogen bonds. Summarily, the flocculation (97%) and ferric chloride (97%). Furthermore, TMT 1-g-PAM 2 removal
process could be as a result of double layer compression by Ca2þ, efficiencies of BOD (54%), N (53%) and P (57%) were marginally higher

Fig. 10. Influence of temperature on the flocculating activity of TMT 1-g-PAM 2 and comparison to other flocculants. Values with different letters (a and b) on the
same graph are significantly (p < 0.05) different.

S.S. Ngema et al. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 115 (2020) 102821

Table 5 5. Recommendations for future studies

Zeta potential of samples.
Samples Zeta potential For bioflocculant production, inexpensive substrates should be
(mV) investigated in order to decrease microbial bioflocculant production
TMT 1-g-PAM 2 13.6 � 5.90 costs. Moreover, molecular techniques such as gene overexpression
Kaolin particles 6.59 � 3.00 should be used on the bacterial strain in an attempt to improve its bio­
Kaolin particles with Ca2þ 7.01 � 0.99 flocculant production capacity. This would aid to decrease the cost of
Kaolin particles flocculated by TMT 1-g-PAM 2 in the presence 11.9 � 7.35 bioflocculant production.
of Ca2þ
For the grafted bioflocculant, more characterization should be done.
This may include molecular weight and shear stability analyses.

Table 6
Removal efficiency (RE) and flocculating activity (FA) of a grafted bioflocculant.
Flocculant RE (%) � SD FA (%) � SD


TMT 1 97 � 0.6a 53 � 0.6a 53 � 0.6a 54 � 2.1a 74 � 1.2a

TMT¡1-g-PAM 2 98 ± 2.3b 54 ± 2.0a 53 ± 0.7a 57 ± 19.5a 90 ± 3.1b
FeCl3 97 � 1.0a 53 � 1.0a 43 � 1.0b 39 � 1.9b 87 � 3.1b
Polyacrylamide 97 � 0.2a 88 � 0.2b 100 � 0.1c 100 � 0.0c 3 � 1.8c

Values with different letters (a, b and c) on the same graph are significantly (p < 0.05) different. SD represents standard deviation.

than those of TMT 1 and FeCl3 (Table 6). However, the grafted bio­ Furthermore, a clear comparison of the grafted bioflocculant with the
flocculant had significantly lower removal efficiency of BOD, N and P conventional flocculants which are being used in terms of cost efficiency
than that of polyacrylamide. against scale at which it can be used should be made. The properties of
On the other hand, the flocculation efficiency of 90% for the grafted the grafted bioflocculant may be enhanced further through ether­
bioflocculant was higher than those of TMT 1 (74%), FeCl3 (87%) and ification, a polymer modification method.
polyacrylamide (3%). These results have similarity to those observed by The flocculation efficacy of the graft copolymer should be tested
Sinha et al. (2013). They found polyacrylamide grafted casein directly at a wastewater treatment plant.
(CAS-g-PAM) had a higher flocculation efficiency than the pure casein.
In another study, the polyacrylamide grafted bamboo pulp cellulose
(BPC-g-PAM) was observed to have a higher turbidity removal than Declaration of competing interest
polyacrylamide when tested on kaolin clay solution (Liu et al., 2014).
Thus, the high COD removal and flocculation efficiency of the graf­ We declare that there is no conflict of interest
ted bioflocculant TMT 1-g-PAM 2 on domestic wastewater suggest its
potential use in water treatment industries. The improved flocculation Acknowledgements
properties are owed to the branched nature of the graft copolymer. This
nature allows for easy approachability of contaminants in water (Singh We would like to thank the University of Zululand and the National
et al., 2006). Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa (Grant number: 108181) for
financial support. We are also grateful to University of KwaZulu-Natal
4. Conclusion for allowing us to use their apparatuses for zeta potential and cytotox­
icity studies.
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