Activty 1-5 CWTS 2ND Sem.

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What is Environmental Awareness?

Environmental awareness means exactly what you may think, an awareness
around the natural environment and the choices that either promote its well-being or
cause it more harm. It is also the awareness that the earth is in need of protection for its
survival. Promoting environmental awareness is an easy way to become an
environmental steward and participate in creating a brighter future for our children.

Activity 2:

How to promote environmental awareness? As a:

2.1: Student.
As a student, If I want to promote environmental awareness in order for them to
bring changes in our community, I must first make sure I have enough understanding of
the following issues by knowing the updates on environmental news, read books and
other resources so that it would be much easier to communicate with others regarding
in the environment if I’ve gotten the time to educate myself more clearly. Education that
talks about environmental awareness such as group learning, seminars, online courses,
articles, videos and brochures are just the basic tools that can get me involved in
promoting our school. Examples of environmental issues are oil drilling, deforestation
and production of plastic goods in which this will be discussed during the seminar to give
knowledge to the students such as I so that we have the capability to engage our
community as well as the school not only in promoting the awareness but also find great
opportunities in participating the communal projects or other related causes.

2.2: Citizen
As a Citizen, I introduce to everybody how important and useful the 3Rs: reduce
waste, reuse resources, and recycle materials and how tree planting is important in our

2.3: Son/Daughter
As a Daughter, I can promote environmental awareness in telling my family to
avoid buying disposable goods such as paper towels, plastic bottles, and plastic bags.
Start composting and recycling, which will help cut down our waste production.
Activity 3:
Give me 3 examples of environmental Issues. Explain


 Water Pollution
Water pollution is any kind of pollutant found in lakes, streams, rivers, oceans, and
human water systems that contain harmful compounds. This pollution is caused by
human sewage, improperly disposed of toxic waste, accidental oil spills, and even
sediment from soil erosion. Water pollution presents a clear danger to marine life, but it
affects all life. Sewage and agricultural runoff encourage the growth of algal blooms
that rob the water of dissolved oxygen. Synthetic hormones, antibiotics, and other
medications often end up in water, leading to unfortunate side effects for animals that
are exposed.

 Air Pollution
Emissions from vehicles, industry, and power plants are what come to mind when
most people think of air pollution, but methane and other gases from landfills and
animal agriculture are significant contributors as well. The release of heat-trapping air
pollution perpetuates a positive feedback loop that further increases the concentration
of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. Beyond climate change, these air pollutants
endanger our health, but children and the economically disadvantaged often face the
most serious health consequences. But it’s not just large companies that release these
harmful gases into the atmosphere—your taste in consumer products also contributes.
Even small things like cleaning products, cigarettes, and air fresheners release toxic
gases called volatile organic compounds, more commonly called VOCs that have been
linked to cancer in humans and hormone disruption in wildlife. . Natural disasters like
dust storms from new desertification, wildfires, and volcanoes all compromise the air
quality even thousands of miles away.

 Overpopulation
Since 1950, the human population rose from 5.3 billion to 7.3 billion people
worldwide.[7] By 2050, it’s expected to grow to 9.7 billion people.[2] This population
growth is due to the increase in survival rates for mothers and their children, increased
availability in life-saving medicines and vaccines, longer life spans, and greater access to
nutritious food. A growing population puts a greater strain on our natural resources to
produce more to keep a greater number of people healthy and productive.
Activity 4:

What is leadership?
First of all, Leadership refers to the quality of leading people. Probably, it is one of
the most important aspects of life. Above all, Leadership has led to the progress of
human civilization. Without good Leadership, no organization or group can succeed.
Furthermore, not everyone has this quality. This is because effective Leadership requires
certain important characteristics.

Do you believe that a leader is born not made?

Leaders are made, not born. Although some traits of great leaders may appear to be
inherent, leadership is a skill that can be learned. Even traits that are considered innate,
such as creativity, can be developed and enhanced.

Activity 5:

How can you train yourself as a leader?

As a leader, I treat everybody sensitively, keeping aside personal benefits, Ask
upfront, rather than waiting, Keeping Commitments, Engaging with everybody, Being
Vulnerable, Being Authentic and Having Curiosity. Being a leader or training yourself to
be a great is one of the most difficult thing in this world. Leadership involves more
sacrifices to yourself for the benefit of others. Leadership is a choice and because of
which most people offer not to take it.

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