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Tumbang preso- Tumbang Preso or Tumba lata is one of the well-known games played in

the Philippines. This game is generally played on lawns, open space, and most typically, roads.
Without these things, it won't be considered as Tumbang Preso. You need things, such as an it,
at least two players, A rectangular field, A can, A couple of slippers, A chalk, or any imprinting
tool for lines and pointers.

In addition, the game involves much physical activity like running. And, most

importantly, Tumbang Preso also calls for skills in strategic planning and agility to avoid
being tagged

Acceleration: there is an external force applied which is the throwing of slipper to the can

When we throw a slipper, we exert force in a specific direction, which is the direction
in which it will travel. In addition, the stronger that slipper is throwed, the stronger
the force we put on it and the further away it will go.

Inertia: the can is at rest and will still remain at rest unless we applied an external
force which is the throwing of slipper.

Interaction: The action will be the throwing of slipper, and as a reaction the can will
move or fall.

Tips on Playing Tumbang Preso

 Choose a pamato that is right for you. 
 Practice your aim.
 Study the movement of your opponents
 Act fast.
 Develop quick thinking

Patintero- Patintero is more than a team game. It develops the player’s gross motor
skills, hand-eye coordination, and strategic thinking. The game also promotes team
building. Patintero is played either on an open field or in a covered basketball court.
In the rural areas where vehicular traffic is minimal, children use the main road as
their play area. 

Patintero is a fun game that tests a player’s agility, sense of balance, and spatial

inertia because when the player runs to the end, the player is always in motion. the
speed he made from start point to end point is the same unless he is caught. In
inertia it is not only an object at rest will remain at rest, it can also be an object in
motion will still remain as an object in motion.
interaction: the action is when your opponent blocks on the right your reaction will
be, you will move on your left to pass and vice versa


it is important to run fast in patintero. But it is even more important to think quickly, to
see unguarded openings or to be alert to someone who is using tricks to slip by. When it
is said that games teach about life, patintero must be one of them, for it teaches how to
be clever and watchful, how to be quick but careful.

Palosébo (also spelled palo-sebo) is a traditional Filipino game in which players compete
to see who can climb the highest up a slippery bamboo pole.

Acceleration: the external force in this game will be the strength of the player, the faster
ang lighter the player is, the faster he can climb to the top. But if the player is heavier it is
hard for him to climb on the top

Interaction: because when you climb in a slippery pole, you will push your feet downward
and your body will moves upward in order to climb to the top.

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